Gardini: “CFI da sempre a fianco delle piccole imprese”

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Gardini: “Le sfide future che ci attendono riguardano lo sviluppo e la promozione della cooperazione, specie laddove c’è bisogno di rafforzare il lavoro. Non solo Workers buyout, ma anche sostegno alle imprese nelle transizioni ecologica, energetica e digitale. CFI vuole essere a fianco delle imprese piccole e piccolissime, ovvero quelle che riscontrano maggiori difficoltà su questo fronte. Il compito sussidiario tra Stato e centrali cooperative può portare risultati significativi”.


00:00What are the challenges of the future?
00:04The challenges of the future are also in the past.
00:09Continuing to be a development and promotion wing of cooperation,
00:15especially where there is a work that becomes more fragile,
00:21which must be strengthened, which must be replaced with its new originality,
00:28the worker buy-out, but also continuing all the processes of development of companies,
00:35continuing to support them on the transitions, on the ecological transition,
00:41on the energy transition and above all on the digital transition.
00:46These are very important challenges that require us in the cooperative movement
00:51and also through CFI, which is an operating tool,
00:55to be on the side of companies, especially the small ones and the very small ones.
01:01They are the ones that have more difficulty in approaching development,
01:05in approaching innovation, and therefore this subsidiary task,
01:11this integration between the State, between the MIMIT and the cooperative centers,
01:17can produce a very, very significant result.
