Briton recounts helping man who died on Singapore Airlines flight

  • 4 months ago
A passenger onboard a Singapore Airlines flight that was hit by extreme turbulence spoke on Wednesday (May 22) about the experience, including the moment he helped medics with a man who died from a suspected heart attack during the ordeal. - REUTERS


00:00 There was an immediate kind of disbelief at first and then the plane was very, felt
00:06 very level and it was obvious the gentleman needed some help so I got up
00:10 and helped some other passengers get him out of his seat and we laid him on the
00:15 floor near the bulkhead so that the medics on the aeroplane, there were some
00:20 passengers who thankfully were medics, could administer CPR to the gentleman on
00:25 the aeroplane. They gave CPR for I think about 20 minutes or so. My heart
00:30 goes out to the wife of the man who lost his life. I spent a
00:34 little bit of time talking to her and held her hand briefly. She was badly
00:40 injured and she was naturally badly shocked as well so my heart goes out.
00:46 My heart goes out to her. Every single cabin crew I saw was injured. I didn't see
00:51 anybody that worked for Singapore Airlines that was not injured. There was
00:55 one of the cabin crew in front of me who was in an awful lot of pain with
01:00 his back but he continued serving people and helping people and getting medical
01:05 help as much as he was able to. I think the Singapore Airlines staff were
01:11 pretty, my heart goes out to them because they went through an awful ordeal as well.
