Alfred at Kristina Romualdez, out of town agad sa first date?! | SiS

  • 4 months ago
Dahil akala ni Alfred Romualdez na city girl lamang si Kristina Romualdez no’ng una, inaya niya agad ito ng out of town trip!


00:00It's so funny because I was thinking that kilig is a word for girls.
00:06Yeah, guys never say that.
00:08No, guys never say that.
00:10Unless you're not so much of a guy.
00:13They don't say it, but I think it's important to them.
00:16It goes with the ego.
00:18Of course, they have crushes. They probably would use the word crush more than kilig.
00:22But how is it? You both came from very different other relationships.
00:27Now, when you saw each other, when you started going out, was it hard?
00:34Was it hard?
00:36Am I going to jump into this relationship coming from a bad one?
00:40Coming from something that did not work?
00:42For me, I really planned it.
00:46Our first date, when I asked her out for dinner.
00:50When we had dinner that night, I already told her I invited her out of town for the date.
00:56So, you know, because my impression of Christina when I met her for that several days, she's like a city girl.
01:03So I told her, let's go out to Manila first.
01:06And then, you know, at least the two of us, let's walk in the golf course.
01:10And then, you know, let's talk, get to know each other better.
01:13Not a difficult date.
01:15Thank you.
01:17Thank you.
01:18For the cold.
01:19Thank you.
01:20For the cold.
01:23Oh, sorry.
01:24Thank you.
01:26I'm sorry.
01:29Don't do that again.
01:30Yes, ma'am.
01:31We'll see each other later.
01:32Please, don't do that again.
01:38So, in a relationship, actually, I feel like in everything we do, the best moments are usually the beginning part and the end part.
01:47Because that's the exciting part.
01:49It's either very turbulent or a very high moment.
01:54In the beginning, it's like, you see, the beginning part is the nicest part.
01:58Of course.
01:59Because that's the best moment.
02:00That's the most exciting moment.
02:02But you have to know how to keep, you know, keep that excitement.
02:06But on a different level.
02:07On a different level.
02:08On a different level.
02:09Of course, there's more commitment when you've been together for a long time, right?
02:13Actually, for me, in the beginning, your excitement is satisfied right away.
02:19But as the relationship goes on, you realize it later on.
02:25Like, there are things I realized about her two, three days later after she did it.
02:30And then that excitement stays there longer.
02:33Unlike, in the beginning, your excitement is really there.
02:37But ten minutes, five, it's like you saw something beautiful and then it's gone.
02:41So, it's like it's gone right away.
02:43But in a relationship, especially when it's been a long time, it lasts longer.
02:47I'm so excited.
02:48You know, it's like that.
02:49Those exciting moments seem to, they're there forever in your memories, right?
02:55The first time I saw him.
02:56Up to now, actually, it's corny.
02:57But even up to now, he'll tell stories.
02:58He'll tell stories to other people.
03:00Even if it's not exciting.
03:01But like funny things that happened before.
03:03Like when you met me or when we were new.
03:05Like that.
03:07And over time.
03:08Like if you know he's going to, for example, he's at work.
03:11Okay, he'll tell you.
03:12He'll call you.
03:13Oh, I'll be home at seven.
03:14Like that.
03:16Of course, are you excited that it's six-thirty or he'll be there in 30 minutes?
03:20Of course, of course, of course, yeah.
03:22You know he'll be there.
03:23And I like that if I'm white and he's not.
03:25He's smart, right?
03:26So, there.
03:27Usually, that doesn't happen.
03:29He comes running.
03:30I love that part.
