Prepare for a hilarious ride with the official "Full Steam Ahead" clip from the CBS' beloved comedy, Young Sheldon, created by the brilliant Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro. Join the stellar cast—featuring Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Perry and more, as they bring these unforgettable moments to life. Watch Young Sheldon now streaming on Paramount+!
Young Sheldon Cast:
Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Reagan Revord, Jim Parsons, Annie Potts, Craig T. Nelson, Matt Hobby, Emily Osment, Craig T. Nelson, Melissa Peterman, Wyatt McClure, Wendie Malick, Wallace Shawn, Sarah Baker, Dan Byrd and Ed Begley Jr.
Stream Young Sheldon now on Paramount+!
Young Sheldon Cast:
Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Reagan Revord, Jim Parsons, Annie Potts, Craig T. Nelson, Matt Hobby, Emily Osment, Craig T. Nelson, Melissa Peterman, Wyatt McClure, Wendie Malick, Wallace Shawn, Sarah Baker, Dan Byrd and Ed Begley Jr.
Stream Young Sheldon now on Paramount+!
00:00 (music)
00:13 Wow, you've been busy.
00:15 Yes.
00:16 Did you get this in here all by yourself?
00:18 Yes.
00:19 How?
00:20 Science.
00:22 That looks good.
00:23 I know.
00:24 Natrans will be the last thing I see before I go to sleep and the first thing I see when I wake up.
00:28 Great.
00:29 And if I stir in the middle of the night, you know what I'll see?
00:32 Trains?
00:33 Trains.
00:34 Well, as long as you're happy.
00:40 Oh, I'm happy.
00:42 [Music]