Spare the woman's body || Acharya Prashant, with MMMUT (2023)

  • 3 months ago
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Video Information: 11.02.23, MMMUT Gorakhpur (Online), Greater Noida

~ Fertility clinic a huge business.
~ Why is childbirth so central in a women's life?
~ Forcing childbirth is an abuse to the human body.
~ Why was fertility so important?
~ Is Motherhood the best a woman can do?
~ What is stopping women's growth?
~ Biggest hurdle towards women's emancipation.

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00 Good evening, sir. My question to you is regarding the fertility clinics. So in India, it is
00:09 a huge business, the IVF fertility clinics and around the globe, it is booming. And many
00:14 rich people tend to go for it. We have seen that women are often forced to go through
00:21 multiple IVF cycles, leading to diseases like cancers, and then even death in some cases.
00:28 And arguably, a large number of women are also committing suicide annually throughout
00:33 the globe, because of the physical and mental trauma that this process impales on them.
00:38 So like the technology, which initially promised that it is going to give something good to
00:44 the human society and a positive thing, it turns out later in the path, the technology
00:50 itself becomes a problem for us. So how do we approve this evil from society?
01:02 See if you want a headshot, answer in one line, the answer is, it is abuse to the human
01:15 body to be treated as a machine for reproduction. That's the last thing the human body should
01:35 be used for. The function of reproduction must move out of the female body. I strongly
01:56 hold that if women are to attain the rightful purpose of life, then they cannot squander
02:10 their life energy on things like pregnancy. Our body centricity and the historical urge
02:26 to increase and maintain a population has made us venerate fertility. We have goddesses
02:39 of fertility. In cultures across the globe, we have had them. And why was that needed?
02:47 That was needed because populations were small and disease was rife. People were dying all
02:56 the time, kids were dying all the time. So a fertile womb was a great asset. And wars
03:07 were fought on manpower. The bigger army would frequently win. So you needed populations.
03:18 And wars were savage. If you were defeated, you were decimated. So that's the reason why
03:28 in our culture and in all cultures, motherhood and fertility and pregnancy have become such
03:38 hallowed things. We talk so fondly and so respectfully of motherhood, don't we? But
03:47 please look at it without bias. Look at it neatly, cleanly. And what is all that? A woman
04:04 is in her prime at the time of pregnancy. What are you taking away her prime time for?
04:18 And keep the emotional arguments apart, please. Your emotions are a product of your conditioning.
04:25 Your emotions have all been bred out of your cultural upbringing. Please tell me why should
04:41 a human body be used as a machine to produce nutrition for another body and that too for
04:50 long periods, an year, sometimes more than a year. You're using one body as a machine
04:59 to produce nutrition for another body. I know what I'm saying will be pretty much unhearable
05:09 to a lot of people. They will abuse me as being insensitive, inhuman and everything.
05:20 But I'm speaking out of a certain sensitivity, please. Women constitute 50% of humanity.
05:28 Let's not destroy them. We've already done enough of that in history. I mean, think of
05:47 yourself. You will have a career and being a bright student, you will probably roam continents
05:59 and you will have exposure and you will do this and you will do that and you will have
06:02 a wife and your wife too will be probably as educated as you are and when you will be
06:08 doing all the things you will be doing, she'll be sitting at home nursing the baby. How fair
06:12 is that? Please tell me. And can she really grow as a human being if her existence is
06:22 tied to a baby and not one baby, several babies? So, science can take care of all this. Babies
06:42 can be born in special facilities and they must be conceived, incubated, raised there.
07:01 The mother's job must be to elevate the consciousness of the child. The mother should be a rightful
07:08 teacher, not a birth giver. The task of giving birth must be accorded to science because
07:20 that's a mechanical function and whatsoever is mechanical must be done by machines. But
07:29 educating a child is not something a machine can do. Invoking discretion and wisdom in
07:46 a child is not something a machine can do and that's where the mother's role starts.
07:54 She should provide nutrition to the baby but not through breastfeeding. Through education,
08:04 she must be the teacher. Are you getting it? The relationship between the mother and the
08:18 child has to be one of consciousness, not one of the body. You see what the situation
08:36 is currently like. The mother's body gives birth to the child's body, so physical relationship.
08:44 And the mother is nursing the child physically, breastfeeding physically and in all this the
08:50 mother hardly has any concern for the kid's consciousness. She never could have any concern
08:58 for her own consciousness. How will she have concern for the kid's consciousness? The result
09:04 is a largely unconscious population on the planet that is destroying the planet itself.
09:22 If you take the cultural aggrandization out of the picture, I assure you no woman enjoys
09:31 the time of pregnancy. It's just that that time has been glorified in fairy tales and
09:40 cultural symbols. So the woman thinks she is going through something noble, something
09:50 sublime, something worth it. The thing is keep all the cultural praise aside. No woman
10:00 enjoys that. Even those who claim they are enjoying it greatly are actually enjoying
10:08 only the psychological gratification that comes from the culture they belong to. Nobody
10:23 enjoys it. And the risk to her own life at the time of delivery. So many women die. Even
10:34 if they don't die, they have to bear so much on their body. Why must all that be necessary?
10:45 How is that contributing to the kid's quality of life? Please tell me. How is the kid going
10:54 to have a better life if the kid emerges by tearing the mother's womb apart as happens
11:02 in a caesarean delivery? All that is largely unnecessary. The kid might as well have been
11:11 brought home from a high-tech, dedicated, state-of-the-art medical facility and the
11:19 mother in a healthy way, without having gone through the needless pains of pregnancy would
11:27 have received the child. And now the mother is in a better shape to nurture the child.
11:39 Better shape and a better mental condition. And the child too, coming from a medical facility,
11:53 is more sound of health. You see, we used to utilize human muscle to run vehicles, didn't
12:10 we? That was not too long back. We said human muscle is to be used for energy. You wanted
12:22 to do your laundry. What did you use for it? The human body. You used the human body to
12:33 do your laundry, right? In fact, India developed a special caste just to do your laundry. You
12:49 wanted to do your shoes. You used again energy from human muscles to do your shoes. Anything
13:00 you wanted to do, you utilized the human body, right? Today you don't do that. So all the
13:13 mechanical functions have moved out of the human body, have they not? So if all the mechanical
13:22 functions can move out of the human body, why must childbirth not move out of the human
13:27 body? And if you say what is to be done through the human body must be done only through human
13:36 body, then let there be no machines. Let there be no solar energy or wind energy or nuclear
13:50 energy. Let there be only muscular energy. Why do you burn fossil fuels? Run and carry
14:02 all the load on your back. Because what has been traditionally done through the human
14:11 body must be done through the human body. Traditionally human beings have carried all
14:15 the load on their backs. Don't even use animals. Just carry it on your own back. Because traditionally
14:21 that's what has happened. No tradition is sacred. Traditions exist for our sake. If
14:32 one day we were using muscular energy and now we have freed our muscles, no? Similarly
14:40 till today we have been using the woman's womb. Let's liberate her of the womb. Just
14:48 as you have liberated your muscles, liberate her womb as well. Let her be, please. There
15:00 are so many other examples where you were traditionally using the human body and no
15:04 more, no more. Sir on the same line I have a follow up question
15:15 if you say. Sir I recently read somewhere like this is the possible thing that a human
15:23 baby can be conceived totally out of the human body. It is possible maybe 5-10 years down
15:29 the line. So they also will get the ability and capacity to change the characteristics
15:36 of the child before the birth where they can genetically modify the characteristics like
15:41 physical strength or height and hair color and intelligence also, maybe gender also.
15:47 So obviously rich people will be using these products. So will this not create a gap between
15:54 the rich and poor and create a totally different race of rich people? Will this be a good thing
16:01 for the human civilization? No, not really. You see doing all this you can at most give
16:08 certain resources to the child. You can ensure the child is tall. Now what is height? It
16:19 is a resource. It does not guarantee anything. The purpose of life is elevation of consciousness.
16:29 Humans cannot give high consciousness to the newborn. Using machines or using genetic engineering
16:39 you can at most modify or exaggerate the physical attributes of the child. But just because
16:50 the child has been provided certain physical attributes in plenty that does not mean the
16:58 child will be special in consciousness. Consciousness is something that the child has to develop
17:04 on his own after birth. Right? It's a choice. Consciousness means choice. You can have the
17:13 best of bodies, the best of health, the parents chose your color with great caution and you
17:21 were given a body that would never fall sick. You can have all those things and still lead
17:25 a very wretched life. So it's not that the rich will have some kind of an unfair advantage
17:37 or something. Nobody is going to get a head start just because the kid is fair or tall
17:44 or more muscular or more handsome or whatever. You can choose the color of the hair, so what?
17:53 You can choose that, I mean what else? What do you mean by physical attributes? You can
17:58 have a child who will have strong lungs, strong heart and all those things. None of that matters
18:06 beyond a point. What matters ultimately is consciousness and to the consciousness all
18:14 these things are mere resources. It's a choice to put these resources to the right use.
18:22 And history is replete with instances where people who were extraordinarily blessed at
18:30 the time of birth lived utterly miserable lives because they did not know what to do
18:35 with their gifts. And at the same time people who were born in pretty ordinary situations,
18:44 not really gifted people, not people of high IQ either, they really impacted the very flow
18:52 of human history because that's what they chose and that choice is independent of the
18:58 body you carry. That choice is something very mysterious. Somebody with great resources
19:06 might still not dare to exercise his choice rightly and somebody with very feeble resources
19:12 might still have the faith to make the right choice. It's just a thing of choice. There
19:19 is no reason behind it. Why did that happen that way? It was a choice. And I am not talking
19:24 of influenced choices. I am not talking of conditioned choices. Consciousness has the
19:29 ability to make a free choice. It may not make a free choice and it does not make free
19:36 choices. Usually it never makes free choices. That's another thing. But the option to choose
19:41 freedom is there.
19:43 [pause]
19:48 [music]
