10 Movie Secrets Hidden In Single Frames

  • 5 months ago
Blink and you'll completely miss these movie secrets hiding in single frames...


00:00 Jaw-dropping animated costume malfunctions and audacious cameos in the midst of promotional
00:05 material are just a few of the single movie frames found harboring some truly brilliant
00:10 discoveries.
00:11 Gareth here from WhatCulture.com and here are 10 Movie Secrets Hidden in Single Frames.
00:16 10.
00:17 Betty's boobs make a brief appearance.
00:19 Who framed Roger Rabbit?
00:21 Proving to be the stuff of movie legend for many a late 80s and early 90s kid growing
00:25 up around the time of its release, a great number of these randy teenagers were spending
00:29 an awkward amount of time trying to accurately pause on the supposed moment a certain provocative
00:34 animated character apparently flashed their screens in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
00:38 Far from simply being an underground marketing tactic to nudge youngsters into taking in
00:42 the flick time and time again though, Reddit user Tebazard was able to actually land on
00:47 the infamous beat involving Betty Boop suffering an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction, beside
00:52 Bob Hoskins' Eddie Valiant.
00:54 Rather expectedly, this cheeky slip was edited out of the eventual home releases of the animated
00:58 comedy, with only those who experienced the theatrical cut being exposed to those boobs
01:03 for a single frame.
01:04 9.
01:05 Spider-Man's popsicle face - Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse
01:08 Kicking things off with a rather brilliant opening montage highlighting how Chris Pine's
01:12 version of the web-slinger had come into being, Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse wasted little
01:16 time letting you know precisely what it was all about, as its signature brand of pulsating
01:20 animation and razor sharp wit bled onto our screens.
01:24 Front and centre was one particularly hilarious beat involving this Peter Parker noting how
01:28 he was the subject of a so-so popsicle, which resembled what Spidey's mug would likely look
01:33 like if smooshed by a tentacle brandishing big bad.
01:36 As it goes, that's precisely how it would look, with the talented folks behind the scenes
01:40 lacing a brilliantly brief callback to that gag in a brief skirmish between Spider-Man
01:45 and Doc Ock not long after.
01:47 If you pause the frame exactly at the right moment during said early highlight package
01:50 of sorts, you'll see that Spidey's head pretty much lines up with that dodgy ice lolly perfectly,
01:55 as he's strangled by his infamous enemy.
02:02 8.
02:03 Mel Gibson's Teaser Cameo - Apocalypto Cameos come in all shapes and sizes.
02:08 Some can be found in the background of intergalactic battlefields, others in carrot-chomping wonders
02:13 in front of the cinematic lens.
02:15 And then there's that time Mel Gibson decided to oddly lace himself into the teaser trailer
02:19 for his upcoming 2006 historical epic by the name of Apocalypto.
02:23 This was by no means simply a case of Gibson sneaking into a scene in full costume under
02:27 fans' noses, however.
02:28 If you hit the pause button at just the right moment in this teaser for the film focusing
02:33 on the decline of Mayan society, you'll spot the film's director posing alongside some
02:37 of his cast members with a cigar in mouth for a solitary frame, all while grinning from
02:41 ear to ear.
02:42 It's without a shadow of a doubt one of the most bizarre tidbits to find its way into
02:46 a feature's promotional material ever, but it certainly helped generate some online buzz
02:50 for the impending project.
02:52 What if it was in the form of folks simply wondering what in the hell had just flashed
02:55 up on their screen for a fleeting second?
02:57 7.
02:58 A Few Brief Monster Nods - Cloverfield For a film boasting a seemingly indomitable
03:02 kaiju-like figure wreaking havoc on a helpless population of citizens, Matt Reeves clearly
03:06 felt it only appropriate to lace a few knowing nods to the monster epics of the past, at
03:10 a number of flickering points in his found-footage sci-fi thriller.
03:14 At numerous instances when Rob Hawkins' camera jolts back to old footage from the
03:18 Coney Island trip himself and Beth tucked together, freakishly fast cuts of a number
03:22 of old-school monster mashers can be spotted.
03:24 First up is one of the massive giant ants from 1954's Them, and that is ultimately
03:29 followed by the dino-critter from The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms later down the road.
03:33 Finally, there's the nod to the undisputed king of the megamonsters, Soz Godzilla, that
03:37 finds its way into the flick towards the closing stages as the helicopter holding Rob, Beth
03:42 and Hood crashes post-creature lunge.
03:44 Another aptly said Kong flicker is none other than the moment the beastly ape yanks a plane
03:48 out of the sky atop the Empire State Building, brilliantly alluding to the moment that preceded
03:53 it in this gripping alien-monster feature.
03:55 6.
03:56 Barry studies his own rescue – Zack Snyder's Justice League
03:59 Finding the time to pause and rewind scenes when taking in a film that comes in at a whopping
04:04 242 minutes takes some serious dedication and commitment, it has to be said.
04:09 And luckily for those DC diehards who simply cannot get enough of what Zack Snyder brought
04:13 in, a particularly passionate soul managed to hone in on one rather sudden and sharp
04:18 detail that likely went overlooked by those taking in the mammoth movie as a whole.
04:22 As picked up in a post on Reddit's "Always Intriguing Movie Details" page, when Barry
04:27 attempts to rapidly save a bunch of scientists from falling debris, Snyder managed to sneak
04:31 in a subtle flash – pun intended – of the superhero actually studying his own execution
04:36 of the rescue.
04:37 He's that damn fast.
04:39 Had the flash actually used this time to, you know, pull off said rescue though, perhaps
04:42 Cyborg wouldn't have had to step in late in the day to blast away the remaining rubble
04:46 that threatened to squish a poor civilian.
04:48 But then fans wouldn't have had this barely noticeable gag to chew on now, would they?
04:52 Yeah, not a waste of time at all.
04:54 5.
04:55 Metro Man's super speed on full display – Megamind
04:57 Sitting as one of the finest twists you'll find being committed to an animated caper
05:01 – or any big screen adventure for that matter – the reveal of Metro Man actually being
05:05 alive all along in the latter stages of Dreamworks' Megamind left more than a few jaws a-dropping.
05:11 Far from being an out-of-nowhere occurrence though, eagle-eyed fans managed to land on
05:14 the exact moment that Brad Pitt voiced Hero put his super speed plan into action.
05:19 When taken in the scene which depicts Metro Man and Megamind on two projections earlier
05:23 in the flick – with the former in an abandoned observatory and the latter in his lair – there's
05:28 a blink-and-you'll-miss-it beat that shows a flash from Metro Man's screen to Megamind's.
05:32 This is supposed to represent the sheer speed of the eventual rapid moments of reflection
05:36 that would pave the way for Music Man to become a thing, post-faking of the superhero's
05:41 death via nursing school skeleton prop.
05:43 It's honestly quick enough to completely overlook should you find yourself reaching
05:46 for a handful of popcorn at the wrong moment.
05:48 4.
05:49 Gaston's deathly gaze – Beauty and the Beast
05:51 It shouldn't exactly come as breaking news to hear of the various animators involved
05:55 in bringing numerous Disney animated classics to life, sneaking their fair share of in-jokes
06:00 and crude humour into supposed family flicks.
06:02 You filthy people! – but in the case of one freakishly fast frame in the closing stages
06:07 of Beauty and the Beast, the decision to add a subtle extra detail did actually imbue an
06:11 effective touch of darkness into the inevitable fate of the fiercely arrogant Gaston.
06:16 In the slippery moments following on from a sneaky knife attack on a beast who opts
06:20 to refrain from killing the vain villain, yet a rather sudden second of close-up on
06:24 Gaston's face as he falls past the imaginary camera would reveal a set of grim skulls in
06:29 his pupils, suggesting that the doomed hunter was set for an audience with the grim reaper
06:34 himself.
06:35 Sensing this to be too chilling a happening, despite it being as brief as noted, Disney
06:39 would pull the theatrical cut's skulls from eventual VHS and Laserdisc releases.
06:43 However, the barely noticeable beats still managed to wiggle back onto the scene in subsequent
06:48 DVD, Blu-ray and VOD offerings.
06:50 You just can't keep a good skull down.
06:52 3.
06:53 Shifu has a ball training Po, Kung Fu Panda
06:55 Sticking with the family-friendly animated sphere now?
06:58 And to a frame so wholesome you likely won't be able to keep yourself from grinning upon
07:01 discovering it?
07:02 You'll do a full Mel Gibson, after discovering how food could indeed motivate his new pupil
07:07 to fulfil his training.
07:08 The legendary Kung Fu wizard Shifu puts hapless Panda Po through his paces.
07:12 Taking advantage of the endless appetite of the martial artist in training, Shifu proceeds
07:16 to challenge his new apprentice whenever he attempts to seize a quick bite from under
07:20 his trainer's nose.
07:21 And in one of the few rare instances of the Dustin Hoffman voice critter clearly having
07:25 the time of his damn life making his panda protégé jump through hoops for him, just
07:29 as Po believes he's finally earned the right to chow down on a dumpling, Shifu darts across
07:34 camera and yanks the snack from his chopsticks.
07:36 A close examination of the hilarious happening reveals the sight of the red panda looking
07:40 right down the barrel in sheer delight, as he once again foils the unassuming Jack Black-voiced
07:45 hero.
07:46 Even strict Kung Fu kings can have a laugh from time to time, you know.
07:49 2.
07:50 Spider-Man utterly vaporises Venom - Spider-Man 3
07:52 Returning to Spider-Verse territory now, but to the live-action corner of Sony's web-slinging
07:57 universe.
07:58 And a moment involving the very vicious ending of one particularly vexing villain.
08:02 His name starts with a V, okay?
08:03 When it comes to most devilish antagonists on display in just about any superhero offering,
08:08 death is usually an act that can pretty much always be undone should the story demand it.
08:12 However, in the case of Eddie Brock's violent demise in the closing stages of Sam Raimi's
08:16 Spider-Man 3, one speedy frame suggests that this symbiote host may struggle more than
08:21 most to make his way back to the land of the living.
08:23 Upon Spider-Man unleashing a goblin bomb on Venom post-metal pole-bashing - and no, not
08:28 in a sexy way - a desperate Brock can be seen launching himself at the symbiote, only to
08:32 get caught in the subsequent explosion.
08:34 It's here when a rapid flash of a skeleton can be seen tumbling out of the carnage in
08:38 one solitary frame.
08:39 And that's the chaos of the situation, not the other symbiote.
08:42 And this all but confirms that Brock is most definitely not getting back up from this particular
08:46 blast.
08:47 Unless Raimi opted to return to his undead roots, of course.
08:50 1.
08:51 Tony Stark's arc reactor future - Iron Man
08:53 Acting as the foundation for what would eventually become a fruitful Marvel Cinematic Universe,
08:58 Tony Stark's forging of a makeshift arc reactor whilst being held captive by the Ten
09:02 Rings was actually alluded to a bit earlier than you likely remember.
09:06 During a sequence that sees the eventual Iron Man being water-tortured by the aforementioned
09:10 terrorist group, Stark finds himself experiencing a number of mental flashbacks.
09:15 Pepper Potts' voice in particular being heard in the torturing upon turning down the
09:19 group's demands for him to build a Jericho missile for them.
09:22 Alongside said Pepper soundbite, though, is an interesting single frame in the form of
09:26 the Stark Industries arc reactor powering Tony's factory at home.
09:30 Clearly pumped into the scene is a subtle sign of Tony's initial realisation of the
09:33 reactor being the solution to his newfound shrapnel issue.
09:36 It's a beat many didn't spot during the first few watches of the MCU Kickstarter.
09:41 Tony and Yinsen would proceed to forge the first flickers of Iron Man in the scenes that
09:44 would follow this blink-and-you'll-miss-it spark of an idea that would set the stage
09:48 for an entire cinematic empire.
09:50 Oh, how time flies.
09:52 And that's our list!
09:53 Know of any other movie secrets hidden in single frames?
09:56 Let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget
09:59 to like, share and go and click on that subscribe button while you're at it.
10:02 Also if you enjoy this kind of thing then head on over to WhatCulture.com and find some
10:06 more awesome articles just like the one this video you are watching this very moment is
10:10 based on.
10:11 I've been Gareth from WhatCulture.com, thank you as always for clicking on this video today
10:14 and hopefully I will see your faces very, very soon.
