Rare Barracuda Spectacle Caught on Camera by Taiwanese Diver

  • 4 months ago
A rare barracuda “tornado” has been caught on camera in waters off Taiwan’s southern coast. A diving instructor photographed the ray-finned fish in Kenting, drawing the attention of local divers.


00:00 Good news for diving enthusiasts. A rare barracuda tornado has been spotted in waters off Taiwan's
00:06 southern coast. A diving instructor captured the fish grouping up in Kenting, drawing the
00:12 attention of local divers. They say it's a rare chance to see the spectacle without going
00:17 abroad. As the area's peak tourist season approaches, experts say novice divers hoping
00:23 to see the fish should be careful of strong currents and bring an instructor along. Wildlife
00:28 researchers say barracudas form tornadoes for safety and to find baits.
00:33 "The fish are resting. This is a way to protect themselves. If larger fish come to eat the
00:40 barracuda, the whole group will be disturbed by the visual effects of the big fish. It's
00:50 not easy to miss a big fish."
