Se encendieron los ánimos en la Libertadores

  • 4 months ago


00:00 to defend an official against professional players
00:05 looks like it is picking a fight with the police officer yeah and now our
00:15 referees are trying to this is not clever is it from an error something
00:22 set to being goaded but not clever toy rare has just lost it here
00:30 the batons are out he's gonna be lucky to be on the pitch here still won't walk
00:42 away I think it is complaining that he been hit by the police officer with the
00:51 shield on his head
00:54 just as we were saying it was over the top
01:04 and still refuses to calm down and as it were with another official well I mean
01:15 when you go to the lens of bringing out military police officers with riot
01:20 shields into professional football match it's not very clever is it you have to
01:27 answer for themselves if there is any sort of contact or anything that be
01:32 interested to see a replay there exactly why Rara is so upset but he's obviously
01:36 very upset something must have happened there well he's just conceded a penalty
01:40 I suspect that's partially it someone needs to get hold of him
01:50 and tell him to head down the tunnel
01:54 you
01:56 you
01:58 you
