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កូនខ្មែរពិតជាអស្ចារ្យណាស់! ក្មេងប្រុសវ័យ១៥ឆ្នាំម្នាក់ ដណ្តើមបានមេដាយមាស ក្នុងចំណោមសិស្សជាង៥ម៉ឺននាក់ សម្រាប់វិញ្ញាសាគណិតវិទ្យា
#កូនខ្មែរ #វិញ្ញាសាគណិតវិទ្យា #មេដាយមាស #60Buzz #KohsantepheapDaily
អត្ថបទ ៖ លីហួ គីមឆាយ
ពិធីករ ៖ លីហួ គីមឆាយ
កាត់ត ៖ សុភា


00:00 The Khmer child is a great example of how a 15-year-old boy can be a leader in the group of more than 50,000 people for the purpose of education.
00:09 It's not just talent, but it's also the result of a deep study and a deep understanding.
00:17 The Khmer boy, who was born in Cambodia, has shown that the Khmer people are the force that this boy has been able to be a leader in the group of more than 50,000 people for the purpose of education.
00:29 What he has achieved is a true identity, not just a talent in a small field.
00:35 The Khmer boy has made Cambodia a strong example of how he has been able to achieve this by supporting the Olympic Games in the Asian Games in 2024.
00:46 According to a post on the Facebook page of the Grand Prize winner, the winner of the Grand Prize,
00:54 the new group of students learned that this boy is a new group of students who have won the Grand Prize in front of the whole country.
01:04 In the subject of the Grand Prize in English, the new group of students have entered the Opposato program named "Thammao Munidarat" in the 11th grade.
01:18 In the Grand Prize in English, the new group of students have entered the Olympic Games in 2024.
01:32 The group of students has a total of 5,275 people from 38 countries, which is equal to 5,333 seats, and a total of 1,400 people from 130 seats in Cambodia.
01:48 After this achievement, the people of Cambodia have been encouraged to support this boy as much as possible,
01:54 because he has a good reputation and can be supported by the Cambodian people.
01:59 This can be said to be a great achievement for the family and teachers.
02:04 It is important to note that the name "Thammao Munidarat" has a long history of education,
02:11 although this little boy is not only small, but also very talented.
02:16 In a moment, I would like to say hello to the 60th anniversary of the "Thammao Munidarat" program,
02:22 which is being studied at the University of Samtang, Akeap Maha, Thua Myak, Puthisat Chia Sim, Preah Amchan,
02:28 and a new group of students, who are saying that first of all, the students are studying very well,
02:34 but after they have studied, they have put on a little bit of effort.
02:37 Regarding the Olympic Games in 2024, Munidarat said that the students did not have too much effort,
02:46 maybe just a little bit of silence or a little bit of imagination.
02:50 However, after thinking about what you can support, you can support the family and teachers
02:56 by saying that you are happy with the results of the Olympic Games.
03:00 In addition, the motivation you have is not only for the work you are doing,
03:08 but also for the effort you are making, because if you do something wrong,
03:10 they will not be able to support you.
03:13 So, how smart are you, how well are you able to support the family and teachers?
03:20 Munidarat also said that in the future, you would like to be a group of students
03:26 who have been told that there are two languages in this category, English and Khmer.
03:33 If you can do the work, the percentage of English students is almost all,
03:39 and you can say that only the language that can support the percentage of foreigners.
03:44 For the study of the Olympic Games, Munidarat said that the study process is very long,
03:51 especially the preparation for the Olympic Games, which he also said that
03:55 for the preparation, he spent between 4 and 5 hours a day,
04:01 without having time to prepare for other events.
04:04 But the Minister of Education also has a lot of responsibilities.
04:09 I would like to hear from you about the Olympic Games.
04:12 Thank you.
04:14 Thank you.
04:15 (dramatic music)
