कान्स फिल्म फेस्टिवल में इस साल कई भारतीयों सितारों के अलावा कंटेंट क्रिएटर्स ने भी हिस्सा लिया। लेकिन, सबसे ज्यादा चर्चा उत्तर प्रदेश की नैंसी त्यागी की ही हुई। 21 साल की नैंसी ने यहां वो कर दिखाया, जो बड़े-बड़े डिजाइनर भी अपने आउटफिट से करने में विफल रहे थे। वहीं, अब यूपी के बाद हरियाणा की एक लड़की भी अपने फैशन गेम के चलते सुर्खियों में आ गई है।
Apart from many Indian stars, content creators also participated in the Cannes Film Festival this year. But, Nancy Tyagi of Uttar Pradesh was discussed the most. 21 year old Nancy did what even big designers had failed to do with their outfits. At the same time, after UP, a girl from Haryana has also come into the limelight due to her fashion game.
Apart from many Indian stars, content creators also participated in the Cannes Film Festival this year. But, Nancy Tyagi of Uttar Pradesh was discussed the most. 21 year old Nancy did what even big designers had failed to do with their outfits. At the same time, after UP, a girl from Haryana has also come into the limelight due to her fashion game.