• l’année dernière


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:32 - Everything will be released.
00:34 Amen, amen.
00:37 I have been dealing with the issue of women in ministry
01:01 and I would let you return with me
01:05 the first Corinthians chapter 11.
01:08 And I had promised and the month is ending
01:14 and of course to all of our veterans
01:18 and to everyone who has risked their lives for us
01:23 to be able to stand in this place today
01:30 and have the freedom to worship God
01:34 in a multiplicity of different conceptualizations of God
01:41 and yet all of us are free to believe the way we believe
01:46 and not have to worry about what's happening in Pakistan.
01:51 That's something to praise God about, amen.
01:56 It's really something to praise God about
01:59 that I can have my idiosyncratic conceptualization of God
02:02 and you can have yours
02:05 and we don't fall under condemnation because of that.
02:08 The church wants to control the government
02:13 but the question now becomes
02:16 which church should control the government?
02:21 Because when churches begin to control governments
02:27 then that particular church will influence the government
02:31 to persecute or prosecute according to what they believe.
02:38 So when you talk about Christian nationalism
02:43 or national Christian control
02:47 then we have a problem
02:48 because we're going back to the feudal system, amen,
02:53 because that's going to eliminate freedom of religion
02:58 when one particular group controls the government.
03:03 I wonder do you understand what's happening in America?
03:08 No particular group should control the government
03:13 when it comes to religious beliefs
03:20 because if that happens then we're back to
03:23 what everybody ran from Europe to come to America for
03:27 and that is to be allowed to worship freely.
03:33 What happens if a certain group of people decide
03:37 that me baptizing people in the name of Jesus is heretical
03:42 and the government decides that they're right and I'm wrong
03:48 and then there's persecution coming my way
03:51 simply because that's how I believe
03:54 and that's my interpretation of what Jesus said
03:57 and what the Bible says.
03:58 So as much as we want our government to be moral
04:04 and we want people to be decent,
04:06 no church should control government.
04:09 Church and state ought to be separate and stay separate.
04:14 Amen, amen.
04:18 Well, what if the group says that women
04:23 should keep silence in the church
04:25 and then they begin to persecute us
04:29 because we say women can open their mouths?
04:32 You see what's happening?
04:35 In First Corinthians chapter 11
04:40 and we're going to read beginning at,
04:45 I should read verse one.
04:46 Now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things
04:51 and keep the ordinances as I have delivered them to you.
04:56 But I would have you know
04:59 that the head of every man is Christ.
05:03 The head of the woman is the man
05:09 and the head of Christ is God.
05:14 Every man praying or prophesying,
05:18 having his head covered dishonoreth his head.
05:22 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth
05:26 with her head uncovered dishonoreth her head.
05:31 For that is even all one as if she were shaven.
05:37 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn.
05:43 But if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven,
05:47 let her be covered.
05:49 For a man indeed ought to cover his head
05:51 for as much as, ought to cover,
05:54 ought not to cover his head for as much as
05:57 he is the image and glory of God.
06:01 But the woman is the glory of the man.
06:04 For the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man.
06:08 Neither was the woman man created for the woman
06:11 but the woman for the man.
06:14 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head
06:19 because of the angels.
06:20 Nevertheless, neither is the man without the woman,
06:24 neither the woman without the man.
06:26 Now notice how he qualifies that.
06:28 In the Lord.
06:34 For as the woman is of the man,
06:37 even so is the man also by the woman,
06:42 but all things are of God.
06:44 Now, when we deal with women in ministry,
06:48 it is significant that we wouldn't have had much church
06:54 this morning if we say that women
06:57 ought to keep silent in the church.
06:59 And I'm taking my time with this because I think it's,
07:05 it's critical to understand that the intention of God
07:10 is seen clearly from the very beginning.
07:15 And that is in the image of God created female and female.
07:21 To take it very slowly and to reiterate,
07:26 to go over it again.
07:31 The image of God, none of us have lost.
07:36 It is the likeness of God that we lost when Adam sinned.
07:41 And Adam, the Bible will tell you, was not deceived.
07:46 Adam made a very conscious decision
07:48 to choose literally the woman over God.
07:52 And that was rebellion.
07:58 Because Eve led in that space,
08:03 the Bible says as a curse,
08:07 he would stimulate the woman's desire to be to the man
08:12 and the man would rule over her.
08:17 Now you understand what he did.
08:18 He just reversed the behavior.
08:22 Eve fought with Satan for six verses in her innocence
08:28 dealing with the most perverted mind of the universe.
08:33 And yet in her innocence, she fought
08:38 to maintain some integrity
08:40 but lost to the more brilliant mind.
08:43 Yes, but Adam was not deceived.
08:48 He just simply in one verse, it said this,
08:52 and she gave to her husband and he did eat.
08:56 For six verses, she was going back and forth with Satan
08:59 in a rigorous debate.
09:02 And then all of a sudden, when she succumbs,
09:05 she just comes to her husband and she just gave it to him
09:08 and he did eat.
09:09 He didn't even say less prayer about it.
09:11 Now, because of that, because of that,
09:18 now all of a sudden, I love dialogue, so please help me.
09:25 So all of a sudden now, the curse becomes
09:29 that she becomes subordinate to him
09:32 because if you remember carefully,
09:35 he said, I'll make somebody help meet,
09:38 not help meet the bills, the Hebrew etymological root there
09:42 is somebody on his level.
09:46 Now you don't make somebody on your level
09:48 and then subjugate them.
09:50 If they're on your level, they're on your level.
09:54 And I will tell you that if you're with somebody
09:56 and they're not on your level, you're still alone.
09:59 It is important then to understand
10:06 that God's mind from the beginning,
10:10 and I will reiterate that the Old Testament
10:14 is the place where you understand God's mind.
10:21 You understand the mind of God as it relates
10:24 to his fellowship with the creatures that he created.
10:29 And you realize that he had to create in order to reveal.
10:34 There was absolutely no way for us to have any knowledge
10:39 of God if he didn't create.
10:41 So we had to create a being in order to reveal himself
10:46 because without creating, he would have no one to reveal
10:51 the magnanimity of his splendiferous person.
10:56 He had to create in order to reveal.
10:58 So the mind of God is seen in creation
11:02 and in creation, there was parity between man and woman.
11:07 The curse came and the curse subjugated the woman
11:12 to the man, yes, yes, the curse.
11:15 Now, if you notice very carefully,
11:18 throughout the Old Testament, there was always an indication
11:23 that there would again come unity between man and woman.
11:29 If you understand that, then you understand
11:33 when Medad and Eldad were prophesying in the camp
11:38 and two young men came and declared that there were two
11:44 that are prophesying in the camp
11:46 and Joshua took it on himself, this is Numbers 11,
11:50 and Joshua said to Moses, "Forbid them,
11:53 "stop them from prophesying,"
11:55 because he didn't have that anointing.
11:59 And Moses read him very carefully because Moses said,
12:03 "Envious thou for my sake, you're heir apparent,
12:08 "you're the guy who is supposed to take over,
12:10 "but you don't have that anointing.
12:13 "And you want me to stop them
12:15 "because somehow you're intimidated by their anointing."
12:19 But Moses read him very carefully.
12:23 Moses said, "You're not envying their anointing for my sake,
12:27 "so it must be that you're intimidated
12:30 "by what they're doing."
12:31 Then he made this statement,
12:33 "I would to God that all God's children would prophesy."
12:41 The reason for that is,
12:43 if you are living with a prophetic woman,
12:46 then you're going to have an easier life.
12:49 If you have a church or you have a deacon board
12:52 or a group of people who are prophetic,
12:55 then your relationship with them will be easier.
12:59 If you're judging a group of people who are prophetic
13:02 who have an anointing from God that's similar to yours,
13:07 then you will not have difficulty seeing eye to eye
13:12 and having a unity that only the Holy Spirit can bring.
13:17 The greatest unifier in the universe is the Holy Spirit.
13:22 Because once the Holy Spirit enters into you
13:27 and that kindred spirit is in me,
13:30 then there is no difficulty in coming to truth.
13:35 There is no difficulty in building a relationship
13:38 when people are spiritually joined together.
13:42 Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes.
13:44 You see, when the Bible says, "And two become one,"
13:48 in a marital situation, you can hurry that up physically.
13:53 It doesn't take much to become one physically,
13:56 but it takes a little bit more
13:57 to become one psychologically.
14:02 It is a little bit more
14:04 for us to become one intellectually.
14:07 But I'm telling you, the greatest togetherness
14:11 is when we come together spiritually.
14:14 Because when we come together spiritually,
14:17 distance doesn't change the association.
14:21 When we come together spiritually,
14:23 you can be in New York and I can be in London,
14:27 and you can be feeling what I'm feeling
14:30 because we're joined spiritually.
14:33 When I pick up the phone and begin to talk to you,
14:35 your spirit can pick up my spirit,
14:37 and immediately you can know that something is wrong.
14:42 When two people come together spiritually,
14:45 it can't be broken.
14:48 I wish you'd understand that.
14:50 You see, the unity in God,
14:55 and I'm sort of circumlocuting here,
14:57 the unity in God is of such
15:01 that nobody can come into him and not be unified.
15:06 Can I say that again?
15:08 Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God is one God.
15:11 Nobody can come into a relationship with God
15:16 and there be division.
15:18 Because he is so much one.
15:21 That's why economically, when you come into know God
15:26 and we come to God, receive the Holy Spirit,
15:29 economically, there is no difference.
15:32 That's why he says there's neither bond nor free.
15:36 That's economics.
15:38 There is neither Jew nor Greek, that's race.
15:43 There is neither male, mm-hmm,
15:47 nor female, that's gender.
15:49 Because when you come into God
15:52 and your relationship to God is not physical,
15:55 your relationship with God is not intellectual,
15:59 your relationship with God is not material,
16:02 your relationship with God is spiritual.
16:05 And when it becomes spiritual, then it eliminates gender.
16:10 It eliminates financial capacities.
16:16 It eliminates intellectual ability
16:20 because it now becomes spiritual
16:23 and when it's spiritual,
16:25 it is totally and completely connected.
16:30 Uh-huh, uh-huh.
16:32 So now, when we understand that,
16:35 we see that the prophetic word of Joel came forth
16:39 when he declared, "In the last days,
16:42 "I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh."
16:45 Now he's responding to what Moses said.
16:50 I would that all God's people would prophesy.
16:55 Joel then, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit,
16:59 is now giving us a projection of what God is going to have
17:04 and that is your sons and daughters shall prophesy.
17:10 He didn't make a distinction between sons and daughters.
17:16 He simply said both shall prophesy.
17:21 Then, it seems as if Peter picked it up
17:25 on the day of Pentecost and he says,
17:28 "These are not drunken," as he supposed,
17:33 "but this is that that was spoken of by the prophet Joel."
17:38 So not only does he declare it, he validates
17:45 and he brings us now into the new order
17:50 because this is where God intended.
17:53 The reconciliation of man included the reconciliation
17:58 of the equality between men and women in Christ Jesus.
18:04 You can't reconcile and leave something broken.
18:09 You can't fix something and leave it broken
18:14 and Jesus came to fix what was broken in the first Adam
18:19 because he now becomes the second Adam.
18:24 Now, I just want you to introduce a little logic.
18:29 Just introduce a little logic.
18:32 Why would God declare that your sons
18:40 and daughters would prophesy?
18:42 Why would Peter on the day of Pentecost,
18:45 when the Holy Ghost sat on them like tongues of fire?
18:50 Why would God then stimulate the prophetic word
18:59 in man and woman and then tell them to shut up?
19:04 He just introduced a little logic.
19:12 Your sons and daughters shall prophesy
19:14 and when they begin to prophesy under the unction
19:17 and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, he says, "Shut up."
19:22 Now, logically, that doesn't make sense.
19:28 One of the reasons why the Lord will never,
19:31 a broken and contrite heart, he will never cast down.
19:35 And the reason for that is you can't get to that state
19:41 unless the spirit draws.
19:44 No man comes except the father's suru
19:48 and the Greek word there is drag.
19:51 Amen, we drag.
19:54 God dragged you out of the club.
19:57 Amen.
20:00 Would you please leave the club, baby?
20:04 Who you talking to?
20:07 I'm getting my groove on.
20:11 (audience cheering)
20:12 But God dragged you out of the club.
20:15 God dragged you off of them drugs.
20:20 Amen, you didn't just put them down.
20:23 God dragged you with the power of the conviction
20:27 of the Holy Ghost and don't tell me
20:30 he's gonna drag you out of there and then turn you away.
20:34 Oh no, he's not gonna fill you
20:38 with the power of his Holy Spirit.
20:39 And let me tell you something,
20:41 the Holy Spirit dealt with you
20:43 before you received the gift of the spirit
20:47 because there's a pre-salvation work of the Holy Ghost.
20:52 You can't even get to receive the spirit
20:55 unless the spirit draws you into his presence.
21:00 (audience cheering)
21:03 I don't wanna hoop today.
21:06 (audience cheering)
21:09 It's illogical to believe
21:11 that God would pour his spirit out
21:16 and then tell you to shut up.
21:19 (audience cheering)
21:22 I don't wanna get drawn into a fight
21:30 because I read where Paul said,
21:33 avoid all this vain and silly controversial things
21:38 because it just brings strife.
21:42 So I don't wanna get drawn into a fight.
21:44 But I wanna tell you this,
21:47 reading the scriptures is not studying it.
21:52 (audience cheering)
21:55 See, a whole lot of folk read it,
22:01 but reading is not studying.
22:03 To study, you got to go into it.
22:08 And part of studying it is understanding the context.
22:13 Can I say that again?
22:15 Amen.
22:16 You see, many people have an intent
22:19 and so based on their intent,
22:22 they find some content that speaks to their intent.
22:27 (audience member speaking faintly)
22:31 I don't know if you do anything on social media,
22:34 I avoid it.
22:35 Amen.
22:37 But people have a tendency on social media
22:40 to take a tidbit of what you said,
22:44 but they didn't put it in the context of what you said.
22:48 Timmy said something to me the other day,
22:53 I thought it was last night,
22:54 was he said,
22:56 he doesn't deal in sound bites,
23:03 he deals in sound doctrine.
23:05 See, people can take your sound bites
23:11 and twist what you're saying.
23:16 Because they took a little bit of what you said,
23:19 but they didn't put it in context.
23:23 Because when people have a certain intent,
23:26 they reach for the content that satisfies their intent.
23:31 Amen.
23:33 For instance, for instance,
23:37 I can tell when a message is going to lead to an offering.
23:42 The intent is to get some money out of your pocket.
23:50 So I'll find every content
23:53 that makes you feel like you ought to give up some money.
23:57 So I'll take the sound bite,
24:04 but I'll ignore the context.
24:06 All right, give you an example.
24:10 We run to the Old Testament real quick,
24:12 and I'm gonna give you an example from Hebrew poetry.
24:17 It's Semitic parallelism.
24:21 Delight yourself in the Lord,
24:25 and he will give you the desires of your heart.
24:31 Now my intent is to get some money out of you.
24:36 So now I'm going to explain the sound bite.
24:42 Delight yourself in the Lord,
24:47 and whatever you desire, he'll give you.
24:50 Now you ready now because you say,
24:56 I'm gonna delight myself in the Lord,
24:57 and here comes my Rolls Royce.
25:00 Because that's a desire of your heart.
25:03 Here comes a big house, desire of your heart.
25:07 But you read it, but you didn't study it.
25:16 Because Hebrew parallelism says something real simple.
25:21 Delight yourself in the Lord, delight, Lord.
25:27 He will give you the desire, the desire is the Lord.
25:34 Delight yourself in the Lord,
25:45 and he will give you what you desire.
25:48 Desire and delight go together.
25:54 The desire of your heart is the Lord.
26:00 So if you delight yourself in the Lord,
26:03 he will give you the Lord.
26:12 It ain't got nothing to do with a Rolls Royce.
26:15 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,
26:24 and all these things shall be added unto you.
26:30 I take the sound bite, all these things.
26:41 But what's the doctrine?
26:44 Thank you, Timmy.
26:46 What's the context?
26:50 All these things, these things,
26:56 are what he talked about in the context.
27:00 Food and raiment.
27:05 It ain't got nothing to do with a house in Malibu.
27:09 The context, reading is not studying.
27:16 So now, when he says the man is the head of the woman,
27:25 but notice where he begins.
27:31 There are three things that are critical here.
27:35 Man, Christ.
27:38 Man, woman.
27:41 God, Christ, God.
27:46 Let me go over it again.
27:47 Christ, God.
27:54 Man, woman.
27:55 How old am I now?
27:59 All right.
28:03 (audience laughing)
28:06 All right.
28:08 Man, Christ.
28:16 The head of every man is Christ.
28:20 The head of the woman is the man,
28:24 and the head of Christ is God.
28:26 Now, when I give you a headship,
28:29 and you say to me you don't understand
28:32 how to operate as a head,
28:34 or you become extremely authoritarian and tyrannical,
28:41 I'm the head.
28:43 If you don't know how to treat who you're a head of,
28:49 see how your head treats you.
28:54 I want you to get that.
28:59 Really, you gotta get that.
29:02 The context is dealing primarily here
29:07 with how God should receive glory in worship.
29:15 So he is not denying the power of the woman
29:21 to pray and prophesy.
29:23 He's simply saying how it should be done
29:27 so that God would get the glory.
29:30 Because of the chronology of creation,
29:35 and because God looked at man,
29:40 analyzed him under the panoply of the sky,
29:43 and said to him, "It's not good that man be alone."
29:47 And the question, of course,
29:49 is how can he be alone if God is there?
29:52 And the answer to that is there are certain things
29:56 that man requires as human
30:01 that God is not going to fulfill.
30:03 It's not good that he be alone
30:06 because my relationship with him is spiritual,
30:08 and he needs somebody social.
30:11 I heard you say the Lord is your husband.
30:16 I heard you.
30:17 And if you're telling me that he'll keep you,
30:22 I'll go along with it.
30:25 But if you're telling me he's gonna snuggle up
30:28 in the bed with you tonight,
30:30 then I'll tell you like I told you before,
30:33 I suggest you get back on your medicine.
30:35 Because the relationship is spiritual, not physical,
30:42 and if there's gonna be pro-recreation,
30:44 he's gonna have to have somebody on your level.
30:49 Gotta be somebody
30:55 that handles your mindset
30:58 and have a relationship with you when I am not around.
31:03 And if you read in Corinthians further,
31:07 you'll understand that God is not intimidated
31:10 by how wonderful a relationship you have
31:13 with the person he's given to you.
31:15 The context then is we must glorify God,
31:23 and in order to glorify God,
31:24 we've gotta understand how glory operates in worship.
31:29 Man is made in the image of God,
31:38 so whenever a man worships,
31:43 he uncovers his head
31:45 because he is the glory of God.
31:51 So whenever a man walks into the temple to worship,
31:56 God's glory has already been established
32:03 through the man walking in.
32:07 So when the man covers his head,
32:10 what he does is he denies the fact
32:15 that he is the glory of God
32:18 because God wants to see the man
32:22 when he is giving him worship.
32:25 Now, I could go deeper,
32:29 you see, the reason God has serious problems
32:35 with man making something to worship
32:41 is because whenever we make a four-footed beast
32:44 or any other thing that is in the creative sphere
32:48 of God, whenever we make that something to worship,
32:52 we deny our privilege and we reduce God
32:57 because nobody worships down, you worship up.
33:04 And anything that God has created
33:11 is already subordinate to you and I
33:16 because he made us in his image,
33:19 he had to give us dominance.
33:22 He can't have his image being dominated by a donkey.
33:27 He can't have his image being dominated by a bird or a fish.
33:31 So when a man makes a bird or a fish
33:33 and then turns around and worships it,
33:36 he has reduced his own position
33:39 and he has reduced God's image.
33:42 What am I saying?
33:45 God made the image he wanted to see in the earth.
33:50 You and me.
33:53 He got his image.
33:56 So when a man covers his head,
34:01 he takes the focus off of him being the glory of God.
34:07 Now, why should the woman cover hers
34:14 and the man has his uncovered?
34:16 In worship, we glorify God.
34:22 Yes?
34:24 But the woman is the glory of the man.
34:30 (audience applauding)
34:36 I wonder, do you see it?
34:39 It should be just bursting.
34:44 The woman is the glory of the man,
34:46 but we have come in the sanctuary to glorify God.
34:52 Who is going to be the greatest competition
35:04 for glorifying God in the sanctuary?
35:11 (audience laughing)
35:14 I'm trying to give you a little hint.
35:17 God does not want the man looking at his glory.
35:26 (audience laughing)
35:32 You all have missed it.
35:33 You all have missed it, man.
35:35 I wanna preach to some grown-up saints.
35:38 God does not want in the sanctuary,
35:42 when he is to worship,
35:45 for man to be looking at his glory.
35:49 I didn't come here to look at Sister Jones.
35:53 I came here to glorify God.
35:56 So what God said is, "Cover that woman up
36:02 "so you can give me my glory,
36:05 "because everybody in here is supposed to glorify me.
36:10 "So cover your head, shut your husband out,
36:14 "and pass him up, and give me some glory.
36:18 "Cover your woman up so that we can give God some glory,
36:23 "instead of you looking at how fine she is."
36:33 So if she's going to speak,
36:35 let's subdue the glory of the man,
36:40 so we can give glory to God.
36:44 Now, you understand the social order,
36:51 because we veil her,
36:58 because she already has a head.
37:03 We reduce him, we take his head off,
37:08 his head off, because he has a head.
37:10 And we're in the room to give God glory.
37:16 So every other glory has to be modified.
37:23 We don't modify the man, because he is the glory of God,
37:28 but we modify the woman,
37:30 because she is the glory of the man.
37:32 (congregation applauding)
37:34 So our focus now is on God.
37:37 But then he moves us to another level
37:48 that is not socially driven.
37:53 And anytime you see him put in,
37:57 as a suffix, in the Lord,
38:02 you understand that he just changed the dynamics.
38:06 He said, "Even though the woman is made for the man,
38:13 "creative order,
38:16 "you've got to understand that there will be no more man
38:24 "if she don't carry somebody."
38:30 So now what he did was he moved to interdependence
38:35 in the Lord.
38:39 Don't think because your head,
38:43 she has no function of interdependence.
38:49 Now, let me deal with interdependence,
38:52 independence, and codependence.
38:55 'Cause you got to deal with codependence
38:57 to get an understanding of interdependence.
39:00 Codependence is when you can't do anything without me.
39:05 Amen.
39:12 And people don't give you the kind of respect you need
39:19 when you need them.
39:24 Should I say that?
39:27 This is what the young fellas do.
39:29 It takes me half an hour to say something
39:31 and they capsulate it in one sentence.
39:33 So I'm learning,
39:36 so I'm gonna capsulate this in as quickly as I can.
39:39 And this is, people don't give you the respect you need
39:45 when you need them.
39:46 Codependence is predicated on weakness.
39:56 (audience exclaiming)
39:59 Now, let's talk about interdependence.
40:04 In order to have interdependence,
40:10 you have to have independence.
40:13 I'm going on a plane, I'm going somewhere,
40:17 and the pilot walks out and he looks at a couple of things
40:22 that are superficial,
40:25 but there is somebody who makes sure
40:31 when there's a problem with that plane,
40:34 it's fixed and they sign off on it.
40:37 While the pilot is sitting behind the seat,
40:41 there is a mechanic, aviation mechanic,
40:46 who is making sure that thing gets off the ground
40:49 and he signs off on it.
40:52 He has to operate within the parameters of that plane,
40:57 the engine and all that works with it,
41:00 independent of that pilot.
41:02 And that pilot has to depend on him
41:06 when he's 35,000 feet in the air,
41:10 that that engine is not gonna stop.
41:12 He independently fixes the engine,
41:20 maintains the engine,
41:22 and the pilot can sit there and be comfortable
41:26 that when he fires this joker up,
41:28 it's gonna stay up, independent.
41:31 But the engineer can't fly the plane.
41:35 He has his role, the pilot has his role,
41:40 and you can debate which is better.
41:46 Independently, the woman carries the offspring.
41:51 Anybody got any questions about that?
41:58 And in the Jewish community,
42:07 when you have an everlasting covenant with God,
42:13 he's everlasting, but on the other side of the table,
42:16 you have somebody ephemeral.
42:18 How do you have an everlasting covenant
42:22 with someone who's gonna live forever
42:24 if you're gonna die?
42:25 How are we gonna sign them papers?
42:28 We have an agreement, an everlasting agreement, you and I.
42:34 Well, in order for us to have an everlasting agreement,
42:38 and my side is ephemeral, I have to have children.
42:43 And children's children's children.
42:46 So now he can have an everlasting covenant with my seed.
42:51 Forever.
42:55 But who is carrying my seed?
43:01 The woman.
43:11 All right?
43:12 Notice now as we go down towards the end where I read.
43:17 Before verse 12, "For as the woman is of the man,"
43:24 out of his sight, "glory of the man,"
43:29 out of his sight came the woman.
43:32 Where is it?
43:36 Where, even that, yeah.
43:38 "So is the man also by the woman."
43:43 So we're dealing with two here, of and by.
43:50 Are you following me now?
43:53 Which means she has a role that you can't do.
44:06 So now you have moved into an interdependent situation.
44:11 Because in verse 11, "Neither is the man without the woman,
44:19 "neither the woman without the man in the Lord."
44:27 So please tell me, why are we still looking
44:36 at outward appearances
44:38 when we should be looking at the heart?
44:41 When a woman is presenting the word of God,
44:48 she's presenting the word of God to feed your soul.
44:53 And when you're dealing with feeding souls,
44:58 you eliminate gender.
45:01 I'm about to close.
45:05 And then I'll hoop next week.
45:07 Show me one gift of the spirit that is gender-driven.
45:15 Which one is it?
45:20 Patience.
45:25 The man needs patience and the woman doesn't.
45:31 I guarantee you that Sister Loretta Jones
45:35 better have some patience.
45:37 And we might have to move it from patience
45:44 to long-suffering.
45:46 I guarantee you in your home together,
45:55 you want kindness.
46:00 You want gentleness.
46:02 You want love.
46:04 I guarantee you in your house,
46:06 you certainly want temperance.
46:09 Every fruit of the spirit exists between man and woman
46:17 and it's not gender-driven.
46:19 Now, which one of the gifts of the spirit,
46:23 which one is gender-driven?
46:27 Because he has given us the social order,
46:32 but when he moves to the spiritual order,
46:35 he says, "In the Lord, the man needs the woman
46:40 "and the woman needs the man."
46:42 So that is the prescription for the church.
46:48 What these people who are denying women
46:56 privileges in church,
46:58 they're running with the description
47:02 of a particular situation.
47:05 He had sent Timothy,
47:12 and I need to research this very carefully,
47:16 because he had sent Timothy into a situation
47:20 where Titus had gone before
47:21 and they were having problems in that same church.
47:27 And I think very seriously, it is the Corinthian church,
47:30 that when he says to Timothy to tell them
47:33 to keep silence in the church,
47:36 it's the same church that he himself had said,
47:41 "Let your women learn at home.
47:45 "Quit paying the service of asking questions
47:51 "and keep silent."
47:53 First Corinthians 14.
47:56 But in First Corinthians 14,
47:59 he silenced two other groups.
48:02 See, y'all ain't get the context.
48:05 See, the folk are reading,
48:07 reading don't mean studying.
48:09 He silenced the group
48:14 that was speaking in tongues without an interpreter.
48:18 He said, "If you speaking in tongues,
48:23 "tearing up the service,
48:25 "and there's no interpreter,
48:27 "speak to yourself or shut up."
48:30 He silenced the prophet
48:36 who would begin to prophesy
48:39 while the other one was prophesying.
48:41 And he said, "Now, all y'all can't talk at the same time,
48:49 "because it's not going to edify the church.
48:52 "So shut up."
48:55 And then he said,
48:57 "The spirit of the prophet
49:00 "is subject to the prophet,
49:02 "for those who say,
49:03 "'Well, the anointing is heavy on me
49:04 "'and I can't keep shut.'"
49:06 He said, "Keep quiet."
49:09 Then he went to the women who were interpreting.
49:11 So if you understand the context,
49:13 you won't have a sound bite.
49:15 You'll turn to sound doctrine.
49:18 And that is, all these levels need to be quiet.
49:22 Then he said something
49:24 that if you don't understand the context,
49:27 you're going to have some serious trouble.
49:29 When he said,
49:31 "For God is not the author
49:35 "of confusion."
49:38 You better keep that in context,
49:42 'cause I want to ask you,
49:45 who was the confusion at Babel?
49:47 (congregation laughing)
49:51 Who confused them folks at Babel
50:01 and said, "Let me go down there,
50:04 "'cause they're going to build this thing that they want,
50:06 "and I'm going to confuse them down there."
50:09 Who was the confusion in 2 Corinthians chapter 20,
50:14 when the cousins start killing each other?
50:18 When the Moabites and the Ammonites, their cousins,
50:22 they start killing each other,
50:25 when the Lord said, "The battle is not yours,
50:30 "the battle is the Lord's."
50:32 And we led with a choir,
50:35 and the armies were killing themselves
50:36 while the people were praising God.
50:38 Who confused them to the point
50:40 where they killed each other?
50:42 (congregation laughing)
50:45 Gideon had an army that kept shrinking.
50:52 He was left with less than 1% of his original number,
50:58 and the Lord sent him down there with trumpets
51:02 and with lanterns.
51:04 Trumpets and lanterns,
51:06 ain't going to make nobody crazy.
51:10 It's the spirit of God using the trumpets and lanterns
51:14 that confuse them folk down there.
51:17 So when you say he is not the author of confusion,
51:22 don't stop there.
51:23 He is not the author of confusion in his church.
51:29 (congregation applauding)
51:32 Amen.
51:33 Do you know how the Lord has confused your enemies?
51:37 When they tried to get to you to bring you down
51:41 and went to the wrong address,
51:43 prayed about the wrong person,
51:47 conspired about the wrong person,
51:50 didn't know it was you
51:52 that they were talking to about you.
51:54 God had them confused or you'd have been finished.
52:02 But when you walk through the door to worship the Lord,
52:05 and when you walk in here to build him up,
52:09 and when you come with praises
52:12 and decide you want to glorify God,
52:16 what God says is,
52:18 let's do it decently and in order.
52:23 I want to tell every woman preacher,
52:26 you ain't got to apologize to any man.
52:30 When you get up to deliver the word of God,
52:34 you don't have to forget your nails and your hairstyle.
52:39 You ain't got to worry about your dress.
52:43 Just make sure you're covered.
52:45 So when you start moving in the spirit,
52:48 the spirit of the Lord will move in the church.
52:52 God only wants it done decently and in order.
52:58 And when we come, we come praising
53:02 the name of the Lord.
53:04 Give somebody a high five and say,
53:06 neighbor, we wouldn't have much church
53:10 if it wasn't for the anointed sisters.
53:15 And I want to tell everybody,
53:18 get somebody in your circle
53:21 that's got an anointing on their lives.
53:24 And I don't care whether it's male or female,
53:28 born nor dream,
53:30 Jew nor Greek,
53:32 as long as you've got an anointing on your life.
53:37 Lay your hands on your children.
53:41 Lay your hands on your husband.
53:45 Lay your hands on your fathers.
53:48 Lay your hands on your grandfathers.
53:52 And say, I am anointed.
53:55 Anointed.
53:56 I am anointed.
54:03 Give somebody a high five for the last time
54:08 and say, neighbor, I am anointed.
54:11 (laughing)
54:15 Oh yeah.
54:24 You better thank God for an anointed mother.
54:29 Your anointed mother prayed the devil off your back
54:34 who was waiting beside the bed
54:38 when you came home at 3.30 in the morning,
54:41 drunk out of your mind.
54:43 It was an anointed mother
54:45 that called your name.
54:50 And the Lord said, because of your mother,
54:53 I'm gonna deliver you out of drugs,
54:56 deliver you from that woman,
54:58 deliver you from that devil.
55:00 You ought to give God thanks
55:03 for anointed women all over the world.
55:07 (audience applauding)
55:10 I'm glad.
55:21 You ought to give God thanks.
55:24 You ought to praise the Lord
55:25 that God raised up a woman.
55:29 Make your life better.
55:34 I don't wanna talk about the city of refuge,
55:40 but I beg God, I said, Lord,
55:44 before I leave here, let the city have a pastor
55:50 who's got a wife.
55:52 I didn't know it was gonna be me,
55:54 but I'm so glad God has changed the flavor in the city
55:59 because there is not only a man,
56:07 but an anointed woman in the house.
56:11 So glad.
56:14 So glad.
56:19 (audience applauding)
56:20 So glad.
56:21 I ain't got to do it by myself.
56:27 I ain't got to pray by myself.
56:30 I ain't got to worship by myself,
56:33 but I can go home and say church time.
56:37 Heard him say, we're two.
56:41 He didn't say one.
56:47 He said two or three.
56:52 I gathered in my name.
56:55 I come to tell you, we got a new city of refuge.
57:00 We got a new.
57:17 I can truly say, I ain't what I used to be.
57:20 I ain't what I used to be.
57:27 Oh yeah.
57:29 Give God the glory in the house.
57:34 Glorifying male and female.
57:39 You're worthy.
57:40 You're worthy.
57:42 I love you.
57:44 I love you.
57:45 (audience applauding)
57:48 I love you Lord.
57:51 Somebody, if you're not born again,
57:58 the Lord is calling you.
58:04 He's saying come.
58:07 (upbeat music)
58:10 (upbeat music)
58:13 (upbeat music)
58:15 (upbeat music)
58:18 (upbeat music)
