At a press briefing on Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland was asked about the effort to hold him in contempt of Congress.
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00:00 The second question is obviously the House appears poised to move ahead with contempt
00:07 resolution on you.
00:09 I just wonder if you have any comments on it or if you could tell us whether or not
00:15 you watched the House Oversight Committee meeting the other night.
00:20 I caught part of that hearing on Saturday Night Live.
00:24 But seriously, I am very disappointed.
00:29 The Justice Department, as I've explained before, has gone to extraordinary lengths
00:34 to accommodate the legitimate interests of the committees.
00:38 I have released the full and unredacted report of Mr. Herr.
00:43 We permitted Mr. Herr to testify for over five hours on everything that happened in
00:49 connection with this investigation, and we provided the transcripts of the interviews
00:54 in which the committee is interested.
00:57 But on the other side, the President of the United States has asserted executive privilege
01:02 in order to protect the Justice Department's ability in future investigations to get cooperation
01:09 in high-profile cases, particularly involving the White House.
01:16 My job is to protect the Justice Department's ability to conduct those investigations.
01:21 My job is to protect the rule of law, and that's what I'm doing.