Timberwolves star Edwards dubs Finch 'best coach in NBA'

  • 4 months ago
Anthony Edwards praised Timberwolves coach Chris Finch after they eliminated reigning champions Denver Nuggets
00:00Usually an NBA history says you have to lose and lose big before you win
00:04What is it about this team that says we lost last year? Yeah, but that's different. You have to lose at a bigger stage
00:10Usually teams use the playoffs. We lost last year
00:22That's just the truth
00:26What makes what makes you guys believe that you guys don't have to wait any longer that just getting past the second round
00:33Isn't the goal that you guys can win the next two rounds?
00:35I think um, and I think this is the biggest thing to answer that question. It starts with our head coach Chris Finch
00:44He comes in every day comes to work. He gets there early. He's thinking of ways to get me and cat open looks
00:50He's thinking of ways to get Mike and Rudy open looks he's thinking of ways to get Jane involved
00:55He's trying to keep Nas in it to get him involved
00:57He's just a great coach and he don't sugarcoat anything with anybody like if cat up
01:02He's gonna get on cat if I'm up
01:04He's gonna get on me if Rudy's been up
01:05he's gonna get on anybody that's messing up throughout the game and I think that's what makes him the best coach in the NBA to
01:10Me because no matter who it is, no matter how hot a player is on the pole
01:15He's gonna get on you from from start to finish and it starts with the head of the snake and he's the head of
01:19our snake and
01:21You know, we all listen to him look up to him and he does he do a great job of making sure we're ready to
01:25Go every night
