Inch High, Private Eye Inch High, Private Eye E011 The World’s Greatest Animals

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 [bruit de la télévision]
00:02 [sonnerie de téléphone]
00:04 "Inch High, Private Eye"
00:06 "Oh, hi Uncle Inch"
00:07 "It's a 409"
00:09 "Gelatino"
00:11 [musique de la télévision]
00:13 [bruit de la télévision]
00:15 [musique de la télévision]
00:17 [bruit de la télévision]
00:19 [musique de la télévision]
00:21 [musique de la télévision]
00:23 [musique de la télévision]
00:25 [musique de la télévision]
00:27 [musique de la télévision]
00:29 [musique de la télévision]
00:31 [musique de la télévision]
00:33 [bruit de la télévision]
00:35 [musique de la télévision]
00:37 [musique de la télévision]
00:39 [musique de la télévision]
00:41 [musique de la télévision]
00:43 [musique de la télévision]
00:45 "The World's Biggest Little Detective"
00:47 "Inch High, Private Eye"
00:49 [bruit de la télévision]
00:51 [musique de la télévision]
00:53 "This is it, ladies and gentlemen"
00:55 "The crowd is honored as they await the running of their Kentucky Derby"
00:57 "The World's Greatest Horse Race"
00:59 "The horses are at the starting gate"
01:01 "And there, ladies and gentlemen, is number one"
01:03 "Stomagrapha"
01:05 "The World's Greatest Race Horse"
01:07 "And they're off!"
01:09 "It's little Randy in front by a length, followed by"
01:11 "Hold it, hold it, something is wrong"
01:13 "Ladies and gentlemen, this is incredible"
01:15 "The world's most famous horse has been stolen!"
01:17 "It is rather warm"
01:21 "Bring two umbrellas, please"
01:23 "One for my Royal Highness"
01:25 "And one for the world's greatest tiger"
01:27 "Oh no!"
01:29 "My tiger is gone!"
01:31 [musique de la télévision]
01:33 "Extra, extra, world's greatest animal's missing"
01:35 "Police unable to solve crimes"
01:37 "Extra, extra"
01:39 [musique de la télévision]
01:41 [musique de la télévision]
01:43 "Etch"
01:45 [musique de la télévision]
01:47 [musique de la télévision]
01:49 [musique de la télévision]
01:51 [musique de la télévision]
01:53 "There's no doubt about it, Mr. Finkernip"
01:55 "Goldie is gone!"
01:57 "She was the world's most famous goldfish!"
01:59 "Well, from a purely professional point of view"
02:01 "I would definitely say she was fishnapped"
02:03 "They'll never get away with it!"
02:05 "No offense, chief, but they already have"
02:07 "Ah, dry up, bitch!"
02:09 "Good idea! You got a towel?"
02:11 [musique de la télévision]
02:13 [musique de la télévision]
02:15 [musique de la télévision]
02:17 [musique de la télévision]
02:19 "Now I know how Lawrence of Arabia felt"
02:21 "It's more than a job this time, Inch"
02:23 "It's personal!"
02:25 "I want those criminals brought to justice!"
02:27 "Boss, you couldn't have chosen a better man for the job!"
02:29 "Oh yes I could have"
02:31 "But my three top agents happen to be on other assignments"
02:33 "I still say I'm the logical choice"
02:35 [sonnerie de téléphone]
02:37 "Unfortunately, you're the only choice"
02:39 "Now get moving!"
02:41 [sonnerie de téléphone]
02:43 [musique de la télévision]
02:45 [musique de la télévision]
02:47 [musique de la télévision]
02:49 [sonnerie de téléphone]
02:51 "I want action, Inch!"
02:53 "Boss, your worries are over"
02:55 "If there's one thing I know..."
02:57 "It's animals!"
02:59 "Inch, stop clowning around!"
03:01 "I wouldn't do that, sir"
03:03 "You see, there's a spring attachment on those jaws and..."
03:05 [coups de feu]
03:07 [cri de douleur]
03:09 [cri de douleur]
03:11 [sonnerie de téléphone]
03:13 "What's the use of being the richest man in the world if I can't have what I want?"
03:17 "Right, Mr. Farnham"
03:19 "And I want the greatest show on Earth!"
03:22 [coup de feu]
03:24 "You've got almost the greatest show on Earth"
03:26 "Almost is not enough!"
03:28 "I'll never have the greatest show until I have all the greatest animals on Earth!"
03:32 "Why don't you sort of put an ad in the paper?"
03:35 "Because the greatest animals are not for sale!"
03:39 "That's why I have to steal them!"
03:41 "You mean we have to steal them, Mr. Farnham"
03:43 "Then why don't I have the pink elephant?"
03:46 "Just give us the word!"
03:48 "The word is, I, B.T. Farnham, will have the greatest show on Earth!"
03:53 "So start moving! Steal the pink elephant!"
03:57 "All right, Mr. Farnham"
03:59 "I want you all to know why I was chosen for this assignment"
04:07 "Because of your love of animals?"
04:09 "Exactly!"
04:10 "Because of your keen nose for crime?"
04:12 "Exactly!"
04:13 "And because no one else was available!"
04:15 "Exactly!"
04:16 "Kater, one more remark like that and you're gonna get fired!"
04:21 "Laurie, the phone book!"
04:23 "Open it to the yellow pages!"
04:26 "Now I ask myself a question"
04:32 "Who would steal the world's greatest animals?"
04:35 "A dirty low-down sneak?"
04:37 "I'd say a professional thief!"
04:39 "Please, Laurie, when I ask a question, I'd like to answer it myself!"
04:43 "Sorry, Uncle Inch!"
04:44 "The answer is a professional thief, a real pro!"
04:48 "And I intend to question the top pro of them all!"
04:51 "And there's his address!"
04:53 "Braveheart, position one!"
04:56 "Position two!"
04:59 "Forward, ho!"
05:02 "Do you, Sam Keed, admit that you are a pro?"
05:07 "The best!"
05:08 "You admit you have the killer instinct?"
05:10 "Well, it's a dog-eat-dog business!"
05:12 "Huh?"
05:14 "A most unfortunate expression!"
05:17 "I'm placing you under arrest!"
05:20 "Say, would you consider placing yourself under arrest?"
05:24 "On the first tee, Sam Keed!"
05:27 "Are you ready to confess that you stole the world's greatest animals?"
05:31 "Uncle Inch!"
05:33 "Please, Laurie, try to contain yourself while I am grilling the suspect!"
05:37 "But I've been trying to tell you you're making a mistake!"
05:40 "He's a golfer, not an animal thief!"
05:43 "Laurie, I know exactly what direction I'm taking!"
05:46 "Hurry, Gator, the ball's heading over the trees toward the zoo!"
05:52 "Hey, are you some kind of a nut?"
05:58 "My apologies, sir, but it seems I took an unscheduled flight!"
06:01 "Well, you can't hang around here all day!"
06:04 "How true, how true!"
06:10 "Sir, if I may have your attention!"
06:12 "I'm busy, shorty!"
06:13 "The worth of a man is seldom measured by his height!"
06:17 "Balloons, get your balloons here!"
06:19 "One balloon, sir, a red one, I want a red one!"
06:23 "Hold tight now!"
06:28 "Yes, Daddy!"
06:29 "Hey, this is business! Stop acting like a kid!"
06:32 "Come on, we've got a pink elephant to heist!"
06:35 "I think we ought to try the monkey house!"
06:37 "I'm sure I saw it headed this way!"
06:39 "It went that-a-way!"
06:41 "I think we ought to try the monkey house!"
06:43 "I'm sure I saw it headed this way!"
06:45 "It went that-a-way!"
06:47 "I think we ought to try the monkey house!"
06:49 "I think we ought to try the monkey house!"
06:51 "I'm sure I saw it headed this way!"
06:53 "I'm sure I saw it headed this way!"
06:55 "I'm sure I saw it headed this way!"
06:57 "I'm sure I saw it headed this way!"
06:59 "I'm sure I saw it headed this way!"
07:01 "I'm sure I saw it headed this way!"
07:03 "It went that-a-way, Miss Lori!"
07:05 "How we gonna get him out of there?"
07:10 "Simple!"
07:11 "Are you alright, Uncle Inch?"
07:13 "Yes, but I don't care what anybody says, that's not the only way to fly!"
07:18 "Admit it, Uncle Inch, you made a mistake!"
07:20 "We're after the thief who stole the world's greatest animals!"
07:23 "And that golf pro had nothing to do with it!"
07:25 "Quite the contrary!"
07:27 "If I hadn't questioned the golf pro, I would never have been on that golf ball!"
07:31 "If I hadn't been on that golf ball, I wouldn't have landed in the zoo!"
07:34 "You can't argue with that!"
07:35 "Argue with it? I can't even understand it!"
07:38 "Nobody around, so let's go! D.T. Farnham is waiting!"
07:42 "Now let's analyze. Why do men take their children to the zoo?"
07:47 "So their wives can get a little rest?"
07:49 "Let me phrase it another way. What does a zoo contain?"
07:52 "Animals!"
07:53 "And what have been stolen?"
07:54 "Animals!"
07:55 "Exactly! Lori, I have a feeling that the case is in the palm of my hand!"
07:59 "That I'm close to something big!"
08:01 "You are! The pink elephant's just been stolen!"
08:04 "Now we're in big trouble!"
08:06 "To the Hushmobile, quick! This is the big break in the case!"
08:12 "Fifty cents, please!"
08:28 "I left my money at the office!"
08:30 "You got a half dollar, Mr. Inch, sir?"
08:32 "And just where do you think I'd carry it?"
08:34 "Sir, we're in a hurry!"
08:35 "We're after some criminals!"
08:37 "I've heard that one before. Fifty cents or turn around and go back!"
08:39 "All I got are pennies!"
08:41 "One, two, three, four, five..."
08:45 "By the time he counts to fifty, it'll be too late!"
08:51 "I'm going to have to go back to the office!"
08:53 "I'm going to have to go back to the office!"
08:55 "By the time he counts to fifty, it'll be too late!"
08:58 "Uncle Inch, what'll Mr. Finkerton say?"
09:00 "I'm afraid to think about it."
09:02 "So count slowly, Gator. Count slowly!"
09:05 "Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen..."
09:08 "There she is, Mr. Farnham, the fabulous pink elephant!"
09:17 "Fantastic! You boys are to be congratulated!"
09:20 "Stole her right from under the nose of Inch High Private Eye!"
09:24 "I'm not even going to ask you how anything that big got under a nose that small!"
09:28 "Well, now you've got it, boss! The greatest show on Earth!"
09:32 "With one exception, I still need a final touch."
09:35 "The greatest dog in the world!"
09:38 "Come on, Lefty. We got work to do."
09:41 "Uncle Inch, I think I know what the crook's next move is going to be!"
09:48 "Oh?"
09:50 "Dog Show Tonight! World's Greatest Dog on Display!"
09:54 "Ridiculous, Lori!"
09:56 "But that's their pattern! I'm positive they'll try to steal the world's greatest dog!"
10:01 "Huh?"
10:03 "No offense, Braveheart. I don't think they meant you."
10:06 "Ugh!"
10:07 "Uncle Inch, I really think we should go to the dog show tonight."
10:10 "I'll try to explain life to you, Lori. First, who goes to dog shows?"
10:14 "Dog lovers!"
10:16 "Right. So obviously, no dog lover would steal a dog!"
10:19 "Crooks would!"
10:20 "Will you stay out of this?"
10:21 "Uncle Inch, just for me!"
10:23 "Well, frankly, I feel it's a waste of time."
10:26 "But for you, to teach you a lesson will attend."
10:29 "You and Braveheart cover the backstage area. Gator and I will be in the audience."
10:38 "Gee, in spite of my brilliant advice, you still intend to go ahead with this nonsense, eh?"
10:43 "I think it's a great idea!"
10:45 "If that doesn't convince you I'm right, nothing will!"
10:47 "You promised, Uncle Inch!"
10:49 "All right, let's go, Braveheart."
10:51 "Imagine, a wild goose chase at a dog show."
10:54 "We'll keep in touch with the intercom."
10:56 "Anything to keep you happy, but it's just a waste of time!"
10:59 "Let's go, Braveheart!"
11:01 "Now cut that out, you ham!"
11:15 "Stop showing off already!"
11:17 "Inch to Laurie, over!"
11:20 "What's holding up the parade?"
11:22 "You say something to me, lady?"
11:23 "I didn't say anything!"
11:24 "Come on, get a move on!"
11:26 "You said something that time, I heard it!"
11:28 "Oh, uh, it's not me, it's him! He's a ventriloquist!"
11:32 "Hey, that's some trick!"
11:36 "Oh, gee! I didn't know you were a dog lover, Mr. Finkerton!"
11:41 "I'm not! And stop talking with your mouth full!"
11:44 "Where's that half-pint private eye?"
11:46 "Right here, boss!"
11:47 "Right where?"
11:48 "Right here!"
11:49 "Inch is covering the backstage area!"
11:53 "Well, why didn't he say so?"
11:55 "Ow!"
11:59 "Hey, that's not fair! You found the prize!"
12:02 "It's my tooth!"
12:05 "What a dumb prize!"
12:07 "Whenever you're ready to leave, it'll be fine with me, Laurie."
12:10 "Unk, I'm positive, I'm right!"
12:12 "Okay, but believe me, nothing is gonna happen!"
12:16 "Okay, if we're gonna steal the world's greatest dog, first we gotta get inside."
12:27 "The cop on the corner needs help!"
12:31 "Not you! Get in, you dummy! I made that up!"
12:36 "Braveheart, will you stop flirting?"
12:39 "We might as well go over there and wait until Laurie gets tired of this!"
12:46 "Look! It says 'World's Greatest Dog'!"
12:54 "Laurie, don't you think you've had enough of this?"
13:01 "I'm not gonna do it!"
13:04 "Laurie, don't you think you've had enough?"
13:06 "Just a little longer, Uncle Inch!"
13:08 "Alright, but I'm getting a little bit..."
13:10 "Hey! Who turned out the lights?"
13:13 "Gotta gee, Mr. Inch hasn't called in for a long time!"
13:17 "It's not like Uncle Inch!"
13:19 "There is nothing like your Uncle Inch!"
13:21 "Laurie to Uncle Inch, over!"
13:30 "Relax Braveheart, I'll have this sack open in a minute!"
13:34 "Sorry, old boy!"
13:39 "Gee, seems like we're in the back of a truck!"
13:42 "Laurie, over!"
13:44 "Laurie, Braveheart has been dognapped, over!"
13:47 "Gee, a lead-lined truck!"
13:51 "No wonder she doesn't answer!"
13:53 "We'll have to get the antenna through that hole in the ceiling!"
13:56 "Braveheart!"
13:59 "A man said he saw Braveheart and then he didn't see him!"
14:02 "You're talking more and more like your uncle!"
14:05 "I'm sure something happened to him!"
14:09 "He could be in terrible danger!"
14:11 "Then how come he doesn't call in for help?"
14:13 "Or maybe he can!"
14:16 "Laurie to Uncle Inch, come in please!"
14:18 "Come in!"
14:20 "Sure, we're still a little short!"
14:27 "Gee, I hope no one heard that!"
14:29 "Laurie to Uncle Inch, over!"
14:32 "The tall buildings must be blocking the signal!"
14:35 "The helicopter will get us high enough to pick up Uncle Inch's signal!"
14:44 "Are you sure you know how to fly one of these?"
14:47 "Golly gee, yes! I took a correspondence course!"
14:50 "Everybody got their seatbelts fastened? Let's go, Gator!"
14:55 "I told you I knew how!"
14:57 "I sure hope you didn't cut any classes!"
15:00 "Oh no!"
15:02 "So much for backing into victory!"
15:13 "Almost! I'm almost there!"
15:22 "If those dummies botch this job, I'll feed them to the lions!"
15:26 "Did you or did you not steal the world's greatest dog?"
15:33 "That's what we did, all right! That's what we did!"
15:36 "This?"
15:40 "Yep!"
15:41 "That?"
15:42 "He was standing right under the sign. It said 'World's Greatest Dog'!"
15:46 "B.T. Farnham, I presume?"
15:48 "He's gotta be great, he talks!"
15:50 "I do!"
15:51 "Who said that?"
15:52 "I did! Inch high, private eye!"
15:54 "So, you're the famous Inch High?"
15:57 "None other!"
15:58 "I may put you on exhibit as the world's smallest man!"
16:02 "I shall ignore that! I presume you are familiar with your constitutional rights?"
16:07 "You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to a lawyer, you have the right not to answer any questions except one!"
16:12 "Why are you stealing all the animals?"
16:15 "I am the world's richest man!"
16:17 "Give or take a zing!"
16:19 "You have the world's longest yacht?"
16:21 "Yes!"
16:22 "The world's biggest house?"
16:23 "Yes!"
16:24 "The world's most powerful car?"
16:25 "Yes!"
16:26 "But..."
16:27 "I was hoping you'd get to that!"
16:28 "I only had the second greatest show on earth!"
16:31 "So you turned bad!"
16:32 "I think I did pretty good! I now own the world's greatest animals, which makes me the owner of the greatest show on earth!"
16:40 "It also makes you a violator of the law, and that being the case, consider yourself under arrest!"
16:46 "You're a big dummy! Lock him up, I'll attend to him later, I don't want to miss the opening parade!"
16:53 "That man is in terrible trouble and doesn't even know it, which makes me a lot smarter! You see, I'm in big trouble and I know it!"
17:01 "We've got him on the scope-gator, by due west!"
17:06 "This ought to hold you!"
17:12 "World's greatest tiger, world's greatest lion, greatest gorilla, greatest dog, greatest fish..."
17:18 "World's greatest animals, which makes it the greatest show on earth!"
17:24 "Ladies and gentlemen, B.T. Farnham brings you the greatest show on earth!"
17:31 "Presenting, for the first time in this or any big talk, the grand parade of the greatest show on earth!"
17:41 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
17:47 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
17:51 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
17:54 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
17:57 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:01 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:05 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:09 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:13 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:17 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:22 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:25 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:29 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:33 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:37 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:41 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:45 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:50 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:53 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
18:57 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:01 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:05 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:09 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:13 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:18 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:21 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:25 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:29 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
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19:37 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:41 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:46 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:49 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:53 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
19:57 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:01 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:05 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:09 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:14 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:17 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:21 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:25 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:29 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:33 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:37 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:42 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:45 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:49 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:53 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
20:57 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
21:01 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
21:05 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
21:10 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
21:13 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
21:17 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
21:20 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
21:24 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
21:28 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
21:32 "The Greatest Show on Earth"
21:36 *musique*
