Newcastle's Distinguished Gentleman's Ride, 19th May 2024

  • 4 months ago
Newcastle's Distinguished Gentleman's Ride has raised nearly $33,000 for awareness for prostate cancer research and men’s mental health.


00:00 I'm Steve Meek, I'm one of the ride hosts for the Newcastle Distinguished Gentleman's
00:13 Ride.
00:14 This is ride number 13 I think off the top of my head.
00:19 12 years, so it's been a good ride, I'll count the first one.
00:23 This year we've done again very very well with the Newcastle Riding Group.
00:27 We've got 220 odd registered, we've cracked just over $330,000 on Thursday night, we'll
00:34 probably hopefully get to $35,000 or so before we finish with it.
00:40 Internationally, we hope to break $6 million US.
00:43 It's now in 800+ countries, over a thousand cities riding this date in whatever time zone
00:53 you're happy to be in.
00:56 The event raises money for men's health in general, but specifically Movember.
01:00 Funds are distributed through Movember, not just for prostate issues, which is obviously
01:09 a big issue for men.
01:11 I actually had a year of myself this year with some testing, fortunately, I think, whoever
01:17 it may be, passed negative two weeks ago, which was fantastic for me.
01:23 I just love the fact that the camaraderie and everybody joining in for a common cause
01:29 is fantastic, and just the variety of people as you can see from the different bikes, the
01:34 variety is amazing.
01:36 In general, it's doing something for the community in a fun way, it's all fun to do.
01:44 Lovely.
01:46 Thank you.
01:48 Bye.
01:50 Bye.
01:52 Bye.
01:53 (upbeat music)
01:56 (upbeat music)
