The girl really paid by mistake After rebirth, she decided to treat the president well#shortvideo - Red Media

  • 4 months ago
The girl really paid by mistake After rebirth she decided to treat the president wellshortvideo
00:03 Is everything ready for the board meeting later?
00:09 We're all set.
00:14 Hello?
00:15 Michael, please, you have to save me.
00:17 I've been kidnapped.
00:19 I'm on my way.
00:22 Michael, what's wrong?
00:26 Lucy?
00:39 Lucy?
00:40 Hey, are you-- hey, are you OK?
00:45 You're safe now.
00:46 I'm here for you.
00:47 Is there anybody else here with you?
00:52 Let's go.
00:54 Let's go now.
00:55 OK.
00:59 Let's go.
00:59 Michael, I'm so sorry.
01:03 What do you mean you're sorry?
01:05 Let's go.
01:06 Freeze.
01:08 Put your hands in the air.
01:11 Put your hands up right now, Michael.
01:14 Hands in the air right now.
01:16 I'm trying to help.
01:16 Just do it.
01:17 Put your hands up.
01:19 Detectives, here's the man who kidnapped my wife.
01:23 Isn't that right, darling?
01:29 Yes.
01:31 Michael kidnapped me.
01:32 Kidnapped?
01:33 Michael kidnapped me.
01:36 Hands.
01:37 I should have known you were playing both sides.
01:43 Let's go.
01:44 Move it.
01:47 This isn't over.
01:48 Let's go right now.
01:49 Let's go.
01:50 Oh, but it is.
01:51 I finally defeated you.
01:54 William, I did everything you asked.
02:04 Please help save my company.
02:06 Lizzie, stop embarrassing yourself.
02:09 I never thought this little bitch
02:15 would stoop so low as to beg for help.
02:18 How could you two betray me?
02:19 Conspiring behind my back?
02:21 Your marriage is a lie.
02:23 He has always been mine.
02:25 You know nothing but a pawn to me this whole time.
02:27 Thanks to you, we can destroy the Taurus legacy.
02:30 You're quite right.
02:31 She was very useful, wasn't she?
02:35 Tell me, you're also a Taurus.
02:37 How could you destroy our family legacy like this?
02:40 I have always been a stain on the family name.
02:43 You've called me an illegitimate daughter long enough.
02:45 With the Taurus family destroyed and the only one
02:50 who truly left you in prison, you have nothing left.
02:55 If you're smart, divorce William and get this all over with.
03:00 Never.
03:01 All right, you brought this on yourself.
03:03 The money on this card is yours.
03:08 Just make sure she contracts hepatitis.
03:12 Your disgusting peoples will haunt you forever.
03:14 It's all my fault. It's all my fault.
03:18 It's all my fault. It's all my fault.
03:22 It's all my fault. It's all my fault.
03:24 It's all my fault. It's all my fault.
03:28 It's all my fault. It's all my fault.
03:30 Michael.
03:36 It's OK, Lucy.
03:37 You know they made you do it.
03:41 Hey.
03:58 Don't touch me. I'm contagious.
04:03 It's OK.
04:04 All right?
04:10 I'm so scared. I'm gonna die.
04:16 You're not gonna die, OK?
04:18 Not on my watch.
04:20 Besides, we're gonna grow old together, right?
04:25 Hey, come on.
04:27 I got you something.
04:35 This might cheer you up.
04:37 Try it on.
04:42 Like this?
04:48 Looks good.
04:51 I'll always be with you.
04:55 Hey?
05:04 Hello?
05:08 You're the reason Michael lost everything.
05:12 Wasn't three years in prison enough?
05:15 He could have made a comeback with my help,
05:17 but instead he chose to suffer in the dump because of you.
05:20 He can do whatever he likes, self-pretending, Lucy.
05:27 You know Michael loves you more than anything.
05:30 And the only way he would move on is...
05:41 # Have to go, have to go, have to go
05:47 # The end of the world at the palm of my hand
05:53 # My face to the sea and my back to the land
06:02 Goodbye forever.
06:07 Michael, my head hurts.
06:23 I don't understand.
06:26 Why do you want me to do this for William?
06:31 You touched me. Are you crazy?
06:35 Who's the crazy one here?
06:37 You realise you're giving up everything to marry William?
06:42 Oh, and by the way, the East Maui project, it ends here.
06:51 If that's what you wish.
06:56 The East Maui project? That was years ago.
07:02 How was it 2018? Five years ago?
07:13 Could it be... I've been given another chance?
07:21 The East Maui project. It was during that time...
07:27 You're nothing but a pawn to me this whole time.
07:33 Hello?
07:36 Lucy, did you get the dirt on Michael?
07:39 I got it. But why should I give it to you?
07:43 Lucy, I urgently need that information.
07:46 If I don't have it, I won't be able to inherit the Porter Group.
07:49 It's essential.
07:51 You don't care about me at all, do you?
07:54 Lucy, once I get the company, I'll be able to merge both of ours.
07:59 And then we can get married. That's what you want, isn't it?
08:03 So, the information?
08:05 Alright. Let's meet and I'll give it to you.
08:08 Right. Meet at our usual spot?
08:12 See you there.
08:18 William. Demi.
08:21 I will make you pay a hundredfold for what you did in my previous life.
08:26 Hello, I'm looking for... I'm here to see Michael. Can you call him?
08:33 Oh, Lucy, isn't it? I heard you broke off your engagement with Michael and you show up here.
08:39 Bold.
08:40 It's none of your business what happens between me and Michael.
08:44 Everyone says you're as cute as a bunny rabbit.
08:47 But I know you're really just a skimming bitch.
08:50 Floating with William yesterday and toying with Michael today?
08:54 You have no shame.
08:56 That's none of your business.
08:58 Michael.
09:00 Oh, hi, Michael. As your future fiancé, can I come to your banquet tonight?
09:04 Fiancé?
09:06 Were you with William last night?
09:08 Michael, I have absolutely no relationship with William.
09:12 No relationship? Lucy, you're a bit thick.
09:15 Everyone knows you cancelled your engagement with Michael to be with William, turning the Gomez family into a joke.
09:22 Were you?
09:23 I was with him yesterday morning, but... Michael!
09:28 Stop trying, Lucy. Since the engagement is off, just get out of Michael's life.
09:34 I can't give up like this.
09:41 God did not let me have a second chance just to end up like this.
09:45 Michael, I will never give up.
09:50 Michael, instead of marrying someone brainless like Lucy, why not consider someone your equal?
10:01 Brainless? Really? Coming from you?
10:06 Maybe I'm wrong, but don't forget, what you really need is a strong and powerful partner, not a sexy husband.
10:15 I really like you, Michael. Should I give it a try?
10:20 Can we not do this right now?
10:22 Hey, sis.
10:27 Lucy, what's wrong?
10:30 Hey, you knew you could tell me. What's up? I got your back.
10:35 Oh, Dad. I will definitely be the most beautiful at the banquet tonight.
10:39 Demi, you're always beautiful. You are the prettiest girl in all of Hawaii.
10:44 So you decided to come back? I thought you were out messing around with different men.
10:52 You're judging me, even after having the nerve to bring your illegitimate daughter into our house.
10:59 Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys. Calm down. Let's not cause problems here. Please.
11:04 Hey, illegitimate daughter, didn't you hear? Get your troublemaking father and get out of here.
11:10 Sister, please. After all, we're family. Let's put that aside.
11:14 I prepared an evening gown for you to wear tonight.
11:18 What a considerate sister.
11:22 You will attend tonight, right?
11:25 Of course, my dear sister.
11:34 [music]
11:36 Typical Lucy. Making a scene as always.
11:51 She doesn't even look that good. I just don't understand what everyone sees in her.
11:57 If they only knew how she's really like.
12:02 Yeah, if they only knew the real Lucy.
12:05 Sister, unless you were right.
12:11 Oh my gosh, how could something like this happen?
12:18 Demi, what's wrong with you? Never embarrass the Torres family in public.
12:26 Oh brother, don't worry about it. I mean, after all, Demi is not a legitimate member of our family.
12:33 Demi, do you think I don't know you tempered with my dress?
12:37 But thank you anyway for the wonderful, beautiful gift. 'Cause it's really beautiful.
12:43 However, a little hard to stay up in.
12:46 The Torres girls are stunning.
12:51 Yes, especially Lucy. As soon as she entered, everyone's eyes were on her.
12:56 Thank you for the compliments. But we should thank my dear sister for the wonderful dress I'm wearing tonight.
13:04 Lucy is truly beautiful. Michael is her perfect match.
13:08 Oh, I forgot. Lucy publicly called off the engagement.
13:15 Is it true that Lucy recently broke off the engagement?
13:20 Yes, it's because she's pursuing William Porter.
13:23 How could Lucy be interested in such a despicable person?
13:27 Who knows? Maybe they'll never be together forever.
13:31 Everyone, let's not get distracted by petty gossip.
13:39 Let's enjoy the night. The night is still young.
13:49 Cheers.
13:50 As for my engagement with Lucy, there's no need to involve everyone.
13:57 Michael, I'm sorry for ending things. I didn't mean it. Please take me back.
14:03 Lucy, what are you doing?
14:06 No, no, Tommy. She's right. Our engagement restricted her freedom.
14:11 No, it never restricted me in any way. Lucy, didn't you always like William Porter more?
14:17 You know, I remember you even said that you dreamed of marrying him.
14:20 Demi, I didn't know you were so good at distorting the truth.
14:26 Hold this.
14:29 Michael, don't listen to her. I only want you. I have no interest in William. I only want you.
14:36 Michael, I love you. This time, it's my turn to pursue you.
14:45 Everyone, Lucy's a bit tipsy. I'll take her home. Enjoy your evening.
14:51 Lucy, why did you say all of that?
14:55 Everything I said is true.
14:57 Then why were you begging me to hand over the East Maui Project to William?
15:01 Michael, do not give the East Maui Project to William.
15:06 I'm sorry.
15:09 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
15:11 I'm sorry.
15:13 I'm sorry.
15:15 I'm sorry.
15:17 I'm sorry.
15:19 I'm sorry.
15:21 I'm sorry.
15:23 I'm sorry.
15:25 I'm sorry.
15:27 I'm sorry.
15:29 I'm sorry.
15:31 I'm sorry.
15:33 I'm sorry.
15:35 I'm sorry.
15:38 I'm sorry.
15:39 I'm sorry.
15:41 I'm sorry.
15:43 I'm sorry.
15:45 I'm sorry.
15:47 I'm sorry.
15:49 I'm sorry.
