Stella Assange arrives at High Court for extradition ruling

  • 4 months ago
Stella Assange arrives at the High Court ahead of its ruling on whether it accepts the US assurances that Julian Assange will be given a fair trial and will not face the death penalty if extradited.

If the judges decide the assurances are satisfactory, she indicated an emergency injunction would be sought from the European Court of Human Rights. Report by Alibhaiz. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
00:00 We are in power now! We are in power now! We are in power now!
00:06 We will never let it do its job properly.
00:10 And find in Julian's favour.
00:22 But if they don't, we will take an emergency injunction.
00:27 We will seek an emergency injunction from the European Court of Human Rights.
00:31 Thank you.
