At today's Senate Republican leadership press briefing, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was asked about poor polling for GOP Senate candidates.
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00:00 New York Times Santa College poll released last week showed Trump beating Biden significantly
00:08 in Nevada, Arizona, also ahead in some other battleground states.
00:11 But at the same time, Republican Senate candidates are behind Democrats in those states.
00:17 Why do you think the discrepancy here?
00:19 Well, I think incumbency, as we learned in 22, is an advantage, not a single incumbent
00:28 lost in 22.
00:31 Senator Daines and I have never said we thought this was going to be easy.
00:35 We've got to beat an incumbent in Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and anywhere else we can.
00:44 But we never said it was going to be a piece of cake.
00:47 And we've got good candidates in all these places and are giving it everything we've
00:52 got to win.