It's Showtime: Panakip-butas noon, handa nang umibig ngayon! (May 23, 2024) (Part 3/4)

  • 4 months ago
Aired (May 23, 2024): Labis na nasaktan si Shane sa katotohanan na lalaki rin ang tipo ng kanyang EX, pero tanggap na raw niya ito at handa na siyang kumilala ng bagong makaka-date!


00:00So, it's just right.
00:03How was your relationship?
00:05Was it fun?
00:07Did you get along?
00:08What kind of boyfriends and girlfriends do you have?
00:10It was fun.
00:11We were happy for 1, 2, 4 months.
00:14What did you do?
00:15Why were you happy?
00:16We ate street foods.
00:18Because that's what our budget allows us to eat.
00:20We went to the same school.
00:22What school?
00:23We went to the same school.
00:24Commonwealth High School.
00:25Commonwealth High School.
00:27Where are you studying now?
00:29We're still studying there.
00:31We're graduating now.
00:33Wow, good luck.
00:37You should leave now.
00:39The class is not yet over.
00:41They're graduating now.
00:42Later, your names will be called.
00:44You're here.
00:45You're graduating now.
00:47This year.
00:48Not tomorrow.
00:50Did you know that you were dating in school?
00:54We were just close friends.
00:56Didn't you hold hands in school?
00:57No, he didn't.
01:00You don't want PDA?
01:01Aren't you sweet?
01:02She said it hurts when he holds her hand.
01:04It makes her dizzy.
01:05It makes her dizzy.
01:06It makes her dizzy.
01:09Why don't you hold her hand?
01:11I'm shy.
01:13She doesn't have fingers.
01:17I'm shy.
01:19She's pretty.
01:20You said your girlfriend is pretty.
01:22Why are you shy?
01:23When she holds my hand, I do this.
01:26She does this.
01:28She did the windmill.
01:29She's so light.
01:30She's in the Ilocos now.
01:31Stop it, Shane!
01:32We're in the Ilocos now.
01:35He did the torumpo.
01:36You're so brutal, Shane.
01:38You're so sweet.
01:39I don't want to.
01:40She's walking.
01:42She's wagging her tail.
01:46You might get into a fight.
01:53Why are you like this?
01:54Why are you crying?
01:55I don't want to.
01:57Why don't you want to?
01:58You don't want to let everyone know that you have a girlfriend.
02:00Is it a secret?
02:01Or maybe you're being formed by others
02:03so that it's not obvious that you have a girlfriend
02:05because if you don't, you won't be able to continue forming
02:07and you'll be embarrassed.
02:10Admit it.
02:11Even though you're with your friends,
02:14you're not holding hands.
02:15When we're with our friends.
02:17She's sweet when she does that.
02:19When you hug each other.
02:22Do you hug her?
02:24Where do you hug?
02:25In front or behind?
02:26Why do you ask that?
02:28In front or behind?
02:29So it's sweet.
02:30For example, you're watching a concert
02:32and you're like this.
02:35Like that.
02:36Like that.
02:37Some people hug each other in front.
02:39Some people hug each other on the side.
02:41Some people play around behind.
02:46How do you make up?
02:49If she doesn't want to hold your hand.
02:51She doesn't want to.
02:52I don't have a choice.
02:54You won't be sad.
02:55You won't be hurt.
02:56I'll be sad.
02:58That's not what you fight about.
03:01I don't want to fight with him.
03:04Because he left me.
03:08These friends of Wamos are really something.
03:11They're different.
03:15You're not sweet at all.
03:17Why did you date?
03:18Don't play with your microphone like that.
03:21Don't do that, please.
03:24Don't do that.
03:26Don't play with your microphone.
03:29You're not sweet at all.
03:31I am.
03:32How do you make up?
03:34I'm sweeter when there's just the two of us.
03:37I'm not a showy.
03:39When there's just the two of you, what do you make up?
03:41I hug each other.
03:44Do you wrestle?
03:45Yes, we wrestle.
03:46Who wins?
03:49I thought you won.
03:50I thought you won.
03:54Let's make it simple.
03:55When you wrestle, that's when I tell you that I won't help you.
03:58Because he's really like that.
04:02So, you broke up because he cheated on you.
04:04Is that true?
04:06How did he cheat on you?
04:07I caught him in a fast food restaurant where he has a date.
04:11And then, they're both men.
04:16They're both men?
04:17They're both men.
04:18They're both men.
04:19And what's more painful is that they're our friends.
04:25Wait, wait, wait.
04:27They're both men?
04:29Holding hands?
04:30Holding hands.
04:34Is that true?
04:36Yes, it's true.
04:38Did you have a boyfriend?
04:39We didn't have a boyfriend.
04:41It was just a talking stage.
04:44We still have one.
04:45But at that time, it was just the two of you?
04:47It was just the two of us.
04:48You didn't want to have a PDA with Shane, but you had a PDA with your best friend.
04:54It was just a joke.
04:57It was just a game.
04:58It was just like that.
05:01If it was just a game, did you cheat on him or not?
05:04I cheated on him.
05:06So, it's not just a joke.
05:08There's a feeling.
05:09There's a feeling.
05:10There's something.
05:11There's something between you two.
05:13But that guy,
05:18it was just a friend time.
05:20But for me, it was just a feeling.
05:22He fell for you.
05:23So, you're the one who has feelings for that guy.
05:25Yes, for that guy.
05:26It's just normal for him what we do.
05:28He doesn't give me a wrong shot.
05:31But for me, it's just a feeling.
05:33Maybe that's why you don't want to hold hands with him because you like him differently.
05:38Is that right or wrong?
05:40It's right.
05:41When you saw them, did you chase them away?
05:43Did you enter their passports?
05:45I just looked at them for a few minutes.
05:47Then, I went home right away.
05:49Then, did you tell him?
05:50Then, I told him to go to his house.
05:52We talked.
05:54Then, he confessed that he has feelings for me.
05:58Then, he told me the main reason why he did that to me.
06:02What's the main reason?
06:03It's like he made a hole for me.
06:08So that our friends wouldn't know that he's gay.
06:18Did you allow him to say that now?
06:23So, you're out now after that?
06:25Yes, I'm out now.
06:29Now, after what he said?
06:31Yes, I'm out now.
06:32No, I mean, you said it's okay.
06:34Before this, were you also out?
06:38Your parents know.
06:39Yes, I know.
06:42So, when you found out the reason, how much did you get hurt?
06:47I got hurt, but not totally.
06:49It was really painful.
06:51Why? You didn't love him that much?
06:53No, because I also have two gay brothers.
06:57So, if that happens to them,
07:00if my two brothers are in the same situation,
07:03maybe they will do the same.
07:05Did you understand him?
07:06Yes, I did.
07:08I was angry, but I wasn't that angry with him.
07:12You understood the situation better.
07:15It's good that he understood you because he knows that he's exposed to that.
07:21He has a brother.
07:24It's really hard to do that.
07:26You know, I'm not saying it's right because I did it too.
07:31I had a girlfriend.
07:32Yes, yes.
07:33It's like that too.
07:35Maybe I'll be a man, I'll be straight.
07:38We force others to be our true selves
07:45so that you'll be good to us.
07:48Because if that happens to us,
07:51you'll cheat on us, you'll cheat on us,
07:53you'll scold us at home, you'll make fun of us,
07:56you'll distance us, you'll treat us differently.
08:00And because we're so afraid that you'll treat us like that,
08:04we force others to be our true selves
08:08and to cheat on us
08:10so that you'll like us and accept us.
08:14That's how hard it is.
08:17Until we realize, until we mature,
08:21that we don't need your acceptance.
08:24Whether you accept us or not,
08:25we accept ourselves
08:27and I'll continue what my heart beats for
08:31and I won't change my personality.
08:33That's how hard it is.
08:36That's why a lot of people like us did it.
08:39But again, that is not right.
08:41It's not right to use other people
08:45and hurt other people
08:47so that you can save and hide yourself.
08:52So, it's painful for both of you, right?
08:56It's good that you have an understanding
08:58that comes from having siblings.
09:03What about Macmac?
09:05Did you tell him that you have feelings for him
09:09or that you're falling for him?
09:10I didn't tell him.
09:12When we broke up, I stopped.
09:18Because you're afraid.
09:19That's why you're dating.
09:20You're afraid that you'll get hurt.
09:23That's why.
09:24Especially if you see a lot of people
09:26in the society,
09:27how they get the right to confess.
09:30You'll be afraid.
09:31Kids will be afraid to confess.
09:33I watched a video on TikTok.
09:35It's like a police training.
09:38Criminology something, I saw that.
09:40Students are lined up.
09:42And the leader, I don't know if he's a professor or a police.
09:45He's asking,
09:46Are you Barbie?
09:48Are you Barbie?
09:50No, sir, I'm not Barbie.
09:52Are you Barbie?
09:57At first, I thought,
09:58what does he mean by Barbie?
10:01What is Barbie?
10:02Is it something negative?
10:04Is it something bad?
10:07Is being a Barbie something that's scary?
10:11That if we prove that you're a Barbie,
10:13something bad will happen to you?
10:15Because the question,
10:16it's not just a plain question,
10:17but there's a threat.
10:18Are you Barbie?
10:19What if someone says yes and confesses?
10:22What will happen to him?
10:25Does Barbie mean,
10:26Are you gay?
10:28What if you're a gay kid,
10:30and you're confused about your identity?
10:32You watched that video.
10:34You'll be afraid.
10:36My God, what if it's me and I confess to Barbie?
10:38What will she do to me?
10:47What if she's a Barbie,
10:48and she wants to be a policewoman?
10:50Will she beat her up when she asks?
10:54I hope that's what they'll talk about
10:56in the next Senate hearing.
10:59The mother who asks,
11:00Are you Barbie?
11:02You should spread that video.
11:04And what does he mean by,
11:05Are you Barbie?
11:07Is being a Barbie now,
11:08in 2024,
11:10after Barbie being shown in the entire world,
11:14does Barbie mean something negative?
11:16Is Barbie a woman?
11:18Is Barbie someone gay,
11:20or a member of the LGBTQIA plus community?
11:23Is it something negative or bad?
11:26Something like that.
11:28That's why,
11:29I feel you,
11:30I feel bad for you.
11:31You don't deserve that.
11:34You deserve someone
11:36to court you
11:37because they really feel something for you.
11:39Because they really love you.
11:41Not because they'll hurt you.
11:43Because you are a very beautiful person.
11:45And you are worthy of love.
11:47You too,
11:48I feel you.
11:51It's not difficult.
11:52Some people think it's easy.
11:55Are you gay?
11:56Go out!
11:57It's fun!
11:58It's not that easy.
11:59You don't know what can happen to her
12:01and what other people can do to her
12:02when she confesses.
12:03That's why she needs to gather courage first.
12:07But at least now,
12:09you've gathered that courage.
12:12And you are brave enough
12:13to be who you are.
12:15Right, Makmak?
12:16That's right.
12:18Makmak, what did you tell your parents?
12:20Was it easy or difficult?
12:23It was difficult.
12:25before I confessed to them,
12:28I showed myself.
12:35Because I left home.
12:37I left home.
12:38I worked.
12:39Because of fear?
12:41Then I worked.
12:42Then I lived with my friends.
12:45When they looked for me,
12:47I told them the reason why.
12:50Is this the reason why you left home?
12:52You left because...
12:55I left home.
12:56I moved to another house.
12:57Because in our street,
13:02my step-dad doesn't like...
13:08We didn't want to go far
13:10because I moved to another house.
13:13Some family members
13:15will go far away
13:16and lose their family
13:17because of the fear of not being accepted.
13:19Because of the fear of not being accepted.
13:21I'll be away from your family.
13:22I'll be away from your friends.
13:26It's bad.
13:27It's so sad.
13:28It's sad.
13:29Especially since it's 2024,
13:31we still feel that way.
13:35We should be open
13:38it's a self-expression of everyone.
13:42Let's be kinder.
13:43That's why we should understand SOGIE.
13:45My God!
13:46It's almost Pride Month
13:47and my mom still doesn't know
13:49what SOGIE is.
13:51How important it is to understand
13:53and respect everyone's SOGIE.
13:56Everyone's sexual orientation,
13:57gender identity,
13:58and expression.
13:59That's why I said
14:00I hope someone will teach SOGIE
14:01in Tagalog
14:02so that they can understand better.
14:05In the school,
14:06in the training facilities,
14:10in the police.
14:12What if I become a police officer
14:14and I'm gay
14:15and I ask for help
14:16and they look at me as if I'm gay.
14:19Will I be able to get help
14:20from those police officers
14:21if I'm gay?
14:24It's scary.
14:28Be kind to everyone.
14:30Are you the type of person
14:33who accepts LGBT people?
14:36Are you the type of person
14:37who can relate to them
14:38or not?
14:42You prefer straight people.
14:45So now,
14:46I want to ask you
14:47because when you were young,
14:48you didn't see him
14:49as someone who was...
14:51I saw him.
14:52He always asked himself,
14:54what am I really like?
14:55It's like he's asking himself
14:57that he's confused.
14:59He was going to tell you that.
15:01When we were friends,
15:03he always asked himself
15:06what he really is.
15:08Because if he's going to force
15:09what he feels,
15:10what will other people
15:11tell him?
15:14That's why I'm trying to be
15:15strong here on television.
15:17For those who can't
15:18be strong in these times
15:20that are watching me.
15:23I've read a lot.
15:24Vice Ganda.
15:26There are a lot of gays
15:27in the Philippines,
15:28especially him.
15:29He teaches guys
15:30how to be gay.
15:32That's stupid.
15:34You can't teach
15:35how to be gay.
15:36I don't teach
15:37how to be gay
15:38to gays.
15:39But I help them
15:40to be brave
15:41so that they can
15:42stand up for being gay.
15:43And there's nothing
15:44wrong with it.
15:45I can feel that.
15:46Me too.
15:47I have nieces
15:48who are like Vice.
15:51I understand that.
15:53You know,
15:54at first,
15:55it's really scary.
15:56It's really scary.
15:58It's up to the family
16:00if they'll accept it.
16:02How will they accept it?
16:03How will they be together?
16:06Because you learn everything.
16:09That's another difficulty.
16:12you don't understand it.
16:14But if you understand it,
16:16you'll accept it.
16:18And you'll be good
16:19to the person.
16:20Isn't that right,
16:22They care about their clothes.
16:26Why does Jong
16:27wear a crop top?
16:28Why does Vong
16:29wear a skirt?
16:30That kind of thing.
16:31Freedom of expression.
16:34Freedom of expression.
16:36So now,
16:37there are people
16:38who want to express
16:39their interest
16:40to be with you
16:41and get to know you.
16:42There are three boys
16:44Is it okay
16:45for you to be here
16:46to support Shane?
16:48Okay, promise?
16:49I'll help him.
16:51You'll be with
16:52the Kumilatis.
16:53Maybe you'll get
16:54the other one.
16:57what's your ending?
16:58Are you friends again?
17:00As in real friends?
17:01Do you know
17:02each other's numbers?
17:04Are you still friends?
17:06Can you joke around again?
17:08I saw them
17:09joking around earlier.
17:10It's beautiful.
17:11It's beautiful.
17:12Beautiful friendship.
17:13So Shane,
17:14it's time
17:15to meet our searchees.
17:16Let's start
17:17with searchee
17:18number one,
17:24What's up,
17:25madame people?
17:26I'm Erickson Villera,
17:28the student
17:29to be discarded
17:30by Rosario Cavite.
17:35The student
17:36to be discarded.
17:37How did you say
17:38the student
17:39to be discarded?
17:40I have a lot of work
17:41that I have to do,
17:42just like you know.
17:44I sell
17:45in the public market
17:46and then
17:47I work
17:48in a hotel
17:49as a lifeguard.
17:52I join pageants
17:53so that
17:54I can finish
17:55my studies
17:56so that
17:57my tuition
17:58will be sustainable.
18:00Good job.
18:02Good job.
18:03I love it.
18:04He's discarded.
18:07He's a commonwealth
18:08so he's a bit far.
18:09So you'll be discarded
18:10so that you'll be seen
18:13Do you have
18:14a pick-up line
18:15for Shane?
18:19It's okay
18:20even if
18:21I'm the one
18:22who pays for your tuition fee.
18:25As long as
18:26in three subjects,
18:27I'm the only one
18:28you'll pass.
18:32This is scary.
18:34Why is Bakma laughing?
18:35Bakma is laughing.
18:37Why is he laughing?
18:38He's like Siga.
18:40He's like Siga.
18:41He's like Siga.
18:44Eric called him
18:47It's like
18:48when you're his boyfriend
18:49and you're quiet
18:50he'll be like
18:51what's the problem?
18:53Then you'll say
18:56There's something.
18:57There's something.
18:59That's why he's scared.
19:00That's why he's scared.
19:01It's like Alden
19:02in MUPH yesterday.
19:05North America!
19:08Alden was angry
19:09yesterday, right?
19:10Quezon Province!
19:15Okay, hi Alden.
19:17Here it is.
19:18We have someone
19:19to introduce to you
19:20in Searching No. 2.
19:25What's up,
19:26madlam people?
19:27John Lay from B19
19:28from Tondo, Manila.
19:30Tondo, Manila is hardworking.
19:32Have you eaten?
19:35Lay seems to be weak.
19:38What's up,
19:39madlam people?
19:40Lay 19 from Misamis.
19:41How are you feeling?
19:42I'm okay.
19:44I'm a bit nervous.
19:45Did you get swabbed?
19:48Did you get swabbed?
19:50I got 2 inches.
19:51You got 2 inches?
19:53Negative or positive?
19:55Because we didn't.
19:58We didn't get swabbed.
20:00Where are you from?
20:01Tondo, Manila.
20:02Where in Tondo?
20:04Malcah is beautiful.
20:05She got married here the other day.
20:07Is she your wife?
20:08She's close.
20:09Do you know her?
20:11Are you friends?
20:13I play with her in court.
20:15I play with her in court.
20:16Is she a buakaw?
20:18I've seen her.
20:27For example, you're a team of 5.
20:29She's alone.
20:31There's no pass.
20:36There's no 4.
20:37She's alone.
20:38She'll inbound.
20:39She'll pass.
20:40She'll pass break.
20:41Then she'll shoot.
20:42I know who the coach is.
20:44Him too.
20:45He'll go in by himself.
20:47Are you a layman?
20:50Because he doesn't let me go in.
20:52He's a buakaw.
20:53He's a buakaw.
20:54That's why your name is Lay.
20:55Do you like to lay up?
20:58Or are you always lay?
21:01That's late.
21:02You're not a lay-ar.
21:05Do you know Malk?
21:07Are you friends?
21:08I just play with her in court.
21:09But you're just friends?
21:10We're just friends.
21:11Oh no!
21:12It's showtime!
21:13We've been discussed!
21:14We're being divided by Malk's group!
21:17They're here!
21:18Who's more handsome than you, Malk?
21:22You look like you're just scared.
21:25Malk is more handsome than you?
21:28Why did you say that?
21:29He said that.
21:31He's the leader of the gang.
21:33What's your position?
21:36When you're sleeping.
21:37In the barangay.
21:38In the dark.
21:39In the dark.
21:43When you're sleeping.
21:44I'm on the left, he's on the right.
21:46He's like a shrimp.
21:47He's like a shrimp.
21:49He has a single bed,
21:52and he's like a sleeping shrimp.
21:54He's like that from the start,
21:55then he slowly grows up.
21:58Hey! Are you a shrimp?
22:00In basketball.
22:02What's your position in basketball?
22:03Small forward.
22:04Small forward.
22:06When he's in advantage, he's just small.
22:09Do you have a girlfriend?
22:11It's good to joke about this.
22:13He's serious!
22:15How many girlfriends do you have?
22:16Just four.
22:2019 years old.
22:21Did you cheat on her?
22:22I cheated on her.
22:27Why? What did she do to you?
22:29Did you cheat on her with those four?
22:32What does that mean?
22:33It's all true.
22:34Did you cheat on her with those four?
22:36I cheated on her with those four.
22:37What did she do to you?
22:38The last time, it was two years ago.
22:40She came back to her ex.
22:42I caught her.
22:43You caught her?
22:45She came back.
22:46We can't blame her.
22:48That's too much!
22:50Just kidding.
22:52What did she do to you?
22:54She cheated on you with those four?
22:55I cheated on her.
22:58She cheated on you with those four?
23:00That's cheating.
23:03What's the next one?
23:04Cheating arrangement.
23:07She cheated on you with those four?
23:08What did she do to you?
23:09She came back to her ex.
23:11Two years.
23:12Did you see her when she came back to her ex?
23:13She was like this.
23:14She was like this?
23:17How's your heart?
23:18Does it still hurt?
23:19I don't feel anything anymore.
23:22Are you ready to fall in love again?
23:23You don't feel anything anymore?
23:24No, I'm not.
23:25She's cremated.
23:26She doesn't feel anything anymore.
23:27She's still alive.
23:28What is she doing?
23:29She's still alive.
23:30She doesn't feel anything anymore.
23:33Pick up line.
23:34Do you have a pick up line?
23:35Yes, I do.
23:37Say it.
23:38Shane, is it hard for you to be yourself?
23:42Shane, you're doing it wrong.
23:43You're doing it right, Shane.
23:46Don't look at her too much.
23:47Try to be yourself so it's easier.
23:53It seems like you two are a good match.
23:55It's a good thing that Carla Estrada and Long Mejia are here.
24:03Carlong and YD Road.
24:07Thank you, Lei.
24:08Thank you.
24:09Here's the third search.
24:15Hello, guys.
24:16My name is Rainer Vernizca.
24:17I'm from East Quezon Province.
24:19I'm 19 years old.
24:23What are you two up to?
24:24OJs have a bad attitude.
24:27They said,
24:28There, he looks good too.
24:30You two have a bad attitude.
24:32You're both the same.
24:36Just think that you're not here anymore.
24:39You don't have a problem.
24:40They're the ones who have a problem.
24:42They can't see the beauty in you.
24:45One day, they'll see it too.
24:47We'll do it together.
24:50Just kidding.
24:52He looks like...
24:54John Regala.
24:56Jaycee looks like him too.
24:59Jaycee looks like him.
25:01This one.
25:02He's so lazy.
25:03He sits down right away.
25:04He stands up.
25:05You're just doing a little.
25:06How can you sit down right away?
25:09Rainard, introduce yourself.
25:11Hello, guys.
25:12My name is Rainer Vernizca
25:13from Pulillo, Quezon.
25:15I'm 19 years old.
25:16I'm a pageanter of Pulillo.
25:19He has a nice polo shirt.
25:21That was a briefcase.
25:23I have a briefcase like that
25:24when I go home.
25:26What does Rainard do?
25:28He does talent.
25:30He does pageant.
25:32Pick a play, please.
25:34maybe you're good at puzzles.
25:38I just woke up this morning.
25:41Wow, Shane!
25:43Don't just talk about everything.
25:45Yes, you should be gentle.
25:47You should be ticklish.
25:49Like that.
25:50Yes, yes, yes.
25:51Why is Macmac laughing
25:52at all the pick-up lines?
25:53Macmac, are you ticklish?
25:55It's like you're the one who's ticklish.
25:57He's ticklish at me.
25:58This is for Shane.
25:59This is for Shane.
26:00This is for Shane.
26:01This is for Shane.
26:04I'm just laughing at him
26:05because he's really ticklish.
26:07Okay, fine.
26:08It's up to you.
26:11She's really giving it to him.
26:30She's giving it to him.
26:31She's giving it to him.
26:32She's giving it to him.
26:33She's giving it to him.
26:34She's giving it to him.
26:35She's giving it to him.
26:36She's giving it to him.
26:37She's giving it to him.
26:38She's giving it to him.
26:39She's giving it to him.
26:40She's giving it to him.
26:41She's giving it to him.
26:42She's giving it to him.
26:43She's giving it to him.
26:44She's giving it to him.
26:45She's giving it to him.
26:46She's giving it to him.
26:47She's giving it to him.
26:48She's giving it to him.
26:49She's giving it to him.
26:50She's giving it to him.
26:51She's giving it to him.
26:52She's giving it to him.
26:53She's giving it to him.
