• last year

Dilan and Baran's forced marriage due to blood feud turned into a true love over time.

On that dark day, when they crowned their marriage on paper with a real wedding, the brutal attack on the mansion separates Baran and Dilan from each other again. Dilan has been missing for three months. Going crazy with anger, Baran rouses the entire tribe to find his wife. Baran Agha sends his men everywhere and vows to find whoever took the woman he loves and make them pay the price. But this time, he faces a very powerful and unexpected enemy. A greater test than they have ever experienced awaits Dilan and Baran in this great war they will fight to reunite. What secrets will Sabiha Emiroğlu, who kidnapped Dilan, enter into the lives of the duo and how will these secrets affect Dilan and Baran? Will the bad guys or Dilan and Baran's love win?

Production: Unik Film / Rains Pictures
Director: Ömer Baykul, Halil İbrahim Ünal


Barış Baktaş - Baran Karabey
Yağmur Yüksel - Dilan Karabey
Nalan Örgüt - Azade Karabey
Erol Yavan - Kudret Karabey
Yılmaz Ulutaş - Hasan Karabey
Göksel Kayahan - Cihan Karabey
Gökhan Gürdeyiş - Fırat Karabey
Nazan Bayazıt - Sabiha Emiroğlu
Dilan Düzgüner - Havin Yıldırım
Ekrem Aral Tuna - Cevdet Demir
Dilek Güler - Cevriye Demir
Ekrem Aral Tuna - Cevdet Demir
Buse Bedir - Gül Soysal
Nuray Şerefoğlu - Kader Soysal
Oğuz Okul - Seyis Ahmet
Alp İlkman - Cevahir
Hacı Bayram Dalkılıç - Şair
Mertcan Öztürk - Harun

#vendetta #kançiçekleri #bloodflowers #baran #dilan #DilanBaran #kanal7 #barışbaktaş #yagmuryuksel #kancicekleri #episode175


01:30Sabiha Hanımın kızı Gülşah.
01:43Bizim evlendiğimiz gün kaza geçirip ölmüş.
01:51Bunu biliyor muydun?
01:55Gülşah'ı tanımazken, bunu nereden bileceğim?
02:01Hem bu olayın bizimle, senin bu halinle ne ilgisi var?
02:09Baran, sen o kıza sözler vermişsin.
02:13Biz evlenecekken sözünü tutman için yalvarmaya geliyormuş.
02:21Ne sözü?
02:25Sen onu tanıyormuşsun.
02:29Sabiha söyledi, evlenecekmişsiniz.
02:33Beni cevapsız bırakamazsın.
02:35Bir açıklama yapmak zorundasın.
02:37Ciddi ciddi bu saçmalıklara cevap mı bekliyorsun benden?
02:39Çekilin buradan.
02:51Kızımı kandırdı.
03:11Seviyorum dedi.
03:13Evleneceğim dedi.
03:15Nikah günü yüzüstü bıraktı.
03:19Kızım, düğün günü Baran'ı durdurmak için, onu terk etmesin diye yola çıktığı için öldü.
03:41Ben bunu, bunu hiç beklemiyordum.
03:55Bak tamam, senin için biraz ani oldu, farkındayım.
03:59Ama benim için geç bile.
04:02Ben yıllardır seni seviyorum Gül.
04:06Bana cevap vermeden önce biraz düşün olur mu?
04:12Salih, yani bunu böyle söylemek zor ama düşünecek bir şey yok.
04:23Ben teklifini kabul edemem.
05:03Vallahi söyleyecektik anne.
05:26Herhalde anacığım saklamayacaktık ki, şu hassas dönem geçsin dedik işte.
05:31Aynen anne.
05:33Allah göz sermesin, bebeğe bir şey olmasın diye heveslenmek istemedik.
05:40Kızım tamam yani de, saklanacak şey mi bu?
05:43Ya ne zamandır beklediğimiz haber.
05:46Sevineceksek de beraber, Allah esirgesin, üzüleceksek de beraber.
05:51Ailenin ayrısı gayresi mi olurmuş?
05:54Aha gitti vallahi.
06:12Dilana neden yalanlar söylediniz?
06:14Benimle derdiniz ne?
06:16Ne yalanı?
06:18Yaptıklarını inkar ederek, onları yok sayamazsın Baran Karabey.
06:35Bak, hepsi burada duruyor.
06:49Gülşah'la beraberliğini, ona yaptıklarını, ortaya çıkmayacağını mı sanıyordun?
06:58Gördüğün gibi, gerçekler sen onlara sırtını döndün diye buhar olup gitmiyor.
07:05Sen yalanlarınla Gülşah'ın hayatını çaldın.
07:10Onu benden çaldın.
07:13Ne dediğinizi anlamıyorum.
07:16Bu fotoğraflar, bunlar saçmalık.
07:20Ben kızınızı tanımıyorum bile.
07:24En azından böyle alçakça davranarak, ölmüş bir kızın anısına hakaret etme.
07:31Sen Gülşah'ı terk edip, Dilan'la evlendiğinde, kızımın nasıl acı çektiğine ben şahit oldum.
07:40Nasıl eriyip bittiğini ben gördüm.
07:44Ne diyorsunuz siz? Ne terk etmesi?
07:48Ben kızınızı tanımıyorum diyorum.
07:50Sen kızımın aşkına layık bir adam değilsin.
07:55Hayatı yalanlardan ibaret.
07:57Sözünün arkasında durmayan bir adam yüzünden boşu boşuna öldü benim kızım.
08:03Gülşah'ımı hayattan kopardın.
08:06Ama Dilan'a zarar veremeyeceksin.
08:10Başka hiçbir kadını incitmene izin vermeyeceğim.
08:14Ben kimseye yalan söylemedim.
08:17Kimseye zarar verecek bir şey yapmadım.
08:20Yalan olan bunlar.
08:24Anlattığınız saçma sapan hikaye.
08:28Hasta bir ruh tarafından kurgulanmış bir oyun bu.
08:31Sakın. Sakın Barankara Bey'im.
08:35Kızım hakkında konuşmaya cüret etme.
08:40Bakın. Evladını kaybetmiş bir annesiniz.
08:47Bunu anlıyorum.
08:52Acınıza hürmetimden daha fazla konuşmak istemiyorum.
08:58Ama tek bir gerçek var.
09:01Tüm bu anlattıklarınız
09:04Hepsi büyük bir yalan.
09:07Gülşah'ı, kızınızı tanımıyorum.
09:15Bunca zaman Dilan'ı bu yüzden etkilemeye çalıştınız demek.
09:22Bir yalan üzerine düşmanlık inşa etmişsiniz siz.
09:35Bu kıstahlığa bak.
09:40Bu kızımın anısına yapılmış bir hakarettir.
09:45Onu yok saymanın cezasını çok ağır ödeyecek habin.
09:50Barankara Bey bunu çok ağır ödeyecek.
10:20O arkadaşım niye gelmiş yine?
10:31Lütfen ya. Zaten yorgunum.
10:35Hiç bu saçmalıklarla uğraşamayacağım.
10:38Hem ne bu böyle?
10:40Her canınız sıkıldığında yanımda bitiyorsunuz.
10:43Size hesap vermek zorunda mıyım?
10:51O şekil size bir daha bu odak görmeyeceğim.
11:02Ne hakla hayatıma karışıyorsunuz?
11:05Sizin bir nişanlınız yok mu?
11:08Benimle burada mesai harcayacağınıza gidip onunla uğraşın.
11:12Bırak beni.
11:21Bırak diyorum. Bıraksana.
11:42Ne yapıyorum ben ya?
12:00Belli ki hepsi montaj.
12:02Ama çok ustaca hazırlanmıştı. Gerçek gibilerdi.
12:06Bu nasıl iş abi? Ya kim yapar böyle bir şeyi?
12:09Ben de onu düşünüyorum.
12:11Nasıl biri ve neden?
12:13Bir şey araştıracağız Kerem.
12:15Elinde ne iş varsa bırak. Önceliğimiz bu.
12:18Tabii ki abi. Ben hemen araştırmaya başlıyorum.
12:21Belli ki bu işi çözersek gerisi de kendiliğinden gelecek.
12:32Abi iyi misin?
12:34İyiyim. Daha iyi olacağım.
12:38Konuşmak ister misin?
12:41Abi. Ben her zaman buradayım. Ne zaman ihtiyacın olursa.
12:51Sağ ol dostlarım.
12:55Hadi iyi geceler.
12:56İyi geceler.
13:27Konuşmak istiyorum.
13:39Her çiftin yaptığı normal bir konuşma.
13:43Biz hiçbir zaman normal olmadık ki.
13:48Biz herhangi bir çift gibi değiliz Dilan.
13:54Bir açıklama bekliyorum senden.
13:57Bunu istemekte hakkım sanırım.
14:03Ne açıklaması bekliyorsun?
14:06Söylediklerime inanacak mısın?
14:09Sen hükmünü vermişsin.
14:16Bu saatten sonra ne söylesem anlamsız.
14:20Bu saatten sonra ne söylesem anlamsız.
14:31Senin söylediklerin her zaman önemli benim için.
14:40Yalan olduğunu söyle bana.
14:43Sen yalan dersen inanırım.
14:52Evet inanırım.
14:56Ben yolumu kaybettim Baran.
14:59Ne düşüneceğimi bilmiyorum.
15:01Yardım et bana.
15:04Çok mu zor bir şey söylemek?
15:06Çok mu zor bir açıklama yapmak?
15:20O fotoğrafları...
15:23O mektupları gösterdiği günden beri cehennemdeyim ben.
15:29Her an gözümün önünde...
15:32Mektupta yazanlar...
15:47Bu kadarı da yalan olamaz.
15:50Bir insan böyle bir iftira atamaz diyor.
15:58Kalbim diyor ki...
16:02Gözünde gördüğünün ne önemi var ki?
16:07Baran bu.
16:13Sen onun kalbini gördün bir defa.
16:20Kimseyi kandıramayacağını biliyorsun.
16:24Sen bana ya da bir başkasına asla yalan konuşmazsın.
16:36Konuşalım lütfen gitme.
16:40Konuşacak bir şey yok Dilan.
16:47Sen beni neyle suçladığının farkında mısın?
16:54Senden gelen her şeyi kabulüm.
17:04Ama bana inanmaman...
17:08Buna razı değilim Dilan.
17:13Bunu kabul etmemi bekleme benden.
17:16Hiçbir açıklama yapmayacağım.
17:21Ben sana inanmak istiyorum.
17:24Ama gördüğüm gerçekler de ortada.
17:31Madem gerçekler diyorsun...
17:34Mesele yok.
17:42Yalan mı söyledim?
17:47Bunun cevabını sen vereceksin kendine.
17:52Tüm yaşadıklarımızdan sonra kalkıp sana kendimi anlatmayacağım.
17:57Biz bundan çok daha fazlasıyız.
18:03Ya da ben öyle olduğumuzu sanıyorum.
18:37Müsaade var mı babam?
18:39Gel aslanım.
18:46Otur oğlum.
18:52Ya babam...
18:54Şey soracaktım sana.
18:58Canı sıkkın gibi biraz.
19:00Epeydir dalgın.
19:02Adı tuzu yok.
19:04Mutsuz görünüyor.
19:07Acaba yengemle bir sıkıntıları mı var?
19:11Olur öyle oğlum.
19:13Kar koca arasında gayet normal.
19:16İyi günler olduğu gibi kötü günler de olacak elbet.
19:20Sevda insanı her daim güldürmez oğlum.
19:23Arada böyle yüreğini kanattığı da olur.
19:27Ama o zaman da sahip çıkıyorsan...
19:30İşte o gerçek sevdadır oğlum.
19:34Kendi aralarında hallederler.
19:37Sen meraklanma, zamana bırakmak lazım.
19:40Ben onların aşkından eminim.
19:42Her zorluğu aşarlar.
19:45Hayat insanın karşısına birçok kez sınavlar çıkarır oğlum.
19:49Abin de yengen de büyük bir sınavdan geçtiler.
19:53Düşmanlığı sevdaya çevirdiler.
19:57İhtimat edilecek bir sevgi varsa...
19:59O da onlarınkidir.
20:02Sen meraklanma, hallederler.
20:05Okuluna, dersine odaklan.
20:08İnşallah baba.
20:10Ben seni daha fazla rahatsız etmeyeyim.
20:12İyi geceler.
20:13İyi geceler oğlum.
20:29İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
20:59Altyazı M.K.
21:29Altyazı M.K.
21:59Tamam, senden haber bekliyorum.
22:12Ne bulursam bana yolla.
22:23Ben yolumu kaybettim Baran.
22:25Ne düşüneceğimi bilmiyorum.
22:29Yardım et bana.
22:32Çok mu zor bir şey söylemek?
22:34Çok mu zor bir açıklama yapmak?
22:48O fotoğrafları...
22:51O mektupları gösterdiği günden beri cehennemdeyim ben.
22:57Gözümün önünde...
22:59Mektupta yazanlar...
23:06Ben yolumu kaybettim Baran.
23:09Ne düşüneceğimi bilmiyorum.
23:12Yardım et bana.
23:15Çok mu zor bir şey söylemek?
23:17Çok mu zor bir açıklama yapmak?
23:27Altyazı M.K.
23:30Altyazı M.K.
23:33Altyazı M.K.
23:36Altyazı M.K.
23:39Altyazı M.K.
23:42Altyazı M.K.
23:45Altyazı M.K.
23:48Altyazı M.K.
23:51Altyazı M.K.
23:54Altyazı M.K.
23:57Altyazı M.K.
24:00Altyazı M.K.
24:03Altyazı M.K.
24:06Altyazı M.K.
24:09Altyazı M.K.
24:12Altyazı M.K.
24:15Altyazı M.K.
24:18Altyazı M.K.
24:21Altyazı M.K.
24:24Altyazı M.K.
24:27Altyazı M.K.
24:30Altyazı M.K.
24:33Altyazı M.K.
24:36Altyazı M.K.
24:39Altyazı M.K.
24:42Altyazı M.K.
24:45Altyazı M.K.
24:48Altyazı M.K.
24:51Altyazı M.K.
24:54Altyazı M.K.
24:57Altyazı M.K.
25:00Altyazı M.K.
25:03Altyazı M.K.
25:06Altyazı M.K.
25:09Altyazı M.K.
25:12Altyazı M.K.
25:15Altyazı M.K.
25:18Altyazı M.K.
25:21Altyazı M.K.
25:24Altyazı M.K.
25:27Sometimes there are things I can't solve.
25:41as I just said,
25:46I would come here to stop.
25:52Your husband,
25:54Baran Karabey, caused my daughter's death, Dilem.
26:00I'm sorry.
26:03I'm sorry.
26:06I'm sorry.
26:09I'm sorry.
26:12I'm sorry.
26:15I'm sorry.
26:18I'm sorry.
26:21I'm sorry.
26:24I'm sorry.
26:27I'm sorry.
26:50Good morning.
26:52Shall we talk?
26:55You don't have to, Dilan.
26:57Please don't do this.
26:59We can solve it by talking.
27:02I can't stand it anymore.
27:05I need to learn.
27:08I need an answer.
27:10I already gave you an answer.
27:12The rest is up to you.
27:16I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:18Do you understand?
27:19The answer you will give to yourself.
27:25I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:27I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:29I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:31I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:33I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:35I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:37I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:39I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:41I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:43I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:45I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:47I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:49I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:51I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:53I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:55I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:57I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
27:59I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
28:01I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
28:03I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
28:05I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
28:07I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
28:09I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
28:11I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
28:13I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
28:15I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
28:17I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
28:19I'm not going to give you the answer to this problem.
28:25I'm not going to be okay without an answer.
28:27I can't do it.
28:31As long as you're having a hard time talking, I'm not going to be okay.
28:35I'm not going to defend myself to my wife.
28:37I'm not going to tell my wife.
28:39If she has a heart, she won't take me.
28:51I'm not going to defend myself to my wife.
29:09Burak, there is still no sound from Karabey.
29:11There won't be any trouble in that regard.
29:13Hasan spoke.
29:15It's done.
29:21Find Nana.
29:23and Dilan
29:25She won't stay with Baron anymore.
29:29She has a honest heart.
29:31She's not under the same roof as a man like Baran.
29:37Bilal is leaving, and Baron is collapsing.
29:41Everything is going as I want.
29:45I can't wait to see him disappear.
29:47I got a message from our man inside.
30:00Stupid girl.
30:02It's obvious that love blinded her.
30:05But I will open her eyes.
30:08I couldn't protect Gülşah.
30:11I will protect Dilan.
30:13Baran Karabey won't be able to ruin Dilan like Gülşah.
30:18He will never let that happen.
30:43Is everything okay, Miss Gelin?
30:55He says he won't say anything.
30:57He refuses to make a statement.
31:00Well, Miss Gelin, when it comes to Mr. Baran,
31:04things are changing.
31:07I mean, Mr. Baran.
31:09But if you ask me,
31:10what that woman said is not what Mr. Baran will do.
31:19And I can't get this out of my head.
31:22Baran is not like that.
31:24I mean, Miss Gelin, I've been in this mansion for years.
31:28I haven't heard or seen anything about this girl.
31:32You were in Mr. Baran's heart and by his side.
31:35And you forgot.
31:37But if you want, ask my mother, huh?
31:41Maybe she heard something before.
31:44For now, let's stay in touch, Gül.
31:46I don't know what to think, really.
31:50Especially that Baran's confident attitude.
31:54This confuses me even more.
31:57How broken I was when I asked him this.
32:02I saw that bitterness in his eyes.
32:05I don't know what to do.
32:19We looked at the girl's social media.
32:24While everything seemed fine,
32:26the girl's life really started to change all of a sudden.
32:30Her shares are sad, melancholic.
32:35Did something happen to her neck, brother?
32:37It doesn't matter.
32:40I contacted the school.
32:42I asked for all the information I could get.
32:44I'm waiting for the news.
32:46I also asked one of my friends there.
32:49They will contact Gülşah Tanyan and find out what kind of person she is.
32:53There must be someone she shares her secret with.
32:56I called a couple of friends.
33:00Of course, I have to ask Serap.
33:02It's been a long time, but...
33:05If he finds something, he'll let me know.
33:09Baran, let's not play this game of nature.
33:13Don't you think it's weird?
33:20I thought about that too.
33:27The pain in his eyes was real, Kerem.
33:30I saw that pain.
33:32I think...
33:34He was also deceived.
33:38He believed that I had a past with the girl.
33:41He believed that I caused her death.
33:46I saw the photos, Kerem.
33:50We were supposed to get married.
33:53Such ridiculous things.
33:56It's not believable.
33:57It's not believable.
33:59It's obvious that she's a sickly, obsessive girl.
34:03Like you said.
34:05This is the reason for what you've been through all this time.
34:08It turned out why Sabiha was trying to influence Dilan.
34:14But still, no matter what the reason is,
34:17I won't let my name or my honor be tarnished.
34:21I have to solve this right now.
34:28That woman will realize that her daughter is a liar.
34:34Dilan will realize it too.
34:36But when she realizes it,
34:38it will be too late for everything.
34:41Baran, even if you talk to her, even if you tell her...
34:46A person pays for everything he loves, Kerem.
34:51But not for his honor.
34:58Dilan should have been sure of these two about me.
35:02I don't accept the opposite.
35:27Good morning, mom.
35:29Good morning, mom.
35:33Mom, look, don't do this. Don't be sad.
35:36We were going to tell you anyway.
35:38But the doctor was going to do a few tests.
35:41If the baby is healthy, you know, if it's good,
35:44you're always in a dreamland like us.
35:47I was already desperate.
35:49I couldn't protect her.
35:51I couldn't protect her.
35:53I couldn't protect her.
35:54I was already desperate.
35:56I couldn't protect her.
35:58Cevdet and you are the same.
36:00We said, let's protect you.
36:03Don't we want to run to you, mom?
36:06Let's give you the news.
36:08I don't feel comfortable.
36:10I'm almost going to go out into the streets.
36:12I'm going to announce it with drums and drums.
36:14I'm going to declare that I'm going to be a father.
36:16But here we are.
36:18We said, let's be careful.
36:20So we don't get upset later.
36:26Hanife Sultan.
36:28You spilled it again.
36:30Well, a bird is missing.
36:33What is it? Will a guest come or something?
36:36Seyit will come.
36:38We'll wait for 8-9 months.
36:47What did your mother say now?
36:49Do you understand?
36:52Well, something is going wrong these days.
36:55I hope we haven't made a mistake.
36:57No, no, dad, no.
36:59Here is the morning thing.
37:03Anyway, come on.
37:06Cevriye Baba, come here.
37:08Come here.
37:12Sit down.
37:21Sit down.
37:30I have suitcases in the car.
37:32I'm bringing my stuff slowly.
37:34It's time now, isn't it?
37:36You can carry them to my room.
37:42Hi honey.
37:50Honey, the wedding is coming soon.
37:52I'm moving in now, slowly.
37:54You're doing well, girl.
37:57I have a lot of work.
37:59Suitcases will be emptied.
38:01Clothes will be hung on a rope.
38:03I also have to send to clean the dry.
38:06I have to take care of the room.
38:09I want a very good cleaning.
38:11Okay, Deryan, I'll take care of it.
38:13Don't bother, sister.
38:15Let her do it.
38:16You can't.
38:18Gül, you can't.
38:25She has other things to do.
38:27No problem.
38:29I do them in Deryan's business.
38:35Come on, then.
38:37When you stand here, these things won't be good for yourself.
38:47Let me help you.
39:06Mrs. Azade, welcome.
39:11Thank you.
39:13The driver is waiting.
39:14You don't have to talk too much.
39:18Tell me, who are you?
39:20What do you want from Gül?
39:23There's nothing to be ashamed of, son.
39:26Tell me, let's know your intention.
39:30I've loved Gül since I was a child.
39:34I want to get married.
39:37So your intention is serious.
39:39Yes, of course.
39:47I'm Salih.
39:49How are you, Mrs. Azade?
39:51I'm fine, son.
39:53Thank God.
39:55I did what you said.
39:57I invited Gül to the wedding.
39:59But she refused.
40:02We need to get this done as soon as possible.
40:14I'm sorry.
40:23Did I lie to you?
40:25You're going to answer this yourself.
40:27I'm not going to get up after all we've been through and tell you myself.
40:32We are more than that.
40:44What happened to my neck?
40:54Are you okay?
40:58Talk to me, please.
41:00It doesn't matter.
41:02We're not here to talk.
41:14Your neck is stiff because you slept outside.
41:20You'll feel better if I show you a few exercises.
41:22You'll feel better if I show you a few exercises.
41:44You're going to put a little pressure on your head like this.
41:52You're going to put a little pressure on your head like this.
41:58We're going to put a little pressure on this side.
42:05I don't want to believe this.
42:07Tell me something that's not true.
42:16Then we're going to put a little pressure on this side.
42:22Didn't you know me at all?
42:24Didn't you trust me at all?
42:26I'm not going to try to explain myself to you after all this, Dilan.
42:29If you understand that this is actually not for me, but for our relationship.
42:36If you repeat it two or three times, I won't have anything left.
42:42That's enough.
42:53I'm sorry.
43:06Good luck, man.
43:11Is this marriage, uncle?
43:13Is that what it is?
43:15It's not too late. You can give up.
43:23Oh, dad.
43:25Do you see how strange life is?
43:27People won't say what I am.
43:29He'll say what I'm going to be.
43:31We were renting a place with my brother Fırat until yesterday.
43:34Today he's carrying his wife's bags.
43:39Uncle, has this guy been taking too many vitamins lately?
43:43I mean, it's like he's opened up.
43:45Doesn't he have a button like this?
43:49I don't think he knows about the man yet.
43:52No, son.
43:54But he's got a hand in his ear. Don't worry.
44:03Gentlemen, excuse me.
44:05As you know, you don't expect a job.
44:09How are you, father Kudret?
44:11I'm fine, beautiful girl.
44:13It's getting better as I talk to the young people.
44:20Ms. Kader.
44:23Yes, Mr. Kudret.
44:26We'll have our coffees together.
44:29Can you make two more?
44:34Of course, Mr. Kudret.
44:38Come on.
44:52Come on.
45:22This is for the baby, isn't it?
45:55We're going to the check-up today.
45:58If you could come with me.
46:01If you could be with me.
46:07I've never lost hope, daughter.
46:10Because you can't lose hope from the wounded.
46:15When you took our daughter Yağmur in your arms,
46:18you took her in your arms.
46:19When you hugged her like a mother, I prayed.
46:23I said, God,
46:25let Cevriye's beautiful heart taste motherhood.
46:30My heart tasted motherhood with Yağmur, too, mom.
46:36Not everyone can feel like you.
46:39Not everyone can love like their own child.
46:40Not everyone can feel like you.
46:43Not everyone can love like their own child.
46:52Let's go to the doctor.
46:54Let's see how this granddaughter is doing.
46:58Let's go.
46:59Come on.
47:10Let's go.
47:32Leave it if you want.
47:34He'll take care of the rest.
47:37No need.
47:38We're here so that Ms. Derya doesn't get tired.
47:40What about you?
47:46Good luck.
47:54Mr. Fırat brought the suitcases.
48:09He's gone.
48:11That's enough.
48:14Don't think I don't know you're still around Fırat.
48:18Don't think I don't know you're still hopeful.
48:21No, I...
48:22You have a desire. You rejected it.
48:25My son named Salih.
48:29But where are you...
48:30I'm not a bird in this mansion.
48:33I'm a fly.
48:35I'm not a bird in this mansion.
48:37I'm a fly.
48:41If you don't want your mother to be unemployed at this age,
48:47marry that boy and leave this mansion.
48:52Otherwise, things will change.
48:54My tolerance will end.
48:58If you leave the mansion like this,
49:00you can't enter any other door.
49:05You'll regret it if I tell this to Baran or Dilan.
49:13Ms. Azade...
49:15Think before you say anything that will put your mother in trouble.
49:51So, son.
49:53Are they still looking for new places for the foundation?
49:56They are, dad.
49:58They're creating a portfolio from places that fit our criteria.
50:00We'll look at it together when the file is completed.
50:02What do you think?
50:04This is a good idea.
50:06Think about it.
50:08I hope it will be a meaningful project for the children.
50:16When the project is completed,
50:18it will be a rehabilitation center.
50:20Everything will be designed for the children's physical and mental needs.
50:25To the smallest detail.
50:33Who's here?
50:41My dears.
51:02Baran is here.
51:25Any news from Dilan?
51:27She's still at the mansion.
51:29I trusted him for nothing.
51:44How are you, dear?
51:46I'm fine, Aunt Sabiha. How are you?
51:48Thanks. I'm fine.
51:50Actually, I called you for something, Aunt Sabiha.
51:53Someone started asking questions about Gülşah.
51:57What kind of someone?
51:59Someone named İrfan contacted me.
52:02He wanted to meet.
52:04Now someone at the university has started asking questions about Gülşah.
52:07He even reached the teachers.
52:09I said I'd call you and ask if you knew.
52:12What's going on, Aunt Sabiha? Who are they?
52:20Oh my God.
52:23What nonsense is this?
52:25You've crossed the line, Mr. Baran Kara.
52:27You shouldn't cross the line.
52:29You should know your place.
52:31What happened, Aunt Sabiha?
52:33What did I say, Maya?
52:57What's up, Hasan? How's school going?
53:10Very good, brother.
53:12I joined a research team.
53:14We have very valuable teachers.
53:16I hope we'll do great things.
53:18I'm proud of you.
53:20I'm sure you'll be successful.
53:24You'll honor our family.
53:27Thank you, brother.
53:29How happy I would be if I could go your way.
53:32I'm very happy that you made the right choice, Cihan.
53:35After all, doing what you love is very important for your success.
53:39What you do by will and what you do by force are not the same in the end.
53:46Thank you, aunt.
53:48You helped me a lot in making the choice.
53:57Thank you.
54:06Come on, son. Let's have a fight.
54:11We won't be able to talk about your doctorate.
54:13But let me measure your height in chess.
54:16No, dad.
54:18I won't run away from a fight, you know.
54:20But I guess you forgot your last defeat.
54:24I'm an old man, son.
54:27I can forget things that don't concern me, right?
54:31Come on.
54:35See you, guys.
54:37See you.
54:52They're gone. No need to play games.
55:05This can't be. I want to talk to you. Please.
55:09I'll tell you the same things.
55:11So it doesn't make any sense.
55:13It does.
55:15It does for me.
55:17Because I'm going to tell you something important.
55:28What are you doing here? Get out of the mansion.
55:35You were investigating Gülşah.
55:40I wanted to make your job easier.
55:58Don't look for my daughter.
56:01They're all here.
56:03Your relationship.
56:05Your memories.
56:08Your promises.
56:11All of them.
56:13Take these nonsense.
56:15Get out of here.
56:17Get out.
56:19Get out.
56:21Get out.
56:23Get out.
56:25Get out.
56:27Get out of my house.
56:37What's going on?
56:50I thought you were an honorable woman.
56:58How can you stay in this mansion after learning the truth about her?
57:21My name is Dilan Karabey.
57:24This is my place.
57:26This is my homeland.
57:39I know you.
57:45Show me what you can show me.
57:48I'll believe my heart.
57:53All of them are lies.
58:23I love you.
58:53I love you.
