Giordano: “ La Campania in prima linea nella prevenzione della salute della donna”

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - La Regione Campania è molto attiva su tutti i percorsi di prevenzione della salute della donna tanto che sullo screening della mammella e del collo della cervice abbiamo una adesione pressoché totale.
Il tumore ovarico deve essere diagnosticato precocemente, ma in tutta Italia non esiste un percorso di prevenzione definito, ha dichiarato Vincenzo Giordano a margine del convegno sul tumore ovarico patrocinato da ACTO Campania e sponsorizzato da GSK.


00:00Campania Region is very active on all the prevention routes for women.
00:04If we consider the two most important screenings,
00:07which are the mammal screening and the cervix screening,
00:10we have a total adhesion.
00:13This adhesion is also increasing
00:16because it allows us to recover from past periods
00:20when the screening was not seen as a truly impactful sanitary act.
00:24For the ovarian tumor, there is one thing to say,
00:26which is that it is a very important neoplasy,
00:30but in almost all of Italy there is no defined prevention route.
00:35Above all, it is a very particular tumor
00:38because it has a big impact as a female sex tumor.
00:42In fact, it is one of the most important and most impactful neoplasies for women.
00:46Above all, what is relevant is that this neoplasy must be diagnosed early.
00:53Keep in mind that the percentage of the ovarian tumor
00:56as an impact on the woman is a very high percentage,
00:59it is a significant percentage, so it must be impacted gradually.
01:04I made a hypothesis that was to go and identify this tumor early.
01:11It remains to be seen that the ovarian tumor,
01:13especially for those with genetic mutations of BRCA1 and 2,
01:17is easily impactful, but it is not as easily impactful for those who do not have the mutation.
01:22However, it is a very large population
01:25and, above all, very relevant from the point of view of the commissioning.
