Kara Sevda - Capitulo 2 (en Español)

  • 4 months ago
Kara Sevda - Capitulo 2 (en Español)
00:09:40Ha, anladım.
00:09:42Neyse ya, seni de rahatsız ettim canım, gece gece.
00:09:45Kusura bakma, ne olur.
00:09:46Yoo, iyi ki aradın aslında.
00:09:49Hem sesini duymuş oldum, daha ne zamandan beri görüşmüyorduk.
00:09:52İstediğinde ara, görüşelim.
00:09:54Görüşelim, ama bak öyle geçiştirme, yakın zamanda görüşelim.
00:09:58Hem sen beni kendi berberine götürecektin, söylediğim öyle kaldı.
00:10:01Tamam canım, sen ne zaman istersen ara, görüşürüz, tamam?
00:10:04Yarın ben müsaitim aslında, sen de müsaitsen.
00:10:07Hem fotoğraf falan da çektirmem lazım, ajanstan istediler de.
00:10:11Ajansa yazıldım bu arada, yani yazılıyorum.
00:10:13Yarın buluşunca uzun uzun anlatırım hepsini sana, tamam mı?
00:10:16Kaçta uygun olursun sen?
00:10:18Olmadı beni okulun önünden alırsın sen, ha?
00:10:21Zeynep, eğer abin ararsa...
00:10:25Tamam, bu telefondan bahsetmek yok, söz.
00:10:29Sağ ol.
00:10:30Sağ ol.
00:11:01Afiyet olsun.
00:11:06Abim mi geldi Salih? Ne alaka lan?
00:11:15Evdeyken arama mesaj attıydım bin kere sana, değil mi?
00:11:17Abim geldi deyince heyecan yaptım kızım.
00:11:19Kemal mi geldi?
00:11:20Ay işte ben de sana onu soruyorum.
00:11:22Şimdi şey oldu da...
00:11:24Aman neyse işte ya.
00:11:26Ne yaptın? Bitti mi işin?
00:11:29Bitti, bitecek. Niye? Gezecek misin sanki?
00:11:32He, geleceğim, geleceğim.
00:11:34Diyeceğim evdekilere, Salih abim beni gezdirecekmiş diyeceğim.
00:11:37Abin gelsin yüz yüze konuştuktan sonra sen görürsün abiyi.
00:11:40Biz birbirimizi ne zamandır seviyoruz deyince her şey değişecek, görürsün.
00:11:44He, bekle dersin.
00:11:45Diyeceğim tabii.
00:11:47Ne zaman?
00:11:48Her şey değişecek, görürsün.
00:11:50Her şey değişecek, görürsün.
00:11:51He, bekle dersin.
00:11:52Diyeceğim tabii.
00:11:54Sevmiyor muyuz?
00:12:00Şşş, kime diyorum?
00:12:03Okul bitene kadar bir yüzük takarız diyeceğim.
00:12:06Bittikten sonra da evleniriz diyeceğim.
00:12:08Hele bir gelsin o abin, hele bir gelsin.
00:12:10Hı hı.
00:12:12Yarın geleceksin mi kiliseye?
00:12:14Yok be, üstüm sonra balık falan kokuyor.
00:12:17Çıkmıyor üstümden.
00:12:19Bak şimdi ya, Allah Allah.
00:12:21Beni çağıracağın da oralara, sen oradan çık da adam gibi gezdir beni.
00:12:24Normal insanlar gibi bir kafeye falan götür mesela.
00:12:27Külüstür de külüstür, başka bildiğin yok vallahi.
00:12:41İyi madem.
00:12:42O sevdiğin kafeye gideriz, oldu mu?
00:12:46İyi, tamam.
00:12:48Hadi bye.
00:12:58Yarın sabah caddeye gelirsin.
00:13:00Evin önünden alma beni, anlaştık mı?
00:13:02Peki efendim.
00:13:03Sağ olasın.
00:13:04İyi geceler.
00:13:05İyi geceler.
00:13:11Hikayeyi anlat, hikayeyi.
00:13:14Çok özlemişim seni.
00:13:15Niye geleceğini haber vermedin? Gel.
00:13:17Ani oldu biraz.
00:13:21Gece vakti denize girecek zamanı bulmuşsun ama.
00:13:28Onunla karşılaştın.
00:13:40Yine rüya gibi gerçek olması imkansız bir an.
00:13:44Karanlıkta Nihan'ın silüetini gördüm.
00:13:49O mu, değil mi, gerçek mi, hayal mi derken tam bir bilinç kaybı.
00:14:01Suyun altında eski yıllara bakar gibi bir baktım gözlerinin içine yeniden.
00:14:07Öfkemden, nefretimden tek bir dirhem bile eksilmemişim.
00:14:11Görmedi yani seni.
00:14:30Kocasıyla rakibi olacaksın.
00:14:32İntikam almaya döndün sen.
00:14:35Öfkenden, nefretinden bir gram bile eksilmemişti hani.
00:14:39Nefret de bir duygu.
00:14:41Hem de aşka en yakını derler, bilmiyorum.
00:14:43Öyle derler.
00:14:48Ne şimdi bu?
00:14:51Böyle dövme kazır gibi kazınıyor muymuş duygular?
00:14:54Sen Nihan'ı kalbinden söküp attığına emin misin?
00:15:02Birini mi bekliyor?
00:15:26Özür dilerim, benim buraya gelmemem gerekiyordu ama...
00:15:29Evet, Nihan. Niye geldin?
00:15:31Ne oldu sana Nihan?
00:15:32Yağmur mu yandın yoksa denize mi düştün gene?
00:15:36Çok saçma ama ikincisi.
00:15:43Ben bütün cesaretimi toplayıp size bir şey sormaya geldim.
00:15:49İçeri gir demek istemiyorum ama kurumam lazım. Hasta olacaksın.
00:15:52Aslında sıcak bir şeyler içsem iyi olur.
00:15:55O zaman gir içeri Nihan.
00:15:59Çok teşekkür ederim. Fazla zamanınızı almayacağım. Söz.
00:16:27Ben de buralardan geçiyordum.
00:16:30Konağın ışıklarını açık görünce bir hemen uğrayayım dedim.
00:16:34Nihan, ne soracaksan sor.
00:16:36İkimiz de biliyoruz öyle geçerken falan uğramadın.
00:16:43Kemal'i gördüm.
00:16:48Suyun altında.
00:16:52Alkolüsün sen değil mi birazcık?
00:16:56Azıcık da canın sıkkın.
00:16:58Evet. Emin değilim ama içimden bir ses Kemal'di diyor.
00:17:03Diyelim ki Kemal'di. Buraya niye geldin?
00:17:09Çünkü eğer Kemal döndüyse ilk buraya gelir diye düşündüm.
00:17:13Diyelim ki döndü.
00:17:16Döndü mü?
00:17:17Hayır canım. Fazla et ki döndü. Ne değişir hayatınızda?
00:17:24Her şey.
00:17:28Yani ben bununla baş edemem.
00:17:31Riske atamayacağım bir sürü şey var.
00:17:36En başta evliliğim.
00:17:43Zaten zar zor dengede tutuyorum yanına şeyi.
00:17:46Ben Kemal'le karşılaşma ihtimalimizi bile unutmuşum.
00:17:52Kafamı karıştırmasını istemiyorum.
00:17:58Sen şimdi koştura koştura bunun için mi geldin buraya?
00:18:03Kemal senin evliliğini yıkacak öyle mi?
00:18:07Durdu durdu, beş yıl sonra evliliğini yıkmaya karar verdi.
00:18:13Nihan, Kemal senin adını hatırlıyor mu acaba?
00:18:19Kemal dönmüş müymüş? Dönse bile sana ne?
00:18:24Ailesi burada. Gelir de gider de sana ne?
00:18:38Kemal'in dönmesiyle ben baş edemem. Sorun bende yani.
00:18:45Sizin de kafanızı şişirdim ne olur kusura bakmayın.
00:18:49Tamamen benim paranoyam bunlar.
00:18:55Şekerim senin aklın karışmış. Sen şimdi evine git.
00:18:59Güzel bir uyku çek, sabaha hiçbir şeyin kalmaz.
00:19:02Nihan, Kemal'in hayatını kontrol edemezsin.
00:19:07Ama kendi hayatını kontrol edebilirsin.
00:19:10Sizin hayatınızda hiçbir değişiklik olmayacak. Tamam mı? Hiç.
00:19:29Sen kesin dönmüş mü yaptın buraya?
00:19:36Neydi şimdi bu? Ne anladın sen bunu da?
00:19:39Söyledi işte.
00:19:41Rahatının bozulmasını istemiyor.
00:19:44O zaman da zaten rahatı bozulmasın diye terk etmişti beni.
00:21:00Ne oldu bu gece?
00:21:02Neyi merak ettin anlamadım Emir.
00:21:05Seni merak ediyorum sevgilim, karımı merak ediyorum.
00:21:07Yarın sabah gazetelerden mi okuyayım yoksa denize düştüğünü?
00:21:10Ayağım kaydı.
00:21:12Ben de beni kıskanıp intihara teşebbüs ettiğini zannetmiştim.
00:21:15Yazık yine sebep bendeymişim görüyor musun?
00:21:17Emir ne söyleyeceksen çabuk söyle. Bir an önce duşunu kıyamak istiyorum.
00:21:21Niye benden bu kadar nefret ediyorsun?
00:21:26Beş yıl oldu Nihan.
00:21:28Beş yıldır sadece bekliyorum. Beni sevmeni bekliyorum.
00:21:32Nuri bırakır mısın?
00:21:33Beş yıldır bu evlilik ne zaman gerçek bir evlilik olacak diye bekliyorum.
00:21:38Emir ben bu evliliğe mahkumum. Bundan başka hiçbir şey bekleme benden.
00:21:42Ben de sana mahkumum. Deli gibi tutkuluyorum sana.
00:21:44Emir bırakır mısın beni?
00:21:46Ben sadece seni istedim. Bir fırsat çıktı karşıma ben de kullandım.
00:21:50Ama seni ben mahkum etmedim.
00:21:52Sen beni kardeşimle tehdit ettin.
00:21:54Annenle baban bu seçeneği tercih ettiler sevgilim.
00:21:58Onlar oğullarını hapse yollamak istemediler.
00:22:01Seni kurban ettiler. Seni bana sattılar.
00:22:03Allah belanı versin.
00:22:05Git buradan Emir git.
00:22:07Ben hiç değişmedim.
00:22:11Hep aynı adamım. İstikrarlı bir şekilde.
00:22:13Seni sevdim. Seninle evlenmek istedim.
00:22:15Kararını sen değiştirdin.
00:22:17Önce beni istemedin sonra sebep ne olursa olsun benimle evlenmek için can attın.
00:22:22Bizim istersen durumu hemen değiştirebiliriz. Hemen hemen hemen.
00:22:25Ozan gider suçunu itiraf eder. Cezasını çeker.
00:22:28Herkese sonuçlarına katlanır. Ne diyorsun?
00:22:30Cevap ver.
00:22:31Emir tamam bırak beni. Tamam bırak.
00:22:34Şu andan itibaren bütün şartları değiştiriyorum.
00:22:37Bu evlilik bir soytarılık olmaktan çıkıyor.
00:22:39Yani 5. evlilik yıl dönümünüzde itibaren gerçekten benim karım olacaksın.
00:23:14Anne kota elbisem nerede benim?
00:23:16Kız sen bağırttırmadan kalkar mıydın?
00:23:19Ya elbisem nerede?
00:23:21Nereye attınsa oradadır.
00:23:24Git ütüleneceklerin içine bak.
00:23:26Bana bak öyle hemen giyme. Bir ütü bastı öyle giy.
00:23:34Aaa! Ay inanmıyorum.
00:23:36Kız ne yaptın? Allah tependen bakmasın.
00:23:39Sus kız sus. Kaldırdın bütün mahalleyi ayağa.
00:23:42Kalksınlar bana ne ya? Abim gelmiş.
00:23:48Oğlum mu gelmiş beni?
00:23:51Hoş geldin.
00:23:54Hoş geldin oğlum.
00:23:55Kemal beyler gelmişler. Sen buranın yolunu bilir miydin ya?
00:24:00Hoş geldin.
00:24:01Demek doğruymuş.
00:24:03Hoş bulduk abi. İyi misin?
00:24:04İyiyim iyiyim.
00:24:05Sen de iyisin.
00:24:07Özlediniz mi kardeşinizi?
00:24:08Çok özledik tabii ya.
00:24:09Çok çok.
00:24:11Bak abim gelince hemen içeri girdin değil mi?
00:24:14Anacığım hiç öyle boşu boşuna ağlama.
00:24:16Sen özlememişsin beni. Unutmuşsun bir de.
00:24:18Aa o nasıl laf öyle oğlum? Olur mu öyle şey?
00:24:21Evet. Baksana nerede yatağım? Ütü odasına çevirmişsin.
00:24:24Sildiler oğlum bunlar seni.
00:24:26Senden umudu kesti kadın ne yapsın.
00:24:28Aslan oğlum.
00:24:30Hoş geldin.
00:24:31Hoş bulduk.
00:24:33Ne dedim ben sana? Oğlan gelecek demedim mi?
00:24:36Dedin dedin. Geldi işte.
00:24:38Sen kendine dikkat etmiyor musun? Süzülmüşsün biraz.
00:24:41Annem beni kalbe dost otlarla besliyor ya ondandır.
00:24:45Tabii tabii tabii.
00:24:47Ayol pişiriyorum koyuyorum önüne yiyor. Ne süzülmesi sen bakma ona.
00:24:51Zeynep hadi koş sucuk al.
00:24:53Fırına git simit al, ekmek al. Bir şeyler al. Sofrayı donatalım.
00:24:57Bakkala al gittin sen buraya.
00:24:58Oğlum geldi komşular bayramım var komşular.
00:25:01Oğlum burada.
00:25:02Hadi hadi.
00:25:04Aradığınız numaraya şu an ulaşılamıyor.
00:25:34Bendir alır mısın?
00:26:00Sağ ol tatlım.
00:26:21Ama bana böyle bir paket yetmez.
00:26:23Senin bana koliyi getirmen lazım.
00:26:27Ne zaman?
00:26:44Beş yıl önce.
00:26:48Ne oldu?
00:26:51Ben doğduğumdan beri ağlıyorsun.
00:27:01Keşke o kadar kolay olsaydı.
00:27:09İşte bak böyle oluyor.
00:27:15Gözlerimden döküldü.
00:27:20Ama mecburdum.
00:27:26Başka çare yoktu.
00:27:31Aslında bilse kardeşim için yaptı.
00:27:39Söyleyemem ki.
00:27:41O zaman sen daha çok ağlasın.
00:28:12Ozan kahvaltısını etti mi?
00:28:20İlacı verildi mi?
00:28:21Biraz daha uyumak istediğini söyledi.
00:28:24İlaç saati geçmemeli.
00:28:25Peki efendim.
00:28:42Niye böyle bir şeye fırsat veriyorlar anlamıyorum ki.
00:28:45Nihan partiden erken ayrılmış.
00:28:47Gazetecilerin ağzına laf vermiş.
00:28:49Hiç laf dinlemiyor bu kız.
00:28:51Asıl Emre niye böyle şeylere dikkat etmiyor?
00:28:53Madem böyle bir saçmalığın haberi çıkıyor da...
00:28:55...niçin karısını yalnız bırakıyor?
00:28:57Hayatım, Nihan umursamıyor.
00:28:59Nihan'ın karısını yalnız bırakıyor.
00:29:01Nihan'ın karısını yalnız bırakmıyor.
00:29:03Nihan'ın karısını yalnız bırakmıyor.
00:29:05Nihan'ın karısını yalnız bırakmıyor.
00:29:07Nihan'ın karısını yalnız bırakmıyor.
00:29:09Hayatım, Nihan umursamıyor.
00:29:11Tamam, yani bu haberlerin yalan olduğunu biliyor.
00:29:15Ama yine de kocasının yanından ayrılmaması lazım.
00:29:17Melda, bu kız mutsuz.
00:29:19Yüzünün her kıvrımından belli oluyor ki...
00:29:21Önder, sen ne diyorsun Allah aşkına?
00:29:23Onlar beşinci evlilik yıl ömrünü nasıl kutlayacaklarını konuşuyorlar.
00:29:27Ayrıca kız kocasına ne hediye alacağını planlıyor.
00:29:29Sadece yorgun.
00:29:33Bana bak, böyle mutsuz mutsuz deyip de herkese huzursuz etme.
00:29:36Ben sadece gazetede yazanlara kızıyorum o kadar.
00:29:39Günaydın, ne oluyor?
00:29:41Günaydın, yapışın lütfen.
00:29:44Günaydın oğlum.
00:29:51Ortalıkta dolaşmasın bu saçmalıklar.
00:29:53Sabah sabah moralimiz bozulmasın.
00:29:55Ne yazıyor yine ya?
00:29:56Aman aptallık işte.
00:29:58Günaydın kızım.
00:30:00Nasılsın babacığım?
00:30:02İyiyim, güzelim.
00:30:03Babacığım, o kadar çok terliyim ki.
00:30:05Çevreye verdiğim rahatsızlıktan ötürü özür dilerim.
00:30:10Bir şeyler yediniz mi?
00:30:12Hayır, seni bekledik.
00:30:13Tamam, ben de hemen üstümü değiştirip geliyorum.
00:30:17Nihan, Emir nerede? Galip de geliyordur.
00:30:20Evet, biliyorum baba.
00:30:27Gördün mü? Hiçbir sorun yok. Kız gayet rahat.
00:30:34Kaldır şunları ortalıktan.
00:31:09Büyük bir ihale.
00:31:11Şirketin tam yetkisi olarak ben geldim.
00:31:13Maşallah benim oğluma.
00:31:15Aferin oğlum be.
00:31:17Hakkı Bey'e kalsa ceketini alıp çıkacak.
00:31:19O derece bana bıraktı şirketi.
00:31:21Bravo sana.
00:31:25Benim ki mi?
00:31:26Evet, evet.
00:31:31Alo, Sema?
00:31:32Ben de ne yapayım işte. Mahcup olmamak için çok çalışıyorum.
00:31:35Çalışacaksın tabii oğlum.
00:31:38Böyle fırsat kaçmaz herhalde.
00:31:40Allah mahcup etmesin oğlum.
00:31:43Uygun değilsin galiba.
00:31:45Evet. Şey, kahvaltı edip çıkacağım. Ona haber verecektim.
00:31:51Hadi bakalım, bunları soğutmayalım. Hadi sofraya, çabuk.
00:31:56Tamam. Bir saate kadar okulda görüşelim, olur mu?
00:32:02Seni okuldan mı alayım, onu mu demek istiyorsun?
00:32:05Evet. Tamam. Hadi öpüyorum çok. Görüşürüz Sema'cığım.
00:32:13Ben bırakırım okul hazır.
00:32:27Hadi oturun.
00:32:31Kaldır onu.
00:32:33Oğlum, bak yumurtanı ayrı tabağa koydum. Sen öyle karıştırmayı pek sevmezsin.
00:32:38İyi bari onu unutmamışsın anne.
00:32:46Ya bu kız da kafasını taşlara vuruyordur şimdi ya. Mundar oldu vallahi, değil mi?
00:32:54Bırak şimdi sabah sabah ağzımızın tadını kaçırmak. Allah bizi korudu onlardan.
00:32:58Haklısın anacığım. Maymun işlahlı bunlar, ne biçim yaşıyorlar öyle ya.
00:33:02Herkes yerinde hayatında mutlu olsun.
00:33:04İsterseniz uzun uzun bu aileyi konuşalım ha?
00:33:07Aman Hüseyin, bizden uzak, cehenneme direk.
00:33:11Aslında ben...
00:33:12Allah bir daha oğluma onların yüzünü göstermesin inşallah. Karşılarına çıkartmasın.
00:33:17Amin, amin, amin. Herkes kendi hayatında mutlu olsun. Bu konuda kapansın, ağız tadıyla bir kahvaltı yapalım.
00:33:28Oğlum, soğutma. Bir yandan da kahvaltını et, hadi.
00:33:31Tamam, hadi.
00:33:32Telefonu susmaz artık bunun. İş adamı olmak böyle bir şey demek ki, değil mi?
00:33:37Kemal Bey, günaydın. Küçük bir değişiklik oldu programda, onu haber verecektim.
00:33:41Emir Bey bugün akşam üstü buluşacak sizinle.
00:33:43Öyle mi?
00:33:44Doğrudur. Kulüpte, saat beşte.
00:33:52Başka bir yer olmaz mı? Yani ne bileyim şimdi, orası benim çok kasacak.
00:33:55Ya ama neden? Ozan özellikle orayı istedi. Çok sever orayı.
00:34:01Tamamdır. Saat beşte olacak.
00:34:03Teşekkürler, Kemal Bey.
00:34:11Hakkı Alacağı'nın Zonguldak kilimlerindeki madeninde mühendismiş.
00:34:15Doğrudur. Başka da bir geçmiş yok.
00:34:17Madendeki o büyük kazadan sonra Hakkı Alacağı'nın ortağı oldu efendim. Madenin işletmesi de şu anda kendisinde.
00:34:23Beş yıllık mühendis. Tıfıl işletmeci.
00:34:27Sen bu adamla mı başa çıkmayı beceremedin?
00:34:30Yazıklar olsun sana. Dosyası bile üç gram mı? Adam bile değil, adamcı poder.
00:34:41Beşe kadar bolca vaktimiz olacak. Rahat rahat ön toplantıyı yaparız. Evet, teşekkürler.
00:34:47Bak bak, nasıl da patron patron konuşuyor.
00:34:51Patron zaten, nasıl konuşacak?
00:34:53Ya şöyle beni bir rahat rahat bıraksanız da şu yumurtamı bir yesem.
00:34:56Ye benim aslan oğlum.
00:35:02Oğlum, Allah razı olsun senden. Sayende başımız sokacak bir evimiz oldu. Allah tuttuğunu altın etsin inşallah.
00:35:10Estağfurullah anne.
00:35:11He valla. Sen bu evde bir şey tut, altın oluyor zaten kardeşim.
00:35:15Bak minnacık gecek onda iki dakikada malikane oldu bize ya.
00:35:18İnşallah malikane de olur. Ben anneme söyledim daha büyük bir eve çıkın diye.
00:35:22Ya daha ne büyük evi oğlum? Burası bize malikane.
00:35:26Oğlum, yıllarca kira ödemekten anamız ağladı. Baksana kendi evimizin keyfini sürüyoruz. Sayende.
00:35:34Estağfurullah baba.
00:35:35Buna sayende yani. Allah daha çok versin.
00:35:39Oğlum, kıy bakayım azıcık şunlardan.
00:35:41Kıyıyorum anne.
00:35:42Hemen gitmeyeceksin değil mi?
00:35:45Evet, bir iki işim var. Onları halledeyim, döneceğim.
00:35:47Yapma ya.
00:35:48Ya hanım, sıkboğaz etme sabahtan beri ne zaman döneceksin, ne zaman döneceksin diye.
00:35:53Aşk olsun Hüseyin. Ben öyle mi dedim?
00:35:56Nasıl orada durumlar? Var mı güzel kız falan?
00:36:00Yerin altında da ne kadar güzel kız vardır değil mi abi?
00:36:03Şey vardı hani, Hakkı Bey. Onun yeğeni vardı diyordunuz.
00:36:08O kızla aynı işte çalışıyorsunuz değil mi?
00:36:11Fehime Hanım, buradan size hiç malzeme falan çıkmaz söyleyeyim.
00:36:14Hasu benim arkadaşım.
00:36:15Nasıl benim arkadaşım?
00:36:16Öyle, hemen arkadaşım deyip kestirip atma bakalım.
00:36:18Ama öyle.
00:36:20Annem senden çoktan iki torun sahibi oldu bile yani.
00:36:23Çoktan geçtik evliliği falan.
00:36:26Ben evlenmeyi falan düşünmüyorum. Haberiniz olsun da.
00:36:30Nedenmiş o? Beş sene öncesinde takılık alıp orada mı yaşayacaksın?
00:36:35Bana bak, her karşıda çıkan o kız gibi seni üzmez.
00:36:38Şımarığın tekiydi o, yalancıydı. Unut artık.
00:36:42Çoktan unuttum anne.
00:36:45Unutmamışsın. Bak, evlenmeyeceğim falan diyorsun. Bitti diyorsun.
00:36:50Fehime, yeter artık ya.
00:36:51Bir sağdan bir soldan rahat bırakın biraz çocuğu.
00:36:54Ondan sonra da niye bu kadar az kalıyorsun diye soruyorsunuz.
00:36:57Böyle yaparsan kalır mı tabi? Bir rahat bırak çocuğu ya, gözünü seveyim.
00:37:02Sen bakma annene, konuşuyor işte.
00:37:04Ben iyiyim, merak etmeyin.
00:37:06Hadi ye bakayım azıcık, çok zayıflamışsın.
00:37:08Şu helvadan ye, helvadan.
00:37:11Aslında Emre baş başa Paris'de geçirelim yıldönümümüzü diyorum ama dinletemiyorum.
00:37:16Hep birlikte kutlamak daha anlamlı hayatım.
00:37:18Üstelik bu yıldönümü ikimiz için de çok önemli.
00:37:21Bebek mi yapmaya karar verdiniz yoksa?
00:37:25Sizlere sormadan, böyle şey mi olur?
00:37:29Ama Nihan'ı şahane bir anne olacağını ikna ettim sonunda.
00:37:37Nihan, hamile misin yoksa?
00:37:39Yok anneciğim, biz şimdilik Emre'yle birbirimize yetiyoruz.
00:37:45Yetmiyorsunuz, belli ki. Böyle ailecek bir aradasınız.
00:37:52İki kişilik bir dünyamız olamadı, doğru babacığım.
00:37:54Ama kalabalıklar içinde kaybolmaya çalışıyorum.
00:37:57Nihan bu evi çok seviyor. Bebelerin de kalabalık aile içine doğması şahane olacak.
00:38:04Nihan, ister misin ikisi olsun?
00:38:06Bana bak, eğer hamileysen ve benden saklıyorsan...
00:38:09Anne, hamile falan değilim.
00:38:16Daha fazla beklemek istemiyoruz küçük hanım.
00:38:21Demek istiyor yani anne.
00:38:23Hem sonra Emre'nin de kendinden sonra güvenebileceği bir oğla ihtiyacı var.
00:38:29Hatta iki tane oğla ihtiyacı var.
00:38:37Ozan, ne oldu, ne düşünüyorsun?
00:38:40Size ne hediye alsam diye düşünüyorum.
00:38:43Hayatımı borçluyum bu evliliğe. Ne alsam az gelir.
00:38:51Esas biz sana borçluyuz.
00:38:54Bu evliliği, bu mutluluğu, değil mi?
00:39:01Ozan, bugün piste mi gitsek, bir yarışsak?
00:39:03Zorlasam, sene ne zamandır yapmadık.
00:39:08Bu bir mesaj mı Ozan, sence?
00:39:10Yeni bir yarış arabası mı almak istiyor acaba senden Emir?
00:39:14İnşallah öyle değildir.
00:39:20E hadi, benim atölyeye gitmem lazım.
00:39:23Sizin de işiniz gücünüz vardır herhalde diye düşünüyorum.
00:39:26Doğru söylüyorsun kızım.
00:39:28Garipciğim, bir on dakika vaktim var mı, konuşalım mı?
00:39:36Ne olur arabaya binme, yarışma lütfen.
00:39:38Yeter anne ya, kontrollü bir piste orası.
00:39:42Ben varım yanında, ona hiçbir şey olmaz.
00:39:47Kolay gelsin.
00:39:48Sana da.
00:39:55Hayırdır Dünür?
00:39:56Hoşuna gidiyor, değil mi?
00:39:57Hem de nasıl.
00:39:59Ya ne istiyorsun, anlamıyorum ki.
00:40:01Bak, çocuklarımız mutlu, biz neşeliyiz, sağlıklıyız.
00:40:05Sen gerçekten inanıyor musun çocukların mutlu olduğuna?
00:40:10Neydiği bilinmez, kendini bilmez.
00:40:12Birinin çıkardığı bir asparagus.
00:40:16Emir, Nihan'ı üzüyor Galip.
00:40:20Anladın mı?
00:40:22Emir, Nihan'ı üzüyor Galip.
00:40:26Anlıyorum ben.
00:40:28Hiçbir zaman ara vermedi bu hovardalık turlarına.
00:40:30Erkek adamın arada bir kafası karışır.
00:40:32Önemli olan karısına dönmesi.
00:40:38Benim çocuğum millete göre yaşamayacak Önder.
00:40:40Millet benim çocuğuma göre yaşayacak.
00:40:43Hepiniz, herkes.
00:40:45Bu çocukların evliliğine de gölge düşürmeyin.
00:40:48Damadına azıcık sahip çık.
00:40:50Şu anda elinizde, avucunuzda ne varsa.
00:40:52Hatta bu evi bile ona borçlusunuz.
00:40:57Ona göre davran.
00:41:14Vay, vay, vay.
00:41:15Baba, oğlum voley vurmuş.
00:41:18Şşt, ayıp.
00:41:21Bu bizim mi şimdi?
00:41:22He, bizim.
00:41:23Sana aldık.
00:41:24Kemal'in kızım, Kemal'in.
00:41:31Günaydın efendim.
00:41:32Efendim dedi ya.
00:41:34Ha, sana dedi.
00:41:35Mesut, yukarıda buluşacaktık.
00:41:36Neden buraya geldin?
00:41:37Kusura bakmayın, sokağın başında dediniz sandım.
00:41:42Tamam, önemli değil.
00:41:44Hadi atlayın, bırakayım.
00:41:46Sen nereye Tarık?
00:41:47Makam arabasıyla dükkana mı gideceğiz?
00:41:50Ayıp olur oğlum, havalandı derler.
00:41:52Lüzumu yok, yürü.
00:41:55Sana kolay gelsin oğlum.
00:41:56Hayırlı toplantılar.
00:41:58Sağ ol oğlum.
00:42:04Kolay gelsin.
00:42:18Ağzına siktir.
00:42:30Ne oluyor lan?
00:42:36Çok güzel ya.
00:42:37Abi, keşke senin olsaydın.
00:42:47Is that Sema?
00:42:57Mesut, stop!
00:43:04Kemal! My brother!
00:43:07My brother!
00:43:10Are you okay?
00:43:11I'm fine, I'm fine. You really came.
00:43:13I was thinking you'd call me if I came.
00:43:15I just came. I came at night. How did you know?
00:43:21I felt it, man. I felt it. I knew you'd come back.
00:43:24I finally came back to your neighborhood. That's what I'm saying.
00:43:26No, brother.
00:43:28How is it?
00:43:29I have a couple of things to take care of. I'll be back.
00:43:32It didn't work out.
00:43:35Okay, man. Okay. What's wrong with you?
00:43:37We'll miss you. Don't worry.
00:43:39I'll take care of my things today. I'll be back in an hour.
00:43:41Don't come.
00:43:42Thanks to you, we have a boat.
00:43:44Come and see how your brother runs his shop.
00:43:51I'll be back.
00:43:52I'll drop Zeynep at school and take care of things. I'll be back, okay?
00:43:55We'll talk for a long time. I'm waiting.
00:44:13You're going to have a mansion or something soon.
00:44:15Like Nihan's sisters, huh?
00:44:21I'm reading you.
00:44:22I was wondering, honey.
00:44:24Did you have a meeting or something?
00:44:26You came late at night.
00:44:30Fehime's daughter.
00:44:32Did you go somewhere?
00:44:35No, I didn't go anywhere.
00:44:37I just came.
00:44:40Did you go somewhere?
00:44:44Why are you asking?
00:44:50Nihan called me last night.
00:44:56I swear I didn't call.
00:44:58How can I call you?
00:44:59Are you still seeing each other?
00:45:01I swear we don't see each other.
00:45:04He called me last night.
00:45:07He said your brother came to me.
00:45:09I said no.
00:45:17Aren't you going to ask anything?
00:45:18What did he say?
00:45:19Why did he call?
00:45:20I won't ask, Zeynep.
00:45:21But I'm going to ask you something.
00:45:23You're not going to tell me I'm here.
00:45:28Can I get off right now?
00:45:33Nihan won't know I'm here.
00:45:37Promise me.
00:45:40Okay, honey.
00:45:41I promise.
00:45:46See you later.
00:46:08Did I keep you waiting?
00:46:10No, I just got here.
00:46:12Come on.
00:46:38I love you.
00:46:39I love you.
00:46:40I love you.
00:46:41I love you.
00:46:42I love you.
00:46:43I love you.
00:46:44I love you.
00:46:45I love you.
00:46:46I love you.
00:46:47I love you.
00:46:48I love you.
00:46:49I love you.
00:46:50I love you.
00:46:51I love you.
00:46:52I love you.
00:46:53I love you.
00:46:54I love you.
00:46:55I love you.
00:46:56I love you.
00:46:57I love you.
00:46:58I love you.
00:46:59I love you.
00:47:00I love you.
00:47:01I love you.
00:47:02I love you.
00:47:03I love you.
00:47:04I love you.
00:47:05I love you.
00:47:06I love you.
00:47:07I love you.
00:47:08I love you.
00:47:13It is not necessary to open my gate every time.
00:47:15I have access, too.
00:47:18But I am still doing my job.
00:47:22Now, we're going to my favorite place.
00:47:25The club.
00:47:36I won! I won!
00:48:05Don't do anything stupid, I'll beat you with my wrist!
00:48:07If you're going to think like that, what happened? Did you have fun?
00:48:11A lot!
00:48:12Sir, we have to be at the club at 5 o'clock.
00:48:14Why? For the tiffin engineer? Let him wait, shoot.
00:48:27Thank you.
00:48:28You're welcome.
00:48:29It was great. I'll go and take a picture today.
00:48:36Thank you, Nihan.
00:48:38You're welcome.
00:48:39Don't go to stupid places.
00:48:42Give me the pictures after you take them and I'll send them to my friend.
00:48:47So you're going to give the pictures to the owner of the agency, right?
00:48:54Do you really want this happiness to end?
00:48:56Yes, really.
00:48:57This is beautiful. I mean, I'm being discovered.
00:49:05What happened?
00:49:09So, what are we doing?
00:49:11I don't know. Whatever you want.
00:49:14I've missed you so much, Nihan. So much.
00:49:16But you're neglecting me.
00:49:18We've been talking for a long time.
00:49:21Then we can't see each other.
00:49:22Besides, if we didn't talk yesterday, maybe we wouldn't see each other today.
00:49:25You know, Zeynep.
00:49:27Seeing you is not just seeing you.
00:49:30My past is hanging over me.
00:49:40Well, then I'll go to the bathroom.
00:49:43Then we'll get up, okay?
00:49:45Okay. I'm in the safe.
00:49:47Okay, don't bother. I'm here, Ms. Nihan.
00:49:49Thank you.
00:50:32Mesut, don't let your guard down. Keep going straight.
00:50:47Be quiet.
00:50:56I'm ready.
00:51:08I guess you didn't hear me.
00:51:10What are you doing? I'll come and pick you up after the meeting.
00:51:13When will school be over?
00:51:15No, brother. I'll come home.
00:51:18Sorry, I can't talk right now. I'm in the bathroom.
00:51:21Okay, okay.
00:51:22See you at home.
00:51:31What did you do, Ms. Nihan?
00:51:56I'm sorry, sir. I can't let you in.
00:51:58Ms. Nihan has canceled her reservation.
00:52:13Have a nice day, sir.
00:52:14Thank you.
00:52:17I'm sorry, sir. I can't let you in.
00:52:20I'm in the bathroom.
00:52:22Okay, thank you.
00:52:24Have a nice day, sir.
00:52:25Thank you.
00:52:26Do you have a reservation?
00:52:28In Kemalsoy.
00:52:32I'm a guest of Emir Kozcuoglu.
00:52:33Here you go, sir.
00:52:49Here you go.
00:52:51I guess Mr. Emir hasn't come yet.
00:52:52He hasn't come yet.
00:53:00What can I serve you while waiting?
00:53:02Thank you. I didn't ask for anything.
00:53:13Your guest is here, sir.
00:53:16Is he here?
00:53:17He's here.
00:53:19Wait a minute.
00:53:22He's here.
00:53:30Ms. Nihan, I swear I didn't lie.
00:53:33I didn't know when I was talking to you.
00:53:36We found out later that you were at home.
00:53:40Did you tell him that I called and asked?
00:53:45You told him.
00:53:47Ms. Nihan, I swear I'm telling the truth.
00:53:49I didn't tell him.
00:53:50If I tell him, he'll be mad at me.
00:53:53Believe me, please.
00:53:55Okay, honey.
00:53:56See you later, okay?
00:53:57I'm sorry.
00:54:00Ms. Nihan is so...
00:54:18Welcome, Mr. Emir.
00:54:20Thank you.
00:54:25Mr. Emir is here.
00:54:26Let's go.
00:54:35Mr. Kemal.
00:54:36What is this?
00:54:38Where's my wine?
00:54:39Sir, it's out of stock.
00:54:41We'll get it tomorrow.
00:54:42So you're telling me not to come here again.
00:54:44Oh, sir.
00:54:45How can you say that?
00:54:46I'm sorry.
00:54:47It was on the computer.
00:54:51Tell me.
00:54:53How's life in Taşra?
00:54:56I want to get to know that place.
00:54:58But briefly.
00:54:59It's not possible to tell Taşra briefly.
00:55:01You really have to get to know that place.
00:55:03Is that so?
00:55:04You can't get to know it by looking at it from a distance.
00:55:08But if I still have to tell you briefly,
00:55:12it's where the lowly people live.
00:55:15You exist.
00:55:21The most precious thing in Taşra is time.
00:55:26Everything has a time.
00:55:28And you have to follow that time.
00:55:33But no matter how you look at it,
00:55:36I don't see anything like that about you.
00:55:43I gave you some time because of this meeting.
00:55:46But you use that time to make me wait.
00:55:51See you at the tender.
00:56:05We'll wait again, sir.
00:56:48No, no, no.
00:56:53Ms. Niyan
00:56:55I hope you don't mind what's written in the newspaper.
00:56:57I mean, it's all lies, it's all fabricated.
00:57:00Please don't let them bother you.
00:57:03I don't hear anything.
00:57:05I don't see.
00:57:07Take care of yourself.
00:57:18What does this guy think of himself?
00:57:20Who the hell are you?
00:57:22Who are you?
00:57:25Something really bad happened, Demir.
00:57:26I ran into Ms. Niyan.
00:57:28Ms. Niyan.
00:57:30She yelled at me, called me, insulted me.
00:57:32Come on.
00:57:33Don't ask, Emir. I'm so angry.
00:57:35She insulted you?
00:57:36I was talking to the people who wrote to me, saying I don't know anything.
00:57:39She walked over me.
00:57:40She yelled at me, called me.
00:57:41She passed out.
00:57:42I mean, please put an end to this situation.
00:57:45If you're going to get a divorce, get a divorce as soon as possible.
00:57:47I mean, get a divorce as soon as possible.
00:57:49I mean, I can't stand such a thing anymore.
00:57:51On the one hand, the press, on the other hand, the wife.
00:57:53She was jealous of you.
00:57:54My hands and feet are shaking.
00:57:59Then we'll do this.
00:58:00You're coming to the invitation.
00:58:03To our wedding anniversary party.
00:58:08We're inviting our closest ones.
00:58:10You're my closest.
00:58:12You're really crazy.
00:58:16Niyan was really jealous of me.
00:58:18She was jealous.
00:58:32Zeynep, how are you?
00:58:33I'm fine. How are you?
00:58:34I'm fine, but I promised you.
00:58:37We were going to the cafe.
00:58:39I can't take you.
00:58:41My brother is coming. I'm in the middle of something.
00:58:45It's okay. I went there today.
00:58:49Who did you go with?
00:58:50When did you go, girl?
00:58:51I went to school with my friends.
00:58:54Anyway, I have to hang up now.
00:58:56I'm going to the stage. It's crowded.
00:58:59Come on, bye.
00:59:04Are we ready?
00:59:05I'm ready.
00:59:20Yes, Yasemin.
00:59:22Where are you, honey?
00:59:23Will you come to the studio today?
00:59:26I'm on my way.
00:59:28Why is your voice bad? What happened?
00:59:33Kemal is dead, too.
00:59:35Which Kemal?
00:59:40I lost my voice as soon as I heard his voice.
00:59:43I must be deaf.
00:59:45I'm frozen with salt.
00:59:46Thank you, Nihat.
00:59:48Don't say that.
00:59:49But it is.
00:59:50Is it worth confusing your mind?
00:59:52Don't answer.
00:59:53Come to your senses, girl.
00:59:54It's all in the past.
00:59:56Whatever you decided then, it was right.
00:59:59Now, you saw Emir.
01:00:00It's stuck in your mind in the newspaper.
01:00:02I know you.
01:00:04Look at him.
01:00:05He just found time to come back.
01:00:07Look, Nihat.
01:00:08You have a husband who loves you like crazy.
01:00:10You know that, too.
01:00:11If Emir suspects anything,
01:00:13he will find that boy.
01:00:15He will find Kemal and kill him.
01:00:19Kemal doesn't know, does he?
01:00:22Don't, Nihat.
01:00:23Please, don't.
01:00:24Come on, pull yourself together.
01:00:26Forget Kemal.
01:00:27Do you hear me?
01:00:37Wow, wow, wow.
01:00:43Look, look, look.
01:00:44Look at the artist.
01:00:47Okay, son.
01:00:48Don't make him regret.
01:00:49I guess we don't go around Grand Toilette without stopping.
01:00:52We had a meeting.
01:00:53We got dressed.
01:00:55I'm hanging out, son.
01:00:56Oh, my God.
01:00:58So, tell me.
01:01:01I'm hanging out.
01:01:02I'm hanging out.
01:01:03I'm hanging out.
01:01:04I'm hanging out.
01:01:05I'm hanging out.
01:01:07You're a big boss now.
01:01:08Can't you just leave me alone?
01:01:12It's all up to us.
01:01:37Isn't there a good fortune like this, son?
01:01:40Shouldn't we get you married now?
01:01:42No, brother.
01:01:44I'll get you married first.
01:01:58Look at that.
01:02:00Isn't there anything?
01:02:03Actually, I was going to talk to you about this.
01:02:06I'm sorry.
01:02:14Is there anything?
01:02:16Look at me.
01:02:17We talked on the phone so much.
01:02:18Why don't you tell me?
01:02:21It's not something to talk on the phone.
01:02:24I wanted to talk to you face to face.
01:02:25From Yenikoy, right?
01:02:27I'm from the neighborhood.
01:02:28Do we know each other?
01:02:33I'm telling you.
01:02:34Why are you sweating?
01:02:35What happened?
01:02:38What happened?
01:02:40Actually, there's nothing.
01:02:43I'm doing it myself.
01:02:49What's going on?
01:02:54Should I make tea?
01:03:37What happened? The doors are open.
01:03:39I walked a little.
01:03:49You take it.
01:04:05You take it.
01:04:25Are you bored today?
01:04:27I guess you met Banu.
01:04:30Emir, please don't start again.
01:04:32I'm tired.
01:04:34Okay, I didn't start.
01:04:50I'll go, brother.
01:04:54I don't know the number.
01:04:55I'll call my mother.
01:04:56Okay, brother.
01:05:00See you.
01:05:49Hi, guys.
01:05:50Hi, welcome.
01:05:53I can't thank you enough.
01:05:55You brought my catalog orders.
01:05:58I'm glad you came.
01:06:00They said it would take months.
01:06:01But they will.
01:06:03Emir Kozcoğlu's phone call was enough.
01:06:06What do you mean?
01:06:07What do you call this?
01:06:10We raced twice.
01:06:11I won both of them.
01:06:14This is the memory of that historic moment, huh?
01:06:21Ozan was really happy today.
01:06:22Thank you very much.
01:06:24Making you happy is my most important duty, my dear mother-in-law.
01:06:28After this marriage anniversary,
01:06:29my happiness will be complete too.
01:06:31I'm sorry.
01:06:48Welcome, brother.
01:06:51Are you waiting for me at the door?
01:06:55Or did your friend tell you?
01:06:58Which friend?
01:07:01Nihan Kozcuoglu.
01:07:04I swear I didn't say anything.
01:07:06I didn't say you were here, I swear, brother.
01:07:09We met today.
01:07:11I mean, we met with Nihan.
01:07:15I went to the bathroom.
01:07:17Then you called, by the way.
01:07:19He understood.
01:07:21I mean, he heard.
01:07:23I don't know how he understood.
01:07:25Then he heard your voice or something.
01:07:27He knows you're here.
01:07:29I didn't say, brother.
01:07:31Who else in the house knows you're talking to him?
01:07:35No one.
01:07:40For God's sake, look.
01:07:42If my mother hears, I swear she'll send me.
01:07:44You're not going to tell her, are you?
01:07:47Brother, I promise.
01:07:49I promise.
01:07:51I swear I won't see your face again.
01:07:54I mean, I won't see you again.
01:07:58What did you do to your hair?
01:08:03I just did it myself at home.
01:08:07Kemal, are you here?
01:08:11Brother, you're not going to tell her, are you?
01:08:14You won't tell her.
01:08:56Mr. Emir will work in his room tonight.
01:08:59He asked me not to tell you not to go downstairs.
01:09:01I was going to.
01:09:14Do you eat here?
01:09:16No, I'm not hungry.
01:09:18Okay, good night.
01:09:31Good night.
01:10:01Good night.
01:10:31Good night.
01:11:01Good night.
01:11:22Why did you come to Kulüslü tonight?
01:11:26I missed you.
01:11:28Why did you run away then?
01:11:33Because you were afraid.
01:11:39If you came to me, you wouldn't know how I'd face you.
01:11:58If I missed you, I'd love you.
01:12:12If I forgot you, I'd smell you.
01:12:27If I forgot you, I'd love you.
01:12:48What if love is over?
01:12:49What if love is over?
01:12:56What if there's only hatred left?
01:13:09I still love you very much.
01:13:14I wish I could tell you everything.
01:13:20I wish.
01:13:49I'm here.
01:14:03Is it a new habit to lock the door?
01:14:07I didn't notice.
01:14:09What's going on?
01:14:10Nothing, Mrs. Valide.
01:14:11You go back to your room.
01:14:12Nihal, are you okay?
01:14:14I'm fine, dad.
01:14:15I fell asleep while working.
01:14:16I'm sorry.
01:14:17I'm sorry.
01:14:29This door won't be locked again.
01:14:30Don't worry.
01:14:31I won't cut my wrists because of you.
01:14:33You'd better.
01:14:47I wish you good luck.
01:14:49God bless you.
01:14:51You'll get the job anyway.
01:15:16I'm sorry.
01:15:46I'm sorry.
01:16:17Come here.
01:16:20I've been pointing at you since morning.
01:16:21Maybe you'll notice.
01:16:23I wish we could call.
01:16:24It would be easier.
01:16:26Then it wouldn't be romantic.
01:16:28Come here.
01:16:31But I didn't fall down.
01:16:32Look, let go a little bit.
01:16:33Pull a little bit.
01:16:34Like this.
01:16:36If you touch the wind once,
01:16:37it will remind you of yourself.
01:16:39Then it will forget you.
01:16:41It will forget you.
01:16:43It will forget you.
01:16:44Then it will neither forget you
01:16:46nor you.
01:16:53It's falling.
01:16:54It's falling.
01:16:56It's falling.
01:16:57Pull it.
01:16:58Pull it.
01:16:59It's not working.
01:17:00Pull it.
01:17:01It fell.
01:17:02I didn't fall.
01:17:14I didn't fall.
01:17:15I didn't fall.
01:17:16I didn't fall.
01:17:17I didn't fall.
01:17:18I didn't fall.
01:17:19I didn't fall.
01:17:20I didn't fall.
01:17:21I didn't fall.
01:17:22I didn't fall.
01:17:23I didn't fall.
01:17:24I didn't fall.
01:17:25I didn't fall.
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01:17:28I didn't fall.
01:17:29I didn't fall.
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01:20:35I didn't fall.
01:20:36I didn't fall.
01:20:37I didn't fall.
01:20:38I didn't fall.
01:20:43Welcome dear participants. We are about to start the license project for the Bandırma region,
01:20:49Hendekli-Kaya location, thermal power plant.
01:20:53We are about to start the opening of the single-unit lines.
01:21:04Kitaj Energy, 110 million dollars.
01:21:13Bolkac Holding, 100 million dollars.
01:21:23Alacahan Holding, 125 million dollars.
01:21:43And I am reading the last offer.
01:21:56Kozcoğlu Holding, 150 million dollars.
01:22:13Please be quiet. Now we are moving on to the open offer phase.
01:22:21According to the following offers, the tender will be between Kozcoğlu Holding and Alacahan Holding.
01:22:27The open offer has begun.
01:22:29175 million dollars.
01:22:43200 million.
01:22:48250 million dollars.
01:23:02The tender is closed.
01:23:04Kozcoğlu Holding won the tender by giving 250 million dollars.
01:23:08Good luck.
01:23:13Good luck.
01:23:15The winner is always clear, Mr. Kemal.
01:23:17But the system is empty.
01:23:27I don't have the courage to see him, nor do I have the strength to run away from him.
01:23:32I just cry like a fool.
01:23:34Don't cry, think.
01:23:37Let's say Kemal is in front of you.
01:23:41What are you going to tell him?
01:23:46Think about it.
01:24:05When is the meeting with the company?
01:24:07In an hour, sir.
01:24:08So when?
01:24:10Four o'clock, sir.
01:24:30Mr. Hakkı.
01:24:32Yes, it's over now.
01:24:34Kozcoğlu Holding won the tender.
01:24:38I'm ready for the next step, sir.
01:24:53Maybe that's all life was about.
01:24:55It was with him.
01:24:57But it didn't work out. Something was missing.
01:25:02How old are you, Nihan?
01:25:04Throw your soul away.
01:25:07I'm going to faint.
01:25:09What am I asking you, what are you telling me?
01:25:13Come on, I'm Kemal.
01:25:16Tell me.
01:25:22Go away, Kemal.
01:25:24I beg you, go.
01:25:25No, why?
01:25:27Because when you're here, I can't continue my life like before.
01:25:31What do I care?
01:25:32Istanbul, my mother is here, my father is here.
01:25:35I can go and come as I want.
01:25:37Am I going to ask you?
01:25:39Besides, I'm not chasing you.
01:25:41You're chasing me.
01:25:43Kemal, please go.
01:25:47Because I feel you here.
01:25:52Then who are you going to tell to go, Nihan?
01:25:56Kemal is already here.
01:26:25Mr. Emir.
01:26:28I'm sorry.
01:26:30We made you wait.
01:26:32Yes, you made me wait.
01:26:33There have been a few minor changes. We need to take care of it.
01:26:36As long as Kozco does not affect him, there is no problem.
01:26:38On the contrary, we are making an effort to make our service flawless.
01:26:41You shouldn't have scratched yourself too much.
01:26:43We went to join a company.
01:26:45A local company.
01:26:46They are quite experienced.
01:26:47You are so lucky that we signed our contract half an hour ago.
01:26:52There have been changes in the administration.
01:26:54From now on, you will be in contact with me for the last time you have been licensed.
01:27:00Mr. Emir.
01:27:11Our local industrial partner, our director of Turkey, Kemal Soydere.
01:27:23What a coincidence, isn't it, Mr. Emir?
01:27:25Mr. Kemal.
01:27:28So you already know each other.
01:27:31I told you.
01:27:36Precious things.
01:27:42If you wish, we can start talking about the project without wasting any more time.
01:27:46Because, Mr. Emir, not only in terms of time, but also in the same way, you are also in need of me.
01:28:09Mr. Kemal.
01:28:12You have made a mistake that Mr. Emir will need someone.
01:28:23I am giving this to you for your experience in our world.
01:28:33Have a nice day.
01:28:41Thank you.
01:29:07Are you aware of what you are doing, Mr. Emir?
01:29:09It's like I've never done anything.
01:29:15Be careful, son.
01:29:16I can't tell you anything, dad.
01:29:21I learned it early, when I was a tree.
01:29:23You came to report it, so I came to him.
01:29:25They said they couldn't sign, Mr. Emir.
01:29:28I said we'd take care of it.
01:29:35Take care of it.
01:29:40Look, I won't burn your years of investment, your rights, because of your arrogance.
01:29:49You have to work with these guys.
01:29:51Because I'm working with these guys.
01:29:56We don't have to work with these guys.
01:29:59The storm will bring new companies now.
01:30:03I don't understand what I'm saying.
01:30:06In the tender, with an unknown ambition, you doubled the land's value.
01:30:12Now that field is in our hands as a loss.
01:30:15Are you implying that I'm unsuccessful, dad?
01:30:18I'm not implying, Emir.
01:30:19I'm saying it bluntly.
01:30:21You were defeated by your ambition.
01:30:22You put us in harm's way where we were going to profit.
01:30:24And with one move.
01:30:25Now, with one move.
01:30:28You put us in harm's way where we were going to profit.
01:30:30And with one move.
01:30:31Now, with new companies, you want to go into more expensive adventures.
01:30:36You're going to make people I've been saving for years suffer, and you're going to make them lose.
01:30:42Am I right, son?
01:30:45Am I right?
01:30:49If I'm right,
01:30:55take care of this too.
01:30:58Take care of this too.
01:31:03You're never going to forget this.
01:31:06You're the only horse you can ride in this dump.
01:31:10But the dump is mine.
01:31:12So you're going to ride it.
01:31:29Who are you, Kemal Soyder?
01:31:33Who are you?
01:31:51Mr. Kemal came to sign the contract.
01:31:53They are looking forward to starting the project with your director.
01:31:58Thank you.
01:32:12Mr. Hakkı.
01:32:15The contract has been signed.
01:32:18Very good.
01:32:19Your efforts were worth it, Kemal.
01:32:21Good luck.
01:32:22All of us, sir.
01:32:23We got what we wanted.
01:32:25Emir Kozcuoglu couldn't calculate his ambition for me.
01:32:29Two birds with one stone.
01:32:31You both hurt Kozcuoglu and forced him to work with us.
01:32:35Well done, son.
01:32:36Thank you, sir.
01:32:37Look, Asu is here too. She wants to congratulate you.
01:32:41Of course, I'd love to.
01:32:44Hello, Kemal.
01:32:46Congratulations. You did a great job.
01:32:48Thank you, Asu.
01:32:49Good luck to all of us.
01:32:50When are you coming back?
01:32:52Wait, wait, wait. That's an important question.
01:32:54Give me your phone.
01:32:56Kemal, my uncle wants to talk to you again.
01:32:58Anyway, we'll talk later.
01:33:00Congratulations again.
01:33:03Thank you, Asu. See you.
01:33:10So, what's going on now, Kemal?
01:33:13What do you mean, sir?
01:33:14I mean, what are you doing?
01:33:15Are you staying in Istanbul or are you going back?
01:33:20I'll go through the last protocols and come back tomorrow.
01:33:23Well, I'll tell you to think about it again, son.
01:33:28I've thought about it, sir.
01:33:30I don't need to be here.
01:33:32I'll come to Zonguldak.
01:33:35See you later.
01:33:49Don't be sad, father. Let him go and do his job.
01:33:52Of course, he'll go.
01:33:54I'm so jealous of his fatherhood.
01:33:58I couldn't get enough of him.
01:34:01Father, he'll go. It's normal.
01:34:03We're small businessmen.
01:34:04We're here today, we're not tomorrow.
01:34:06Isn't that right, Mr. Kemal?
01:34:09I shouldn't have brought you to this table.
01:34:12But you're lucky.
01:34:13Because I'm still here. Enjoy it.
01:34:15I'll enjoy it, son.
01:34:18Come on, I wish you more good things.
01:34:21Don't worry about me.
01:34:22Thank you, father. I hope we're all together.
01:34:24Thank you, son.
01:34:26Look, you gave us such a beautiful evening.
01:34:30God bless you.
01:34:31I'll never see a table like this again.
01:34:34You're welcome, brother Tariq.
01:34:36Come to the club, I'll make you the king of the table.
01:34:39I guess, brother.
01:34:43Father Arif.
01:34:52Look, look, look.
01:34:54Look, he's hungry again.
01:34:58You know, he finished school with the radio, father.
01:35:00What was it called?
01:35:01Time Travelers.
01:35:04Time Travelers.
01:35:05I know, I know.
01:35:07He used to listen to it.
01:35:08No one else listened to it.
01:35:10That's right, brother.
01:35:12He listened to it all night long, father.
01:35:14Son, turn it off.
01:35:15No, he won't.
01:35:17You thought he was studying.
01:35:19No, my son was working.
01:35:21Oh, he was working.
01:35:22No, father, we don't really work that much.
01:35:50Kemal, my brother, you go.
01:35:52Don't stay here.
01:35:54Listen to me, okay?
01:35:57Don't stop.
01:35:58Come on, father.
01:35:59Brother Tariq, come on, come on, come on.
01:36:01Cheers, cheers, cheers.
01:36:19I passed by without knowing
01:36:23My love is a burning flame
01:36:28A piece of fire
01:36:33I gave my heart to the fire without knowing
01:36:41I gave my heart to the fire without knowing
01:36:52To love a thousand times means to die
01:37:01To love a thousand times means to die
01:37:11To die a thousand times means to never die
01:37:21To die a thousand times means to never die
01:37:31Drink wine, drink poison
01:37:36I died as I drank
01:37:40I always fly
01:37:45I died as I fell
01:37:49My love is a burning flame
01:37:54A piece of fire
01:37:59I gave my heart to the fire without knowing
01:38:06I gave my heart to the fire without knowing
01:38:18I gave my heart to the fire without knowing
01:38:25Excuse me.
01:38:36Excuse me.
01:39:06Excuse me.
01:39:15Excuse me.
01:39:19Excuse me.
01:39:36Excuse me.
01:39:37Excuse me.
01:40:01To love a thousand times
01:40:08means to die
01:40:15To love a thousand times
01:40:22means to die
01:40:26To die a thousand times means to never die
01:40:32Don't cry, brother.
01:40:38Don't let him do it again.
01:40:42Come on, brother.
01:40:46Go away from here.
01:40:48Go away from Yenikoy.
01:40:52Go away, my lion.
01:41:10Very good, Aslı. That's what I was going to ask from you.
01:41:13Kozcoğlu Holding's application form is here.
01:41:17And Kozcoğlu Holding came to your name right on invitation.
01:41:21What's that?
01:41:23We are waiting for you at our party on New Year's Eve,
01:41:26leaving the five-year celebration behind.
01:41:30But the party is this evening anyway.
01:41:32I don't want to bother you.
01:41:33But the party is this evening anyway.
01:41:35I guess you can't come because you're back in Zonguldak.
01:41:38Is there anything else you want from me?
01:41:40No, thank you. There's no need for that.
01:42:03Is the fish soup ready?
01:42:09Yes, sir. I left Ms. Nihan's gifts there, sir.
01:42:13I wish you all the best today. No one should bother me.
01:42:16I'm freshening up my fish soup. I hope it goes smoothly.
01:42:19Yes, sir.
01:42:25While leaving the five happy years behind,
01:42:27we are waiting for you at our party for the New Year.
01:42:34Thank God you're coming back tonight.
01:42:36You're coming back, aren't you?
01:42:38I'm coming back. I'm done with her husband.
01:42:41I have nothing to do with Nihan.
01:42:44Five happy years.
01:42:46Don't be fooled by my stupidity.
01:42:48Let it go, Kemal. There's always a way out.
01:42:51It's not a coincidence, I told you.
01:42:54I mean, fate brought them back to you again, you see?
01:42:57And now you're as strong as they are.
01:43:00You're a human being.
01:43:02You're a human being.
01:43:04You know how lucky you are for the workers
01:43:06who will work in the mine he bought, don't you?
01:43:09That's why you're always one zero ahead. Don't forget that.
01:43:13So, what were you going to say?
01:43:17I was going to say...
01:43:19What was I going to say?
01:43:21I was going to say, have a good trip, Kemal.
01:43:26Say hi to everyone, okay?
01:43:28Mr. Hakkı, Asu.
01:43:31Maybe I'll come back at the beginning of the year.
01:43:35Because you're a human being.
01:43:37You're a human being.
01:43:39You're a human being.
01:43:41You're a human being.
01:43:43Maybe I'll come back at the beginning of the year.
01:43:46That would be great.
01:43:48If Nihan comes back again...
01:43:53You'll go back to your village.
01:44:00Okay, I'll say that.
01:44:02But he won't come back.
01:44:04Okay, I kiss you goodbye.
01:44:06I love you, too. Have a good trip.
01:44:08See you.
01:44:13You're an idiot.
01:44:17Just like me.
01:44:30I hate you both.
01:44:32Both of you.
01:44:34I hate you both.
01:44:36I hate you both.
01:44:38I hate you both.
01:44:40I hate you both.
01:44:43I love you.
01:44:49Thank you.
01:45:00Signal here.
01:45:04Where are you, Thunder?
01:45:06You sent the driver.
01:45:08I'm on the coast.
01:45:09I'm getting a little air.
01:45:11Okay, we'll talk later.
01:45:13Okay honey, I'll be waiting.
01:45:34Mr. Kemal.
01:45:39Mr. Tufan.
01:45:40Mr. Kemal, hello. I was waiting for you.
01:45:44To present this.
01:45:48What is this?
01:45:49Mr. Emir wanted you to accept this.
01:45:51As a sign of goodwill.
01:45:54He also wanted me to add that we will work in perfect harmony together.
01:46:10You're telling me to cut the cash.
01:46:25Don't get involved in our business, we'll feed you, okay?
01:46:31How many more people are working around you, who are they?
01:46:33Actually, Mr. Emir is very important to you.
01:46:35I mean our cooperation, our togetherness.
01:46:39Tell Mr. Emir that I thank him.
01:46:41We will work in perfect harmony with him.
01:46:45I hope so, Mr. Kemal.
01:47:09He accepted, sir.
01:47:11Thank you, Mr. Emir.
01:47:14You jumped on it, didn't you, stone prince?
01:47:17I told you, Tufan, there's nothing money can't buy.
01:47:38Thank you, Tufan.
01:47:58Thank you, Tufan.
01:48:08Thank you, Tufan.
01:48:28Emir, I can't believe you.
01:48:30You're a beauty.
01:48:32I'm a beauty.
01:48:36Isn't our marriage a shame, Minyagin?
01:48:38I wanted it to be a memorable night.
01:48:41I'm sick.
01:48:43You're really jealous of me.
01:48:45No, I'm really sick.
01:48:48Welcome, Zehra Efendi.
01:49:40Mr. Kemal.
01:50:04It was a surprise.
01:50:05I thought you wouldn't join.
01:50:07I wanted to give you an answer after the envelope you gave me.
01:50:13Since it's our wedding anniversary, I'd like to give you a little gift.
01:50:20Here you are.
01:50:35You never surprised me, Mr. Emir.
01:50:37You thought you could buy me with a lot of zeros like everyone around you.
01:50:45This is just a piece of paper for me.
01:50:50But this is your life.
01:50:56You'll get another piece of paper from your wife.
01:51:14I wish you eternal happiness.
01:52:04Thank you.
01:52:28You're welcome.
01:52:58You're welcome.
01:53:22You're welcome.