10 Wrestlers You Totally Forgot Wrestled For AEW

  • 4 months ago
Featuring Glacier, Gigi Dolin and a wrestler who, erm, wasn't particularly "Elite"...


00:00 As of me saying these words, a lot of people have worked for AEW. This sends the internet
00:04 into meltdown because for some reason some folk can't handle individuals getting a job,
00:10 but we just ignore about that and we do the positive thumb of love.
00:14 All Elite Wrestling has been around for a few years now though, to the point
00:18 now when you bring up certain wrestlers and you tell some other fan,
00:21 they look at you like that can't possibly be true because it doesn't make any sense.
00:26 But yes, that is what we're going to talk about today. So hello, my name is Simon Miller,
00:30 welcome to What Cultural Wrestling, please hit the subscribe button and like and do all that
00:33 kind of craziness. And this is 10 wrestlers you totally forgot worked for AEW. Number 10,
00:39 Gigi Dolan. Right now, Gigi Dolan is a top act over in NXT 2.0. I mean, not only is she a tag
00:46 team champion, as I've been saying these words, but she is in the dominant group, Toxic Attraction.
00:50 And if you are familiar with her work, you know she can go. And while she was never properly
00:55 signed to AEW, she did appear there under her name, Priscilla Kelly, where she took on Britt
01:00 Baker when AEW was on Chris Jericho's boat. Now she did lose to Britt Baker here. And after the
01:07 fact, everybody was talking about the fact that Baker had turned heel after she had gone,
01:10 "Ha ha, Tariq Shabani, you nothing but a barista." But the fact is a fact. The thing is, given that
01:15 she is so young, there's every single chance that one day she may return to AEW. I mean,
01:21 I doubt they would talk about that, but I'm just throwing this out there. Number 9,
01:25 Diamond Dallas Page. This almost feels like we dreamt it today, but yes, a couple of years ago,
01:31 DDP did indeed appear in AEW. He first popped up on the 23rd October 2019 episode of Dynamite to
01:39 help out Cody Rhodes, who at the time was entangled in a wicked web with the Inner Circle. Given how
01:44 close he was to Dusty Rhodes, this made perfect sense about why he would help his son. And then
01:48 he came back to All Elite Wrestling when MJF won the first ever Diamond Ring in order to give him
01:54 the piece of jewellery. However, that did not go very well. So if you can believe it, he actually
02:01 entered a match where he took on Maxwell Jacob Friedman, The Butcher and The Blade. This happened
02:05 a bash at the beach as he teamed up with QT Marshall and Dustin Rhodes, and obviously they
02:09 did lose, but we still got to see one last Diamond Cutter. I'm not going to pretend otherwise,
02:16 I popped crazy for this, because who doesn't love DDP?
02:19 8. Cameron
02:20 This one was so out of nowhere. Maybe it was brought forward by the fact that we were in
02:24 the middle of a global pandemic, so AEW felt like they should continue to throw new ideas at the
02:29 wall. But we did have this Women's Tag Team Cup thing on YouTube, and yes, on one of the teams
02:36 was Cameron. She teamed with Nyla Rose under her real name, Ariana Andrew, and the former
02:41 Funktadactyl actually did have a little bit of a story here, because Nyla was like, "I want to team
02:46 with her, she's probably going to make me lose." Since then, Ariana too has also returned to WWE
02:51 in the Raw Rumble. This is pretty good, because she essentially became a meme for a while,
02:56 because if you remember, her first taste of wrestling was in Tough Enough,
03:00 where she toed Stone Cold Steve Austin. Her favourite match ever was Melina vs Alicia Fox.
03:06 Steve Austin then broke down, and I tell you, it was a great time to be alive.
03:11 7. Kalisto
03:12 When FTR were future with the Lucha Brothers, they decided it would be really funny if they
03:16 started dressing up as luchadors and kinda doing the lucha style. As ever, when it comes to cash
03:22 and dax, they took all of this and smashed it. To try and further this too, Tony Starr booked
03:26 them against Aerostar and Samurai Del Sol on the November 2021 episode of Dynamite,
03:32 which meant, yes, here was Kalisto from WWE walking towards an AEW ring.
03:37 As it turned out, this would be a one and done, because even though he did fine when it came to
03:41 the wrestling, there was a lot of controversy on social media beforehand, it certainly felt like
03:46 he pissed the wrong people off. So if I was a betting man, which I'm not, because you should
03:51 use your money wisely, I don't think we're going to see him back.
03:54 6. Colin Delaney
03:56 Colin Delaney is essentially the modern day Barry Horowitz. If you don't know who Horowitz is,
04:01 just jump back to the 80s or 90s and you will see him in squash match after squash match after
04:05 squash match. He's always the guy being beaten, but for some reason he just did it so well,
04:11 he patted himself on the back. I love Baz. Colin had this role in WWECW as well as a ton
04:17 of other promotions and basically became one of the guys you wanted to reach out to
04:21 if you just needed to bring somebody in to have a decent match, hence why eventually AEW went,
04:26 well we can do that too. This saw him have losing efforts against the likes of Eddie Kingston Award
04:31 low and he even teamed with Sean Spears as Spears was doing his whole "oh my gosh I need to find a
04:36 tag team partner" and as ever this was really entertaining because it was essentially the
04:41 chairman just yelling at Colin like he was a piece of trash. The roster has grown so much,
04:44 I don't think we'll see Colin back anytime soon, but when you do go over his career,
04:49 given that not everybody can be a world champion, well ironically we should give him a pat on the
04:54 back.
04:55 5. Crowbar
04:56 Go back and watch WCW from the year 2000s and you will realise this is an absolutely dreadful
05:02 wrestling product and it's no surprise that it died. However, there were a few
05:07 "spotlights in the darkness", one of which was Crowbar along with Daphne who did their very best
05:11 to try and be entertaining. After World Championship Wrestling was gone, Crowbar did go on to appear in
05:16 TNA and some other indies for a while, so in 2021 someone from AEW thought, well why don't we bring
05:22 him in? And they did. Having a match against Joey Janela on Dark, of course he did lose,
05:27 but much as he did 20 or so years ago, he came in and did the best job possible.
05:32 We never saw him again, but if you are into wrestling trivia, especially how long somebody
05:36 took a gap between major promotions, you should probably put Crowbar down on that list.
05:41 4. ODB
05:44 I have watched pretty much everything that AEW has done, but even I forgot that ODP had an
05:49 appearance. My word, we've done a lot in three years. Mostly known for her time in TNA, she
05:54 probably would have got a gig with WWE at some point if her act hadn't been distinctly non-PG.
06:00 However, because she was a recognisable name, eventually AEW gave her a shot.
06:04 She entered the Casino Battle Royal all the way back in 2019, mostly because we have to have a
06:09 few surprises here. It's like the Royal Rumble, think how many times you've watched that and you
06:14 don't get any shock. She felt like a sad panda, so this was a way to make you feel like a happy bear.
06:19 After a brief stare down with Nyla Rose, because they're both beasts, she was able to help eliminate
06:23 Awesome Kong before Britt Baker got rid of her. Now is it, draw a line under it, she was gone.
06:28 3. Tully Blanchard
06:30 Yes, Tully Blanchard has featured in AEW a lot. He was the long-term manager of FDR
06:35 before they turned face, and he basically did a really good job.
06:39 The part you may have forgotten though, because so much was happening,
06:42 is that this veteran of the wrestling scene actually had a match.
06:46 Forget the fact that he was 67 years old at the time, Tully did indeed team up with his boys,
06:51 Cash and Dax, in order to take on Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy and Marco Stunt,
06:55 and by the time he was doing his classic slingshot suplex on to Marco, everybody was gone crazy.
07:02 Amazingly, this was super entertaining too. FTR controlled everything as they always do,
07:07 but in no universe should Tully Blanchard have been able to perform at the level he did.
07:12 Dave Meltzer, he of Wrestling Observer fame, even gave this match 3 and 3/4 stars,
07:20 which means it's higher rated than The Rock vs Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 18.
07:24 Did I put that in there in order to flame the comments? Yes I did.
07:29 2. Glacier
07:30 Another one I totally forgot about, because I'm pretty sure I just made it up in my head.
07:34 I didn't.
07:36 Having the first double or nothing in the men's casino battle royale to tie into those surprises
07:40 we were talking about earlier, AEW obviously knew that their crowd was super duper hardcore
07:45 and thought, who can we bring back that will absolutely get a reaction if they pick Glacier.
07:50 I mean for one he's become an internet meme recently because he took so damn long to
07:54 actually debut way back when in WCW, but also he is just one massive Mortal Kombat ripoff,
08:01 and even in the modern day that's just kinda cool.
08:03 I mean he did absolutely nothing in the match, but he didn't need to do anything.
08:07 People just wanted to point and go "haha, it's Glacier, this one still pleases me".
08:13 1. Tommy Dreamer
08:14 Glacier wasn't the only recognisable old school face in that match either,
08:18 because do you want to know who else was in it? I mean you already know, but it was Tommy Dreamer.
08:22 The best part of all of this too, is that the winner of this battle royale was going to go
08:26 onto the next PPV in order to fight for the world title, which meant Dreamer totally must have
08:32 thought he could have won. This didn't happen obviously, and his main role was to shine a
08:36 spotlight on the likes of Orange, Katherine and Sonny Kiss because they were brand new performers
08:40 and AEW wanted to make sure you walked away going "I should think about them more".
08:44 Tommy was soon gone and obviously following controversies makes this a little less fun,
08:49 but a fact is a fact and a fact is a fact, so has Tommy Dreamer appeared in AEW? Yes, yes he has.
08:55 Know of any other wrestlers that we all totally forgot appeared for All Elite Wrestling? Make
08:58 sure you let us know in the comments below and don't forget to like the video, share the video
09:02 and subscribe. Then head over to whatculture.com where you can read articles like this
09:05 and expand your wrestling knowledge. You can follow us on social media or on Twitter
09:09 @Simonathe316 or @whatculturewwe and you're already on YouTube, I'm sure you've got a spare
09:15 8 minutes, go watch another video. My name is Simon for What Culture, thank you for joining
09:19 me as always, I appreciate you, I appreciate your time and of course I appreciate Glacier.
