Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated E012 The Shrieking Madness

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 - Le professeur est un bon écrivain. Son truc est spooky. - Hatecraft est un total fake. Il dit qu'il écrit ce que les démons des dimensions sombres lui disent. S'il vous plaît !
00:10 - Comment savez-vous qu'ils ne sont pas vrais ? - Hum, parce que j'ai un cerveau ? Attendez jusqu'à ce que Harlan Ellison parle ici la semaine prochaine. Il est un vrai écrivain. Il va vous dire tout de suite de Hatecraft. A plus tard.
00:21 - Chargargothicon, la bête sans nom. Comment peut-il nommer la créature dans le titre et dire qu'elle n'a pas de nom ? Ridicule. - Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce sentiment ?
00:33 - C'est un truc qui est très rare. - C'est un truc qui est très rare.
00:43 - C'est un truc qui est très rare. - C'est un truc qui est très rare.
00:53 - S'il vous plaît ! S'il vous plaît !
00:59 - C'est un truc qui est très rare. - C'est un truc qui est très rare.
01:09 - C'est un truc qui est très rare. - C'est un truc qui est très rare.
01:19 - C'est un truc qui est très rare. - C'est un truc qui est très rare.
01:27 - La vieille école de Darrow -
01:31 - Maintenant, Darf, calme-toi. Passer du temps à l'étranger va te faire du bien. - Arrête de passer par le bâtiment que nous avons payé.
01:45 - Et si tu vois des professeurs, rappelle-les que tes soeurs ont tous gradué de l'université de Darrow à l'âge de 13 ans. - Je visite seulement cette école parce que tu me le veux, maman.
01:54 - Et si Darrow n'était pas pour moi ? - Une école qui est bien pour les autres filles ne serait-elle pas bien pour toi ?
01:59 - Oh, Daphne, parfois, j'aimerais avoir un garçon.
02:03 - Fred, va directement à ma vieille fraternité et déplace mon nom. Ils doivent te laisser gagner, peu importe combien tu parles de trapes.
02:11 - Oh, mon dieu, ça me fait un peu bizarre d'être ici sans la gang. - Les choses ont été assez compliquées depuis que Shagg et Velma se sont brûlées.
02:16 - Par le coup de l'épée de Grandthar, Fred, le garçon de Roger, a choisi un chien contre une fille. Qu'est-ce qu'il pense ? Ce n'est pas un spectacle de réalité.
02:23 - Je rêvais que tu serais humiliée par ma fraternité. Ne me fais pas ça.
02:29 - Je ne peux pas croire que je suis ici le même jour que mon auteur préféré. Penses-tu que Harlan Ellison signera toutes mes copies de ses livres ?
02:35 - Je connaissais Harlan, il y a un jour. Dis-lui que Cape Cod Dinkley t'a envoyé. - D'accord.
02:41 - Mais, le meilleur des choses à Darrow University, c'est le restaurant de burgers sur l'étage. Ils sont connus partout pour leurs burgers.
02:49 - Et les frites frites, les rangs d'oignons et les shakes.
02:53 - N'essaie pas de nous embarrasser, s'il te plaît. Et mieux encore, ne leur dis pas votre dernier nom.
02:59 [Bruit de moteur]
03:01 [Musique]
03:25 [Musique]
03:31 [Musique]
03:42 [Musique]
04:07 [Musique]
04:11 [Musique]
04:21 [Musique]
04:35 [Musique]
04:45 [Musique]
04:57 [Musique]
05:07 [Musique]
05:25 [Applaudissements]
05:28 - Merci. OK, des questions.
05:31 - Mon nom est Howard E. Roberts et mon écrivain préféré est un de nos professeurs.
05:36 - Et je me demandais si vous pouviez comparer votre travail à son masterpiece, "The Shrieking Madness of Char-Gar Gotham".
05:41 - Vous voulez dire "H.P. Hatecraft"? Un écrivain intéressant, oui, sans doute. Mais mineur, et ça, c'est gentil.
05:48 - C'est pas vrai. Il est un écrivain brillant qui comprend les créatures sombres des autres dimensions.
05:53 - Je vous le vois, jeune monsieur. Un qui n'entend rien que le bruit de la pluie qui brûle dans l'empire vide qui se trouve entre vos oreilles.
06:02 [Rires]
06:04 - Hatecraft est, au mieux, un fraude littéraire, un con, au pire, un déchirant dans le sac à dos de la littérature.
06:13 [Rires]
06:15 [Applaudissements]
06:19 [Bruits de pas]
06:23 - Monsieur Ellison? - Oui, je peux seulement signer si vite, vous savez.
06:27 - Velma Dinkley, monsieur. Je suis un énorme fan de votre travail et des thèmes que vous explorez.
06:30 - Dinkley? Pas par chance de la relation avec Cape Cod Dinkley, un vieil ami de moi.
06:35 - Ma mère! - Oh, holy Bradbury! Vous devez lui donner un bisou pour moi. Et merci pour la soupe de poisson.
06:41 - Jinkies! Je le ferai! C'était génial de vous rencontrer. Merci beaucoup.
06:45 - C'est un plaisir. Par ailleurs, "jinkies" n'est pas vraiment un mot.
06:51 [Musique inquiétante]
06:54 - "Hatecraft" ça, "hatecraft" ça. Peut-être que quelqu'un pourrait me demander mon travail le plus récent de mon temps.
07:03 [Cris de la foule]
07:09 [Cris de la foule]
07:17 - On dirait que quelqu'un est en trouble.
07:20 - Huuuulpppp! - Hein?
07:22 - Madame! S'il vous plaît, aidez-moi!
07:25 [Cris de la foule]
07:28 - Vous le faites! J'ai changé de peu. Peut-être que ce n'est pas si mauvais.
07:33 [Cris de la foule]
07:36 - Monsieur Ellison, vous allez bien? - "OK"?
07:44 - J'ai été violé par un pigment de la fâcheuse falsification de fantaisie pour le seul fonctionnement de "fame" et "fortune".
07:50 - Comme ça, c'est un truc de fou!
07:53 - Vraiment? C'est "comme ça"?
07:56 Mais si "comme", "comme" était utilisé dans "comme", sa forme grammaticale est propre, et pas "comme" comme une pause de conversation, comme chaque troisième "comme" mot.
08:05 - Mais pourquoi il est si en colère?
08:07 - Peut-être qu'il ne serait pas si en colère si il voyait ça.
08:10 - "L'écrivain de Haycroft, Chargothicon, l'animal sans nom."
08:14 - Quelqu'un a lu ça beaucoup. Il y a des phrases sous-entendues.
08:18 - Et il sent comme un vieux chouard de chouette qui est égarglé par un sceau.
08:22 - Comme, pourquoi un monstre porter un livre sur lui-même?
08:25 - Je veux rencontrer ce Professeur Haycroft pour moi-même.
08:29 [Musique]
08:41 - Professeur Haycroft? Professeur Haycroft?
08:44 - Hello?
08:46 - Professeur Haycroft?
08:47 - Your door was open!
08:50 [Musique]
09:01 - Avec tous ses livres, tu penses que ce gars pourrait, genre, m'afforder un livre?
09:05 [Cris de douleur]
09:10 - C'est juste une statue, les cerveaux de poisson, d'un personnage d'un autre livre de Haycroft.
09:18 [Musique]
09:29 - Breaking news, this just in. Campus police say they have no leads on today's theft of the Darrow family archives from the university library.
09:36 - Professor Haycroft?
09:38 - Oh! By the tendrils of chup-chup-summer-grath, you frightened me.
09:42 - We're sorry, Professor. We're big fans who wanted to meet you.
09:46 - Well, now's not a good time. It's like the wrath of Fung-Farg-Hargenflog has descended upon me.
09:51 I hope I haven't unleashed Char-Gar-Gothicon on the world.
09:55 - What do you mean?
09:56 - My work, translating the demon-summoning chants written in these evil tomes, which my student assistant alphabetizes for me.
10:04 - You think, like everything you're writing, is actually happening?
10:07 - Dark forces are at work in this very home. I fear I may have inadvertently opened a portal to an alternate dimension.
10:14 - That's bad, right?
10:15 - Stop! You might accidentally unleash another demon!
10:18 - Oh, that's just fan mail. Never mind.
10:20 - A lot of these seem to be in the same handwriting.
10:23 - My fans are very dedicated. Now, if you will excuse me, I sense messages from another universe coming on.
10:31 - Well, what do you say, gang? Do we stay together and keep working to solve this mystery?
10:40 [Musique]
10:48 - Is that a no?
10:50 [Musique]
10:57 [Explosion]
10:58 - What are you doing here? This place is vegan!
11:06 - There's nowhere else to eat for like, miles.
11:09 - Yeah, we're so hungry, we didn't even eat vegetables.
11:13 - Sorry, my friends were wrestling.
11:18 - My new brothers are gonna teach me a move called Happy Tapioca.
11:25 - I don't know what it is, but apparently I'll be blindfolded and submerged in pudding.
11:30 - See you around!
11:31 - Hey, I can't wait to get you out of here.
11:35 - Johnny!
11:36 [Musique]
11:51 [Rot]
11:52 - You said it, Scoob. We passed the salt.
11:55 [Rot]
11:56 [Explosion]
11:58 [Rot]
12:04 - Like, run!
12:06 [Rot]
12:08 [Explosion]
12:11 - Just because I'm letting you save me doesn't mean I forgive you!
12:15 - Tapioca, tapioca!
12:17 - So, what construct of the man are we gonna go after next, Ernesto?
12:20 - Don't worry, comrade Daphne. Our true calling will present itself soon.
12:24 - In the meantime, pick something from the list of protestables. It's fun!
12:27 - Rice crackers, shwarma, old person smell? Can you even protest that?
12:32 - I don't know, but someone should!
12:34 - Professor Haycraft, you have to run! Chargargothicon is at the Campus Burger!
12:44 - Wait, were you spying on us?
12:46 - Yes, I wanted to see if you were telling the truth.
12:48 - And by the talons of Fong Shui Narbiscus, you were!
12:51 - I have no choice now but to reveal the terrible, dark truth about Chargargothicon.
12:56 [Gasp]
12:57 [Explosion]
12:59 [Explosion]
13:02 - I know you've heard the rumors of a sighting on campus last night of a monster from one of my novels.
13:06 - But I want to set the record straight.
13:08 - My writings, as Mr. Ellison said the other day, are a fraud.
13:13 - There is no Chargargothicon. I made the whole thing up!
13:17 - It can't be true! Who is forcing you to lie like this, Professor Haycraft?
13:22 - This is not a lie! I am telling the truth!
13:24 - I perpetuated the myth to sell books and to gain access to the lucrative world of plushie monster toys.
13:30 - I am so sorry.
13:31 - Ignore him! We are the ones telling the truth! Monsters deserve equality!
13:36 - Chargargothicon should not be silenced! And here's a song to tell you why!
13:40 ♪ Chargargothicon, the beast that has no name ♪
13:44 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
13:49 ♪ He rocks a thousand high balls ♪
13:51 - Like, now what do we do? No one's listening to a word we say!
13:54 - There's only one thing we can do. Build a trap.
13:57 - But I can't do it alone.
14:00 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:03 - What's going on?
14:06 - I think we've made our point! Protest is over!
14:11 - So what do you say, gang? Are we going to solve this mystery or not?
14:18 ♪ Chargargothicon, the beast that has no name ♪
14:21 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:26 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:29 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:32 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:35 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:38 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:41 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:44 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:47 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:50 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:53 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:56 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
14:59 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:02 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:05 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:08 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:11 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:14 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:17 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:20 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:23 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:26 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:29 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:32 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:35 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:38 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:41 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:44 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:47 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:50 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:53 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:56 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
15:59 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:02 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:05 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:08 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:11 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:14 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:17 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:20 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:23 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:26 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:29 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:32 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:35 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:38 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:41 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:44 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:47 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:50 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:53 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:56 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
16:59 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:02 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:05 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:08 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:11 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:14 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:17 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:20 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:23 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:26 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:29 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:32 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:35 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:38 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:41 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:44 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:47 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:50 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:53 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:56 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
17:59 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
18:02 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
18:05 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
18:08 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
18:11 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
18:14 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
18:17 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
18:20 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
18:23 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
18:26 ♪ He's an old one, maybe lived beneath the sea ♪
18:30 [sirène]
18:32 -H.P., are you all right?
18:34 -Harlan, yes. Just an over-eager fan who got carried away.
18:37 -Fans. Imbeciles fit only to be gnawed by rabbit rats.
18:41 -Yes. Someone could write a book.
18:44 -How about "A Boy and His Fans" by Harlan Ellison and H.P. Hatecraft.
18:50 -I was thinking something more along the lines of
18:52 "Shagool, wrath, haggafar, the fan that hath no name."
18:57 -Except you just named it.
19:00 Oh, start with me, Ellison.
19:03 -You know, I'm glad we don't have to go to college just yet.
19:06 -Yeah. It'll be good to get home and back to solving mysteries.
19:09 -As a team?
19:11 -Absolutely. The way it should be.
19:13 [all gasp]
19:15 -Darrow University Library? Darrow Family Archives?
19:19 Wait. Aren't those the archives the news said were stolen?
19:24 -Mystery? Open it.
19:27 -Carefully.
19:29 -If the first mystery ink had what's inside this trunk,
19:33 maybe they never would have vanished in the first place.
19:36 -Wow.
19:39 -This looks like the entire history of Crystal Cove.
19:42 -Gang, I think we're ready to go.
