General Hospital 5-20-24

  • 4 months ago


00:00 Brooklyn was so beautiful and Uncle Chase was so handsome.
00:05 I hope they have a baby soon. I'd be the older cool cousin.
00:09 Oh, slow down. You may be cool, but you're not old.
00:13 I'm old. Let's give the newlyweds a chance to be newlyweds.
00:17 I suppose.
00:20 But I still want a babysitter.
00:22 What was your favorite part about the wedding?
00:27 Oh, you singing, of course, right, Finn?
00:31 Absolutely, you were amazing, sweetheart. I'm so proud of you.
00:34 What was your favorite part?
00:36 Catching this, of course.
00:38 And the kissing. They're gonna live happily ever after.
00:42 I believe they will.
00:44 And the dancing. Uncle Chase asked me to dance.
00:49 Look at you go.
00:52 I love to dance, Grandpa. Almost as much as I love to sing.
00:57 You're brilliant at both of them.
00:59 Okay, well now that we've established that, it's pretty late. I think it's time for bed, kiddo.
01:04 Okay. Keep this safe from me, Grandpa. I want to keep every single pet.
01:10 I live to serve.
01:19 By this right, it was a magical day.
01:23 Yeah.
01:25 And I couldn't have gone through it without you, son.
01:28 Not just today, but all these past few months.
01:33 I truly appreciate you, Finn.
01:36 I love my dress, but it feels so good to be out of it.
01:42 Can't argue with that. I like you out of your dress, too.
01:46 I have no idea what to eat first.
01:49 Olivia's too much. She's been spoiling us ever since we checked in.
01:52 Now she sent this calm food basket?
01:55 Are you surprised? She lives to pamper.
01:58 True. Ooh, that chocolate weefoo looks good.
02:01 Are you hungry?
02:03 I just realized I'm starving.
02:05 Between the dancing and the greeting of the guests and the toast, I didn't take more than two bites of dinner at the reception.
02:10 Except for that bite of cake you gave me.
02:13 Okay, then.
02:15 Whatever my beautiful wife wants.
02:17 Oh, wife. I love the sound of that.
02:20 Me, too. I love you.
02:23 Come on!
02:28 You know what I do to traitors? Huh?
02:32 Come on, get up.
02:34 Let go of me!
02:36 Let go! Get out of here!
02:38 I'm gonna kill you both!
02:40 You're both dead to me!
02:42 I'm gonna put a gun in your head!
02:45 Christina, it's not what you think.
02:53 Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no.
02:55 Christina, what the fuck?
02:57 Get off of me!
02:58 Zach, go. Get out of here.
03:00 No, you're not. You're not going after him.
03:02 Screw him! What about Christina?
03:04 Let go of me!
03:06 What, does she see?
03:11 When did she come in?
03:13 I don't know.
03:14 You do know, 'cause you called her here, didn't you?
03:16 No, I didn't. Listen to yourself, sonny.
03:18 Just calm down.
03:20 Stay away from me.
03:22 Stay away from my friend.
03:24 Carly.
03:41 I'm at the hotel.
03:43 Sonny's in trouble.
03:48 [♪♪♪]
03:51 [♪♪♪]
03:53 [♪♪♪]
04:15 [♪♪♪]
04:17 [phone ringing]
04:26 Jack?
04:35 God, you're gorgeous.
04:44 No wonder poor Valentine was so obsessed with you.
04:49 Well, you aren't the man, then.
04:51 Well, you know me.
04:54 Nothing gets me down for long.
04:57 Not even a shiv attack?
04:59 It was a shiv.
05:01 They might not supposed to have those.
05:06 It's the rules, eh?
05:08 And you always follow the rules, don't you?
05:11 As well as you do, Anna.
05:14 Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Dex.
05:24 Hey, what happened?
05:26 It was Sonny.
05:28 Oh, where's Jason?
05:30 He came in and stopped him.
05:32 Can you see?
05:33 Yeah, mostly.
05:34 Okay, I need to take you to the hospital.
05:36 No, not tomorrow.
05:37 No, we need to go right now. I'll take you.
05:39 Tomorrow?
05:41 Well, it's been quite the day, but it's catching up to me.
05:45 I think I'll turn in now.
05:47 Hey, uh, Dad, before you do, um...
05:51 I appreciate what you said.
05:57 I...
05:59 You don't know how good it makes me feel...
06:02 to be here for you after we missed out on so much time.
06:08 Hamilton, that's...
06:10 that's ancient history.
06:12 I'm very much a live-in-the-moment kind of guy these days.
06:18 And you've been such a rock for me, you know?
06:22 Letting me move in here and...
06:26 managing all my doctor's appointments and medications,
06:30 even when I threw a fit about it.
06:33 And then steering me on to do Chase's wedding when I was doubting myself.
06:39 And then putting up with my orneriness
06:43 as I was trying to make peace with this disease.
06:47 I could go on and on, but I think you get my drift.
06:51 I'm in awe of you.
06:54 In awe of the strength and determination you've shown
06:57 since you've been diagnosed, and how...
07:00 and not just 'cause you jumped out of an airplane, but...
07:03 the way you're still embracing life.
07:06 I don't have a choice. Now is all I have.
07:11 Yeah.
07:16 Thanks, Grandpa. I'm gonna put these in water now.
07:22 You know, you could dry those out and preserve them that way.
07:27 You just need to hang them upside down for a few weeks.
07:30 Really? I wanna put these next to my bed, 'cause they smell so good.
07:35 Will you help me tomorrow? You bet.
07:38 Thanks, Grandpa.
07:40 Goodnight, Grandpa. Goodnight, Dad.
07:43 Wait, are you saying it's not necessary to tuck you in tonight?
07:48 I can get in my bed by myself.
07:51 Oh, okay. Yeah.
07:54 See you guys in the morning.
07:57 Love you, Grandpa.
08:04 I love you, too.
08:07 You okay, son? Huh?
08:14 Yeah, I just, I, uh...
08:18 had a vision of saying goodbye to Violet on her wedding day.
08:24 It's grown up so fast.
08:26 It's not that fast. And don't worry.
08:29 Violet will always need her dad.
08:32 Yeah.
08:36 That never goes away.
08:40 [Violet's breathing gets louder]
08:44 [Violet's breathing gets louder]
08:58 [Violet's breathing gets louder]
09:08 [Violet's breathing gets louder]
09:12 Allie, I need you.
09:16 No, I'm in the bathroom across from the ballroom.
09:20 Please hurry.
09:23 [Violet's breathing gets louder]
09:35 Hey, is this gonna make us blind?
09:39 Chase, I wanna ask you something, but I don't wanna bring you down.
09:48 I doubt you could.
09:51 How do you feel about your mom not being here?
09:53 I mean, I know she's on assignment halfway around the world, but...
09:58 [Chase sighs]
10:00 Um, at first I was disappointed.
10:03 But I've, uh, had a lifetime of experience with my mom's job.
10:08 And I also think because of everything that happened between her and Finn,
10:12 and how that revelation nearly tore my family apart,
10:16 that she didn't wanna make anyone uncomfortable.
10:18 So, she just bowed out.
10:21 Oh, that's a really loving thing to do.
10:24 It's a good thing we took a ton of pictures. We could send them to her.
10:27 Yeah, it's a good thing.
10:30 All in all, I think today was a perfect day.
10:34 It was the best.
10:36 You know, I was having a lot of guilt asking your dad to officiate,
10:39 but I'm so glad he did.
10:41 That he was the one to marry us.
10:44 You know, I... I wanna clear the air about something.
10:53 I'm so sorry about the words we had yesterday.
10:58 [Chase sighs]
11:00 No apology needed.
11:03 Now, please, I need to get this out.
11:07 I was angry and, yes, bitter.
11:13 But not at you. It was at...
11:15 At my disease, at my inability to be whole,
11:19 and feeling helpless in the face of that.
11:24 And I lashed out in a petty and,
11:30 I'm ashamed to say, a vicious way, and I'm so sorry.
11:35 Um...
11:37 I'm not holding on to some old past injury.
11:42 It was a cheap shot, and...
11:45 I regret it.
11:47 I love both my sons so fiercely,
11:52 and I'm so proud of both of you.
11:56 And not just because you're my sons, but because of who you are,
12:01 and who you've become, based on your own values and standards and hopes and dreams.
12:09 You're...
12:13 a good man.
12:15 And...
12:17 you're a loving father to Violet, who's a joy and a ray of sunshine in this world.
12:24 You're doing a wonderful job with her.
12:29 That's because when it comes to making a parenting decision,
12:34 I say to myself, "What would my dad do?"
12:38 Because you're the best father I know.
12:41 Oh, thank you.
12:43 I wish I could take some credit, but you've done all the work.
12:50 You're a good son.
12:53 My son.
12:58 I hope...
13:01 I'm half the man you think I am.
13:06 Just keep doing what you're doing,
13:10 and you'll be fine.
13:13 Hey, Dad.
13:24 I love you, too.
13:27 Hey, where's Sonny?
13:37 I don't know. He went to look for Christina.
13:39 This is where he attacked Dex, out here in the open?
13:41 He was out of control.
13:43 Oh, my God. Christina must have been shocked.
13:45 Thank God you were there to stop him.
13:47 Yeah. I saw how Sonny was watching Dex at the reception.
13:50 And, you know, like, everybody was having a good time,
13:52 and Lois' mom made a big fuss out of Dex, and Sonny did not like that.
13:56 And then after a while, Dex left, and Sonny followed him.
14:00 Sonny meant to do this?
14:02 He planned on ambushing Dex?
14:05 Right here, when all of his friends and family are out in the garden?
14:08 Carly looks that way.
14:11 We've got to find Sonny.
14:13 I'll check the parking lot.
14:14 Okay, I'll check the terrace.
14:16 Christina, just, can you listen to me?
14:19 No.
14:20 Listen, okay, sweetheart, just--
14:22 Don't.
14:23 Okay.
14:27 Dex and Jason, they turned on me.
14:29 Stop. No. I don't want to hear this anymore.
14:32 Listen to me.
14:33 No, don't. Don't. Please.
14:34 Okay, you don't have to be afraid of me.
14:35 No, don't.
14:36 Don't ever be afraid of me, understand?
14:38 Don't ever be afraid.
14:39 No.
14:40 Just go, please.
14:44 Just leave.
14:52 [sobbing]
15:05 It's okay.
15:08 We're okay. We're okay.
15:18 Special occasion?
15:21 Mm-hmm.
15:22 As a matter of fact, I was having a lovely evening.
15:25 And then I get a call that you're en route to the hospital.
15:28 Prison violence can be so inconvenient.
15:32 Yeah, isn't it, though?
15:33 Yeah.
15:36 But I understand that you're projected to make a full recovery.
15:41 Yeah, the stabbing, it missed any major organs.
15:48 You know, I don't recall giving permission to release my medical information.
15:54 Police commissioner.
15:56 Prisoner.
15:57 Yeah.
15:58 Being a prisoner, it abridges certain privacy rights. Have you forgotten that?
16:02 I must have slipped my mind, what with everything that's gone on.
16:09 You've had a very eventful evening.
16:12 You want to tell me exactly what happened?
16:16 I guess those vicious thugs in Pentonville were too much for me.
16:26 You know, I can make it into my room on my own.
16:30 I know, Dad, I know.
16:32 Still, it's been a long day.
16:37 I'll grant you that.
16:39 You know, if I'd already turned me down, you're kind of stuck with me.
16:46 Thanks, son.
16:49 [Music]
17:11 Hey.
17:24 I'll drop these off at the dry cleaners in the morning.
17:32 Don't even think about tucking me in.
17:35 Even I have my limits.
17:43 Hey, Dad.
17:45 What's the last thing you always told me as a kid before bed?
17:50 I won't forget to brush my teeth.
17:53 Good night, Dad.
17:55 Have good dreams.
17:57 Good night, son.
18:25 [Phone ringing]
18:30 Hey, Ben.
18:32 Am I calling too late? You weren't sleeping, were you?
18:35 No, I'm working. I got papers all over the place.
18:39 How's the wedding? Wonderful?
18:41 Yeah, it was wonderful. I drank.
18:48 Christina?
18:50 What is it, baby? Do you have to go to the hospital?
18:53 No, no, it's not the baby. It's my dad.
18:57 Something happened to your father?
18:59 I know. He was beating Dax. He was punching him. He attacked him. He was kicking him.
19:08 He said he was going to kill him.
19:16 I talked to security. They're going to locate Sonny using the security cameras.
19:19 His car is still in the parking lot. He must have driven himself. I haven't seen any of his guys around.
19:23 Oh, my God.
19:25 Yes. Okay, great. No, no, no. I can handle it. Thank you.
19:31 Security located Sonny in the garden.
19:33 Okay. If I go with you, you could set him off.
19:37 I know. I can handle it.
19:40 I know. I'm just going to be out of sight, but I'll be close.
19:43 Okay.
19:48 Well, at least the bleeding seems to have stopped.
19:51 Look, it's a busy night. Let's just go.
19:53 Hey, no. No. You need stitches, and they're going to see us soon.
19:58 It was really nice of you to give me a ride, but you don't have to sit around and wait with me. I'll be fine.
20:04 Okay, I'm going to ignore that.
20:08 How bad does it hurt?
20:12 It's not that bad. It's more on the inside of my head, like when your ears are ringing.
20:18 Okay, you might need a CT scan.
20:22 Sonny meant business.
20:25 I didn't want to fight back. I just tried to dodge, but he just kept coming.
20:31 He was out of control, Joss.
20:35 I think he wanted to kill me.
20:38 [Glass shattering]
20:43 [Siren wailing]
21:01 Sonny.
21:05 Jason calling?
21:08 He told me what happened.
21:11 Why'd you stop me from going after Dex and just end it? I had him right there.
21:20 Is that what Christina heard you say?
21:25 I don't know what I said.
21:28 Bastard grabbed my arm. I punched him.
21:32 Christina walked in.
21:36 Where is she?
21:40 I saw her in the restroom.
21:48 My little girl's afraid of me.
21:56 I hate to see all the pictures from the reception. The candidates are always the best.
22:01 I hope someone got one of Violet catching the bouquet. That was so adorable.
22:05 Can you believe that song she sang and wrote?
22:08 She was a total showstopper. Everyone had the best time.
22:12 It was like our wedding was a gift to them, and I'm so glad.
22:15 You deserve a thank you for loving us and getting us to the point where we could find each other.
22:21 Just ain't a lot when it comes to me.
22:24 You turned out great. So I think they did just fine. And for that, I can't thank them enough.
22:31 Me neither.
22:37 There's no pain. No bleeding.
22:42 No. It's not the baby.
22:45 You sound short of breath.
22:49 It's not the baby. It's my dad. I told you.
22:57 I feel like such a fool.
23:02 Jocelyn tried to tell me. TJ, Dex, everyone tried to tell me all this time.
23:08 I just didn't believe them. I thought that I knew him better than anyone.
23:14 My dad, I thought I knew, and he had this code of ethics.
23:20 All this time, I've just been defending him. Over and over and over again, I've just been defending him.
23:27 And I don't even know who that man was.
23:31 I don't even recognize him. He was so angry, and he was so violent.
23:42 They said he was going to kill him. He said he would empty a gun in their heads.
23:52 That is who my dad is.
23:58 I didn't even realize what I was doing. Brooklyn's grandfather handed me the glass, and I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.
24:03 And I was just going to set it down. But then, Violet, she started singing the song that she had written.
24:08 And everybody was going crazy, and they were applauding, and then he made a toaster, and I just...
24:13 I just started... I drank without even realizing what I was doing.
24:17 Uh, I see.
24:20 What? No such thing as an accident, right?
24:23 No, that's not what I said. I...
24:29 It's just now that you brought it up, do you think maybe subconsciously you wanted a drink?
24:36 I mean, to me, it sounded like you just were, you know, having a good time and got caught up in a moment.
24:41 I was. Am I overreacting here?
24:45 No, I didn't say that either.
24:48 Look, we both know that, you know, staying sober is a struggle, and we also know a slip is a slip, which is why the important thing is...
24:57 And you need to listen to me.
25:02 You did not fail here, all right? So you need to forgive yourself, which is really hard for people like us to do.
25:12 The hard thing, coming to terms with this, seven years sober, and it's gone in 20 seconds.
25:23 There are things parents need to keep from their children for their own good.
25:29 You know, a father needs to protect his daughter, even from himself.
25:39 Well, there's a part of you that Christina has never seen.
25:44 A part that even scares you.
25:51 But that's just one part of Sonny Carenthos.
25:57 And it isn't outmatched by the part Christina has always known.
26:03 The loving father, the good part.
26:09 She didn't look at me that way.
26:12 She looked scared.
26:16 And then when I reached out, she flinched.
26:24 She fled.
26:27 She's wrong, and she's confused.
26:31 Christina's going to need some time to calm down and to process.
26:36 But she'll remember the father that you've always been, and you can help remind her by leaning into the good.
26:43 You can show her the father that she's always loved.
26:47 I am not sure anyone loves me anymore.
27:01 See, the thing I remember is that you were always first in class in hand-to-hand combat training at the WSB.
27:09 Didn't you almost snap the instructor's neck once?
27:13 How long ago was that?
27:18 Years of desk work have left me, uh, lax, somewhat feeble, I suppose.
27:26 Feeble and lax. They're not two words that spring to mind when assessing you.
27:31 Is that what you're doing now?
27:32 Always. Yeah.
27:36 Placement of the wound.
27:38 It's just so suspiciously fortunate no vital organs hit.
27:42 Is prison life so dreary that you had to stab yourself in order to get a change of scenery?
27:47 'Cause you were never afraid to take a risk to get what you want.
27:51 You know, it doesn't seem fair interrogating a helpless victim.
27:56 I very much doubt you're helpless.
28:00 I'm trying to abid, and I'm too weak to stand.
28:08 Well, then I'll be gentle.
28:12 You're never more dangerous than when you appear harmless.
28:18 In Sonny's mind, I've betrayed him and am coming after him by joining the PCPD.
28:23 I keep hoping to see some look of recognition in his eyes that he remembers that I was someone he used to care about and I cared about him, too.
28:34 I'm so sorry.
28:38 But, you know, Sonny either loves you or he hates you.
28:46 And right now, he hates you.
28:50 I'm just really grateful that Jason kept his promise.
28:54 Jason pulled him off me, but it was Christina who stopped him.
28:59 You did not intentionally drink, so you did not mess up your sobriety date.
29:05 Feels like I did.
29:09 I understand why you feel that way.
29:12 But you've been to enough meetings to know that people who have been in recovery for a long time do slip up.
29:19 And they come back.
29:21 Those gyps are a great motivator, right? But we know that it all comes down to us because we're constantly having to climb uphill and there's no summit.
29:33 So...
29:39 I'm really punchy and I'm very tired, but Finn...
29:45 Just please tell me that this is not the end of your sobriety and you know that.
29:53 Your children love you.
29:56 Christina wouldn't be so upset if she didn't love you.
29:58 You did not see her face, Carla.
30:01 She looked at me like she didn't know me.
30:04 Like she was afraid of me.
30:07 You can't change what happened, Sonny.
30:10 You can't explain it away.
30:14 And you can't make Christina unsee what she saw.
30:19 But it was one night.
30:21 Hell, it was less than that. It was five minutes.
30:24 Waited against a lifetime of love and support and understanding.
30:32 You're gonna get Christina back.
30:35 But you're gonna have to give her time.
30:41 I love you.
30:45 And that was never a problem.
30:49 Come on. Let's go to my room.
30:52 We can take a bath and get into some comfy clothes.
30:58 I don't want to be alone.
31:01 I won't leave you alone.
31:07 You may be right.
31:19 Five minutes is nothing compared to a lifetime.
31:24 And the memory could fade.
31:28 But she's not gonna forget.
31:34 There's always gonna be a part of Christina that's gonna be waiting.
31:38 And afraid that I could do it again.
31:44 Then don't do it again, Sonny.
31:48 You know I can't promise that, Carla.
32:06 I don't think I've ever seen him like this. I don't know if I got through to him.
32:14 I think you did.
32:20 I'm so scared she'll leave me.
32:32 I heard you had a visitor at Bentonville.
32:35 Carly Spencer.
32:36 I find that so odd.
32:38 Because the last time the two of you were together, you were gonna zip tie her and drag her off to God knows where.
32:45 The zip ties are an occupational hazard in my work as in yours.
32:52 We carry zip ties the same way the civilians carry pocket tissues.
32:57 It's not a thing, Jack. No.
33:01 Okay, yes. You found me out.
33:07 I'm so hot for the gorgeous Miss Spencer that I stabbed myself in the improbable hope that she'll come visit me in hospital.
33:18 So, you think I have a chance?
33:23 There's that twinkle.
33:27 You're very good, Jack.
33:30 I think so.
33:34 But I'm better.
33:37 Thanks for taking the time to talk me down off the ledge.
33:40 You're gonna be okay. You are.
33:43 You just be freaked out, that's all. And it's understandable.
33:49 You just needed me to tell you that.
33:51 Yeah, well, I appreciate you.
33:54 Hey, good luck tomorrow with the court of appeals.
33:57 Thanks, I'm gonna need it.
33:59 Yeah, and if you need to talk to someone after...
34:01 You'll be the first person that I call.
34:05 You be good to yourself.
34:08 And give Brooklyn and Chase my best, okay?
34:12 Okay.
34:19 Oh, I am so tired and I have never been more in love.
34:24 I'm so glad we have our whole lives ahead of us.
34:31 I love you.
34:34 I love you.
34:37 I love you.
34:41 I love you.
34:44 I love you.
34:49 I love you.
35:14 I love both my sons so fiercely and I'm so proud of both of you.
35:24 I hope I'm half the man you think I am.
35:29 Just keep doing what you're doing.
35:32 When I was a kid, any time that I was scared of something, you would take my hand and you would say, "I got you, son."
35:40 And in that moment, I knew that everything was gonna be okay.
35:46 I got you, Dad.
35:48 I love you, Grandpa.
35:54 I love you, too.
35:56 By a ray of sunshine in this world, you're doing a wonderful job with her.
36:03 When it comes to making a parenting decision, I say to myself, "What would my dad do?"
36:09 Because you're the best father I know.
36:12 Violet will always need her dad.
36:17 Yeah. That never goes away.
36:20 I'm in awe of you. I'm in awe of the strength and determination you've shown since you've been diagnosed.
36:25 You're still embracing life.
36:27 Don't have a choice. Now's all I have.
36:31 Something on my bucket list.
36:37 What?
36:39 You know, like, when you make a wish on a Christmas tree, the wish comes true.
36:47 My Christmas wish? I want to live to see my son marry the love of his life more than anything.
36:54 Then we'll make it happen.
36:56 And I promise I will bring the strength and love that you inspire in me every single day to our marriage, to our children,
37:04 just as my dad always did for me.
37:07 My bucket list is now complete.
37:12 Goodnight, sweetheart.
37:18 [Music]
37:45 Goodnight, Grandpa.
37:49 On the next General Hospital...
37:51 We have to find it or they're not going to let us in. They'll send us back.
37:54 Protected.
37:55 I'll guard it with my life.
37:56 Why doesn't it feel like that at this moment?
37:58 As much as they want to hide from this, they can't.
38:00 It's easy if you try.
38:01 Try what?
38:02 What would you do?
38:03 Put me in that position.
38:05 (whooshing)