NSW Premier Chris Minns has released revised housing targets for every Sydney council, advising it’s time for the east to step up

  • 4 months ago
The premier's released housing targets for every Sydney council, with some being asked to more-than triple the number of new homes they build. While the western suburbs have historically done the heavy lifting, Chris Minns says councils in the east will have to lift their games.


00:00 For decades, Sydney has sprawled further to the west, adding another street, another block,
00:07 another suburb.
00:08 The Premier says the city needs to rebalance.
00:11 Under this plan, the west will continue to build new houses, but other parts of Sydney
00:16 will have to share the load as well.
00:18 Under the new five-year targets, western Sydney local government areas, including Penrith
00:23 and Liverpool, will have to build just 22 per cent of new homes.
00:27 So-called central LGAs, including Blacktown, Canterbury-Bankstown and Parramatta, will
00:31 build 37 per cent, while areas close to the city, like the inner west, North Shore, northern
00:37 beaches and eastern suburbs, will have to build 41 per cent.
00:41 If we meet these targets, we'll be able to give young families the chance to stay local,
00:45 to stay within the distance of their parents and their grandparents.
00:49 We need time to plan adequately and also the funding to deliver the infrastructure that
00:54 our future residents need.
00:56 Taringi has the most ground to make up.
00:58 Its target is 7,600 homes, but it's currently got plans to build just 20 per cent of that
01:03 amount.
01:04 Hunters Hill has a target of 400 homes, but only has 25 per cent planned, approved or
01:09 underway.
01:10 Wallara's got to build 1,900, but has just 30 per cent of that in the system.
01:15 Fairfield's target is 5,900, but it has just 35 per cent in the pipeline.
01:21 Northern beaches has the same target with just 36 per cent already on the books.
01:27 Some of Sydney's oldest, leafiest suburbs are in for a change.
01:31 The government obviously knows nothing about the character and the environment and the
01:37 heritage of Wallara Council.
01:40 Councils that meet their targets will get to share in a $200 million infrastructure
01:44 fund, but the opposition says the goals will never be met unless the government reduces
01:49 the levies it forces developers to pay.
01:52 You can have all the upzonings, all the targets in the world, but unless it is financially
01:56 viable to build new dwellings, they just won't happen.
02:00 Unless supply catches up, the Premier says the next generation of Sydney-siders could
02:04 be forced to leave.
