• l’année dernière
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:01 - What are you doing tonight?
00:03 - I'm gonna have dinner with Ben.
00:04 - Lucy, he's in love with you.
00:06 - You have to put him out of his misery
00:07 and F him already.
00:08 - Oh.
00:10 Oh!
00:10 (glass shattering)
00:11 - I'm gonna go.
00:12 - Why?
00:13 - You just catapulted off the bed
00:15 when I got close to you.
00:17 (upbeat music)
00:20 - You never let anyone set you up, you don't date.
00:22 How many people have you slept with?
00:24 - Too many to count.
00:25 - No, no, no.
00:26 - I wish I was like you.
00:28 - But we have the same hair, so I'm on my way.
00:30 (laughing)
00:32 - I think you're afraid of getting close to someone
00:34 for fear of rejection.
00:35 - Everything is gonna be fine, okay?
00:38 I'm fine.
00:38 (crying)
00:40 Lucy.
00:41 I'm cool.
00:43 (upbeat music)
00:45 I don't even know what makes me happy.
00:47 I'm 32 years old.
00:48 I should have figured this out by now.
00:50 (upbeat music)
00:52 - Hey, what you doing?
00:56 - Oh, I'm just Googling things.
00:59 Totally random stuff.
01:01 (upbeat music)
01:03 - Why didn't you say anything?
01:06 - Did you think that I would?
01:08 - You did one of Volvo in high school.
01:10 - You did?
01:11 - Volvo's the safest car.
01:13 - Okay.
01:13 (upbeat music)
01:15 - I'm nervous all the time.
01:17 I'm scared of everything.
01:19 - Hi, do you wanna come dance with me?
01:21 - I have a drink, I'm drinking it.
01:24 So, um.
01:26 - Okay.
01:27 - Oh my God.
01:28 (upbeat music)
01:29 - You have to date like everyone else.
01:31 - Hi, I'm Jane.
01:32 - Nice to meet you.
01:33 - Brittany's a new masseuse here.
01:34 - She is very flirty.
01:37 - You should do it.
01:37 - It is not a good idea to make out with your coworkers,
01:40 you guys.
01:41 Read the news.
01:42 (upbeat music)
01:45 - I'm not meant to be happy.
01:47 - There's no timeline to figuring it out.
01:50 (upbeat music)
01:51 - When are we gonna hang out?
01:52 - Oh my God.
01:55 - It could be really scary to try new things.
01:57 - You try 20 different flavors of ice cream
01:58 before you settle on a single scoop.
02:00 - Ice cream is different than vagina.
02:03 - How do you know?
02:03 You don't know.
02:04 - Yeah, I do know,
02:05 otherwise it would be called vaj-ice cream.
02:08 (laughs)
02:10 Am I okay?
02:13 (upbeat music)
02:15 - You two are definitely sisters in past life,
02:17 but one of you betrayed the other
02:19 and hurt her at the stake for being a witch.
02:21 - That feels like a her thing to do.
02:23 (upbeat music)
02:26 (glass shatters)
02:29 (upbeat music)
02:31 (upbeat music)
02:34 (upbeat music)
02:37 (upbeat music)