• last year
More evidence surfaces that seem to indicate Bamban Mayor Alice Guo’s real mother could be Chinese.

Full story: https://www.rappler.com/newsbreak/inside-track/is-li-wen-yi-mother-bamban-tarlac-mayor-alice-guo/


00:00More evidence surfaces that seem to indicate Bamban Mayor Alice Guo's real mother could be Chinese
00:06Senator Risa Ontiveros presents a document from the Bureau of Internal Revenue that indicates her Chinese father, Jian Zhong, has the same address as Alice's business partner, Li Wenyi
00:16Travel records show that Jian Zhong and Li Wenyi traveled together at least 170 times in six years
00:23Ontiveros asks, is she only a business partner or a spouse?
00:27Guo's mother in her birth certificate is Filipino Amelia Leal, but Leal does not have any birth, marriage, or death certificate
00:34The nationality of Guo's birth mother is crucial because her Filipino citizenship hinges on that
00:40On Wednesday, May 29, Senator Sherwin Gatchalian says,
