• 5 months ago
A quirky tale about a man ignoring his problems as he slowly and literally drowns in them. This is a unique animation ex | dG1fWFBFM25UeFYyX2s
00:00🎵Jingle Bells🎵
00:30Old Mr Blair sat in his chair and said it's the perfect day. With paper in hand and snacks
00:43on the stand he was there and there he would stay. See this old-fashioned man had perfected
00:50his plan to enjoy the ultimate treat. Why settle with change when you can arrange to
00:56never leave your seat. Things started off well as the crossword was done and vouchers
01:02removed with a snip but a few minutes passed and the fun didn't last as he heard a drip,
01:09drip, drip. He turned to the left and he turned to the right but the source of the dripping
01:14was nowhere in sight. With a shrug of his shoulders he leaned back and sighed then returned
01:21to a piece on what foods are best fried. The dripping kept going it just wouldn't stop
01:26and then on the top of his head came a plop. Water was leaking straight out of the ceiling
01:33as Doris left her bath running all evening. Well old Mr Blair was a stubborn old man and
01:39he grumbled aloud this won't stop my plan nothing can cancel my do-nothing day not even
01:45a bath with its contents astray. He munched on his biscuits and sipped on his wine and
01:51thought to himself I'm sure this is fine if I just wait it out then the drips will
01:56stop soon then it's me and Sudoku all afternoon. Ink started to bleed he struggled to read
02:04as the water kept dripping down his paper was soggy the carpet felt boggy and his slippers
02:11had started to frown. When it leapt at his shins he wasn't alarmed Mr Blair still felt
02:17sure that his day was unharmed not a thing on the planet could ruin his aim which was
02:22keeping his lifestyle exactly the same. Now waist deep in water and still on the rise
02:29he hadn't a single concern but reaching his shoulders a twinge of surprise caused his
02:34eyebrows to dance and stomach to churn. The biscuits had floated away from the stand and
02:40the newspaper crumbled like clutching at sand. The water had swept the old man from his chair
02:46he grabbed for his seat but the seat wasn't there until every inch of the flat was submerged
02:53thanks to old Mr Blair and his plans for the day. His head brushed the ceiling and he had
02:58the feeling his problem was not going to trickle away. Is Doris okay? Am I going to drown?
03:04This is not how I planned for my day to go down. Mr Blair became silent his dream fell
03:10apart. He wished he'd just dealt with this right at the start.