Proof Of Earnings With Internet Based Home Business

  • 15 years ago I never thought the day would come that I would actually make a buck with an internet based home business. It was a very exciting moment for me since it was the first online business from home work that actually can make me money. The thing is I've always dreamed to make money online to quit that dead end job of mine and start to really control my life and not have to be a slave anymore.......because that's essentially, atleast in my opinion, what a job makes you.....a slave. I searched the internet for years and in retrospect I have to say I was what you would call an internet based home business junkie. Every day I came across something that I thought can make me money so I can finally be financially independent and so I would cough up hundreds of dollars every week to try it out only to fail in the end. That's when I became a pessimist and no longer thought it was possible to make a profitable business from home work, when the real problem was that I never really put the little effort it required to make money online to earn at home like I wanted to. Instead I procrastinated and said I would do whatever it took to be successful online but never came around to it. Then I had an epiphany and new that if I kept this attitude then I will always be in my 9 to 5 job and be a slave for the rest of my life unless I really took a stand........a real commitment to accomplishing the goal to work online from home and make money on internet. So I stuck to that agreement I made to myself and decided to take action. I forgot about being so self-conscious of my ideas that I finally took one of them and tested it out to see if it would work. Well, long and behold I achieved what I believed to be the most impossible thing imaginable.............