Discoveries That Could Make Us Rewrite History

  • 3 months ago
Hey, history buffs and curious minds alike! Buckle up for an eye-opening adventure into the world of groundbreaking discoveries that might just rewrite the history books. Ever heard of a 1920s-era Champion spark plug posing as an artifact? Intrigued? Well, that's just the tip of the iceberg! There are many similar items, those artifacts that are out of place and time. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this journey—it's history in the making! #brightside

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00:00In February 1961, three adventurous rock lovers were searching for geodes near Oloncha, California.
00:07They took one of their findings home and studied it because it looked pretty unusual.
00:12They managed to cut through the matrix and discovered something unexpected inside.
00:18Instead of the usual mineral formations, it had a cylindrical object resembling porcelain
00:24There was a metal shaft at its center, and around it, a hexagonal sheath made of copper
00:28and some unidentified substance.
00:31Its discoverers were hoping they had found an example of some unknown technology from
00:36500,000 years ago.
00:38It could be proof that there was a hyper-advanced ancient civilization like Atlantis or that
00:43time travel was real.
00:46Maybe someone came all the way from the future and accidentally dropped the item.
00:50Or maybe some intelligent extraterrestrial beings brought it when visiting Earth.
00:55If any of these theories were true, it would mean that scientists have to completely rewrite
00:59all human history as we know it.
01:02But not everyone shared the excitement, and truth-seekers and alternative archaeology
01:06circles were trying to solve the mystery of the so-called Koso Artifact until the late
01:1190s with theories and debates.
01:14Then a group of skeptics took images and x-rays of the discovery and showed them to spark
01:19plug collectors.
01:20They have identified the artifact as a spark plug with corroded metal components from the
01:251920s and not ancient technology at all.
01:29Almost 20 years later, one of the co-discoverers of the artifact agreed to take it for inspection
01:34at the University of Washington.
01:36They officially confirmed it was a 1920s-era champion spark plug.
01:41And the stone matrix containing the artifact wasn't a geode but a concretion.
01:46Those can form because of natural processes over decades or years, but not millennia.
01:52The Koso Artifact is a good example of an out-of-place artifact, which is a thing in
01:58It's something found in a place or time where it shouldn't logically be.
02:03These artifacts seem too advanced for the time period they're found in.
02:06They could also mean human activity existed when humans weren't supposed to be around.
02:12The Baghdad Battery is another example of such an artifact.
02:17It was found in the 1930s by a German archaeologist and consists of a clay jar, a copper cylinder,
02:24and an iron rod going through the jar's stopper.
02:27Its top, which was broken off, probably had been sealed with asphalt.
02:31Its discoverer noticed that it had two different metals and possibly an electrolyte, which
02:36are key components of a battery.
02:38There are no ancient writings to support this theory, but when scientists ran tests and
02:43filled it with an ionic solution like vinegar or wine, it showed that it could conduct electricity.
02:49If it really was a battery from 2,000 years ago, it might have been used in ancient medical
02:54practices, or even embedded in statues to make it look like they were buzzing to impress
03:00Koenig, who found it, believed it was used for electroplating, a process for coating
03:06Even if it was used as a battery, the Baghdad Artifact could only produce a small amount
03:11of energy, around one volt of electricity.
03:14So, some people believe it was used as a storage container for sacred scrolls.
03:20Back in the 1930s, a couple stumbled upon something strange while walking along Red
03:24Creek in London, Texas.
03:26It was a piece of wood sticking out of what looked like an ancient rock formation.
03:31Around a decade later, their son, who was really curious to find out its secret, decided
03:36to crack open the rock and found a surprisingly modern hammer inside.
03:41This discovery caught the attention of Karl Bau, a young earth creationist who claimed
03:46the rock surrounding the hammer dated back to the Cretaceous period.
03:50He saw it as evidence against evolutionary theory.
03:54After some investigation, scientists proved that the rock was not as ancient as it seemed.
03:59Geological processes have just encased the modern hammer over time, so it wasn't evidence
04:04of humans coexisting with dinosaurs like the Flintstones, as some hoped.
04:08It was just a case of a miner dropping his hammer centuries ago, and nature doing its
04:14A Chinese archaeologist supposedly stumbled upon some caves that seemed to serve as a
04:19burial ground for small beings with big, oval heads.
04:24Alongside these remains, there was rock art depicting figures with round helmets, the
04:29sun, the moon, the earth, and stars connected by groups of pea-sized dots.
04:35They also found over 700 mysterious stone disks etched with spiral grooves.
04:41Things got even weirder when these disks were sent to a Chinese professor who claimed the
04:45grooves were actually written characters.
04:48According to his translation, the disks told the tale of Dropa visitors from another planet
04:53who had crashed their spaceship on Earth about 12,000 years ago and had tried to live among
04:58us until they were hunted down by locals.
05:01But there's no concrete evidence that any of this actually happened.
05:05The story was first published back in the 1960s in a couple of articles, but it all
05:09seemed a bit fishy.
05:11None of the people involved, the archaeologist, the professor, or even the university they
05:15supposedly worked at, seem to have left any trace in the records.
05:19And while there is a group in Tibet called the Dropka, they're fully human, not extraterrestrial
05:26And there's no solid proof that the Dropa stones exist at all.
05:30In a remote part of China, there are some bizarre pipe-like formations known as the
05:34Beigon Pipes.
05:36A local explorer found them back in 1996, protruding from Mount Beigon and along the
05:42shores of Toson Lake nearby.
05:44Some people thought they were the work of ancient guests from other planets.
05:48When samples of the pipe material were tested, they contained mostly common minerals, but
05:53there was a mysterious 8% of unknown stuff.
05:57Special testing revealed that these pipes had been there before humans.
06:01Chinese geologists later visited the site and suggested that these pipes were formed
06:05naturally over time.
06:07It could be sediment piling up in the fissures in the earth, or even fossilized tree roots
06:12from the area's lush past, but it's not certain.
06:16There's a mysterious terracotta head in Mexico with a hard-to-pronounce name, discovered
06:22back in the 1930s during a burial excavation.
06:25This head looked a lot like fancy Roman statues, so it wasn't clear what it was doing in
06:31For some reason, the discoverer kept it secret for several decades.
06:35The head was found in a pyramid with three floors about 40 miles from Mexico City, alongside
06:40gold, copper, and pottery.
06:43Some argue that if this head really is many centuries old, it could mean the Romans or
06:48some other civilization had made it to Mesoamerica before Columbus did.
06:52There are also drift voyage theories mentioning a shipwreck after which some artifacts and
06:57survivors made it ashore.
07:00Some suggest that this figurine head was a little souvenir brought over by the Vikings,
07:05but there's no solid archaeological proof of the Vikings meeting the folks in Mesoamerica.
07:10There are some artifacts floating around, but none of them have been stamped as undeniable
07:14evidence of pre-Columbian contact.
07:16So the mystery of how this head ended up where it did remains unsolved.
07:22While digging a trench along a river in Romania, workers found a wedge, which is now famous
07:27as the Aluminum Wedge of Ajd, or the Object of Ajd.
07:32Right next to it, there were some mastodon bones.
07:35Those distant relatives of elephants lived 11,000 years ago, so the wedge is probably
07:40of the same age.
07:42The cool part is that it's made of aluminum, a metal not even discovered until the 1800s.
07:47This material requires serious heat to produce.
07:50The wedge is also covered in a thick layer of oxide that's been sitting there for hundreds
07:55of years.
07:56Some folks believe this wedge must have crash-landed here on a spacecraft from some other planet.
08:02Some scientists think it's all a hoax, and others suppose it might be a human-made object
08:07with an unknown purpose.
