
  • 4 months ago
Gryphon Trailer HD - When Rickey and his friends put a snake in the desk of the substitute teacher, to their surprise, she lovingly picks it up and puts it around her neck. Soon her strange stories of the wonders and beauty of the world amaze and inspire them.
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:06 >> Give her arrows, they're all the same.
00:09 Troublemakers.
00:10 >> I say we're getting this packed.
00:12 >> Don't worry, man, I'll see people when we told you two weeks ago.
00:14 >> Someone's coming.
00:15 >> Hello there.
00:17 >> It's my feeling that if you don't like a word, don't use it.
00:20 >> Are you the teacher's pet?
00:22 >> Has anyone ever heard of reincarnation?
00:25 >> That's when people come back after they die.
00:27 >> When people are dead, they're dead.
00:29 >> Man, she just lied all day long.
00:32 >> I heard a murm different than Andy did, but there ain't no such animal.
00:36 >> What the heck is he doing?
00:38 >> Listen, this lady's cool.
00:40 >> Maybe she's telling the truth.
00:41 >> My friends all think I'm wimping out on them.
00:43 >> Do you think you are?
00:45 >> Of course not. They just don't understand.
00:47 >> That's their problem, isn't it? It's not yours.
00:49 >> You think Bailey Avenue is pretty, I think maybe you need some glasses.
00:54 >> But look at it this way.
00:55 >> Had whoever done that taken just a little bit of time to try to make something pretty?
01:01 >> This abandoned building might be inspiring, not an eyesore.
01:05 >> Instead of selfish vandalism, they might have created art.
01:10 >> Thanks.
01:12 [MUSIC]