Here is a simple artificial neural network. There are 3 nodes on the input screen, 5 nodes on the hidden screen, and 2 nodes on the output screen. Each node is connected to each other via connection lines. Based on the previous series, the input value of the spots on the hidden screen is the sum of all signals from the spots on the input screen, plus the bias value.
This input value will be processed within the node to produce the output value, y1. So, this y1 value will be the value that will be sent to each node on the next screen. In this series, we will calculate the output value of this node.
#NeuralNetwork #ArtificialIntelligence
This input value will be processed within the node to produce the output value, y1. So, this y1 value will be the value that will be sent to each node on the next screen. In this series, we will calculate the output value of this node.
#NeuralNetwork #ArtificialIntelligence