Denzil goes to Chelsea

  • 4 months ago
00:00 I do quite enjoy looking at the hedgehogs and obviously people have now called this the Hedgehog Roundabout
00:05 rather than the old Police Station Roundabout or Trafalgar Roundabout.
00:09 Anyone new coming in, "Oh go down to Hedgehog Roundabout and take the second exit and we're down there on the right."
00:16 They were actually installed here for a one-year project because everybody fell in love with them
00:21 and we won the National Roundabout of the Year competition with the hedgehogs, raising the awareness,
00:25 that basically people fell in love with them and didn't want to see them removed.
00:30 Then we started hibernating them and then taking them out of hibernation
00:33 and now unfortunately they've started to rot and fall apart and the birds have been using this as nesting material.
00:38 So yeah, the general public just want to see them restored.
00:42 These were made by Emma Scott, she works at Melingi Mill.
00:46 She's actually taking off all the coir fibre, taking off all of the actual individually hand-stitched prickles
00:53 and then basically checking all the fray, re-welding, new chicken wire on.
00:59 She's individually chopping and pointing all of these, drilling them and then stitching them on.
01:03 I believe Denzel's had 3,500 stitched on him to date today.
01:08 So yeah, basically once it's all restored, Denzel's going on a journey.
01:13 We're taking him to Chelsea Flower Show this year as part of the RHS Britain in Bloom
01:18 60-year celebration of the In Bloom campaign
01:21 because obviously the judges were so impressed nationally when they came down and seen our hedgehogs
01:25 they wanted to put that in as part of the modern display for Britain in Bloom.
01:30 And then once he's been to Chelsea, he's then coming back down
01:34 and he's going to go into Royal Cornwall Show and form part of the display
01:37 that the City Council's Parks Department are putting on
01:39 to celebrate all the wonderful work that we do within the city.
01:43 [no audio]
