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Jade Movie (2024) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Starring rising star Shaina West. A woman comes between a powerful businessman and a gang leader in their search for a hard drive that could damage the operations of Interpol.

Released on digital platforms in the UK on 24th June, 2024.
00:00 [AUDIO OUT]
00:02 You are guilty of obstructing an investigation,
00:17 fleeing from a federal officer, and a host of other charges.
00:24 Get that gun out of my face.
00:28 Give me a break.
00:30 [GUNSHOT]
00:32 (SINGING) Hit the play.
00:33 You ain't never met a girl like me.
00:36 Play around, play around at his lane.
00:39 I really mean it.
00:40 I don't like to play no games.
00:42 [GUNSHOT]
00:43 (SINGING) What's mine, I would never quit.
00:45 I came to every move that I use is blazing nitro kicks.
00:47 All that crazy, hardcore training you made me do,
00:51 thanks to that I'm still alive.
00:52 (SINGING) I'm the queen of my city.
00:53 You know I'm the boss.
00:54 No pain, no gain.
00:55 I'ma do what I need to do.
00:56 I really mean it, I don't like to play no games.
00:58 Bitch, you hit me when I said my name is Jay.
01:01 This my town, I'ma fight for everything.