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00:00The environmental activist says Dakar's coastline has been ruined by years of huge construction
00:08This was a peaceful, green, natural space, but today these buildings have turned into
00:14a construction site.
00:16The government has ordered the suspension of all construction works in this Dakar neighbourhood
00:22and elsewhere along the capital's coastline.
00:26Activists are happy with the decision, but are calling on the government to go one step
00:31We need to destroy the buildings and make them put things back in their rightful place.
00:37The law clearly states that no one can develop property on public land along the coast without
00:42the authorization from a competent commission.
00:49Property owners insist that they have acted in accordance with the law.
00:53This architect, best known for building the African Renaissance Monument in Dakar, says
00:58there has to be a dialogue between the government and developers.
01:06The government must negotiate with those who have all their paperwork in order because
01:10it was through the administration that they got these papers in the first place.
01:14I think that through consultation, architects will be able to do their job properly.
01:25An ad hoc commission created by Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko will soon deliver a report indicating
01:31which projects will be allowed to go ahead.
