Ukraine's special military units search for fallen soldiers

  • 4 months ago
Special Ukrainian military units are searching for the bodies of fallen Ukrainian and Russian soldiers so that their families can bury them and have a place to mourn.


00:00 Oghdan Hipix was killed two years ago.
00:06 His mother Victoria still remembers the afternoon when a voice on the phone told her that her
00:10 son had died in combat, fighting for Ukraine.
00:18 It was all just so strange, such a strange day.
00:23 I took a few sedatives and in the evening I just fell asleep.
00:27 I lay down and I slept through the night.
00:31 It's the day after that's truly awful.
00:34 You wake up and you don't want to admit it's true.
00:38 You think to yourself, I must have dreamt it.
00:41 This is all just a terrible dream.
00:45 It took more than a year before Victoria Hipix was able to bury her son here, in his hometown
00:50 of Kharkiv.
00:52 It's an important place for her to be able to grieve.
00:55 Her younger son Yaroslav was also killed at the front, but his remains have not been found.
01:02 I so hope that he will still be found.
01:04 At Bogdan's burial we tried to keep a plot free next to him.
01:09 It would be nice if they were both buried here.
01:12 They were always so close.
01:16 Three hours from Kharkiv, close to the front, Volodymyr and his team spend their days searching
01:21 for fallen soldiers.
01:23 Their unit specialises in recovering the dead so that their relatives can pay their last
01:27 respects.
01:28 It's a dangerous job, as the former battlefields are often scattered with mines.
01:33 Watch out, explosion!
01:39 The Russians often leave behind surprises like that.
01:42 They're even under dead bodies.
01:47 Estimates put the death toll at well over 100,000, but the figures cannot be verified.
01:52 Many are still lying somewhere in the fields of eastern Ukraine.
01:56 It doesn't take long before Volodymyr's team finds something.
02:06 My experience tells me these are not human bones.
02:09 The farmers here had a lot of chickens, cows and pigs on their farms.
02:14 When they fled, they had to leave them behind.
02:19 A little further south, closer to the combat zone, another team lays out what they brought
02:24 back from a search operation.
02:26 They found ten corpses in a forested area.
02:29 Now they have to identify the bodies, most of which are severely disfigured.
02:39 We have a notebook with some phone numbers in it.
02:43 This is probably the contact information for his daughter.
02:46 This should make it easier to confirm his identity.
02:54 Even the smallest physical remains can be enough to identify Ukrainian soldiers.
02:59 They're matched to a database of DNA samples.
03:10 We've found tiny pieces of fingers, teeth and bone fragments in the faeces of animals.
03:16 If there's even a chance to identify a person, we leave no stone unturned.
03:21 Every soldier should be brought back to their families.
03:26 Oleksii says that some of the deceased here are probably Russians.
03:30 The team also tries identifying the bodies to the best of their ability.
03:36 They kill us, but we remain human.
03:38 Every person should be buried with dignity.
03:45 After hours of searching, Volodymyr and his team have come across more bones in a remote
03:50 field.
03:52 Based on the location, Volodymyr concludes that these are also Russian bodies.
03:57 He hopes their remains can be handed over later during an exchange of fallen soldiers.
04:03 We keep them safe.
04:10 At some point a special unit will take care of handing over the bodies.
04:16 Victoria Hipiks is hoping for such a handover.
04:20 Her youngest son was probably killed in Mariupol, on Russian occupied territory.
04:25 Only an exchange of remains would allow her to bury him.
04:32 We need to seize any opportunity, exchange the dead or just give back remains without
04:37 getting anything in return.
04:40 It's important for every mother to be able to mourn at a grave.
04:47 But despite all the efforts of search teams, the largest burial site of Ukrainian soldiers
04:52 is likely not here in the cemetery, but in the vast fields of eastern Ukraine.
