Syahrul Yasin Limpo Tak Bantah Keterangan Para Saksi dan Siap Bertanggung Jawab
00:00 Former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yassin Limpo, received all the clarifications of the witnesses
00:08 in the continuation of the case of harassment and gratification
00:11 which he admitted to himself in the Central Jakarta Court on May 20.
00:16 Syahrul admitted that he was ready to take responsibility for the mistakes he made
00:20 while serving as Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, period 2019-2023.
00:25 In the trial, it can be seen that the victim was me,
00:32 who was being harassed abroad under the name of G20, under the name of the PBB through FAO.
00:38 I have always been an example for Indonesia. I am full of shortcomings.
00:44 If this is something that I have to take responsibility for, I am ready to take responsibility.
00:52 I do not see the evidence that I should reject.
00:57 Previously, as many as six witnesses of former members of the SYAL were present
01:01 in the trial of the continuation of the case involving the former Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia.
01:06 There were witnesses, namely Andi Nur Alam Syah as the Director of the Farming Department,
01:11 Siti Munifah as the Secretary of the PPSDMP,
01:14 Nina Murdiana as the Chairperson of the Financial Substances and Property Group of the State, BPPSDM,
01:20 Sugi Arti as the Finance Secretary of the Food Protection Agency,
01:23 Lucy Anggrani as the Functional Director of Youth Plans in the Quarantine Body,
01:27 and Wisnu Haryana as the Secretary of the Quarantine Body.
01:30 From Jakarta Irfan Shah Nasution, Fat Putra Mulya, KB Antara, reporting.
01:35 Thank you.
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