Durham Constabulary secures 67% increase in sexual offence charges

  • 4 months ago
Operation Soteria saw an 67% increase in sexual offence charges by Durham Constabulary


00:00 It's been reported that Durham Constabulary has secured a 67% increase in rape and serious
00:07 sexual assault charges across the region between August 2022 and July 2023 thanks to a new
00:13 way of investigating sexual offences.
00:16 Operation Satyria sees officers trained in how to put the victim first in these cases
00:21 by concentrating on the behaviours of the offender as opposed to that of the victim.
00:25 Home Secretary James Cleverley told ITV News that 4,500 officers across the country have
00:31 now been trained in the new investigative techniques.
00:34 He said, quote, "I want to see change rates increase."
00:38 He added that will happen through the deployment of Operation Satyria training because we've
00:44 seen that here in Durham.
00:46 Cleverley said he wanted to see more victims feeling confident in coming forward, knowing
00:51 they will be listened to and trekked with professionally.
