Prepare for an exhilarating glimpse at the CBS crime drama FBI: International with Season 3 Episode 13. This gripping series, created by the renowned Dick Wolf and David Haas, features a talented cast including Luke Kleintank, Carter Redwood, Vinessa Vidotto, and Colin Donnell. Dive into the world of high-stakes investigations and thrilling action by streaming FBI: International now on Paramount+!
FBI: International Cast:
Luke Kleintank, Carter Redwood, Vinessa Vidotto, Christine Paul, Eva-Jane Willis, Christina Wolfe, Colin Donnell and Greg Hovanessian
Stream FBI: International Season 3 now on Paramount+!
FBI: International Cast:
Luke Kleintank, Carter Redwood, Vinessa Vidotto, Christine Paul, Eva-Jane Willis, Christina Wolfe, Colin Donnell and Greg Hovanessian
Stream FBI: International Season 3 now on Paramount+!
00:00 Not how I'd like to start a potential partnership.
00:02 I'm sure you understand.
00:04 I do.
00:05 Glock 17M.
00:08 9mm Luger.
00:10 I don't need to see your badge to know you're FBI.
00:12 My associate gave you our ask.
00:14 I understand you want to add a plus one to an existing itinerary.
00:16 No problem.
00:18 I'm a businessman after all.
00:20 But like any good businessman.
00:22 What is it you want?
00:24 Not what. Who?
00:26 Come in.
00:29 Marina Safina.
00:31 24 years old.
00:33 Beautiful, huh?
00:35 Member of the RSV.
00:37 An anti-Kremlin dissident faction.
00:39 Safina's no activist these days.
00:41 Activism led to anarchy.
00:43 Which led to nitroglycerin.
00:45 She's behind a recent car bombing in St. Petersburg.
00:47 Killing nine.
00:49 All that beauty.
00:51 Turned so ugly.
00:53 That is all very interesting.
00:55 But how about we get specific, huh?
00:57 Her benefactor, Alexei Karpov, wants to know her whereabouts.
00:59 So if you can confirm she's an Oswald,
01:01 you can guarantee a seat for your American prisoner.
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