• 7 months ago
At a press briefing on Thursday in New York City, Rep. (R-) spoke about the NYC hush money trial against former President Donald Trump.

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00:00 Well, I'm honored to be here with my colleagues from the House Freedom Caucus, where we watched
00:06 Michael Cohen get dog walked through the series of lies he has told.
00:12 There is literally no branch of government that Michael Cohen has not lied to.
00:17 He lied to investigators.
00:18 He lied to the judge who sentenced him.
00:20 He lied to the United States Congress and he committed these lies for his own benefit.
00:26 And while we're talking about what we saw in that courtroom going on for people's own
00:30 benefit, we would be remiss if we did not mention this corrupt judge.
00:36 This judge whose own family is making six figures off of Democrat politics that continues
00:42 to gaslight the country that there's some sort of crime committed by President Trump.
00:48 This is a made up crime.
00:49 No other American in the country would be charged with this type of crime.
00:54 It's like the Mr. Potato Head doll of crimes, where they had to stick together a bunch of
00:58 things that did not belong together.
01:01 Observing the jury, I could see that there was a great appreciation for the liar that
01:06 Michael Cohen was, and we are not getting a fair shake in front of this judge.
01:11 The prosecutors don't even have to state the basis for their objections.
01:15 He's agreeing with the prosecutors without even hearing argument on these objections.
01:20 And there should be evidence getting in about the depth and breadth of Michael Cohen's lies
01:25 that we're not seeing entered into it.
01:27 And so we're here voluntarily supporting our friend, President Trump, the leader of our
01:32 movement, the leader of our party, and soon again, the leader of this great country.
01:37 And I want to hand it over to the leader of the House Freedom Caucus, my friend, Bob Good.
