World's top golfer Scheffler freed of charges from Louisville arrest

  • 4 months ago
All four charges have been dropped against Scottie Scheffler, following his arrest at the PGA Championship
00:00 The very first responsibility of a prosecutor under Rule 3.8 of the Kentucky Supreme Court
00:06 rules requires that prosecutors, and I quote, "refrain from prosecuting a charge
00:12 that the prosecutor knows is not supported by probable cause."
00:16 Therefore, based upon the totality of the evidence, my office cannot move forward
00:24 in the prosecution of the charges filed against Mr. Scheffler. Mr. Scheffler's actions and the
00:29 evidence surrounding their exchange during this misunderstanding do not satisfy the elements
00:36 of any criminal offenses. For these reasons, Judge,
00:42 I now tender to the court a motion in order to dismiss
00:54 all these charges in this case against Mr. Scheffler with prejudice. Thank you, Your Honor.
01:00 Judge, it's taken me a long time to understand that when I'm winning,
01:08 don't talk. So I have nothing to say, Your Honor. We accept it. We have no objection to the county's
01:13 motion. Fantastic. So at this point, I will dismiss the matter and it would be right for
01:20 us to conclude in 60 days.
