Coronation Street 20th May 2024

  • 4 months ago
Coronation Street 20th May 2024
00:03 Good morning, my darling.
00:26 Sit you on your way to shop.
00:27 There he goes.
00:28 Hogging the remote again.
00:30 He's worse than you.
00:32 You all right?
00:34 Yeah, fine.
00:36 Feeling any better today?
00:38 Ah, I was just being a misery.
00:40 I was two stings yet paid for a website.
00:42 I've got moved with the times.
00:43 [TV PLAYING]
00:47 Didn't you just say Corey Brett's on telly?
00:55 Surely not.
00:56 That's what he just said.
00:58 And it shows no matter who you are or what you've done,
01:01 you can be a hero on match day.
01:04 It does deal with lots of other sports,
01:06 from all backgrounds, as various people--
01:08 It's a program about a prison football team.
01:11 So tune in to see rising star Corey Brett.
01:14 And people talk a lot about--
01:15 Rising star?
01:16 That can't be right.
01:18 Well, how do you know it's about a prison football team?
01:22 I didn't know how to tell you.
01:24 Corey's on TV.
01:26 So that's why you've been acting so shifty.
01:28 You knew about this, and you didn't tell me.
01:31 [TV PLAYING]
01:33 Hiya, Bethany, darling.
01:34 It's me.
01:35 I just wanted to say that you have got
01:37 every right to be angry with me.
01:38 I'm the worst mother in the world.
01:41 I should never have slapped you.
01:42 I'm so sorry.
01:44 But the money, I did it for you.
01:48 Can you please call me back?
01:49 I love you so much.
01:51 Bye.
01:52 Have you seen Gary?
01:53 No.
01:54 Good.
01:55 I don't want him anywhere near you.
01:56 You've got nothing to worry about with me and Gary.
01:58 Yeah, well, it's not Gary that I'm worried about.
02:00 You're out?
02:03 It's just a little tiff.
02:05 Of what?
02:06 Well, whatever it is, can we put it behind us, please?
02:10 We all live on the same street.
02:11 He's right.
02:12 How is he now?
02:13 Marie.
02:14 Fine, fine.
02:16 See how long that last.
02:19 You all right?
02:19 No, I'm not all right.
02:21 I'm having a nightmare with Bethany, and she's ignoring me.
02:23 Only good news is, Nathan's told the police,
02:26 doesn't want to take things any further.
02:28 Really?
02:29 You sure?
02:30 Yeah, 100%.
02:31 Hmm.
02:32 That's good.
02:33 I'm surprised.
02:35 Well, maybe your attack scared him.
02:36 Do I get an apology, by the way, accusing me yesterday?
02:39 Can we just move past it?
02:40 Look, Nathan's leaving Weatherfield.
02:42 How do you know that?
02:44 Well, because he's got her, hasn't he?
02:46 He's run out of options.
02:47 Just be happy.
02:48 It's all right.
02:50 Yeah.
02:52 There was a thing on there about a prison scene.
02:55 He was in it.
02:56 He's an ex-player.
02:57 People are bound to be interested.
03:00 Look, I should have told you straight away.
03:03 It's not like he's getting out early or anything.
03:05 They put him on telly.
03:06 How can that be right?
03:07 It's a stupid program on Sport Mad.
03:10 I think we should cancel the subscription.
03:12 It's rubbish.
03:13 They should call it Manslaughter United.
03:16 He's in prison.
03:16 They've got to exercise.
03:18 He's a good player, so he stood out.
03:21 He should be doing hard labor, not swanning around,
03:23 playing footy with his mates.
03:25 I want to watch it.
03:26 I don't think that's a good idea.
03:27 Well, I don't care what you think.
03:28 You take Alfie to nursery.
03:30 Please.
03:31 I want to watch it.
03:32 Don't make a scene in front of Alf.
03:33 There you go, Annie.
03:42 You working at Roy's today?
03:45 Yeah, but I'm hoping to go to the hospital
03:46 with Billy and Paul.
03:47 Well, they're putting in Paul's feeding chip, aren't they?
03:50 Yeah.
03:51 Yeah, it's a horrible thing to have.
03:53 But we're blending his food already.
03:56 But with a gastronomy tube, we can put fluids
03:58 straight into his stomach.
04:00 It's an unfortunate name, isn't it, gastronomy?
04:02 We used to think of, like, fine dining,
04:04 whereas, like, Paul, he won't be eating
04:05 in any fancy restaurants.
04:06 Well, if they blend his food, he can.
04:08 He can have caviar every night of the week if he wants.
04:11 But isn't that pretty sloppy already?
04:13 Dunno, I've never had it before, but I bet you have.
04:16 Sorry, I am wittering.
04:18 Not at all.
04:20 Please, give him my love, yeah?
04:22 Mm.
04:24 So anything else on your mind?
04:27 Would have been Zodiac's 31st birthday.
04:31 If I knew where he was buried, I could lay some flowers.
04:33 We could light a candle for him.
04:35 Like I do for Sunita.
04:37 Oh, that would be a lovely idea, right, would it,
04:40 when I get back from the hospital?
04:41 Yeah, cool.
04:45 Least I can help one of my sons today.
04:48 Say that again?
04:51 They said they're going to give you some drugs intravenously.
04:54 I mean, they're going to make you a bit drowsy,
04:55 but they don't knock you out.
04:57 Oh.
04:59 If I was to knock him out before they put a hole in my belly,
05:05 it'll be a little hole.
05:07 He'll be over and done with before you know it.
05:10 And loads of people say it really
05:11 helps with their energy levels.
05:12 So a little bit of discomfort now for massive gain after.
05:15 I don't know what I'd do without you.
05:22 I know it's a little bit scary, but I'll just
05:25 be outside waiting for you.
05:28 They said they want to keep you in overnight,
05:30 so I packed you a little bag.
05:33 Thank you.
05:34 It's got your meds, clean pants, toiletries, Odeclone.
05:40 It's like Christmas.
05:42 I said that you're going to need day wear and night wear.
05:45 I'm not going on a cruise.
05:49 I wish I was.
05:50 So I bought you some new PJs the other day.
05:53 I'm not a pyjama person.
05:55 I know.
05:57 I thought, you know, because you're in hospital.
06:00 And you want me to look nice and feel like yourself.
06:05 But before you know it, I'll be picking you up,
06:07 bringing you home, and we'll just be snuggled up,
06:10 watching a box set.
06:11 I don't know what we do about him.
06:15 He can't keep going AWOL like that.
06:18 I knew we should have called the place,
06:19 but the state he was in, you know, it's like a sitting duck.
06:22 Anything could have happened to him.
06:24 Oh, I think he's surfacing.
06:25 Morning.
06:29 Hiya.
06:30 Hey.
06:31 How'd I end up in your bedroom last night?
06:32 Ah, well, it was the easiest place to put you after we
06:36 eventually got you home.
06:37 I'm sorry, I don't remember anything.
06:39 Yeah, you disappeared.
06:40 You were blind drunk.
06:41 OK, so we had to go out and try and find you.
06:43 Yeah, which we did, thankfully.
06:45 You'd fallen asleep on a bench at the precinct,
06:47 and some thugs nicked your wallet.
06:49 Don't worry, you slept through it all.
06:51 I'm sorry.
06:52 I haven't done anything like that for ages.
06:54 I promise you, I'm not slipping back into old habits.
06:56 I was just stressed.
06:58 OK, has this got anything to do with your mum going away?
07:01 No.
07:02 Yeah, well, first Peter goes, then Leanne.
07:05 Mum was only at the retreat.
07:06 She's not gone forever.
07:08 Besides, I've just been a bit down.
07:11 Nothing to focus on.
07:12 OK.
07:13 Well, you know, we can talk about that, can't we?
07:16 Thanks, but I promised I'd meet someone.
07:18 I'll see you later.
07:19 Whoa, whoa, whoa.
07:20 Don't forget you've got your shift.
07:22 Yeah, don't worry.
07:22 I won't forget.
07:23 See you.
07:25 Bye.
07:26 So what do we do now?
07:31 I don't know.
07:33 Yeah, look at this baby.
07:34 Yeah.
07:36 Nice.
07:37 All right, let's get you loaded up.
07:39 What time do we need to be there?
07:41 Hi, darling.
07:42 Oh, hiya.
07:44 Where's the stuff to get my feeding tube fitted?
07:48 How are you feeling?
07:50 I'm fine.
07:51 Hey, when we get back, I'm going to test it out on a Jaeger bomb.
07:55 Yeah, I think that'll come up as a no-no, to begin with, at least.
07:58 Yeah, I know I can't yet, but I still want to try.
08:03 Do you mind if I tag along?
08:05 You don't have to.
08:06 It only takes about half an hour.
08:08 Yeah, but I'd like to come.
08:11 Thanks, man.
08:13 I'll follow you in my car.
08:16 See you in a bit.
08:16 See you there.
08:18 There you go.
08:19 Here we go.
08:20 No way.
08:26 No way.
08:26 Oi, what are you playing at?
08:28 You can't tow my car.
08:29 I need it.
08:30 No, I'm O.T.
08:31 By 9 and 1/2 hours?
08:33 Look, it's booked in.
08:34 I've got the email.
08:35 I'll have to produce evidence at the station.
08:37 What?
08:39 Oi.
08:40 Hi, Taya.
08:53 What are you doing here?
08:54 I heard you were trying to get hold of Leanne.
08:56 I was in town and thought I'd check in.
08:58 Is there a problem?
08:59 Yeah, there was.
09:00 You know, something went missing.
09:01 I'm sorry to hear that.
09:04 Is he OK?
09:05 Yeah, yeah.
09:05 He is now.
09:06 You know, I really needed to talk to Leanne.
09:08 Messages don't get passed on unless it's an emergency.
09:11 This was an emergency.
09:13 So what?
09:14 You're deciding whether I speak to my fiance or not.
09:16 You have nothing to worry about.
09:17 You said yourself, Simon is fine.
09:19 I can talk to him myself.
09:21 Yeah, stop it.
09:21 Stay away from him.
09:23 Stay away from the rest of my family, OK?
09:25 He's a player when I was younger.
09:32 I was actually quite good.
09:33 So it's good to be on the little team that we've got here.
09:36 We're all inmates on the team.
09:38 Some of us here for life.
09:39 But yeah, Khoury, he's our star player.
09:42 We're out of shadow of a doubt.
09:43 He's an ex-Hotel player.
09:44 So he's kind of like a role model to some of us.
09:47 And the pitch is quick.
09:49 Beats players with ease.
09:51 Goes past four players and it's done.
09:53 We all are.
09:55 The guards have to keep a lookout.
09:56 Because if he goes past them, he's over the perimeter fence.
09:59 But what I really like about Khoury
10:01 is he's trying to better himself.
10:05 To prove himself, be an inspiration.
10:07 It's just nice being outside.
10:10 Hope he went in OK.
10:11 Why is he saying all this?
10:13 He's disgusting.
10:14 He's all an act.
10:15 Khoury kills-- he kills my son.
10:18 And then now everybody thinks he's a hero.
10:20 Except someone who should be running around playing football
10:22 enjoying his life.
10:23 I know.
10:25 How could you keep this from me?
10:27 I wanted to protect you.
10:29 I'm sorry.
10:34 Cheers.
10:44 Thank you.
10:47 So I'm going to have my break now.
10:48 I'm booked up all day.
10:50 Good for you.
10:52 Remember what I said about you and Sarah, you know?
10:54 I'm glad you moved on.
10:57 Hang on, I need to get this.
10:59 I'll see you back at work, yeah?
11:00 Yeah.
11:01 Hello?
11:03 Khoury Brent's a TV star.
11:05 It's outrageous.
11:08 And I really don't think you should watch it,
11:10 because it'll just upset you.
11:11 At one point, they even say it doesn't matter who you are
11:14 or what you've done, you can still be a hero on match day.
11:17 A hero?
11:18 He's a murderer.
11:19 It's disgusting.
11:20 He wants to make people think that despite what he did,
11:22 he's trying to turn his life around.
11:23 Or they might think fair play to him when they see it.
11:25 No.
11:26 No one would ever think that.
11:27 We go through hell every day as it is.
11:28 But then to have to watch Seb's killer running around
11:31 without caring the world laughing.
11:32 One of his teammates saying how they all look up to him.
11:35 Even-- even the governor's raving about him.
11:38 So it's streaming, you said?
11:39 The-- the first episode.
11:41 I don't know how many more there are.
11:42 Well, I wonder what people are saying about it.
11:44 Whether there's anything online.
11:45 I mean, everyone knows what he did.
11:47 I just-- I can't believe they're allowed
11:49 to make something like this.
11:51 It's sports washing.
11:52 Do you think he's being paid, or is he wangling away
11:54 towards an early release, or what?
11:56 Well, that won't happen.
11:57 You heard what the judge says.
11:58 He has to serve at least 14 years.
12:00 He's just trying to influence the court of public opinion,
12:02 and it'll backfire spectacularly.
12:04 I mean, who even made this stupid program?
12:07 Why didn't they ask us first, ask our opinion?
12:09 Don't they need our permission?
12:10 Well, I-- I think it should be taken off air.
12:12 It's sick.
12:12 And if enough people complain, it will.
12:14 Well, clearly not everyone shares our feelings.
12:17 There's a tweet, eh?
12:18 You ready?
12:20 Give Brent a chance.
12:22 He's hot.
12:23 Wow.
12:25 I'm going to watch it.
12:25 No, Nina.
12:26 I really don't think you should.
12:27 Look, I need to know what I'm talking about.
12:30 I really think we need to go and talk to Dee Dee.
12:32 What a message, Demi.
12:36 No reply.
12:37 Well, maybe it's too soon to start seeing somebody
12:39 after the breakup of your marriage.
12:40 Tracy started seeing someone before the breakup
12:42 of the marriage.
12:43 And that bitterness shows through.
12:44 You want to put a smile on it.
12:47 You know, sometimes you look a bit desperate.
12:48 I think women find that a bit of a turn off.
12:50 I wasn't doing that last night, was I?
12:53 I thought I was all chilled and fun, you know.
12:55 I'm trying to take things slow, mind you saying that.
12:57 I think slow's turned into stop, we Demi.
12:59 You spent the whole night on your phone
13:00 checking your wife's socials.
13:02 Was I?
13:03 Yeah.
13:04 At the same time, trying to show Tracy what a great time
13:06 you're having with this gorgeous new woman.
13:08 She is gorgeous, and she is with me.
13:10 Listen, don't blame me for trying to make Tracy jealous,
13:13 but not in front of a potential new girlfriend.
13:15 And another thing we agree on, no more dinner parties.
13:17 They're a nightmare.
13:19 Agreed.
13:20 We'll try to go to the pub with the dogs.
13:23 Rather than sit in with you and flipping Kirsty all the time.
13:26 No offence, Tim, but it was mine and Demi's night off.
13:29 She didn't leave because of Sally.
13:31 She left because she's clearly still hung up on your ex.
13:33 Whoopie.
13:35 Either way, whatever it is, I've met Stork.
13:37 What am I going to do?
13:38 Well, there's plenty more fish in the sea.
13:41 I've just caught a prize halibut, haven't I?
13:43 I'm going to have to write her another message,
13:45 like a really long, grovelling apology.
13:47 I've sent plenty of them.
13:49 Well, you can help me write the message then,
13:51 seeing as you're the relationship guru.
13:54 What am I going to say?
13:56 Well, you can start by not comparing it to a halibut.
13:59 Or any kind of fish.
14:00 No fish.
14:02 Hi.
14:03 Demi.
14:05 Sorry.
14:06 I was an idiot last night.
14:13 You're quiet. Is everything all right?
14:15 Oh, Simon, he's a liability.
14:18 All right, mate?
14:20 Have you called me?
14:21 Yeah.
14:22 Just come through to the bank.
14:24 Gary, just ask her to sort things out with Sarah.
14:29 Something wrong?
14:31 Well, it's not a massive deal.
14:33 Well, no, actually, no, it is a massive deal,
14:34 if ten grand has gone missing.
14:37 I've checked the bank statements and the numbers
14:39 from the sale of the factory,
14:40 and it's ten grand less than what we agreed we'd call her.
14:43 Do you think that she's ripping us off?
14:45 No, I did something a bit dodgy.
14:48 So, she wasn't happy 'cause she had a survey done,
14:51 and they found a leak in the heating system.
14:54 And I didn't want to tell you, but we haggled,
14:55 and in the end, I said that I'd pay for a new one
14:57 out of my own pocket.
14:58 But the only person that could do it at short notice
15:00 wanted cash in hand.
15:02 So when the sale went through, I had to fork out nine grand
15:04 plus some solicitor's fees.
15:07 I probably should have done it by the book,
15:08 but we got there in the end, eh?
15:10 Yeah.
15:12 All right, well, no, it's fine.
15:13 Just make sure you tell me everything in future, yeah?
15:15 Yeah, of course I will.
15:16 Good.
15:17 I've done some digging.
15:23 I know how distressed you both are.
15:25 I would be, too.
15:27 You know, it's not been handled sensitively at all.
15:30 I feel like there's a book coming.
15:33 Technically, he hasn't done anything wrong.
15:37 From a legal standpoint, we can't stop the documentary
15:39 from being shown.
15:40 I feel like he's rubbing our noses in it.
15:43 People are allowed to make documentaries about prison life
15:46 as long as they have the permission of the subjects.
15:48 And what about the victims?
15:50 It's something the prison wanted to get involved in.
15:52 There's no stopping him.
15:53 He's a murderer, and he's profiting from his crime.
15:56 If it's any consolation, I doubt he was paid.
16:00 He's given him a platform to clean up his image.
16:03 But it won't affect how long he serves.
16:05 He's just playing the sympathy card.
16:07 I've already seen supportive tweets.
16:09 Thumbs up, mate.
16:10 I know.
16:11 Even if people start a free Corrie campaign,
16:13 it won't knock a day off his sentence.
16:16 However, while he's serving it, he's
16:19 allowed to get involved in any sporting activities
16:21 the prison see fit.
16:22 It's a joke, and it should be stopped.
16:24 Come on, listen, I tell you.
16:25 Thanks for seeing us.
16:26 If you can't do it, we'll do something ourselves.
16:40 There you go, yeah.
16:42 Your message was very sweet.
16:48 Well, you are a catch.
16:50 Are you comparing me to a fish?
16:52 No.
16:54 Where was your morning?
16:55 A couple of view-ins.
16:57 Anything exciting?
16:59 Time wasters, which I suspect you might be.
17:04 Look, no, I'm not.
17:05 Tim was wrong.
17:06 I wasn't on social to make Tracy jealous.
17:09 Really?
17:10 Really.
17:11 The only reason I took so many photos
17:13 and went overboard with it was because I
17:14 was having so much fun.
17:15 I wanted the world to know I'd bounced back,
17:18 and you're the proof.
17:21 OK.
17:23 Let's give it another go.
17:24 Oh, listen, look, you won't regret it.
17:29 I'm going to get Tracy off all of my socials.
17:31 She is history.
17:32 But it's hard, you know, when you've
17:37 been living with somebody for so long.
17:41 And then you've got a daughter together, you know?
17:44 Right.
17:45 And then she cheats on you with your idol.
17:48 I mean, it's--
17:49 Do you know what, Steve?
17:51 I don't think this is going to work.
17:54 Have a nice life.
17:56 [SIGHS]
17:57 Yeah, yeah, that would be great.
18:12 I need to book some venues.
18:13 I'll-- I'll call you back.
18:20 Simon.
18:22 [SIGHS]
18:23 I heard what happened.
18:24 Are you OK?
18:25 Yeah, I'm fine.
18:26 It's not a big deal.
18:27 Hey, I was in your shoes once, drifting
18:30 around with no direction.
18:32 It's hard.
18:34 It doesn't have to be like that.
18:36 You're bright.
18:37 Your mom's doing so well at the retreat.
18:40 I'm going to be working at the cafe all afternoon,
18:42 if you want to swing by and have a chat.
18:44 Yeah, maybe.
18:46 No pressure.
18:48 I just see a lot of potential in you.
18:50 You should, too.
18:53 320 quid to get my car released.
19:01 D'oh.
19:02 Right, my car gets told, and that Christopher,
19:04 who did me for drunken disorderly, he cruises by.
19:08 Coincidence?
19:09 I don't think.
19:11 This is more Trumpton than Compton.
19:13 It's victimization, pure and simple.
19:16 Yeah, but honey, your-- your MOT was out of date.
19:17 It's illegal.
19:18 Yeah, well, they only knew that.
19:19 Because they were having a nose, eh?
19:21 That bloke has had me in his sights,
19:22 ever since he caught me looking through his drawers.
19:25 You're starting to sound a little paranoid.
19:27 Whose side are you on?
19:28 Well, yours.
19:29 You're not going to see how much this has upset you.
19:31 But it can't help to think this is
19:32 some sort of, like, sinister plot.
19:34 I mean, you know, you really should consider the possibility
19:36 that maybe this is just a coincidence.
19:39 It is not a coincidence.
19:41 It is personal.
19:42 But it could be--
19:43 No, it's time to make a stand, Devenger.
19:50 She's fuming.
19:52 I handled it really badly.
19:53 Well, millions of programs on the telly,
19:55 millions of channels, and there's
19:56 one about the prison where Corey Brent is.
19:59 You were right not to tell her.
20:00 Yeah, well, the minute I found out,
20:02 I should have said something.
20:03 Yeah, but you were in an awful position.
20:05 You were just trying to protect her.
20:06 She'd be grateful that she's got a bloke that is.
20:08 Well, she found out in the worst possible way.
20:11 It's almost like he's got away with it.
20:14 Hiya, gents.
20:15 How's happy about?
20:16 Not been around since dinner time.
20:18 Why?
20:19 Right, well, she came to get some legal advice
20:21 about the program, but she was pretty
20:23 frustrated when she left.
20:24 And, well, I'm just a bit worried
20:27 she might do something stupid.
20:29 When was this?
20:30 Hiya, we're here to see Jasmine Redmond.
20:41 It's about the documentary that shows
20:43 what a cushy time the lad who murdered my son is having.
20:46 Have you got an appointment?
20:47 No.
20:48 I'm afraid she's tied up, but I can pass on a message.
20:50 Well, I want to see her now.
20:53 Excuse me.
20:56 There's my license, my MOT booking, and my insurance.
21:00 Now, technically, my car wasn't legal,
21:03 but this is rough justice.
21:05 Maybe next year you'll be more careful.
21:07 Me and you lot go way back, you know.
21:10 I was one of the women for life on Earth,
21:12 the green and common women's tree camp.
21:15 Are you drunk again?
21:17 I'm being victimized, and I'm not standing for it.
21:21 And I'm going to make a complaint,
21:22 because you are picking on me.
21:24 [CHEERING]
21:28 How old are you again?
21:31 31.
21:33 Happy birthday.
21:34 I'll call you back.
21:42 Can I help you?
21:43 I'm Seb Franklin's mother, and this is his girlfriend, Nina.
21:46 I know who you are.
21:47 You know who we are, but you didn't talk to us
21:49 before you made this sick documentary.
21:51 So we've come to see you, give you
21:53 a bit of audience feedback.
21:54 Will you just stand by the door and make
21:55 sure no one disturbs us?
21:58 I've got some demands I want to make.
22:12 Sorry, I don't have time for this.
22:14 But if you want to speak to my PA and arrange a meeting--
22:17 Do you really know what Corey Brent is like?
22:19 Do you know exactly what he did?
22:21 The point of our show is to find people who have made a mistake
22:25 and are trying to find a better path in life.
22:27 It's a redemption story.
22:29 It's sick and cheap tabloid entertainment.
22:31 It kicks my son to death.
22:33 I am sorry about that.
22:34 I don't want your apology.
22:36 I want you to stop profiting from his son's murder.
22:38 That's not fair.
22:39 Have you watched your own show?
22:41 What about the victims?
22:42 Where are they?
22:43 Where's their story?
22:45 My son died.
22:46 Nina was seriously injured.
22:47 You are glamorizing criminals in the name of entertainment.
22:51 I think once you've seen the whole series--
22:53 I won't be watching anymore.
22:55 In fact, I want you to cancel the show.
22:57 I want you to take it off the platform now.
22:59 I can't do that.
23:00 It was delivered to the commissioner weeks ago.
23:02 So you just take the money and to hell with everybody else?
23:06 I'm going to call the police.
23:07 Coward.
23:08 Come on.
23:09 Let's go.
23:11 What have we done here?
23:13 You're pathetic.
23:14 Why did you lie to me before?
23:24 Did you know then?
23:25 I don't like being ambushed.
23:29 You let me think you were dead?
23:31 I've been dead to you for 31 years.
23:33 That's not true.
23:34 I gave you a chance 10 years ago.
23:35 Do you remember?
23:37 We arranged to meet.
23:38 You contacted me.
23:39 You never turned up.
23:41 Why was that?
23:43 You abandoned me twice.
23:44 I'm sorry it was difficult.
23:48 Look, things change.
23:49 And I know I come on a bit strong sometimes,
23:52 you know, wading in where I'm not wanted.
23:53 But this is all a bit weird, isn't it?
23:58 You know, you being a copper and being transferred here,
24:01 is that just like a coincidence?
24:03 I never asked for any of this, Bernie.
24:05 I have thought about you.
24:07 Lots.
24:09 And I never imagined that our first proper conversation
24:11 would be in a police interview room.
24:13 To be honest, I'm just relieved you're alive.
24:21 And you're looking well.
24:24 Are you OK, Chris--
24:26 Christopher?
24:27 It's Kit.
24:28 You don't even know my name.
24:29 No.
24:31 No, and I understand that this isn't easy for you,
24:34 but you don't have to keep picking on me,
24:37 because I haven't done anything wrong.
24:39 Really?
24:40 Your police record says otherwise.
24:42 Yeah, yeah, I'll hold me hands up to that.
24:44 I have made a few mistakes, but I
24:47 was trying to do the right thing by my family, by my kids.
24:49 Right, look, let's make one thing crystal clear.
24:55 You may be my biological mother, but I'm
24:58 definitely not your son.
25:01 And I don't want anything to do with you.
25:02 So what exactly is this retreat, then?
25:06 Well, it's an opportunity to get away
25:09 from the stresses of everyday life,
25:11 a chance to invest in yourself, adjust your priorities,
25:14 to change focus.
25:16 Sounds like a bit of a religious thing, if you ask me.
25:18 It's more about challenging yourself
25:20 on your ideas with guest speakers
25:22 and inspirational debates.
25:24 I'm not that clever.
25:25 Don't say that.
25:26 I heard you were considering being mentored by Jared.
25:28 That's a good idea.
25:30 Some people think they can do everything on their own,
25:33 but a clever person knows it's always good
25:35 to ask for help from others.
25:37 Yeah, I suppose.
25:40 If you'd like to join Leanne, I'd be
25:42 happy to drive you there tomorrow.
25:44 I don't exactly have the money for it.
25:46 That's OK.
25:48 I've heard you've had a tough time recently.
25:50 You don't have to pay.
25:51 I'll cover all your costs.
25:53 What, really?
25:55 Everything we do is about helping people.
25:58 And if we're successful and you become successful,
26:01 I'm sure you want to help others, too.
26:03 What do you think?
26:05 I just want to get on with my life without you.
26:09 Really?
26:10 So why do you keep targeting me?
26:13 I know it was you reported me MOT.
26:15 I'm not targeting you.
26:16 That had nothing to do with me.
26:18 I don't care about you.
26:18 Maybe you should just go back to thinking I was dead.
26:23 See, I can't help but wonder where all this emotion
26:24 was when you abandoned me.
26:27 Not targeting me?
26:29 So what was that?
26:29 Direct hit straight to the heart?
26:32 You made the decision. I had no choice.
26:34 Yeah, I did.
26:34 And it was a selfish decision.
26:36 And I did that.
26:38 I was already a rubbish mum to the twins.
26:40 There was no way I could cope with three.
26:41 At least you admit it.
26:43 So how did you choose?
26:44 Rock, paper, scissors?
26:45 Toss a coin?
26:46 The twins were two.
26:48 A new baby.
26:50 No money, no support.
26:52 No chance of anything changing.
26:55 So it was a financial decision?
26:58 What can I say?
27:00 You never saw me back then.
27:02 And I'm not proud of what I did.
27:04 But I still think you stood a better chance of a good life
27:06 with an adoptive family than you did with me.
27:08 Sorry about that.
27:13 Hey, don't be sorry.
27:15 You were right.
27:16 Yeah, but what good did it do?
27:19 And I nearly got us both into trouble.
27:21 If I was worried about getting into trouble,
27:23 I wouldn't have come with you.
27:24 Thanks.
27:25 I don't know.
27:28 Maybe it's-- maybe it's time to let this one go.
27:31 Why would we do that?
27:33 Because that woman couldn't stop the program
27:36 even if she wanted to.
27:38 And besides, according to Dee Dee,
27:40 they haven't actually done anything illegal.
27:43 Yeah, well, it might not be illegal,
27:44 but it doesn't make it right.
27:46 I know.
27:46 But you know, you have to pick your battles.
27:48 And there's just no way we're going to win this one.
27:52 Ah, there you are.
27:54 Can you tell me what's going on?
27:57 Just been wasting me time, that's all.
27:59 Right, you sit down.
28:00 I'll get you a coffee.
28:01 So what happens now?
28:09 You go.
28:11 Am I between me and you?
28:13 I thought I made that clear.
28:15 You start my life.
28:16 Got this far without you, I think I'm doing OK.
28:18 So that's it then?
28:21 Unless you want me to arrest you.
28:23 Well, you don't want to know anything
28:25 about me or the twins.
28:27 I'm good, thanks.
28:28 And I don't want to see you in here again, ever.
28:31 What about my car?
28:33 I'll ask at the desk.
28:34 They'll give you a release form.
28:35 You know, I am sorry for abandoning you
28:43 and for finding you like I did.
28:45 But you know where I am now, so if you change your mind, you--
28:48 I won't.
28:50 [CHATTER]
28:53 Hang on, when did this happen?
28:59 About an hour ago.
29:01 Don't you think you're being a bit hasty?
29:02 I'm not being hasty.
29:04 OK, I'm packing now, then Rowan's
29:05 driving me there tomorrow.
29:06 Right, have you spoken to your mum?
29:08 No, that's what these retreats were all about, innit?
29:10 Taking a step back from the world.
29:12 Whose idea was it?
29:13 Rowan's.
29:14 Big surprise.
29:16 Look, he seems like a decent bloke to me.
29:18 Right, how are you going to afford it?
29:20 It's free.
29:21 No, nothing's ever for free.
29:22 Well, this is, and I'd be daft not to take the opportunity.
29:25 You don't even really know who these people are.
29:27 Yes, I do.
29:28 My mum's already there, and it seems to be working for her.
29:32 Might as well take the chance.
29:33 I've got nothing going for me here.
29:34 Hey.
29:39 I'm sorry about that.
29:42 How are you doing?
29:43 Wondering where you got to.
29:45 Have you had the op?
29:46 Yeah, he has.
29:47 He's fine.
29:49 Where have you been?
29:50 Oh, you won't believe this.
29:52 I had my car taken to the pound due to an out-of-date MOT.
29:55 What did you do?
29:57 I'll tell you what I did.
29:58 I've spent the last few hours down the cop shop arguing
30:01 and pleading and trying to talk some sense into him.
30:04 It's been a total nightmare.
30:05 Poor thing.
30:06 Never mind me.
30:08 I got it sorted.
30:09 I just feel terrible I wasn't here for you.
30:11 Ah, well, we're fine.
30:14 He didn't miss anything.
30:16 Quite boring, actually.
30:18 Truth is, he can't remember it.
30:21 Not my fault.
30:22 The drug they give you means you don't remember anything.
30:26 Talks him to use the feeding tube, how to clean it.
30:31 And my foods are in prescription, so I'll be a cheap date.
30:36 Oh, and I get the good quality stuff.
30:39 High calorie slop.
30:42 You're going to need it.
30:43 All this exercise your jaw's getting.
30:45 Well, are you OK?
30:48 Yeah.
30:50 Yeah, I'm fine.
30:53 I'm sorry I let you down.
30:54 I wish I'd been here for you.
30:56 You don't need to worry about me.
30:58 I'm fine.
30:59 Yeah, I can do it tomorrow if that works, or, well,
31:05 any other day that suits you.
31:08 No, tomorrow's great.
31:08 Yeah, service and MOT, yeah.
31:10 Yeah, perfect.
31:12 You all right?
31:15 Yeah, yeah, fine.
31:17 All right, well, tend to my hair.
31:18 Just put your details down there.
31:20 Yeah, no problem.
31:21 Paperwork.
31:24 You fancy a broom?
31:25 No, Tom.
31:27 I can go up to the caf, get us a couple of cakes.
31:30 I want to get this down, motor sorted.
31:31 What's the date, Kev?
31:33 The 20th.
31:34 Is, um, Abby about?
31:36 Yeah, she's at the vet.
31:37 Abby!
31:40 What now?
31:41 Can I order?
31:43 As long as you're quick.
31:44 You can go to my quiet if you like.
31:46 No, it's fine.
31:46 Just say what you want to say.
31:48 We've got a complaint.
31:50 A complaint?
31:50 Apparently you barged through the doors of a private office
31:53 a few hours ago.
31:54 No, I didn't barge.
31:55 I walked through the door.
31:57 The woman you spoke to said you were aggressive, abusive,
31:59 and threatening.
32:00 Are you serious?
32:01 I am, yeah.
32:02 I was not abusive, or threatening, or aggressive.
32:05 I was calm and rational and totally in control,
32:07 and I left peacefully.
32:08 And if she says otherwise, she's a f--
32:10 a really liar.
32:12 Except you seem rather aggressive right now.
32:15 That's because I've been accused of something I didn't do,
32:17 because you're as bad as a pathetic specimen
32:19 who made the documentary.
32:21 If you could just calm down, then we--
32:23 Why would I do that?
32:23 I tried to calm, and they sent you around.
32:25 Have you seriously not got anything better
32:28 to do than harass me?
32:29 If you don't calm down, you're going
32:30 to be in danger of committing a public order offense,
32:33 and I will have no choice but to arrest you.
32:35 Oh, come on.
32:36 There's no need for that.
32:37 No, no, no, go on.
32:37 Do it.
32:38 Go on.
32:38 Get your handcuffs out.
32:39 Lock me up.
32:40 That's what happens.
32:41 Criminal gets a TV show, victim gets locked up.
32:44 Come on, Officer Crave, do your job.
32:46 Arrest me.
32:50 Come on, what's stopping you?
33:00 Maybe if I punched you in the face, would that help?
33:02 No, Abby.
33:03 You must protect the murderer.
33:05 He has rights.
33:05 I don't.
33:06 Never mind the victim.
33:07 Never mind he killed myself.
33:08 That don't count.
33:10 What were you waiting for?
33:11 Do your duty.
33:12 Slap the cuffs on.
33:13 Oh, come on.
33:14 That's enough.
33:15 Who are you?
33:16 Have I done enough to get arrested?
33:17 You just need to calm down.
33:20 Look, we saw this documentary painting
33:23 Corey Brent to be a reformed character.
33:26 He's coaching the prison football team.
33:28 I know.
33:29 So what are you going to do?
33:30 I'm going to ask you not to go back there again,
33:33 and not to give anyone any more reason to arrest you now.
33:36 Can you do that for me?
33:37 Yes, she can.
33:38 She can speak for herself.
33:39 OK, well, we will just leave it at that.
33:43 Look, you OK?
33:46 No, I'm not.
33:48 I was calm.
33:49 I was not aggressive, and I still end up here.
33:52 Do you want that brew?
33:53 Oh, I need some fresh air.
33:55 I thought she was going to lamp him.
34:00 She's her own worst enemy, especially
34:02 when the red mist descends.
34:04 Nothing can stop her.
34:06 Finish the phone, by the way.
34:07 Oh, cheers.
34:08 About everything, yeah?
34:10 All right, see you tomorrow.
34:11 Ah, just the woman I was looking for.
34:21 Not in the mood.
34:22 Well, you're going to want to rate this.
34:24 You what?
34:25 You need to come to the cafe now.
34:26 Go on, then.
34:31 Go on what?
34:33 You asked me out for a drink.
34:35 So?
34:36 Well, tell me all about it.
34:37 You clearly want to talk.
34:39 I want a drink.
34:40 Well, you don't need me to drink.
34:42 I need you to shut up so I can drink in peace.
34:43 Well, you should have texted me.
34:44 Debbie's dumped me.
34:48 You what?
34:49 You heard.
34:49 Debbie's dumped you?
34:51 Why, don't tell everyone.
34:54 So, Bethany's still not talking to you?
34:57 No.
34:58 It doesn't matter.
34:59 Well, it does to me.
35:01 My life's boring.
35:02 Need any bit of excitement I can get.
35:03 Oh, just stop.
35:05 This wouldn't have anything to do with Nathan's sudden decision to leave town.
35:08 Oh, can you just leave it, please?
35:11 You all right?
35:11 Yeah.
35:12 I haven't seen Gary all day, and if I had, I'd cross the street.
35:15 I was looking for Carla, actually.
35:16 Have you tried the factory?
35:18 Yeah, no, she's not there.
35:19 Sorry, I can't help.
35:21 Do you know anything about buying the factory back off Gary?
35:24 Yeah, a little bit.
35:26 Right.
35:27 It's just that Gary said something about that he's agreed to replace a heating system because of a survey she's had done.
35:34 Erm, yes, yeah, I think so.
35:36 I was actually looking at the sale details today, actually, and yeah, that's what's happening.
35:41 Right.
35:42 OK, thanks.
35:43 See you later.
35:44 See you.
35:45 Cheers.
35:50 Thanks.
35:53 So, I've been feeling sukey about the documentary, and she's keen to do an interview.
35:58 This would be a chance to put across your side of the story.
36:00 Right, so he gets a TV documentary and I get an article on page 12 of the local paper.
36:06 We have a pretty big online presence.
36:08 All right, but with all due respect, you might want to interview me, but then you get to report my words, and I've seen stuff get twisted.
36:16 I'm on your side.
36:17 I've seen the doc. The views of the victim are totally absent.
36:21 All right.
36:23 Well, here's an idea. What if we record an interview and then you post that on the Gazette website?
36:31 We could do that.
36:32 And can you post it unedited?
36:34 So you can't take my words out of context.
36:36 Let me call Luke.
36:38 Who's Luke?
36:39 He's our intern. He's great with all the IT stuff.
36:42 You could do exactly what you want.
36:44 Hey, Annie, how are you?
36:52 I can't do this, Dad. Oh, I really can't.
36:56 What, Annie? What can't you do? What's happened?
36:58 He hates me.
37:00 Who, Annie? Who hates you?
37:02 My son.
37:03 What are you talking about? Paul?
37:04 No. Right, I was at the cop shop.
37:06 Yeah.
37:07 And there they were, wishing him happy birthday.
37:09 This morning, I thought he was dead, but no, there he is, standing right in front of me.
37:14 Kit.
37:16 Who's Kit?
37:19 Kit. Kit is Christopher. That's his name. That's his chosen name.
37:25 No.
37:26 Are you saying Kit's the police guy that's been picking on you?
37:30 Yes, and why was he picking on me?
37:32 Because he hates me.
37:34 No. This can't be true.
37:37 Oh, it's true. And he's right.
37:39 Cos I abandoned him. I mean, look at me. Who'd want me for the mum?
37:43 You know, I turn up on his doorstep, no warning.
37:46 I should never have gone looking for him.
37:48 But listen, of course he's angry.
37:50 He wants nothing to do with me.
37:52 And I have to respect that. I owe him that much.
37:56 So what about Paul and Gemma?
37:58 No. No, no, no, no. They can't know anything about this.
38:00 Promise me you won't say anything.
38:01 No, of course, of course.
38:03 No, I need to put this genie back in the bottle and I need to concentrate on the twins.
38:09 I made my decisions back then and I've got to face the consequences.
38:13 It's done.
38:14 Yeah.
38:15 Just leave it be.
38:17 All right, let's look at the facts.
38:20 Let's not.
38:21 We've got Nathan's sudden U-turn.
38:23 A moody Bethany.
38:25 We've got you trying to reassure a suspicious Maria about Gary's financial transactions.
38:30 Listen, you don't stop. I'm going, OK?
38:32 Well, I could ask Bethany. Or Maria.
38:35 Please don't.
38:36 I'm not gonna give up.
38:37 Right, OK, fine. I will tell you.
38:39 You have to promise me to keep your mouth shut.
38:42 Yeah.
38:42 I mean it.
38:44 Cross my heart. What do you want?
38:48 Gary gave me ten grand to pay Nathan to leave town.
38:53 Are you sick?
38:54 Well, he's done now, OK? And you cannot tell anyone.
38:58 I work with the girl every day.
38:59 Will you promise me?
39:01 Well, I know we fall out every now and again, but I mean, she's like the sister I never had.
39:05 Or better than the one that I got.
39:08 I wish I'd never asked, now.
39:10 It's my own fault.
39:12 Get out of it.
39:14 You're a catch.
39:15 You're a man in his prime.
39:16 50 in a few weeks.
39:17 50's the new 30.
39:19 No, it isn't.
39:20 And it absolutely is my fault.
39:22 I was obsessing over Tracy on socials.
39:25 Well, that's obviously ridiculous.
39:27 No, that's exactly right.
39:29 See, the thing is, I miss Tracy. I shouldn't, but I do.
39:32 You need a distraction.
39:33 Like what?
39:34 I don't know, like a big birthday bash, maybe.
39:36 Ooh, yeah, no, I like the idea of that.
39:39 A big party, pub crawl, maybe go somewhere, a bit of a lads' adventure.
39:45 I've got an idea.
39:46 Go on.
39:47 So I saw it in the Gazette.
39:49 It's a football exhibition which is happening at the Chariot Square Hotel.
39:53 It's on me birthday as well, so how cool's that?
39:56 I'm not sure about that.
40:00 I thought you'd given up everything football anyhow.
40:02 It might be a laugh.
40:03 It won't be a laugh.
40:05 It's on me birthday.
40:06 You won't like it.
40:07 How will I like it?
40:09 Because that's the day they're putting up the bust of Tommy Oak Weatherfield County Hall of Fame.
40:14 Are you serious?
40:15 Afraid so.
40:16 We can't let Simon fall down the same rabbit hole as Leanne.
40:20 It's not our responsibility.
40:22 He's an adult. He can make his own decisions.
40:25 You think Peach would want this?
40:27 No.
40:28 What can we do? He wants to go.
40:30 Don't we have to persuade him not to?
40:32 Well, what happens if he won't listen? We can't just chain him to the radiator.
40:36 I honestly think these people are dangerous.
40:38 Simon's young, he's vulnerable.
40:40 Yeah. Well, Leanne's up to her neck, isn't she?
40:43 Yeah, well, she might not like it, but we've got to stop him from getting dragged in and all.
40:47 It's sad to put into words, erm...
40:52 but it's...
40:54 it's like watching...
40:56 Corey Brent rewrite history on the TV screen.
41:05 This is my son, Seb.
41:08 Corey picked on him because his girlfriend looked a bit different.
41:15 Corey attacked them...
41:19 and murdered him.
41:21 They kicked him to death.
41:23 The man on your TV literally has blood on his boots.
41:28 And now he's allowed to pretend like none of that matters.
41:34 That he deserves our sympathy.
41:37 The makers of this documentary...
41:42 they never knew, Seb.
41:45 He...
41:49 he was...
41:51 a beautiful...
41:55 brave young man...
41:59 who had his whole life ahead of him.
42:04 SIGHS
42:06 And they are making money out of his murder.
42:10 And that causes even more...
42:15 pain and hurt to all of us who loved him.
42:18 So all I ask is this.
42:24 If... if you must watch that killer on your TV...
42:28 just...
42:32 despaireth...
42:34 thought for my son...
42:36 SOBS
42:38 Erm...
42:48 despaireth...
42:49 thought for my son, his victim.
42:52 Do...
42:56 not believe for one second that Corey Brent is a changed man.
43:00 He is a convicted murderer.
43:02 And he belongs in jail.
43:04 Is there anything else you'd like to say?
43:11 Thank you, Abi.
43:15 Well done.
43:17 - That was amazing. - Did you get everything?
43:20 Yeah, the lighting's not great, but I can tweak it.
43:22 No, don't tweak anything, just get it out!
43:24 What, are you sure you want it on the website, unedited?
43:27 Yes, I'm sure. Why wouldn't I?
43:29 No reason, I just thought maybe you'd want to watch through it first.
43:31 Leave it as it is. No edits, no changes.
43:34 OK, it'll be accessible on the website first thing tomorrow.
43:37 Look, thank you for setting all that up.
43:40 - It was 100% the right thing. - Yeah, no problem.
43:43 - I didn't say anything illegal, did I? - You were great.
43:46 Hey...
43:47 Seb would be so proud of you,
43:49 and I think this counts as a win.
43:52 Maybe.
43:54 But I doubt this is the end of it.
43:56 We win a battle today, but I'm not stopping until this whole horrible war is won.
44:00 (sniffles)
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