Prepare for a thrilling adventure with "Dark Matter," the new Apple TV+ series crafted by acclaimed writer and producer Blake Crouch. In this gripping first season, viewers will be drawn into a complex narrative filled with suspense, science fiction, and intense drama. The series boasts a stellar cast, including the exceptional talents of Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Connelly. Edgerton takes on the role of Jason Dessen, a brilliant physicist who finds himself navigating alternate realities after a seemingly routine evening spirals into a nightmare. Connelly portrays his wife, Daniela, whose own journey is equally compelling and fraught with challenges. Together, they anchor a story that delves deep into themes of identity, choice, and the very nature of reality. "Dark Matter" promises to captivate audiences with its intricate plot, character-driven storytelling, and stunning visual effects. Get ready to embark on a mind-bending journey that will keep you on the edge of your seat from the first episode to the last.
Dark Matter Cast:
Joel Edgerton, Jennifer Connelly, Alice Braga, Jimmi Simpson, Oakes Fegley and Dayo Okeniyi
Stream Dark Matter Season 1 now on Apple TV+!
Dark Matter Cast:
Joel Edgerton, Jennifer Connelly, Alice Braga, Jimmi Simpson, Oakes Fegley and Dayo Okeniyi
Stream Dark Matter Season 1 now on Apple TV+!
00:00 Imagine you're a fish, swimming in a lake.
00:06 To you, that lake is your entire universe.
00:10 Then one day, someone reaches in, pulls you out of the water.
00:15 You realize the way you thought was your entire world is just one lake.
00:19 Then you see another lake, and it suddenly hits you.
00:23 We all are part of a more mysterious reality than we could ever possibly understand.
00:29 And if our consciousness were more fluid, we could literally reach out and touch one.
00:34 Of all the billions of adjacent, why me?
00:37 What's the one thing you had that you didn't?
00:41 I just want to go home.
00:44 I just want to go home.
00:47 How much more of this can you take?
00:51 It doesn't matter how much I can or can't take.
00:58 Do you think Dad's been...
01:01 ...going through some stuff?
01:04 Stay there!
01:11 What's it like in there?
01:16 It's hell.
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