Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 60 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 61 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 62 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 60 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 61 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 62 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 60 HD Completo
Short filmTranscript
00:00We've suffered so much because of Alfonso
00:02that now my mom is hospitalized in a mental hospital
00:04because of you!
00:06How can you blame me for that?
00:12She's pregnant.
00:14It's a case of the previous placenta.
00:16That has caused the bleeding and the pains.
00:18And that's very serious?
00:24Wait, wait, wait.
00:26I thought that when we talked about a child
00:28it was going to be a baby
00:30that we both had.
00:32What do you mean, Said?
00:34What is this?
00:36That's why I need you to promise me
00:38that you won't do anything crazy.
00:42Because what I'm going to tell you
00:44is very difficult.
00:46Don't think badly of me.
00:50Marcelo, I didn't want to.
00:54I didn't want to.
00:56I didn't want to.
00:58I didn't want to.
01:02Said raped me.
01:08I'm going to kill you.
01:10I'm going to kill you, Luisa!
01:12No, Marcelo, that's why I didn't want to tell you anything.
01:14Because I know you.
01:16Luisa, I can't stay with my arms crossed.
01:18Listen to me.
01:20We can't do anything
01:22for Natalia.
01:24I don't want my daughter to be without her mom forever.
01:26I can't be...
01:28When did that happen?
01:30When did it happen?
01:32When you saw me beaten, remember?
01:34Said found out what happened
01:36between us in Colombia.
01:38It was his way of taking revenge on me.
01:40Don't ask me to do nothing, Luisa, please.
01:42I have to kill him.
01:44Marcelo, listen to me.
01:46The doctor told me that my pregnancy is at high risk.
01:48And not only is the child's life in danger,
01:50mine too.
01:52Please think of Natalia too.
01:58Marcelo, you just promised me.
02:22You promised me.
02:40Thank you for taking care of me.
02:44For seven years,
02:46Said and I tried
02:48to have a child again, but we couldn't.
02:50It's going to be like that, at last. It worked.
02:55It seems that life is hard, right?
02:57To put and put and put obstacles.
02:59Luisa, please, please don't say that.
03:03They are excuses, Manolo, they are not together.
03:04They are not excuses!
03:05Marcelo, what are you going to do now that you know that I am pregnant with the man who destroyed our lives?
03:12How are you going to see me?
03:16Answer me.
03:20I don't know. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
03:25It's not the baby's fault, it's the father's fault.
03:29You know, when I was waiting for Natalia, something inside my heart told me that you were innocent.
03:41But my family insisted otherwise.
03:44You didn't show up and I ended up believing.
03:48But I had something very clear.
03:51And it's that Natalia is not to blame for anything.
03:54Just like this baby, he's not to blame for anything.
03:56I don't know what I'm going to do.
03:58I can't be here.
04:00I can't be here and I need to think, Luisa.
04:04I promise you I won't do anything wrong.
04:06But let me.
04:21Everything will be fine.
04:29No, no, no.
04:31I'm going to lose Marcelo again.
04:33I don't want to.
04:35I don't want to.
04:36I don't want to.
04:41Look, I brought you some food.
04:43And a special cake that I brought you.
04:46Maria Inés, thank you very much.
04:48You didn't have to bother bringing all this.
04:50Welcome to the family, daughter.
04:53Maria Inés, thank you very much.
04:55No, son.
04:57No, nothing to thank for.
04:59Although I must confess that I would have liked to give you a huge banquet,
05:03marry us in a church full of flowers, with Natalia throwing some balloons.
05:07Well, well, but the important thing is not the ceremony or the party.
05:09But with whom I marry, right?
05:11Of course.
05:13The rest will come.
05:21I have to go with dad.
05:23I'll be right back.
05:26Daughter, I would have liked to stay longer.
05:29But I have to go.
05:33You look worried.
05:35You're like this.
05:36You look worried.
05:38Are you like this because you don't agree that I marry Felipe?
05:42Or is something else going on?
05:44If I agreed to be your witness,
05:47it's because I support your happiness.
05:50But I have to attend to things at the hotel.
05:53I know you very well, dad.
05:55And I know perfectly well when you lie to me.
05:57What's going on?
05:59Enjoy your life, daughter.
06:01Dad, tell me what's going on.
06:03It's your mom.
06:04What happened to her?
06:08She's intracranial.
06:10When I came here, they called me from the hospital.
06:13And they tell me she's asking to see me.
06:16I have to go with her.
06:18Is it serious?
06:20I don't know.
06:22Since I left the house, I don't know what's going on.
06:28There's something else, daughter.
06:34The hospital they called me from
06:38is a psychiatric clinic.
06:41It's always been our worst fear
06:43that my mom would end up in a psychiatric hospital.
06:46And now it's come true.
06:48And I'm here, locked up, unable to do anything.
06:51I would have liked to tell you the truth.
06:54But I can't.
06:56I can't.
06:58I can't.
07:00I can't.
07:02I can't.
07:04I can't.
07:06I can't.
07:08I can't.
07:10I've loved you from the beginning.
07:12But I wanted you to enjoy your day.
07:16No, Dad, I know perfectly well,
07:18and I don't doubt that what happened to my mom
07:20was because your great idea to find Sofia.
07:23Was that it?
07:25My mom found out, did she deceive you?
07:29Juan, Beatriz deserves to know the truth.
07:32Mrs. Isela already found out that you paid Rita
07:34to make her pretend to be Sofia.
07:38Did you really do that, Juan?
07:40I didn't do anything.
07:42I was just told that Isela had a nervous breakdown.
07:45I told you that doing that was wrong.
07:47How long are you going to understand
07:49that lying has consequences?
07:51I wasn't to blame for what happened to your mom.
07:54It was Alfonso.
07:56Alfonso, why?
07:58He's in love with Rita.
08:01And your mother found them in bed.
08:05Do you realize
08:07what it must have been like for her to see that?
08:10And it wasn't Alfonso's fault.
08:12Nor was it Rita's, Dad.
08:14You're the only one to blame for all this.
08:16What else has to happen
08:18for you to accept your responsibility?
08:20I'm sorry.
08:22Honey, where are you going?
08:24No, I'm sorry. I need five minutes. I'm sorry.
08:33Now come, Mom.
08:35Yes, son.
08:40Are you happy to see me in my worst moment?
08:43Not at all.
08:46I know you so well, Juan.
08:50I suspect you're hiding something much bigger
08:53around that invention of Sofia.
08:58Aren't you going to tell me?
09:01Now it turns out you're interested in what happens to me.
09:06You love to see me kneeling.
09:09What I want
09:12is for you to find
09:14a moment in your life
09:17to confess
09:19what torments you.
09:24Let go, Juan.
09:26Let go.
09:39I'm going to clean up.
09:41Because if Santiago comes to make fun of me,
09:43I don't want him to make fun of me.
09:45Hey, Luisa, look at me.
09:47Since when do you care what Santiago thinks?
09:50And Luisa, you don't always have to be the strong one.
09:54Let go, let it out.
09:56Let out that sadness,
09:58because when that beautiful baby arrives,
10:01we want him healthy and beautiful.
10:05But you have something else.
10:06Tell me what it is.
10:09Our baby is not Marcelo's.
10:11The baby is Zahid's.
10:14And I don't know what to do.
10:16I don't know what to do.
10:24I know you always want to do the right thing,
10:28but it's not in your best interest for Zahid to know.
10:32I'm going to repeat the same story.
10:34Natalia didn't know that Marcelo was her father.
10:37And look, look at the disaster I caused.
10:41And if Zahid finds out that this baby is his,
10:44he's going to kill me forever.
10:47And it's the last thing I want, Ana.
10:50I thought that at last, at last,
10:52they had managed to get rid of Zahid
10:55and that I would be able to be happy with Marcelo.
10:58And it's not like that, it's not like that, it's not like that.
11:01It's not like that, it's not like that, it's not like that.
11:06I'll be with you.
11:08No matter what happens.
11:14Thank you.
11:17Thank you.
11:31Are you hurt after fighting with Papa Zahid?
11:36I'm hurt because...
11:38I don't want you to be afraid of me.
11:41What happened was very ugly.
11:43You told me you wouldn't kill anyone
11:45and you screamed that you would kill Papa Zahid.
11:48I'm sorry, my love. I was angry
11:50and when you're angry, you say things that...
11:52that you really won't do.
11:55I know. I would also defend myself.
11:58You mean you understand me?
11:59Yes, a little.
12:03But please, I don't want to be afraid of you.
12:08I don't want you to be afraid of me.
12:12Can you give me a hug?
12:21I'll give you his message.
12:23Why are you bringing Margarita out?
12:25They called for young Alfonso.
12:27They asked if his family lives here
12:29and they found his ID.
12:31What do you mean his ID? What happened to him?
12:33A drug overdose.
12:35They took him to the General Hospital.
12:37Miss, he's very serious. He could die.
12:42Come with me, Mom.
12:45I want to be with you, Mommy.
12:47Hi, my love.
12:50What a beautiful surprise, my love.
12:53He said he missed you.
12:56I miss you a lot too.
13:00Do you know who also misses you a lot?
13:04Your toys.
13:06They're very sad because you haven't played with them in a long time.
13:09Do you want to play with them?
13:13Bring them and let's play.
13:15Nati, this will always be your home, my love.
13:18Thank you.
13:30And now what happens?
13:32Juan, something horrible happened.
13:34Yes, I know. Something horrible.
13:37Isela is hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic.
13:40I'm going there.
13:42No, no, no. It's not about Isela.
13:44It's Alfonso. I gave him an overdose and he's very serious.
13:49But why?
13:51If we all knew that sooner or later this was going to happen.
13:54Don't you care?
13:55If we all knew that sooner or later this was going to happen.
13:58Don't you care if he dies?
14:00He's your son.
14:08Juan, for God's sake.
14:10You're the only person he counts on.
14:13The truth is, if he dies,
14:15I'm going to take a weight off my shoulders.
14:18I can't believe you're telling me this,
14:20but Alfonso has me.
14:22I'm going to see for him.
14:23I'm going with Alfonso, Margarita.
14:25Please, Camila, don't tell him anything
14:27because he could get worse.
14:29If something happens to Alfonso, I'll tell him.
14:32Yes, don't worry, miss.
14:39What are you doing here? What do you want?
14:41I need to talk to you.
14:43I have nothing to talk to you about.
14:45Well, I have a lot of merchandise that I sold at the casino.
14:48Do you want it or not?
14:50Can I give it to you directly
14:51or give me your dealer's number?
14:54What are you trying to do?
14:56What are you trying to do?
14:58Is this to save your girlfriend and her sister?
15:01Because Luisa is probably going to look for the dealer
15:03to report me.
15:05Look, I don't know.
15:07I don't know what Luisa's interests are.
15:09I don't know what's going on with Ana's life
15:11because in the end you did it.
15:13We're not together anymore.
15:15So I'm not interested in anything that has to do
15:17with the Grajales family.
15:19Do you want the merchandise or not?
15:22Calm down.
15:24Because if this is a plan or it's about something else,
15:26you're not going to live to tell it.
15:29And you think I don't know?
15:32Do you think I want to see the face of a guy like you?
15:36I'm here because I want to undo
15:38any kind of deal I had with you.
15:41Let's do it the best way.
15:48That's not such a bad idea.
15:49Benjamin's idiot took all the merchandise.
15:51With what you have, we'll give it to the dealer
15:53so he can calm down.
15:55Because if he doesn't, he's going to get in trouble.
15:57I'll give you the phone. Get out.
16:00You can come in here whenever you want.
16:02Get out.
16:03Get out.
16:17I was thinking about what we talked about
16:19about your pregnancy.
16:24And when...
16:27When I felt Natalia hug me,
16:30my doubts were gone.
16:34And what did you think?
16:39That even if he's Said's son,
16:42for me he's the son of the woman I love.
16:49Marcelo, I still don't know what I'm going to decide.
16:51I don't know what I'm going to do.
16:54That's your decision.
16:57But I want you to know that I'm with you.
17:03Thank you.
17:06You really don't know how happy it makes me
17:10to know that you're going to be there for me,
17:12to support me,
17:14to take care of me, whatever my decision is.
17:18I love you.
17:22I love you too.
17:34Are you Dr. Guerrero?
17:38Can you tell me
17:40in what state Alfonso Marrero is?
17:43Is he your relative?
17:45I'm his sister.
17:48I'm sorry.
17:50He's still in a coma.
17:52It's very difficult to know if he'll come out or not.
18:04Thank you.
18:16the doctor told me that your crisis was severe.
18:21And the truth is, I don't see you that bad.
18:30Well, because others are going through it too.
18:33Why did you do it?
18:45Do you think I'm so stupid
18:48to think
18:50that I would never realize
18:56that you put a stranger in my daughter's place?
19:03I didn't want to make you suffer.
19:07I wanted to comfort you.
19:11Many times
19:13you've seen me suffer.
19:17And suddenly now
19:20you care.
19:22You care so much
19:24that you tried to make me believe
19:28that that stranger was my daughter.
19:30To comfort me?
19:37You did it for yourself.
19:40Because when I asked you for a divorce,
19:43you were afraid of being left with nothing.
19:46You know,
19:48there was a moment
19:50when I really
19:52thought you could change.
19:56But you didn't.
19:57You can't change.
20:04Get out of here, Juan.
20:11Please, leave.
20:26Would you really do it?
20:29Would you really take care of a son like that?
20:32He's your son, Lizzie.
20:34I care about everything about you.
20:39Why are you so good?
20:42You're the best man in the world.
20:46That's why I love you so much.
20:48How could we not fall in love?
20:50I'm just a man in love.
20:55Do you think
20:57the passion we feel for each other is eternal?
21:01Or that when we're old
21:03we won't even see each other again?
21:06I love you, Marcelo Bernal.
21:08I love you.
21:10I love you, Luisa Grajans.
21:12I love you.
21:42I love you.
22:08I'm not going to give up on you yet.
22:10Not until the last day of defeat I have with the bank.
22:40If the goalkeeper falls in love, no one has water.
22:44If they close the vet, the building becomes a zoo.
22:48And the uncomfortable visits always come to stay.
22:53Neighbors, one does it, everyone pays for it.
22:56New season, Sunday, June 9th.
22:59The spectacular grand finale is approaching.
23:02Consecrated and heirs will join their voices in an unprecedented duel.
23:05I love you so much, daddy.
23:07Guests of luxury will win the night.
23:08Phenomenal, too.
23:10And we'll finally find out who will win.
23:12I can't contain myself anymore.
23:14Voices, Grand Finale.
23:16This Sunday, 9 p.m., with the stars.
23:19Pack your bags, because the fun is about to take off.
23:22This is your first flight.
23:24I think it's the last one.
23:26And if you're afraid to fly, he can help you.
23:28But, doctor, I don't know anything about scars.
23:30All I do is palpitate.
23:32This Saturday, enjoy the trip with Cantinflacer.
23:34When I want, I just say, and fly, young man.
23:36And Sunday, Mr. Doctor, with the stars.
23:39Shane, Julius, Alexander, put skates on the defensive.
23:44I told you the playoffs were going to be incredible.
23:47It's spectacular.
23:49It's the best basketball in the world.
23:51That's why the NBA finals came to television.
23:54Live all your excitement for the 9th.
23:56Did I tell you or didn't I tell you?
23:58I told you.
24:00Start your days with energy and fun.
24:02At 9 p.m., tips, everything about the show,
24:03laughs and exercises on Hoy.
24:05For the women who dare to do everything,
24:07exotic girls.
24:09And at the end, famous reports,
24:11cooking and more just in Cuéntamelo Ya.
24:13Dana doesn't stop making news,
24:15now she went viral for her fall in the middle of the presentation.
24:17From Monday to Friday with the stars.
24:19It was probably a very potent poison.
24:21How did that get to the baby's body?
24:23I want a son of yours.
24:25You want to end Rubén.
24:27I'm a little minor.
24:29Your son is in a coma.
24:31I'm willing to separate from my sister.
24:33Give me my son.
24:35Or you tell me you want my son.
24:37I swear I'll kill you.
24:39Fridays at 8.30 at night.
24:41Heroes like you make a difference.
24:43Behind every emergency,
24:45there is a committed team.
24:47But we know it's not just them.
24:49It's a whole country transforming lives.
24:51Every act of kindness changes the world.
24:53Be a hero.
24:55Join the National Collective.
24:57Mexican Red Cross.
24:59Always with you.
25:03Pintamos de color cada noticia.
25:05Te invitamos a que explores el mundo deportivo.
25:08Cierra tu semana con buen humor.
25:10Diviértete, infórmate y acompáñanos en
25:13La Jugada.
25:15Este domingo, 11 de la noche,
25:17con las estrellas.
25:19AquÃ, si el portero se enamora,
25:21nadie tiene agua.
25:23Si cierran la veterinaria,
25:25el edificio se convierte en un zoológico.
25:28Y las visitas incómodas
25:30siempre llegan para quedarse.
25:33Uno la hace y todos la pagan.
25:35Nueva temporada.
25:37Domingo, 9 de junio.
25:39This is an advance of what we will have today in the news.
25:41Despite the warnings of the Conagua,
25:43no authority stopped the event
25:45in San Pedro Garza GarcÃa.
25:47The mother of the child murdered in ParaÃso, Tabasco,
25:49claims the authorities for the insecurity.
25:51And the international court denies
25:53measures against Ecuador
25:55by eruption in the Mexican embassy.
25:57Details in Punto de las 10.30.
25:59No, eso es imposible
26:01porque yo soy virgen.
26:03Se embarazó por error.
26:06Luego lo conoció.
26:08Soy Juana Bravo.
26:10Gabriel Rubio.
26:12Y al final se enamoró.
26:14¿Cómo acaba un amor que empezó por el final?
26:16La historia de Juana.
26:18Inicia 3 de junio, 9.30 de la noche.
26:20Comienza tus dÃas con energÃa y diversión.
26:22A las 9, consejos, todo sobre el espectáculo,
26:24risas y ejercicios en Hoy.
26:26Para las mujeres que se atreven
26:28a hacer uñas exóticas.
26:30Y al terminar, famosos, reportajes,
26:32cocina y más, solo en Cuéntamelo Ya.
26:34Dana no para de hacer noticia,
26:36ahora se hizo viral por su caÃda
26:38en plena presentación.
26:40De lunes a viernes con las estrellas.
26:42Seguramente fue un veneno muy potente.
26:44¿Cómo llegó eso al organismo del TFI?
26:46Quiero un hijo tuyo, Esteban.
26:48¿Quieres acabar con Rubio?
26:50Yo soy un poco inocente.
26:52Su hijo está en Conagua.
26:54Estoy dispuesto a separarme de mi hermana.
26:56Dime cómo puedo salvar a mi hijo.
26:58Este dos de junio se decide el rumbo
27:00que seguirá el paÃs.
27:02Todos los dÃas en NMASC encontrarás
27:08y actualizaciones
27:10estés donde estés.
27:12Porque todos marcamos la diferencia.
27:14NMASC decide informado.
27:28Pero la verdad está a la vuelta de la esquina.
27:30Juan Carlos es Eva.
27:32Por ella soy Eva.
27:34Lunes a viernes,
27:361.30 de la tarde.
27:38Este domingo en Más Deporte.
27:40Te mostraremos todo lo que sucedió
27:42en la jornada deportiva.
27:44Desde un punto de vista muy original
27:46y oportuno.
27:48Diviértete con nuestros invitados sorpresa.
27:50Aquà encontrarás muy buen humor, claro.
27:52Estamos más cerca de ti.
27:54En Más Deporte este domingo
27:5611 de la mañana con las estrellas.
27:59Lourdes ha sido desafortunada
28:01en el amor.
28:03Cuando al fin cree encontrar al hombre perfecto
28:05se decepcionará y seguirá siendo
28:07la solterona.
28:09Silvia enamora a Gabriel para entregarlo
28:11con unos secuestradores.
28:13Para que paguen el rescate
28:15será cortándole el dedo.
28:17Viernes de 6.30 a 8.30 de la noche.
28:19Los candidatos y la candidata
28:21a la Jefatura de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México
28:23vienen a Despierta.
28:25Entrevistas exclusivas a dÃas
28:26antes de que cierren sus campañas.
28:31Como parte de la cobertura
28:33NMAS Elecciones México 2024.
28:35Despierta, un noticiero de NMAS.
28:37Lunes a viernes 7 a 9 de la mañana
28:39con las estrellas.
28:41El servicio al cliente cada dÃa es más macabrón.
28:43Me gustarÃa levantar un acta.
28:47¿Puedo pasar?
28:51Ha sido enviado al infierno y será condenado.
28:53Ahorita te vamos a asignar un lugar.
28:54Los candidatos van a aplicar
28:56el castigo del infierno caliente.
28:58¡Qué rico!
29:00Este sábado 11 de la noche.
29:02Comienza tus dÃas con energÃa y diversión.
29:04A las 9, consejos, todo sobre el espectáculo,
29:06risas y ejercicios en Hoy.
29:08Para las mujeres que se atreven a todo.
29:10Niñas exóticas.
29:12Y al terminar, famosos, reportajes,
29:14cocina y más solo en Cuéntamelo Ya.
29:16Dana no para de ser noticia.
29:18Ahora se hizo viral por su caÃda en plena presentación.
29:20De lunes a viernes con las estrellas.
29:21Jefa, ¿qué haces aqu�
29:23Es que, ¿qué crees?
29:25Me llamaron para ser la capitana de un equipo de famosas.
29:27A mà me llamaron para la misma chamba.
29:29HÃjole, jefa, no me lo vaya a tomar a mal,
29:31pero esta lana me la voy a llevar yo.
29:33Pues te voy a ganar.
29:35Cash, el peso del dinero.
29:37Gran estreno 9 de junio, 9 de la noche, por las estrellas.
29:52Jugaremos en el bosque.
29:54Ustedes pertenecen aquÃ
29:56y aquà se van a quedar.
29:58Solo en cines.
30:22Esta es su primer vuelo.
30:24Se me hace que es el último.
30:26Y si le tienes miedo a volar, él te puede ayudar.
30:28Pero, doctor, yo de cicatrÃa no sé nada.
30:30A lo más que le hago es al pálpito.
30:32Este sábado disfruta el viaje con CantÃn Flacer.
30:34Cuando yo quiera nomás digo y a volar, joven.
30:36Y el domingo, el señor doctor con las estrellas.
30:52¿Qué pasó, Luisa?
30:54¿Te da asquito la comida de pobre?
30:56O más bien, ya sé.
30:58Te das asco a ti misma.
31:00¡Asco das tú!
31:02Últimamente los desayunos con Teo son un show de mal gusto.
31:04Ana, Ana.
31:08Ana, desayunemos tranquilos.
31:12Buenos dÃas.
31:14Buenos dÃas.
31:16¿Le traigo a desayunar?
31:18No, solamente un café, gracias.
31:21Gracias, Chelo.
31:23Perdón por interrumpir, pero vengo a decirles algo importante.
31:25¿Qué pasó?
31:27Me movilicé.
31:29Fue difÃcil.
31:31Pero encontré la propuesta de un empresario norteamericano.
31:38¡Qué gran noticia!
31:40¿Y cuál es?
31:42¿Cómo no vamos a perder la cadena?
31:44Bueno, eso si Luisa no le da el dinero del inversionista Marcelo para que lo pierda.
31:49¿Te interesa?
31:53SÃ, asà tenga que vender mis acciones me interesa.
31:55¿Cuál es la propuesta?
31:57Luisa, no.
31:59No voy a permitir que vendas tus acciones.
32:01Ana, estoy protegiéndolos a ustedes dos.
32:03No los quiero dejar en la calle.
32:05Y si tengo que vender mis acciones, lo voy a hacer.
32:07Su futuro y el legado de mi papá.
32:09Y si tengo que vender mis acciones, lo voy a hacer.
32:11¿Sà te quedó claro, Ana?
32:13¿Sabes qué, Luisa?
32:15Tengo un gran contacto, se llama Berta.
32:17Es la dueña del prostÃbulo.
32:19Es tu empresa, tu futuro.
32:21¿Y tú no paras de reÃrte de mÃ?
32:23¿Qué quieres, que te deje en la calle?
32:25No me obligues, ¿quieres?
32:33¿Sabes algo de mi papá?
32:36No, Bea, y la verdad no quiero hablar de él.
32:38Vine a verte a ti.
32:40¿Cómo estás?
32:42¿Cómo voy a estar?
32:44Lo que hizo mi papá fue...
32:47SÃ, Bea, pero no puedes pagar por sus errores.
32:49A ver, Felipe, no empieces con eso otra vez, ¿s�
32:51No, no, es que, Bea, no es justo
32:53que tengamos que estar separados por culpa suya.
32:55¿Qué crees, que no te extraño, que no pienso en ti?
32:57¿Y tú crees que yo no te extraño a ti?
32:59Felipe, quisiera estar contigo todas las noches,
33:01todos los dÃas.
33:08todavÃa hay una
33:18Las visitas...
33:20Conjugales, sÃ.
33:23Aunque, mira, la verdad a mà me encantarÃa estar contigo
33:25en otra situación, en otra circunstancia,
33:27lejos de aquÃ, tú y yo,
33:29siendo lo que somos, marido y mujer, Bea.
33:37Personalmente, no me gusta mucho.
33:39El inversionista pide el 80%
33:41de acciones de la empresa.
33:45Por reponer el dinero del desfalco.
33:49SÃ, se está aprovechando
33:51de la delicada situación financiera
33:53de la empresa,
33:55pero, pues,
33:57no conseguà una cosa mejor.
33:59No, no, no, no, no, no.
34:01No, no, no, no, no, no.
34:03No, no, no, no, no, no.
34:04No conseguà una cosa mejor.
34:06No solo me voy a obligar
34:08a ceder mis 50%,
34:10también Ana y Tiago tienen que ceder sus acciones.
34:12No se confundan, ¿OK?
34:14Yo no voy a dar nada.
34:16Pues quedarÃamos con el 5% cada quien, ¿no?
34:21El hotel sobrevivirá.
34:23La construcción del Eco Resort está asegurada.
34:26Pero, bueno,
34:28ustedes van a entregar
34:30el hotel al nuevo dueño.
34:32Felicidades, Luisa,
34:34por tus grandes decisiones
34:36como jefa de la empresa.
34:38Vamos a quedarnos en la calle.
34:40Vamos a perder todo por tu culpa,
34:42¿sà captas, verdad?
34:47Yo puedo comer solo.
34:51No has comido nada desde ayer.
34:53Yo tengo que cerciorarme
34:55de que te alimentes.
34:57Pero yo ya desayuné.
34:59¿Por qué tengo que comer otra vez?
35:01No, no.
35:03Este es el primer alimento.
35:05¿De qué te rÃes, hija?
35:07Don Cristobal no se acuerda de nada.
35:10A veces no se acuerda de nada,
35:12pero no es para reÃrse, Nati.
35:14Realmente nos preocupa.
35:16SÃ, pero a mà me da risa.
35:18A mà también.
35:23¿No sabes qué, Luisa?
35:25Mi papá estarÃa tan orgulloso de ti,
35:27revolcándose en la tumba
35:29por haber puesto su fenso
35:31con su hija.
35:32¿Y para qué?
35:33Para nada.
35:34A ver, Tiago,
35:35Luisa es más capaz que tú
35:36y que yo juntos.
35:37Para que sepas,
35:38es la más inteligente de esta casa.
35:39¿Te duela o no?
35:40Ana, ya cállate.
35:41Cállate tú.
35:42Más inteligente que yo no es
35:43y que Zaid menos.
35:44Zaid es la opción.
35:45¿O cómo en tu cabecita hueca
35:47que perder nuestro patrimonio
35:48es una gran decisión?
35:49No vamos a perder todo.
35:50Ya, cállate.
35:52Bueno, entonces explÃcame, Luisa.
35:53ExplÃcame dónde vas a conseguir
35:54un inversionista
35:55que te ha dispuesto
35:56tanto riesgo, carajo.
35:57Si no lo vas a hacer por mÃ,
35:58ya cállate.
35:59Ana, mira la cara.
36:00No saben cocinar un huevo.
36:01La niña se va a morir de hambre
36:02en la calle.
36:03Ya cállate, ya.
36:04¿Cuál es la respuesta
36:05para el gringo?
36:06La respuesta es no.
36:07No vamos a vender, no.
36:08¿Estás segura, Luisa?
36:10Va a ser muy difÃcil
36:11conseguir otra propuesta.
36:12Yo lo sé
36:13y agradezco mucho
36:14tu esfuerzo.
36:15No voy a vender.
36:16Voy a ver
36:17qué más opciones tengo yo.
36:18Claro, que el banco
36:19nos quite todo
36:20cuando no llegues
36:21al plazo de la hipoteca.
36:22Ya, cállate.
36:23¿Por qué?
36:24¿Por qué?
36:25¿Por qué?
36:26¿Por qué?
36:27¡Ya cállate!
36:28Porque ni para desayunar
36:29en esta casa
36:30alcanzo a Luisa.
36:36Luisa, ¿qué vamos a hacer?
36:39No sé.
36:40No sé.
36:57No sé.
37:18¿Para qué me citaste
37:19antes de la junta?
37:20Bueno, quiero que hablemos
37:21de negocios.
37:22SÃ, Luisa.
37:27Estamos en un momento
37:28complicado de la empresa.
37:29No tienes por qué
37:30preocuparte tanto
37:31por la manita.
37:32SÃ, sÃ, ajá.
37:33Dime qué quieres ahÃ.
37:34Quiero comprar acciones
37:35de esta empresa
37:36para salvarla.
37:37Y tú sabÃas esto, ¿no?
37:38Por eso querÃas convencerme.
37:40¿Y por qué no puede estar
37:41Luisa aquÃ?
37:42¿Por qué no?
37:43¿Por qué no puede estar?
37:44Porque lo que diga
37:45o lo que haga
37:46no me va a tomar en cuenta,
37:47no me va a escuchar.
37:48Yo tampoco te quiero escuchar.
37:49¿Ah, no?
37:50De hecho, preferirÃa
37:51aceptar la propuesta
37:52de mi tÃo Juan.
37:53¿Cómo, cómo?
37:55No, imagÃnate.
37:56Yo quiero el 51%.
37:59Y ustedes se quedan
38:00con el 49% y todo bien.
38:01Es hora que tomes
38:02una decisión importante, Ana.
38:03Sabes que no hay
38:04mejor alternativa.
38:05Y tú te quedarÃas
38:06con las acciones de Luisa.
38:09Yo no voy a aceptar nada
38:10si Luisa no sabe
38:11nada de esto.
38:12Ok, ya deja de preocuparte
38:13por tu hermana.
38:14Ella se cuida sola.
38:15Además, si todos
38:16votan a mi favor,
38:17pues no le va a quedar
38:18de otra.
38:19Ni modo.
38:20Ana, eres una grajales.
38:21Es hora de que actúes
38:22como tal.
38:24Quiero que tomes en cuenta
38:25el sueño de mis papás.
38:26No podemos perder la empresa.
38:28Y mucho menos
38:29por los errores de Luisa.
38:31Y lo sabes.
38:37Bueno, pues,
38:38tú no puedes vivir solo,
38:40asà que te vas a mudar
38:41a mi casa.
38:43Voy por tu cepillo de dientes
38:44para que te vayas
38:45a vivir con nosotros.
38:46SÃ, mi amor.
38:47No, no, no, no, no, no.
38:49No, yo no me puedo
38:50ir de aquÃ.
38:51Aquà vienen
38:52mis amigos empresarios
38:53a visitarme.
38:54De hecho, hoy va a venir uno.
38:57Bueno, ¿cómo se llama?
39:00Pues, él,
39:01no me acuerdo ahorita,
39:02pero va a venir.
39:04Te puede visitar en mi casa.
39:07Por favor.
39:11No quiero molestarte.
39:13No es ninguna molestia,
39:14mi amado empresario.
39:17Nada me gustarÃa más
39:18que todos tus amigos
39:19te vengan a visitar a mi casa.
39:22Tú sabes el sentimiento
39:23tan grande que tengo por ti.
39:27Igual de grande
39:28que el que yo siento por ti.
39:33MarÃa Inés.
39:35Tú eres Cristóbal
39:36y yo MarÃa Inés.
39:37MarÃa Inés.
39:39Qué hermoso nombre.
39:43MarÃa Inés.
39:46Ay, te amo.
39:50Déjame cuidarte.
39:58Salva vidas.
39:59Lo único que quieres
40:00es quitarle las acciones
40:01a Luisa.
40:02¿Por qué no admites
40:03de una buena vez
40:04que el dinero que piensas
40:05invertir en la compañÃa
40:06es el mismo que nos robaste
40:07junto a los fallazos?
40:08Pero ya,
40:09lo único que voy a admitir
40:10es que ese tipo
40:11me traicionó a mà también.
40:13¿Y de dónde viene tu capital,
40:15¿Por qué no nos cuentas
40:16a todos?
40:17Ay, no te hagas la inocente,
40:18por favor.
40:19Tú sabÃas perfecto
40:20del negocio sucio
40:21de donde todos
40:22ganamos muchos millones.
40:23¿Y qué vas a hacer?
40:24¿Vas a inyectar
40:25ese dinero sucio?
40:26Bueno, ¿a quién le importa
40:27de dónde viene el dinero
40:28si prácticamente todos aquÃ
40:29formamos parte de ese negocio?
40:31Yo creo que Santiago
40:32tiene razón.
40:34Él y yo fuimos parte
40:35de ese negocio
40:36y necesitamos el dinero.
40:39¿Cómo, Ana?
40:41¿Tú también piensas
40:42apoyar a Zahid
40:43después de todo
40:44lo que te ha obligado a hacer?
40:46No tenemos otra opción.
40:48¿Es eso
40:49o perder todo
40:50lo que construyó mi papá?
40:52Estoy de acuerdo con él.
40:54Yo también estoy a favor.
40:58Muy bien.
41:00Si son mayorÃa,
41:01no puedo hacer mucho.
41:05Que les quede muy claro
41:06que yo no estoy de acuerdo
41:07con esta decisión
41:08y que todo,
41:12en sus conciencias.
41:14Yo no pienso
41:15cederte mis acciones todavÃa.
41:17No hasta el último dÃa
41:18de vencimiento
41:19que tenga con el banco.
41:21Voy a estar buscando
41:22otra opción por el momento.
41:26Ana, hey.
41:27Hey, Ana.
41:29Oye, gracias, Ana.
41:35Luisa, necesito
41:36que me escuches.
41:39Sé que te sorprendió
41:40mi voto en la junta,
41:42pero no podÃa permitir
41:43que siguieras por el camino
41:44en el que ibas.
41:45Y sé que quieres
41:46encontrar otra solución.
41:48Pero mÃrate,
41:50te estás desgastando mucho.
41:54Es mejor eso
41:55a pensar que Zaid
41:56se va a quedar
41:57con todo lo nuestro.
42:00Ese bebé no tiene
42:01la culpa de nada
42:02de lo que está pasando.
42:03SÃ, tal vez tenga razón, Ana.
42:05A lo mejor no estoy pensando
42:06las cosas con claridad,
42:07eso es todo.
42:09A ver,
42:10si encontramos
42:11la solución de todo esto,
42:15Pero si no,
42:18tienes que ver que
42:20al menos hay una vÃa
42:21de rescate,
42:24aunque sea con Zaid.
42:28Es que hay tantas cosas
42:29que hacer
42:30y tan poco tiempo
42:31para hacerlas.
42:49¿Por qué cerró la página?
42:51Me sentà acompañada por ella
42:52gracias a Cami.
42:53Fui a ponerme la vacuna
42:54contra el papiloma.
42:56No, yo necesito saber
42:57cómo le va Camila
42:58en su tratamiento.
43:14¿Cómo te sientes?
43:19Bueno, contenta.
43:21La enfermera me contó
43:22que varias chicas
43:23vieron mi video
43:25y vinieron a vacunarse,
43:26a hacerse la prueba
43:27del papiloma.
43:29Mi intención era ayudarlo.
43:47¿Qué pasa?
43:59¿Qué pasa?
44:06Doctora Olga.
44:08Doctora Olga,
44:09venga rápido, por favor.
44:12¿Qué pasa, Beatriz?
44:13Mi paciente despertó.
44:14He woke up, Dr. Olga!
44:19What is it?
44:20My hair is falling off!
44:23Go away! I don't want you to see me!
44:32Mom, what are you doing here?
44:34T3 called me to be the captain of a famous team.
44:37They called me for the same job!
44:40Damn, Mom. Don't take it the wrong way, but I'm going to take this money.
44:43Well, I'm going to win you.
44:45Cash, the weight of money.
44:46Great premiere, June 9, 9 p.m. on Las Estrellas.
44:50This place hides terrible secrets.
44:57Don't fall...
44:58What are you doing? Where are you? your game.
45:03We will play in the forest.
45:04You belong here and you will stay here.
45:09Only in cinemas.
45:13Everyone knows that wrestling is a show.
45:15Well, get out.
45:17You shouldn't hit him in the face, right?
45:18And with that face, you have nothing to lose.
45:20Let's see, guys.
45:21That's why only the brave get married.
45:23Your life is in danger.
45:24I'm going to sit upside down.
45:25How I would like to make fun of you.
45:27We, Los Guapos, this Sunday, 3 p.m.
45:30Start your days with energy and fun.
45:32At 9 p.m., tips, everything about the show, laughs and exercises in Hoy.
45:36For women who dare to everything, exotic nails.
45:40And at the end, celebrities, reports, cuisine and more only in Cuéntamelo Ya.
45:44Dana doesn't stop making news.
45:45Now she went viral for her fall in the middle of the show.
45:48From Monday to Friday with the stars.
45:51No, that's impossible because I'm a virgin.
45:55She got pregnant by mistake.
45:58Then she met him.
46:00I'm Juana Bravo.
46:01Gabriel Rubio.
46:02And in the end, she fell in love.
46:04How does a love that started in the end end?
46:07The story of Juana starts June 3rd, 9.30 p.m.
46:10Prepare your suitcases that the fun is about to take off.
46:13This is your first flight and I think it's the last one.
46:16And if you're afraid to fly, he can help you.
46:19But doctor, I don't know anything about scars.
46:21The only thing I do is palpitate.
46:22This Saturday, enjoy the trip with Cantinflaser.
46:25When I want, I just say and fly, young man.
46:27And on Sunday, Mr. Doctor with the stars.
46:30The spectacular grand finale is approaching.
46:33Consagrados y herederos unirán sus voces en un duelo inédito.
46:36I love you a lot, daddy.
46:37Guests of luxury will win the night.
46:40Phenomenal. Phenomenal.
46:41And finally we will discover who will win.
46:43I can't contain myself anymore.
46:45Game of Voices. Grand Finale.
46:47This Sunday, 9 p.m. with the stars.
46:50Here, if the goalkeeper falls in love, no one has water.
46:55If they close the veterinary, the building becomes a zoo.
47:00And the uncomfortable visits always come to stay.
47:04Neighbors, one does it and everyone pays for it.
47:08New season, Sunday, June 9.
47:11This June 2, the course that the country will follow is decided.
47:14Every day at NMAS you will find context, analysis and updates, wherever you are.
47:24Because we all make the difference.
47:26NMAS decides informed.
47:30Enjoy the offers of the new season.
47:33All the floor of babies and toys at 2x1.
47:36Because these two do not give one.
47:38In electronics to dance the romantics, there are plenty of rows.
47:42And in sweets we have the best sweets.
47:45Do you think?
47:46New season, Sunday, June 9, 7 p.m.
47:49Yes, at 7.
47:50Lourdes has been unfortunate in love.
47:53When she finally believes she will find the perfect man, she will be disappointed and will continue to be.
47:58La Solterona.
47:59Silvia falls in love with Gabriel to give him to some kidnappers.
48:03For them to pay the ransom, it will be cutting the finger.
48:07Friday, June 6, 8.30 p.m.
48:10Shane Gilgamesh and Alexander put skates to the defensive.
48:15I told you that the playoffs were going to be incredible.
48:18It's spectacular.
48:20It's the best basketball in the world.
48:22That's why the NBA finals came to Televisa.
48:26Live all your excitement for the 9th.
48:28Did I tell you or did I not tell you?
48:30I told you.
48:31Start your days with energy and fun.
48:33At 9, tips, everything about the show, laughs and exercises in Hoy.
48:37For women who dare to everyone, exotic dolls.
48:41And at the end, famous, reports, cooking and more, just tell me now.
48:45Dana does not stop making news, now she went viral for her fall in the middle of the presentation.
48:49From Monday to Friday with the stars.
48:51Rebecca is not going to stop at anything to harm me.
48:54Well, I'm not going to let you intimidate me.
48:56Rebecca, they just called me from the bank.
48:58What are you doing here, Isabel?
49:00What you see is not a question, little brother.
49:03Rebecca and I are dating.
49:06Monday to Friday, 4.30 p.m.
49:09With the stars.
49:11So far away.
49:12I am in the middle of this immense city of the sea.
49:15And so close.
49:16Sometimes I feel as if Juan Carlos had never died.
49:20But the truth is around the corner.
49:23Juan Carlos is Eva.
49:26For her I am Eva.
49:28Monday to Friday, 1.30 p.m.
49:31Esmeralda suffers for José Armando.
49:33He left me because his love was not as strong as he said.
49:36Do you want to marry me, Graciela?
49:38But the long-awaited operation arrives.
49:40Those hands are my life.
49:42That will let her see the world as it is.
49:44How beautiful you are, my love.
49:46Esmeralda, Monday to Friday, 2.30 p.m.
49:49For the stars.
49:51No, that's impossible.
49:53Because I am a virgin.
49:55She got pregnant by mistake.
49:59Then she met him.
50:00I am Juana Bravo.
50:01Gabriel Rubio.
50:03And in the end she fell in love.
50:05How does a love that started at the end end?
50:07The story of Juana.
50:08Starts June 3, 9.30 p.m.
50:10The candidates and the candidate for the head of government of Mexico City
50:13are coming to Despierta.
50:15Exclusive interviews days before their campaigns close.
50:21As part of the coverage, Enemaz.
50:24Elections Mexico 2024.
50:26Despierta, a newscast from Enemaz.
50:28Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 a.m.
50:30For the stars.
50:31Here we know how to leave it better for the end.
50:34You have a serious advantage.
50:35I know where my husband is all the time.
50:37The night but without sleep.
50:41Carlos Sevilla.
50:42And Mario Bautista.
50:45The real dad is me.
50:46Night but without sleep.
50:47End of season.
50:49This Friday at the end of Noti.
50:51Here, if the goalkeeper falls in love, no one has water.
50:56If they close the veterinary, the building becomes a zoo.
51:00And uncomfortable visits always come to stay.
51:06One does it and everyone pays for it.
51:08New season.
51:09Sunday, June 9.
51:11Prepare your suitcases that the fun is about to take off.
51:14This is your first flight.
51:15I think it's the last one.
51:17Are you afraid to fly?
51:18He can help you.
51:19But doctor, I don't know anything about scars.
51:21All I do is palpitate.
51:23This Saturday, enjoy the trip with Cantinflaser.
51:25When I want, I just say and fly young.
51:27And Sunday.
51:28Mr. Doctor.
51:29With the stars.
51:31Our menu every day.
51:33I give you a good coffee and wise advice to show your worth.
51:38Can't you support me just once in your life?
51:40Times have changed.
51:41You don't have to change.
51:43It's not fair.
51:45We have to find a solution.
51:47Monday, Friday, 5.30 pm.
51:49With the stars.
51:51Rebeca is not going to stop at anything to hurt you.
51:54Well, I'm not going to let you intimidate me.
51:56Rebeca, they just called me from the bank.
51:58What are you doing here in Israel?
52:00What you see is not a question, little brother.
52:03Rebeca and I are dating.
52:07Monday, Friday, 4.30 pm.
52:09With the stars.
52:12There are predestined loves.
52:15How curious is love, right?
52:17It arises out of nowhere, without explanations or logic.
52:20Loves that are born.
52:22And loves that kill.
52:24You and I, Camila, we are the kings of the blond empire.
52:27The story of Juana.
52:28Starts June 3, 9.30 pm.
52:44For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
52:48Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:14Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:16For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
53:18Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:20For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
53:22Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:24For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
53:26Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:28For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
53:30Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:32For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
53:34Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:36For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
53:38Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:40For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
53:42Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:44For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
53:46Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:48For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
53:50Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:52For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
53:54Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
53:56For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
53:58Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
54:00For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
54:02Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
54:04For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
54:06Friday, June 6, 8.30 pm.
54:08For those who pay the ransom, it will be cutting your finger.
54:11Operation Mom
54:16Look, what happened with her hasn't happened often.
54:21You're a great health care worker.
54:23Otherwise, you wouldn't be struggling like this.
54:25You're careful, devoted and accurate.
54:27To be honest, I didn't expect her to escape coma,
54:29but you managed to get her out of there.
54:31It was neither of us.
54:33I doubt I would have known anything about doses
54:35nor neuromuscular and neurosensory exercises
54:37and neurosensory, if it hadn't been for you.
54:41You told me you have a brother
54:44who's been in a coma for two months, right?
54:48His girlfriend keeps me informed of everything,
54:50but so far there hasn't been any progress.
54:54Okay, look.
54:56He's starting a social reintegration program
54:59where you could apply.
55:01Go out for a couple of hours a day to work,
55:03and I could recommend you to go to the hospital
55:05where your brother is.
55:06Are you interested?
55:07Really, Doctor?
55:09If you did that for me,
55:11I wouldn't be able to pay you back.
55:14I'm not doing it so you can thank me.
55:17I think you'd be a great medical assistant
55:20in any hospital.
55:22Of course, the administration of the prison
55:24has to authorize it,
55:25and the administration of the hospital.
55:28But I'm going to fill out a request with your name.
55:32Thank you very much, Doctor.
55:36Oh, please take these boxes to the bedroom
55:39so you can put everything we need in there.
55:47Hi, Marina.
55:49Juan, what are you doing here?
55:51I went to your house to look for you,
55:53and I was told...
55:55Anyway, someone wants to invest in your business.
56:00I'm sorry, I can't do it.
56:02There's someone who wants to invest in your business.
56:07Do you think we should talk about that another time?
56:10Because I'm very busy. I really have to pack all this.
56:14Cristóbal moved.
56:16Yes, he came to live with me.
56:18Cristóbal will fulfill all the dreams he had with you.
56:23He's a lucky man.
56:27His abilities have been decreasing because of his illness.
56:30And yes, he's a lucky man.
56:34Because I'm going to take care of him until the end.
56:38I've always said you're a wonderful woman.
56:41Thank you for your words.
56:43Really, but I have to take this box to the wedding.
56:47If you'll allow me, please.
57:01I love you.
57:12Hey, do you think they've already commented on the video?
57:15We uploaded it like an hour ago, right?
57:19Well, we can check.
57:21The answer is good, if you want.
57:24And that's it.
57:25I also want to read the negatives.
57:26Look, I don't care what you say about me.
57:28That's what reflects them and what they think.
57:31But I also want to answer them so they know how to defend themselves.
57:35So I'm going to turn on the camera.
57:37In case you want to answer some answers live, okay?
57:40I'm going to fix it.
57:48What's wrong?
57:49No, don't look at me.
57:51What about me? What's wrong?
57:53You don't want to...
57:54My hair is falling off.
57:56What happened?
57:57Go away. I don't want you to see me.
57:58Cami, calm down. It's...
58:00No, Iñaki, don't look at me, please.
58:02My hair is falling off.
58:04Cami, it's part of...
58:05No, Iñaki, go away.
58:07I'm going to look ugly.
58:08Cami, don't say that.
58:10Cami, it's part of your process.
58:11No, Iñaki, don't look at me, please.
58:16I'm going to look very ugly, please.
58:17No, calm down.
58:18Go away. I want to be alone.
58:21Go away.
58:33You have to be calm, okay?
58:38The notary has arrived home alone.
58:40Let him in.
58:45Thank you.
58:47Luisa, good morning.
58:48It's good to see you.
58:49Good morning.
58:51I need to ask you a favor.
58:53I'm glad you're here.
58:55Thank you.
58:56As I told you on the phone,
58:58I want us to sign to give all my shares to Mr. SaÃd Espino.
59:17This is me.
59:19This is me.
59:21This is me.
59:23This is me.
59:25This is me.
59:27This is me.
59:33Don't move!
59:34Don't move!
59:35What happened to Alejandro and Leonor was an accident.
59:40Like what happened to your sister, Catita.