• 5 months ago
Your Bride Is A Hunter Demon Full Episode
00:00:00 ♪♪
00:00:08 ♪♪
00:00:13 I love you, Bianca.
00:00:15 Let's get married.
00:00:17 Consider this necklace an early wedding gift.
00:00:20 [Breathing heavily]
00:00:22 [Grunts]
00:00:25 She has no idea about us, does she?
00:00:27 [Breathing heavily]
00:00:30 ♪♪
00:00:37 [Groans]
00:00:40 [Groans]
00:00:42 [Groans]
00:00:44 Oh!
00:00:45 Bianca.
00:00:46 Shit.
00:00:48 ♪♪
00:00:51 Screw you, scumbag!
00:00:53 [Grunts]
00:00:55 ♪♪
00:00:59 Who do you think you are, you bitch?
00:01:01 Who the fuck do you think you are?
00:01:03 Enough!
00:01:05 Stop.
00:01:07 ♪♪
00:01:10 So, you're sleeping with every girl you brought in here?
00:01:12 [Gasps]
00:01:15 You're so dramatic.
00:01:17 Wake up. He doesn't love you.
00:01:20 [Sighs]
00:01:22 ♪♪
00:01:25 I see.
00:01:27 Bianca.
00:01:29 [Door closes]
00:01:30 ♪♪
00:01:32 Bianca.
00:01:34 Bianca, wait!
00:01:37 I'm getting out of here.
00:01:38 You and Caroline can both go to hell.
00:01:39 [Sighs]
00:01:41 It makes me so sad to see you like this, Bianca.
00:01:46 I took you off the streets,
00:01:48 trained you to be the best vampire hunter.
00:01:51 This knife should be used to kill vampires,
00:01:55 not one of your own.
00:01:57 That's it? I'm just a knife to you?
00:02:00 Of course not.
00:02:01 There's more between us.
00:02:03 Tell me what I got to do to get out of here.
00:02:05 There's a rule, right?
00:02:08 Every hunter must complete one final mission
00:02:10 before they can leave?
00:02:12 Give me mine, and then we're done.
00:02:14 ♪♪
00:02:23 Bianca, wait!
00:02:24 ♪♪
00:02:28 Are you really leaving us?
00:02:30 What about the base?
00:02:32 Ever since I got here,
00:02:34 Kane has been my mentor,
00:02:35 the only person I ever loved and trusted.
00:02:38 I was willing to do anything for him...
00:02:42 until I realized I meant nothing to him.
00:02:46 It's the point of staying.
00:02:47 You still have me.
00:02:49 And besides, killing Elijah Thornwood,
00:02:51 one of the elders, it's a suicide mission.
00:02:54 Don't worry. Kane has a plan.
00:02:57 What? How?
00:02:59 ♪♪
00:03:03 Killing Elijah Thornwood, one of the elders,
00:03:06 it's a suicide mission.
00:03:08 Don't worry. Kane has a plan.
00:03:10 What? How?
00:03:12 ♪♪
00:03:15 The less you know, the better.
00:03:18 Come on, Bianca.
00:03:20 ♪♪
00:03:27 ♪♪
00:03:33 Every hundred years, the vampire elder
00:03:36 requests a human bride with a special birthmark.
00:03:42 The next one is a girl called Emmy Anton.
00:03:46 You'll be going to her place.
00:03:49 That hurt?
00:03:51 Don't worry about it.
00:03:52 I'll pretend to be Emmy. Sounds simple.
00:03:55 Well, there's a catch.
00:03:58 His heart is not any ordinary heart.
00:04:01 You have to make him fall in love with you,
00:04:02 soften that heart of his.
00:04:04 And you must kill him the night of the blood moon.
00:04:07 That's when he's at his weakest.
00:04:09 ♪♪
00:04:16 ♪♪
00:04:23 ♪♪
00:04:26 It's happening.
00:04:28 ♪♪
00:04:30 I'll avenge you.
00:04:32 ♪♪
00:04:37 ♪♪
00:04:39 [Bleep]
00:04:41 ♪♪
00:04:47 You...
00:04:50 can wait here, madam.
00:04:52 ♪♪
00:05:01 ♪♪
00:05:11 ♪♪
00:05:19 You seem different than the others.
00:05:23 You're not so afraid.
00:05:25 A man used to tell me the same thing.
00:05:27 He belongs in the past now.
00:05:30 ♪♪
00:05:32 Welcome to your new home.
00:05:34 ♪♪
00:05:36 Is it true that the human sacrifices
00:05:38 were drained of blood and bone marrow?
00:05:41 Do you wish it to be so?
00:05:43 Of course not. I don't want to die yet.
00:05:45 Well, then we shall find out the night of the blood moon.
00:05:49 Oh, why do we have to wait?
00:05:51 I'm already your bride.
00:05:52 Can't we do it tonight?
00:05:54 So eager to sleep with a thousand-year-old vampire.
00:05:59 You may be the first in a millennium.
00:06:01 No, I was just wondering
00:06:04 what happens on the night of the blood moon.
00:06:08 So eager to sleep with a thousand-year-old vampire.
00:06:13 You may be the first in a millennium.
00:06:17 No, I was just wondering
00:06:19 what happens on the night of the blood moon.
00:06:21 ♪♪
00:06:26 500 years ago, somebody tried to kill me.
00:06:30 Clearly, that didn't work.
00:06:33 But the stake still remains.
00:06:36 Prophecy speaks of a woman with a birthmark
00:06:41 shape of a star on her neck.
00:06:43 Only she can remove the stake the night of the blood moon.
00:06:48 Where's the stake?
00:06:51 Is it here?
00:06:54 Or...
00:06:57 here?
00:06:59 ♪♪
00:07:02 [ Laughs ]
00:07:05 [ Chuckles ]
00:07:06 I'm sorry.
00:07:07 When someone tries to kill you,
00:07:09 you tend to take defensive measures.
00:07:12 Oops.
00:07:14 ♪♪
00:07:19 Are you okay?
00:07:20 No.
00:07:21 I think I twisted my ankle.
00:07:23 Can you carry me?
00:07:25 ♪♪
00:07:32 [ Laughs ]
00:07:34 Wait.
00:07:35 It's our first night as a married couple.
00:07:38 You're not gonna stay?
00:07:40 As I said, I only need you for the night of the blood moon.
00:07:44 That's it.
00:07:45 Until then, behave yourself.
00:07:50 You can keep that.
00:07:52 I don't like it when a human touches my stuff.
00:07:55 And one more thing.
00:07:57 You may adventure to any part of this castle
00:08:00 except the Bat Garden.
00:08:02 That is off-limits.
00:08:05 Good night.
00:08:07 ♪♪
00:08:10 Fuck.
00:08:12 ♪♪
00:08:15 What is this place?
00:08:18 ♪♪
00:08:25 So, most common ways to kill a vampire --
00:08:29 wooden stake or an arrow straight into the heart.
00:08:34 But for stronger, more advanced hunters, you --
00:08:38 Hey.
00:08:39 Lend me a hand.
00:08:40 [ Laughter ]
00:08:41 I think that's enough for today.
00:08:43 Class dismissed.
00:08:46 Bianca wants you to stay after for a bit.
00:08:50 ♪♪
00:08:57 ♪♪
00:09:05 ♪♪
00:09:10 I specifically told you this place is forbidden,
00:09:13 especially for humans.
00:09:15 I'm -- I'm sorry. I just thought --
00:09:17 For the next three days, you are not to leave your room.
00:09:20 Ow! You're hurting me!
00:09:22 ♪♪
00:09:25 Hey, Elijah.
00:09:38 I thought I told you to wait in your room.
00:09:41 I am in my room.
00:09:44 Where have you been?
00:09:46 I've been waiting for you all day.
00:09:48 You've been waiting for me?
00:09:51 I don't need you until the Night of the Blood Moon.
00:09:54 I know I was wrong for trespassing.
00:09:57 Let me show you how truly sorry I am.
00:10:01 There's really no need.
00:10:03 Just behave yourself.
00:10:05 Come on. I insist.
00:10:07 ♪♪
00:10:15 Do I smell blood?
00:10:17 You sure do.
00:10:19 Here. I knew you'd like it.
00:10:22 Is this your blood?
00:10:26 I mean, it's not a lot,
00:10:29 but it's what you're into, right?
00:10:32 Mm.
00:10:33 Hey! It may not mean much to you,
00:10:36 but blood is valuable to us humans.
00:10:38 You must think so highly of yourself
00:10:41 offering your blood to a vampire.
00:10:43 If you would like to give me your blood,
00:10:46 I prefer it directly from the source.
00:10:50 [ Sighs ]
00:10:52 ♪♪
00:10:55 I'm sorry.
00:10:57 I'm sorry.
00:10:59 I'm sorry.
00:11:01 [ Sighs ]
00:11:03 [ Knocking ]
00:11:06 Master.
00:11:08 We have a customer waiting.
00:11:12 It's my wife.
00:11:14 She's very sick, and I want her healed.
00:11:17 Health for a loved one.
00:11:20 It can be done, but it will be costly.
00:11:23 Please, sir.
00:11:24 I cannot lose 800 milliliters of blood.
00:11:27 It will kill me.
00:11:28 Well, you should have thought about that
00:11:31 before you made a wish of this magnitude.
00:11:34 You may leave.
00:11:35 I do hate when humans waste my time.
00:11:39 ♪♪
00:11:42 You may leave.
00:11:50 I do hate when humans waste my time.
00:11:54 [ Sighs ]
00:11:57 800 milliliters will not kill you.
00:12:03 Not to mention, you can save your wife.
00:12:08 ♪♪
00:12:10 Fine.
00:12:12 I'll do it.
00:12:14 ♪♪
00:12:18 ♪♪
00:12:23 All right.
00:12:32 When you arrive home, your wife will be alive and well.
00:12:38 Healthier than ever.
00:12:40 You may go.
00:12:41 Thank you.
00:12:42 Thank you, sir.
00:12:44 You may go.
00:12:46 Quickly.
00:12:48 ♪♪
00:12:51 Take this to the cellar.
00:12:53 It is time for my intake.
00:12:56 I'll be waiting in my room.
00:12:58 Yes, master.
00:13:00 ♪♪
00:13:03 Who's there?
00:13:04 You again.
00:13:06 ♪♪
00:13:09 You again.
00:13:11 What are you doing here?
00:13:13 Um, I --
00:13:15 First, you go to the garden, and now you come to my office.
00:13:18 Do you care to explain yourself?
00:13:20 I'm sorry, Lord Elijah.
00:13:22 I was just curious.
00:13:24 Punish me however you'd like.
00:13:26 Take her to her room.
00:13:28 And if you disobey me again, it will be the dungeon.
00:13:32 ♪♪
00:13:34 Master doesn't like it when he's disobeyed!
00:13:37 But I'm his wife!
00:13:38 Besides, what business was he doing with that man?
00:13:40 My advice is to stay out of it.
00:13:43 You don't want to make him angry again!
00:13:47 [Door slams]
00:13:49 [Breathing heavily]
00:13:51 Fuck you!
00:13:53 [Breathing heavily]
00:13:57 [Grunts]
00:13:59 ♪♪
00:14:01 Ow!
00:14:03 Are you all right?
00:14:05 I heard --
00:14:07 ♪♪
00:14:10 [Breathing heavily]
00:14:13 ♪♪
00:14:20 Stop! You hurt me!
00:14:22 ♪♪
00:14:25 [Grunts]
00:14:27 ♪♪
00:14:32 [Grunts]
00:14:35 We do not feast on live humans!
00:14:38 We have obeyed this rule for five centuries!
00:14:41 Besides, she is my wife!
00:14:43 You do not touch her!
00:14:44 I do!
00:14:46 I'm so sorry, Master!
00:14:48 I don't know what I was thinking!
00:14:50 Get out before I change my mind.
00:14:53 And if you touch her again, you'll wish you were dead!
00:14:57 Go!
00:14:59 [Door slams]
00:15:01 ♪♪
00:15:05 Are you all right?
00:15:07 I'm fine.
00:15:09 I do apologize for my incompetent servant.
00:15:13 ♪♪
00:15:15 I didn't know vampires had a rule like that.
00:15:17 Rumors can be quite misleading, can't they?
00:15:21 Us vampires never kill humans just for their blood.
00:15:25 It's the humans that keep offering it to us.
00:15:29 ♪♪
00:15:36 ♪♪
00:15:44 Hey, Mr. Cross.
00:15:46 You want to see me?
00:15:48 [Chuckles]
00:15:50 Am I being a bad student?
00:15:53 Not now.
00:15:54 You're not in the mood.
00:15:56 ♪♪
00:15:59 Are you serious?
00:16:01 ♪♪
00:16:06 ♪♪
00:16:11 ♪♪
00:16:16 [Door opens]
00:16:18 [Scoffs]
00:16:20 Why do I miss her so much?
00:16:23 ♪♪
00:16:27 It's the humans that keep offering it to us.
00:16:32 ♪♪
00:16:37 We need to do something about this.
00:16:40 Hey!
00:16:42 ♪♪
00:16:48 So you knew the whole time?
00:16:51 I've been smelling blood for over a thousand years.
00:16:54 I think I can tell when it's not from a person.
00:16:57 ♪♪
00:17:00 Crows.
00:17:02 Not a bad flavor.
00:17:04 ♪♪
00:17:06 And I respect the effort.
00:17:09 That should be good.
00:17:11 Well, sorry for trying to be a nice house guest.
00:17:13 Oh, is that what you were doing?
00:17:15 ♪♪
00:17:17 Or are you up to something?
00:17:19 ♪♪
00:17:22 I know I was sent here as a sacrifice.
00:17:25 ♪♪
00:17:27 But then I realized...
00:17:30 there's more to you than I ever thought.
00:17:33 ♪♪
00:17:35 You are not in love with me.
00:17:38 How old are you?
00:17:41 I have lived for over ten centuries.
00:17:45 A human life to me is so short, superficial.
00:17:50 Your idea of love is nothing more than a pathetic joke.
00:17:54 So whatever you're about to try next, I suggest you save it.
00:17:58 It's not gonna work.
00:18:01 Good night.
00:18:03 ♪♪
00:18:11 ♪♪
00:18:16 [Birds chirping]
00:18:18 ♪♪
00:18:28 What are you doing here?
00:18:29 I'm not allowed to wander around.
00:18:31 Are you okay?
00:18:33 Did he hurt you?
00:18:34 No, I'm fine.
00:18:37 You don't have to do this, Bianca.
00:18:41 Come home.
00:18:44 I told you.
00:18:46 Once I'm done with this mission, I'm done.
00:18:49 I don't want to see you again.
00:18:51 Are you still mad at me?
00:18:53 Don't.
00:18:54 Go back to your Caroline.
00:18:56 I don't care about Caroline. It's you.
00:18:58 It's always been you, Bianca. You've got to believe me.
00:19:00 Oh, please.
00:19:01 I've seen the way you look at her.
00:19:04 Enough with these lies.
00:19:05 It was a stupid mistake.
00:19:07 If I could undo it, if I could go back --
00:19:08 You can't.
00:19:10 [Birds chirping]
00:19:12 ♪♪
00:19:15 Go back to your Caroline.
00:19:17 Obviously, she's worth it.
00:19:19 I don't care about Caroline. It's you.
00:19:21 It's always been you, Bianca. You've got to believe me.
00:19:23 Please.
00:19:25 I've seen the way you look at her.
00:19:27 Enough with these lies.
00:19:29 It was a mistake. It was a stupid mistake.
00:19:31 If I could undo it, if I could go back and make --
00:19:33 You can't.
00:19:35 ♪♪
00:19:37 At least have this.
00:19:39 Well, it's a special meaning for me.
00:19:42 Even if you are mad at me, I still want you to have it.
00:19:45 Fine.
00:19:47 ♪♪
00:19:49 The moment this mission proves too much for you,
00:19:52 I want you to abort.
00:19:54 We can't afford to lose you.
00:19:55 You're the best hunter we've ever had.
00:19:57 I'm no quitter, Cain.
00:19:59 You know me more than anyone.
00:20:01 I'm doing this.
00:20:03 If it's not for you, then it's for all of mankind.
00:20:07 None of us are safe with those monsters out there.
00:20:10 Good.
00:20:12 ♪♪
00:20:13 Take this, too.
00:20:16 It's a suppressant made only for vampires.
00:20:20 It'll turn them back to their elementary state.
00:20:23 They'll have the intelligence and maturity of a child.
00:20:26 Once he's injected with this,
00:20:28 he'll be threatening or dangerous for at least a few days.
00:20:32 Use it only as a last resort.
00:20:35 Okay.
00:20:36 Thanks, I guess.
00:20:39 Oh, and tell Caroline I said hi.
00:20:44 Actually, tell her to go fuck herself.
00:20:47 ♪♪
00:20:53 ♪♪
00:20:59 What are you doing here?
00:21:02 I thought I told you to stay out of my room.
00:21:05 That necklace is gone.
00:21:08 You went to see Bianca Blake, didn't you?
00:21:12 I was worried for her.
00:21:14 She's on a very dangerous mission.
00:21:16 I wanted to help her.
00:21:18 By giving her the necklace,
00:21:21 I'm sure that helps a lot.
00:21:25 That's between her and I, Caroline.
00:21:29 Stay out of it.
00:21:31 Fine.
00:21:33 If that's the case, good luck to her, then.
00:21:37 Caroline.
00:21:39 ♪♪
00:21:46 Master will see you shortly.
00:21:49 No rush at all.
00:21:51 ♪♪
00:22:02 Oh, by the way, I heard he's got himself a new bride.
00:22:07 Tell me about her.
00:22:09 ♪♪
00:22:14 She's a human like you.
00:22:17 ♪♪
00:22:20 What the fuck are you doing here?
00:22:26 Mrs. Thornwood.
00:22:28 How's the vampire life treating you?
00:22:30 You need to leave now.
00:22:33 Married to one man and wearing a gift from another.
00:22:37 Tell me, how do you think Elijah's going to feel
00:22:40 when he finds out you're not actually his bride?
00:22:43 He wouldn't dare say a word.
00:22:45 He's waiting in the office, Master.
00:22:47 Shh.
00:22:48 All right.
00:22:49 Shh.
00:22:50 Don't fucking touch me.
00:22:52 Shouldn't have shown your face around here, Caroline.
00:22:54 And what?
00:22:55 That you and Kane can see each other behind my back?
00:22:58 [screams]
00:23:04 ♪♪
00:23:10 Fuck you, bitch.
00:23:11 You gonna kill me?
00:23:12 You could have screwed everything up.
00:23:14 Now go before Kane knows you're here.
00:23:17 ♪♪
00:23:19 [screams]
00:23:21 Stop!
00:23:22 Caroline, stop!
00:23:24 [screams]
00:23:25 ♪♪
00:23:32 You're just like them.
00:23:34 You're a monster.
00:23:36 [sobs]
00:23:38 ♪♪
00:23:47 What have I done?
00:23:49 ♪♪
00:23:57 Shit.
00:23:59 Shit, where is it?
00:24:01 [sobs]
00:24:03 ♪♪
00:24:06 Bianca?
00:24:07 Bianca?
00:24:08 What did you do?
00:24:16 She came to the castle.
00:24:19 She tried to blow my cover.
00:24:21 I had to stop her.
00:24:23 I had to stop her.
00:24:25 It's okay.
00:24:27 We need to get out of here, okay?
00:24:30 Can't risk getting Lucina.
00:24:33 What's this?
00:24:36 Kane gave it to me.
00:24:38 He wants me to give it to Aletra.
00:24:41 He turns him into a child or something.
00:24:44 No, no, no, Bianca.
00:24:48 Bianca, you can't.
00:24:49 You'll get caught.
00:24:50 No, no, no, Bianca.
00:24:55 Bianca, you can't.
00:24:56 You'll get caught.
00:24:59 It's okay.
00:25:00 I'll just, like, put it into his blood meals or something.
00:25:04 I can't believe Kane would put you in such danger.
00:25:07 The idea of killing an elder in an alter ego
00:25:10 is crazy enough already, and now with this?
00:25:13 I don't have any other options.
00:25:16 I might as well try it.
00:25:17 What are you doing?
00:25:19 I'll go down as a customer, give him the blood.
00:25:23 That way he'll be in the clear.
00:25:25 Are you sure you're okay?
00:25:28 I'm fine.
00:25:29 You look so good.
00:25:30 I'm fine.
00:25:32 I'm sure this is just a normal reaction.
00:25:34 That stuff doesn't work on humans anyway.
00:25:37 Hey.
00:25:38 Hey.
00:25:39 Chin up.
00:25:41 I'm not dying just yet.
00:25:43 Thank you, Fred.
00:25:48 Let me think for you.
00:25:51 Come on.
00:25:52 You should head back.
00:25:55 [sighs]
00:25:57 So, what wish can I grant you?
00:26:13 It's for a girl.
00:26:20 [bird squawking]
00:26:24 Oh, Caroline.
00:26:27 Caroline.
00:26:29 Why did you end up like this?
00:26:33 So, what wish can I grant you?
00:26:48 It's for a girl.
00:26:51 It's a pleasure doing business with you.
00:27:10 Your wish will be granted.
00:27:14 It better.
00:27:17 [music]
00:27:46 The sun's not bothering you?
00:27:48 Master, where are you going?
00:27:52 The really pretty girl is going to take me out, and we're going to go play.
00:27:56 I'll keep an eye on him.
00:27:57 Don't worry.
00:27:58 But the customer--
00:28:00 The customers can wait.
00:28:01 Tell them I'll be back later and take a bath.
00:28:05 [bird squawking]
00:28:07 Sorry, bud.
00:28:11 Your wish will have to wait.
00:28:13 Wait.
00:28:14 What's that?
00:28:16 [laughter]
00:28:18 [music]
00:28:21 Oh, my goodness.
00:28:29 What is this?
00:28:31 I want to know.
00:28:32 Oh, wait.
00:28:33 Whoa!
00:28:34 What is it?
00:28:35 There's something--
00:28:36 [crash]
00:28:39 We're going to get through.
00:28:40 Okay.
00:28:41 Oh, wow.
00:28:42 It's so pretty.
00:28:43 Raw men.
00:28:46 No, no, no, no.
00:28:47 But he smells so good.
00:28:49 You smell really yummy.
00:28:51 Thanks.
00:28:53 [growling]
00:28:55 Okay.
00:28:59 What do we do first?
00:29:03 First, we're going to do something about what you're wearing.
00:29:05 Come on.
00:29:06 But these are my nice clothes.
00:29:08 You smell great.
00:29:10 [music]
00:29:13 Yeah, okay.
00:29:23 How about this?
00:29:26 This?
00:29:27 Yeah.
00:29:28 Yeah?
00:29:29 [music]
00:29:32 Are you sure this is what people wear?
00:29:34 It's like kind of fuzzy and itchy and--
00:29:36 Yeah, totally.
00:29:38 Uh-huh.
00:29:39 Definitely.
00:29:40 Okay.
00:29:41 Yeah.
00:29:44 Let's go get me a snack.
00:29:45 Wait, wait, but I wanted to try on that hat.
00:29:47 It's really cool.
00:29:50 Can I get the number two, please?
00:29:52 No, no, no, no, no.
00:29:55 I really wanted to try that hat.
00:29:57 I haven't seen a hat like that in so long.
00:30:01 It was really cool.
00:30:03 I just felt hungry.
00:30:08 Can I have him?
00:30:10 Sorry.
00:30:11 Uh...
00:30:17 You can't have this.
00:30:19 It's bad for you.
00:30:23 You heard about the offering?
00:30:25 It just shut down because the owner was having some issues.
00:30:28 Yeah, yeah, actually I was just trying to go earlier today.
00:30:31 [music]
00:30:37 You're here again?
00:30:38 You can't afford to lose any more blood.
00:30:41 What can I do?
00:30:44 I need the money.
00:30:46 Plus if I run out of blood, I'll have to take my daughter.
00:30:49 You want to trade your daughter's blood for your wishes?
00:30:52 Dude, that's messed up.
00:30:54 What?
00:30:56 I'm her dad.
00:30:58 Can't I just take a little bit of blood?
00:31:00 [laughs]
00:31:02 I mean, I made her.
00:31:05 What?
00:31:08 Is that because I keep trying to eat your food?
00:31:10 Because I can stop.
00:31:11 I'm really sorry.
00:31:13 No, it's not that.
00:31:17 Is it because of what they were talking about?
00:31:21 Because technically they're not wrong.
00:31:23 I have granted many wishes in exchange for blood,
00:31:26 but the way I see it, it's a win-win.
00:31:28 Oh, really?
00:31:29 But do you know how many lives were lost because of what you do?
00:31:33 But it's their choice.
00:31:35 I'm not forcing anybody to come trade,
00:31:39 and it's not the trading that kills people.
00:31:42 People die because they keep coming back.
00:31:46 Come on, let's go.
00:31:57 Okay.
00:32:00 [music]
00:32:04 [grunts]
00:32:06 So they only have one room with a king-size bed.
00:32:10 A king, you say?
00:32:13 King size.
00:32:18 I'm going to take a shower.
00:32:19 Don't let the size of the bed get to your head.
00:32:21 Okay.
00:32:24 [whispers] King size.
00:32:26 [music]
00:32:34 Tonight might be my perfect chance.
00:32:38 I'm the king of the castle!
00:32:40 [screams]
00:32:45 You humans actually sleep on this?
00:32:47 This is so much better than a coffin all dark and cold.
00:32:50 It's so bouncy!
00:32:52 Come on!
00:32:54 [screams]
00:32:55 [music]
00:33:01 Oh my goodness.
00:33:04 I don't know what that is, but I want to touch it.
00:33:08 Can we go in?
00:33:09 Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please.
00:33:16 Yes!
00:33:17 Hold on.
00:33:18 You can play, but you better not break anything.
00:33:20 I'm already paying for a broken hotel bed.
00:33:22 Okay, I won't break anything.
00:33:26 Yay!
00:33:28 Brian, can you come play with me?
00:33:30 I don't really know what I'm doing and I need some help.
00:33:32 Please, please, please, please, please, come play with me.
00:33:35 Please, I can't do this.
00:33:37 [screams]
00:33:40 See, that's what--
00:33:41 Okay, okay, okay.
00:33:42 [music]
00:33:49 Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up.
00:33:51 No, no, no, not, not, up, up!
00:33:53 No, no, up!
00:33:55 No!
00:33:56 Okay, okay, okay, wait, because I think--
00:33:59 No, no, no, no, I think--
00:34:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
00:34:01 Yeah!
00:34:02 [laughs]
00:34:03 We weren't half bad.
00:34:05 No, we weren't.
00:34:07 [music]
00:34:10 I haven't had this much fun since Friday night.
00:34:15 Hey, you have a very beautiful smile.
00:34:21 [music]
00:34:25 I guess that's what comes with being a bachelor so long.
00:34:28 I've done everything myself, my own way.
00:34:33 Sometimes I forget that I'm not alone anymore.
00:34:38 So what is this? What are they doing?
00:34:41 Cold-hearted vampires like you wouldn't understand.
00:34:44 Hey, I can totally understand that.
00:34:51 Can we do it like them?
00:34:55 [music]
00:35:00 [birds chirping]
00:35:04 Sorry, I'll be right back.
00:35:08 Oh.
00:35:11 [music]
00:35:16 You're hiding your necklace.
00:35:20 Your drug worked. I got myself a man-child.
00:35:22 Using Fred.
00:35:25 It's all right, he told me.
00:35:28 Sorry, I should have thought of the risks involved with this.
00:35:35 Caroline is dead.
00:35:37 You wouldn't have to know anything about that, would you?
00:35:39 It was an accident. She tried to blow my cover.
00:35:41 She would have killed me.
00:35:43 I know.
00:35:45 You're in too deep, Bea.
00:35:47 This is getting too dangerous.
00:35:49 [music]
00:36:01 Maybe Fred was right.
00:36:03 Maybe you are too young for a mission like this.
00:36:05 I can take care of myself.
00:36:07 Sure you can.
00:36:09 I'm only going to ask you one more thing, Bianca.
00:36:12 Do you trust me?
00:36:16 It's hard.
00:36:18 But I'm working on it.
00:36:22 Good.
00:36:24 [music]
00:36:31 Hey, what are you doing?
00:36:32 I'm just...
00:36:36 I just wanted to see if I could feel pain.
00:36:41 Why?
00:36:43 Because I saw you with another man,
00:36:46 and I felt very deep pain in my heart.
00:36:51 So I thought maybe if I felt physical pain,
00:36:55 then the emotional pain would go away.
00:36:58 [music]
00:37:16 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.
00:37:20 No, it's fine.
00:37:23 It's good event.
00:37:26 Okay.
00:37:28 Sorry.
00:37:30 [music]
00:37:34 So, do you like me?
00:37:40 Of course, silly.
00:37:42 Let's get some sleep.
00:37:44 Okay.
00:37:46 [music]
00:37:51 Hey, how long have we been out?
00:37:54 Um, I don't know, like a couple days or so.
00:38:01 Hey, what do you say we have, like, one more adventure?
00:38:11 Come here.
00:38:13 Come, come here. Come on.
00:38:20 See?
00:38:24 Wow.
00:38:26 Hey, being here with you,
00:38:33 it just makes me feel a lot less lonely.
00:38:39 When I see you smile, I get this weird, warm feeling inside.
00:38:44 I know, it's strange.
00:38:49 Well, I had fun with you today, too.
00:38:52 It's not like I have a lot to look forward to back home.
00:38:58 Is there someone waiting for you back home?
00:39:04 No, there's no one.
00:39:11 Can I kiss you?
00:39:17 Come on, don't joke around like that.
00:39:20 Who said I was joking?
00:39:24 [music]
00:39:34 [music]
00:40:01 You got me?
00:40:04 Jane, what are you doing here?
00:40:05 I'm sorry, did I interrupt anything?
00:40:07 What are you talking about?
00:40:08 You're the one who told me to seduce Elijah so that I can kill him.
00:40:10 I'm worried about you, okay?
00:40:12 Vampires are very manipulative, and you're too young to know what real love is.
00:40:15 What? And you do?
00:40:17 Yes, Bianca, I do.
00:40:19 Shh, he's coming.
00:40:23 Shh, he's coming.
00:40:26 Let her go.
00:40:29 Or what?
00:40:31 I don't know who you are, but this is your last chance.
00:40:34 If you do not let her go now, I will bleed you.
00:40:40 Elijah, stop!
00:40:45 I know who you're dealing with.
00:41:12 Did you find out who poisoned me, as I requested?
00:41:15 Yes.
00:41:17 It all traces back to one Fred Seguida.
00:41:20 He was here about a week ago.
00:41:23 He had a special suppressant mixed in his blood, which you later consumed.
00:41:30 These humans are quite sly, aren't they?
00:41:33 I grant them wishes, and they stab me in the back.
00:41:36 There's more.
00:41:38 The man who did all of this, Fred Seguida, is actually a hunter.
00:41:44 So I was being targeted the whole time.
00:41:48 These hunters aren't as dumb as they look.
00:41:50 It's time to settle the score.
00:42:14 Shit.
00:42:43 Where's Elijah? I need to see him.
00:42:46 Master's left for the morning.
00:42:48 I am at your service, madam, if you need.
00:42:57 Bianca!
00:42:58 Wayne, you're alive!
00:43:02 How... how did you...
00:43:03 Come on. A little drop like that will not kill me.
00:43:07 Sorry about your necklace.
00:43:09 Fixed it, though.
00:43:15 Elijah found out about the drug. He's now looking for Fred.
00:43:18 What do we do?
00:43:20 There might be a way, but it's risky.
00:43:23 If Elijah wants to kill Fred, he can do it in a heartbeat.
00:43:26 We have to do something. We can't let anything happen to Fred.
00:43:29 So you trust me, right?
00:43:32 Even if it means putting yourself at risk.
00:43:39 So you have the guts to poison me, but you don't have the guts to face me like a warrior?
00:43:45 I didn't think humans could sink any lower.
00:43:51 If Elijah wants to kill Fred, he can do it in a heartbeat.
00:43:54 We have to do something. We can't let anything happen to Fred.
00:43:57 So you trust me, right?
00:43:59 Even if it means putting yourself at risk.
00:44:04 I mean...
00:44:13 King, what are you doing here?
00:44:15 Saving your life.
00:44:17 With Bianca, they need saving. She's in danger.
00:44:19 I don't think so. If that worked, it might actually help her.
00:44:24 Fred, I did what I had to do.
00:44:26 Are you out of your fucking mind? How could you gamble with her life like that?
00:44:29 Half of the job and she could have been dead. Did that ever occur to you?
00:44:37 If Elijah wants to kill Fred, he can do it in a heartbeat.
00:44:40 We have to do something. We can't let anything happen to Fred.
00:44:43 So you trust me, right?
00:44:45 Even if it means putting yourself at risk.
00:44:49 Fred, I did what I had to do.
00:44:51 Are you out of your fucking mind? How could you gamble with her life like that?
00:44:54 Half of the job and she could have been dead. Did that ever occur to you?
00:44:58 Don't forget who you are. Both you and Bianca are hunters.
00:45:03 It's your duty to eliminate vampires at any cost necessary.
00:45:08 You're not the King I used to know.
00:45:11 Who are you?
00:45:15 It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
00:45:20 It's okay. I got you. Look at me. Everything's going to be okay.
00:45:24 Hey. Hey.
00:45:27 I don't know if you remember, but that's Hay on the rooftop.
00:45:35 Yeah, I remember.
00:45:38 I'm sorry I didn't know what to do after everything went normal.
00:45:42 That's why I ran.
00:45:45 We never made up for it.
00:45:51 We will.
00:45:54 I'm going to make sure you're all right.
00:45:58 I'm going to help you.
00:46:09 Dragio, get me a bowl.
00:46:11 Master, your blood is sacred.
00:46:14 Are you really going to question me?
00:46:16 A bowl! Now!
00:46:25 But Master, she's unconscious.
00:46:27 She can't drink in this state.
00:46:39 [♪♪♪]
00:46:58 Thank goodness you're awake.
00:47:03 Am I healed? How?
00:47:06 Thanks to Master, using his blood to save your mortal being.
00:47:12 Wait, if you gave me your blood, does that mean I'm--
00:47:14 What? That you'll become a vampire?
00:47:18 Is that what worries you?
00:47:21 It's not that easy.
00:47:26 Shut up and get out.
00:47:41 Here. This should help you heal faster.
00:47:45 Are you not letting that heal too?
00:47:47 No, I think I'll keep it as a reminder.
00:47:51 It tells me that you owe me.
00:48:07 I'll, uh, have Dragio warm this up for you.
00:48:19 So what wish can I grant you?
00:48:22 First, um, let me just say I'm so glad you're back in business.
00:48:27 If my boss found out about the money, I'd go to jail.
00:48:31 Just a little more, please.
00:48:33 How much money?
00:48:37 Forty thousand?
00:48:45 Ha!
00:48:50 Okay.
00:48:52 Wish will be granted. You may leave.
00:48:56 I'm not forcing anybody to come trade.
00:49:00 And it's not the trading that kills people.
00:49:03 People die because they keep coming back.
00:49:09 Greedy humans.
00:49:15 I need to know.
00:49:24 I need to know.
00:49:27 Madam?
00:49:30 This is a restricted area.
00:49:32 No one allowed but Master.
00:49:39 Al, you're hurting me.
00:49:40 Silence.
00:49:44 Master.
00:49:46 How dare you treat my wife like this?
00:49:49 She was headed for the place where no one shall go.
00:49:57 Perhaps it was just an accident.
00:50:01 It's an honest mistake.
00:50:03 Right.
00:50:19 Ever since you got injured,
00:50:23 I've realized you're far more important to me than I could have imagined.
00:50:28 I'd never like to lose you.
00:50:33 I believe I'm falling in love with you.
00:50:37 Emmie?
00:51:02 Sir.
00:51:04 You have a customer waiting.
00:51:09 Sorry.
00:51:15 [Heavy breathing]
00:51:33 [Screams]
00:51:35 Oh, bad dream?
00:51:38 It's okay. It's okay. I got you.
00:51:46 I would like to meet your parents.
00:51:50 What? Why?
00:51:54 Isn't that what humans do when they fall in love?
00:51:58 I just would like to express my love in your way.
00:52:03 I wasn't expecting that from you.
00:52:06 But I don't have any parents.
00:52:08 They both died when I was little.
00:52:12 I'm so sorry.
00:52:14 It's okay. I barely remember them.
00:52:18 Do you have any other family members?
00:52:21 Anybody that's still alive, I'd like to meet them.
00:52:26 All right. I might have one.
00:52:39 Hi, Uncle Cain.
00:52:42 Elijah. Heard a lot about you from my niece.
00:52:53 Hi, Uncle Cain.
00:52:55 Elijah. Heard a lot about you from my niece.
00:53:00 Have we met before?
00:53:03 No.
00:53:06 Don't think so.
00:53:08 Just come inside.
00:53:19 You two will just have to make do with wine.
00:53:23 Rush out of blood.
00:53:32 So, Elijah, Emmy tells me you run some sort of trade.
00:53:38 Why don't you tell me about it?
00:53:42 People come to me when they need something,
00:53:45 and I help them. For a price.
00:53:49 I'm assuming this price is blood.
00:53:54 It is.
00:53:57 If that was the work, you'd make a pint from every human?
00:54:01 You're not going to do that with Emmy, are you?
00:54:04 No, no. I can assure you she's safe with me.
00:54:09 Well, thank God we have hunters around to keep us safe.
00:54:13 Uncle.
00:54:17 Are you sure I don't know you from somewhere?
00:54:21 You feel so familiar to me.
00:54:27 Okay, stop it, both of you.
00:54:30 Can I talk to you?
00:54:42 You do remember he stole your target, right?
00:54:45 At least he's honest with me. He even saved me with his own blood.
00:54:48 You know, after you shot me with a fucking arrow.
00:54:50 That was part of the plan. To save Fred.
00:54:54 Just don't forget why we're doing this in the first place.
00:54:58 I want him dead.
00:55:01 What are you doing? Let go of me.
00:55:03 Shh. He's watching.
00:55:05 I'm sorry.
00:55:23 Let's go back inside.
00:55:34 So you two are pretty close, huh?
00:55:36 He's the only family I got.
00:55:40 Emmy told me about her parents.
00:55:42 Yeah, practically raised her myself.
00:55:47 Remember when you were a kid, you climbed up in that damn tree out there and you fell off and nearly broke your neck?
00:55:53 Yeah, that was stupid.
00:55:55 Yeah.
00:55:58 It left you with this long, beautiful scar near your thigh.
00:56:03 Okay, we don't need the details.
00:56:05 You turned 18, gave you that necklace.
00:56:08 She loves that necklace.
00:56:11 It's all in the past now.
00:56:12 Is it?
00:56:19 I need another drink.
00:56:26 Show me that scar.
00:56:27 Let me go.
00:56:30 I'm not some trophy you two can bite over. Grow the fuck up.
00:56:37 I apologize.
00:56:42 Let's just go.
00:56:47 All these years, you were the only one who stuck by me.
00:56:59 You fell for him, didn't you?
00:57:04 A hunter falling in love with a vampire.
00:57:07 It's like a cat in love with a rat.
00:57:11 It's a fucking joke, Bianca.
00:57:13 He's not how you think he is.
00:57:14 He's done nothing to hurt people.
00:57:16 Don't you think we're being too harsh?
00:57:17 Too harsh? Really?
00:57:20 What, all those human sacrifices?
00:57:23 Those missing girls? Did they just vanish into thin air?
00:57:26 Fuck.
00:57:28 You spent ten days with a man who's lived for over a thousand years.
00:57:33 You don't know him.
00:57:35 You want to quit? That's fine.
00:57:40 But you won't just be betraying your people.
00:57:43 You'll be betraying me.
00:57:46 So I'm going to give you a choice.
00:57:48 It's either him or me.
00:57:54 It's either him or me.
00:58:00 What are you doing?
00:58:01 What do you think he's going to do when he finds out who you really are?
00:58:04 He'll kill you, Bianca. He'll kill all of us.
00:58:06 No, he won't. That's not who he is.
00:58:08 I'm not going to stand here and watch one of my own students show sympathy for our arch enemy.
00:58:13 So I'll ask you again.
00:58:15 Is it him or me?
00:58:20 No!
00:58:25 You always did it for soft spot.
00:58:28 That could either be a strength or a weakness.
00:58:33 Bianca.
00:58:39 Oh, Bianca.
00:58:44 Marry me.
00:58:46 What kind of proposal is that?
00:58:49 Will you marry me?
00:59:02 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:59:13 Bianca!
00:59:15 Bianca, please, no!
00:59:18 Oh, please.
00:59:24 I'll avenge you. I promise.
00:59:28 Even if it means hunting down and slaying every vampire on this earth.
00:59:36 I'll do it for you.
00:59:41 Dean, you're going to be okay.
00:59:56 I guess that, Bianca, was that a soft spot.
01:00:03 If you weren't so blinded by guilt, you'd realize that a knife can never harm me.
01:00:24 Master, you've finally returned.
01:00:28 A customer has been waiting in the office all day.
01:00:38 I can't believe my eyes.
01:00:42 It's the legend himself.
01:00:48 So how can I help you?
01:00:52 I want to resurrect my deceased son.
01:00:59 Don't be mad at your assistant.
01:01:01 He told me the one thing you don't do is resurrect.
01:01:06 It's me.
01:01:08 I insisted to stay.
01:01:10 I cannot bring back the dead.
01:01:13 You can stay forever and it won't matter.
01:01:18 Look at me.
01:01:20 I have more days behind me than I have ahead.
01:01:26 My son has been gone for nearly 30 years.
01:01:30 I almost can't remember his name.
01:01:34 I would do anything to see him one more time.
01:01:41 Life and death are natural laws of the living.
01:01:45 Even as an elder, I'm powerless.
01:01:55 Sure.
01:01:58 I understand.
01:02:01 Sorry I bothered you.
01:02:03 Wait, I got it.
01:02:11 Sorry I bothered you.
01:02:13 Wait, I got it.
01:02:17 What if Elijah mesmerizes you and brings back all the memories of your son?
01:02:24 I'll do it.
01:02:27 Anything so I can see my son again.
01:02:31 You suffer from severe anemia, don't you?
01:02:38 We never operate at a loss.
01:02:41 Your request demands more blood than you can provide.
01:02:48 I'm willing to give my life to make my wish come true.
01:02:52 Please, help me.
01:02:56 What if this is his final wish?
01:02:59 Can you bend the rules just this once?
01:03:05 It seems my wife is far more sympathetic than I am.
01:03:12 Fine. 200 milliliters to awaken your memories.
01:03:29 George.
01:03:32 My son.
01:03:35 My boy.
01:03:58 I believe that's enough for today.
01:04:05 Are you alright?
01:04:14 Are you alright?
01:04:16 Yes, I'm fine.
01:04:18 I think I just expended too much energy.
01:04:22 Take me to my room. I need some rest.
01:04:29 You may go home if you'd like.
01:04:33 You can see your uncle.
01:04:39 Damn.
01:04:58 How is he?
01:05:01 I'm sorry, madam.
01:05:03 Only thing I can say is you may go wherever you want while master recovers.
01:05:09 I'm not going anywhere until I make sure my husband's alright.
01:05:13 Come on. You're his most trusted servant. You've got to know something.
01:05:21 If it's any consolation, you are the first bride in 500 years to walk in and out of this castle.
01:05:31 Alive.
01:05:44 [door creaks open]
01:06:06 It's them.
01:06:08 That's right.
01:06:13 I see you have discovered the whereabouts of the four human brides who came before you.
01:06:29 Mildred Osborne came in 1921 and lived a long, full life here.
01:06:39 I assume you know who she is.
01:06:43 So none of the brides were killed, like the rumors say?
01:06:48 They were just brought here to save Elijah.
01:06:54 And when they failed, they just stayed here?
01:06:58 But why couldn't they leave? I mean, if they weren't used for blood, why couldn't he let them go?
01:07:04 What? And let them tell the world all our secrets?
01:07:09 So the hunters can wipe out our species?
01:07:16 Master cared for them all in his own way.
01:07:25 You're the exception.
01:07:31 Elijah loves you.
01:07:36 A lot.
01:07:58 Can I kiss you?
01:08:01 Come on, don't joke around like that.
01:08:04 Who said I was joking?
01:08:27 Are you okay? I was so worried.
01:08:31 I'm much better now that I see you.
01:08:35 What happened to you? Don't you think I deserve to know?
01:08:48 It was 500 years ago.
01:08:52 Back then, the castle wasn't under any spell protection.
01:08:57 Anybody could walk in undetected.
01:09:00 And someone did.
01:09:02 And they made an attempt to kill me.
01:09:31 You will pay for what you've done!
01:09:48 After that day, I put a spell around the castle so nobody could see it from the outside.
01:09:53 I tried healing myself, but the stake was stronger than anything I've seen, so I became desperate.
01:10:00 And I turned to my elder for help.
01:10:03 I'm afraid even I won't be able to help you, child.
01:10:08 Whoever did this to you is not to be taken lightly.
01:10:14 So there is nothing that can be done?
01:10:19 I see a prophecy.
01:10:22 Your wound can be contained.
01:10:32 So I'm supposed to be saved by a girl.
01:10:36 Who is she?
01:10:38 It's your task to find her.
01:10:41 A girl with a star-shaped birthmark.
01:10:48 She will be your savior.
01:10:55 The Blood Moon happens once every hundred years.
01:11:00 If I can't find her in time, will I die?
01:11:05 I'm afraid so, child.
01:11:08 Your wound is draining your energy.
01:11:12 If you are not saved within the next five Blood Moons, then there's nothing else to be done that can save you.
01:11:33 So that's why you needed a bride every hundred years?
01:11:36 To find the girl who can pull the stake out of you?
01:11:39 The last four girls were not able to do it.
01:11:44 I couldn't let them leave for the safety of my clan.
01:11:48 I couldn't let them run and tell the hunters.
01:11:51 But I kept them safe.
01:11:54 Wait.
01:11:56 If there were four brides before me, does that mean I'm your last chance?
01:12:06 My life depends on you, Emi.
01:12:12 It's you.
01:12:23 Master, may I talk to you for a minute?
01:12:27 There's something I believe you should know.
01:12:36 I'm doing it.
01:12:38 I'm going to find Emi.
01:12:39 She's going to save Elijah.
01:12:41 Bianca Blake!
01:12:44 You're a vampire hunter?
01:12:47 Look, Elijah, you have nothing to worry about, I swear.
01:12:50 So all this time I trusted you completely?
01:12:53 You were planning to kill me?
01:12:55 Elijah, you have to believe me.
01:12:58 I'm not the real Emi, and I'm so sorry for lying.
01:13:01 But I will find her, and she will save you.
01:13:04 You pretend to be her so that you can kill me.
01:13:07 Why should I trust you?
01:13:10 Show me the stake that you're supposed to kill me with.
01:13:12 Come on.
01:13:13 Show it to me!
01:13:17 Elijah, please.
01:13:20 I love you.
01:13:34 Love.
01:13:36 Yes, love.
01:13:38 When we first met, you said it was a joke, remember?
01:13:42 Do you still feel that way?
01:13:46 Yes, I was sent here to kill you.
01:13:49 And I even took myself by surprise when I realized how much I fell for you.
01:13:56 And there were so many times where I wished I was the real Emi, so I could save you.
01:14:09 How many times did you rehearse that?
01:14:13 No.
01:14:14 I've had enough of your lies!
01:14:16 I'm not lying, Elijah!
01:14:18 Let me help.
01:14:19 Why do you care?
01:14:21 You are nothing but a hired killer!
01:14:31 What are you doing?
01:14:33 Forgive me.
01:14:35 I have to do this.
01:14:36 Emi.
01:14:37 I'm late.
01:14:48 I thought you were here to save me.
01:14:52 But really, you just came to hurt me.
01:15:06 Hey, hey!
01:15:08 It's okay, it's me.
01:15:10 Ren, what are you doing here?
01:15:12 Did he hurt you?
01:15:14 If I ever see him again, that guy again, I'm gonna--
01:15:16 No, I'm fine, seriously.
01:15:20 You're not in love with him, are you, Bea?
01:15:27 I just want you to be alright.
01:15:29 Okay?
01:15:30 That's it, that's it.
01:15:32 I need to find Emi Anton.
01:15:35 She's the only one who can save Elijah.
01:15:37 Okay.
01:15:38 Okay, I'll go with you.
01:15:40 Hello, my protégé.
01:15:41 Cain!
01:15:50 Cain!
01:15:52 What are you doing here?
01:15:53 I must have heard wrong.
01:15:55 Did you say you're trying to save a vampire?
01:15:58 We were wrong about Elijah.
01:15:59 Enough!
01:16:03 You really let me down, Bianca.
01:16:06 You failed me as a hunter, and you failed our love.
01:16:10 There's no love between us, Cain.
01:16:14 So you two were plotting to save the vampire.
01:16:18 I'm afraid I can't let that happen.
01:16:20 Run!
01:16:23 The one thing I hate the most is betrayal.
01:16:33 Where am I?
01:16:36 You'll wake her.
01:16:38 What do you want?
01:16:39 Let me go!
01:16:45 Did you kill her?
01:16:47 Kill her?
01:16:50 No.
01:16:52 I couldn't do that.
01:16:55 She was the love of my life.
01:16:58 What do you mean?
01:16:59 Bianca.
01:17:02 Meet my Bianca.
01:17:07 So when you adopted me, did you date me after her?
01:17:12 We were to be married until that blood-sucking bastard killed her 500 years ago.
01:17:18 What do you mean 500 years?
01:17:21 Do you have any idea how I got through those 500 years?
01:17:26 I sought revenge.
01:17:29 I almost succeeded.
01:17:32 Until you stabbed me in the back.
01:17:35 That's right.
01:17:37 Elijah killed her.
01:17:42 That's right.
01:17:44 Elijah killed her.
01:17:46 No.
01:17:47 You're lying.
01:17:48 Elijah never hurt anybody.
01:17:50 That's a rule against killing people.
01:17:51 How do you think that rule started?
01:17:54 Your vampire boyfriend killed my fiancé.
01:17:58 He thought by coming up with some foolish rule that he could bring back my Bianca, but he can't.
01:18:05 So you used me.
01:18:07 You used all of us.
01:18:10 You started this vampire hunter thing, claiming it was for all of mankind.
01:18:16 It was to help you seek revenge.
01:18:20 I'm going to kill every vampire on this earth that means justice for my girl.
01:18:26 My cause is noble.
01:18:29 Yes, it is.
01:18:32 I named you after the most beautiful girl in the world.
01:18:36 You should be thanking me!
01:18:37 I don't want your fucking name!
01:18:40 You ungrateful bitch!
01:18:46 [Glass shatters]
01:18:48 Haynes lost it.
01:18:56 He has a dead girl in his basement that he claims was his fiancé from five centuries ago.
01:19:01 Now he wants revenge.
01:19:04 Traitors don't deserve to live!
01:19:07 Bianca, look out!
01:19:09 Fred!
01:19:11 Run!
01:19:13 You're going to die for her, Fred!
01:19:15 She doesn't give a damn about you!
01:19:17 Where's the medicine?
01:19:18 Bianca, run!
01:19:20 Give it up, man.
01:19:22 I've already had this one.
01:19:24 She's not worth it.
01:19:26 She loved me, though.
01:19:27 Couldn't get enough.
01:19:29 How's that for a final thought?
01:19:42 You.
01:19:43 Eliza!
01:19:44 I knew I recognized you.
01:19:46 I should have killed you when I had the chance.
01:19:49 Now you had the chance five centuries ago.
01:19:53 You blew it.
01:19:55 Get somewhere safe.
01:19:59 Can you walk?
01:20:02 We gotta get you out of here.
01:20:04 Wait!
01:20:09 Hang in there.
01:20:10 We're just a little bit further.
01:20:12 Don't bother, Bianca.
01:20:15 This is the perfect way to spend my last moment.
01:20:18 I'm right here with you.
01:20:20 Don't say that.
01:20:22 You're gonna live.
01:20:24 You wanna know what I wished for?
01:20:28 That day when I went inside the castle?
01:20:31 So?
01:20:39 What wish can I grant you?
01:20:42 It's for a girl.
01:20:45 Her name is Bianca Blake.
01:20:47 I care about her more than anything in the world.
01:20:50 I want her to be safe,
01:20:53 and I want her to suffer no harm for the rest of her life.
01:20:57 Take how much blood you want.
01:21:00 I don't care about the price.
01:21:04 [Sighs]
01:21:06 Be safe out there.
01:21:12 Don't give 'em a chance to hurt you.
01:21:16 Okay?
01:21:18 [Sighs]
01:21:20 [Sobbing]
01:21:31 [Sobbing]
01:21:34 [Grunting]
01:21:55 [Doorbell rings]
01:21:58 [Grunting]
01:22:00 Kane, I'm gonna fucking kill you!
01:22:03 You think you can kill me with moves I taught you, huh?!
01:22:07 [Grunts]
01:22:10 I went looking for Emi.
01:22:16 But Kane got me.
01:22:19 Shh. He was going to kill me.
01:22:22 He killed Fred.
01:22:25 It's okay.
01:22:28 You're safe now.
01:22:31 I got you.
01:22:34 My Bianca.
01:22:40 Is this your real name?
01:22:43 I was named after Kane's dead fiancé.
01:22:47 He never knew my real name.
01:22:50 But I prefer Emi.
01:22:53 I don't care what your name is.
01:22:56 Just as long as you're right here, right by my side.
01:23:01 But the Blood Moon is almost here.
01:23:07 We need to find the real Emi and fast.
01:23:11 I've lived for over a thousand years.
01:23:17 Death doesn't scare me.
01:23:20 Fate brought me you.
01:23:23 And that's more than I could ask for.
01:23:27 But I finally met my true love.
01:23:33 I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.
01:23:38 Emi.
01:23:41 How can I lose you when I just found you?
01:23:48 [♪♪♪]
01:23:51 99th soul.
01:24:02 Fred, you're not so useless after all.
01:24:08 In 500 years,
01:24:15 it's time I settle the score.
01:24:18 [♪♪♪]
01:24:22 [GASPS]
01:24:42 This castle hasn't seen an attack in 500 years.
01:24:47 Who are you?
01:24:49 Times have changed, old man.
01:24:51 Been a while since my last visit.
01:24:54 How's your master?
01:24:56 You couldn't be.
01:24:59 This is not looking good.
01:25:03 Kane is prepared this time.
01:25:06 You have a whole life ahead of you.
01:25:09 Please don't bury yourself here with me.
01:25:13 How can the near immortal live all these years?
01:25:19 Made a deal with the devil.
01:25:21 Now I've come for my revenge.
01:25:25 [GROWLS]
01:25:27 [GRUNTS]
01:25:28 Maybe the prophecy's wrong.
01:25:31 Maybe you're not gonna die tonight after all.
01:25:34 You can't die at Kane's hands.
01:25:38 [GASPS]
01:25:40 Dragio!
01:25:42 Dragio! Dragio, get up.
01:25:46 Get up. We'll get you inside.
01:25:48 No, master.
01:25:50 My debt is paid.
01:25:52 Why do you keep saying that? You owe me nothing.
01:25:55 It was me.
01:25:57 I took that girl's life.
01:25:59 You took the blame for me.
01:26:03 For 500 years.
01:26:07 Kane was right.
01:26:09 Giving me what I deserve.
01:26:12 Now we're finally even.
01:26:17 [GRUNTS]
01:26:27 Wait here.
01:26:31 [PANTING]
01:26:35 Kane!
01:26:38 [LAUGHS]
01:26:39 You remember me, Thornwood.
01:26:42 How's that wound treating you?
01:26:47 Not a day goes by that I don't think about killing you.
01:26:51 I sent Bianca, but she proved weak and disloyal.
01:26:55 So I had to take matters into my own hands.
01:26:57 Humans and vampires have lived in peace for over centuries.
01:27:02 What did we do to deserve such hatred?
01:27:05 Are you mad?
01:27:07 You killed my fiancé.
01:27:10 You're responsible for all of this.
01:27:14 99 souls sacrificed
01:27:18 for the deadliest weapon known to man.
01:27:21 Now I'm invincible.
01:27:24 You killed 99 people to unlock a weapon.
01:27:29 You are far worse than a vampire.
01:27:33 I regret to inform you, you went through all that trouble for nothing.
01:27:38 My energy is gone thanks to your stake.
01:27:42 Really?
01:27:45 [GRUNTS]
01:27:49 [GRUNTS]
01:27:51 [GRUNTS]
01:27:54 [GRUNTS]
01:27:59 [GRUNTS]
01:28:01 You are weak.
01:28:03 [LAUGHS]
01:28:04 Seems our little feud is finally coming to an end.
01:28:08 [LAUGHS]
01:28:10 This is incredible!
01:28:12 I'm going to be the first human ever to kill a vampire with his bare hands.
01:28:18 History will forever remember the name Cain--
01:28:21 [GRUNTS]
01:28:23 Elisha!
01:28:29 Are you all right?
01:28:31 I think it's time.
01:28:40 No, I'm not leaving you like this.
01:28:44 [BELL RINGING]
01:28:47 [SCREAMS]
01:29:01 You seem different than the others.
01:29:04 It's you.
01:29:10 You are the girl in the prophecy.
01:29:14 It's you.
01:29:23 You are the girl in the prophecy.
01:29:30 This is nice.
01:29:46 Pretty amazing, isn't it?
01:29:48 [CHUCKLES]
01:29:50 What?
01:29:52 When I first met you, you were dressed as my bride.
01:29:57 But you weren't.
01:30:00 Yeah, well, I kind of had to for my mission.
01:30:05 All a bunch of bull.
01:30:08 If we--
01:30:10 If we had to do it again, just for us,
01:30:15 would you?
01:30:20 For 500 years, there was a wall in my life,
01:30:25 constantly on the defense.
01:30:28 Until I met you and me.
01:30:32 You opened me up,
01:30:35 and now you are all I have left in this life.
01:30:38 Will you stay here with me?
01:30:41 For the rest of our lives?
01:30:47 [SIGHS]
01:30:50 [EXPLOSION]
01:31:16 (whooshing)
