• 19 days ago

Where is the best place to send our review(s) of the peaceful parenting book, you asked for feedback, but I'm not sure the best place to submit it.

I'm only a few chapters in, I like the content but my first impression is wow, 450 pages? I think it's too long for general consumption, if you want many people to finish this book, I suggest cutting it in half, or smaller...

You are great with analogies, but I think there are too many, at least in the first few chapters. The purples analogy isn't great to me, I don't think it's captivating to the audience. Keep up the analogies where they are strong, but cut ones that aren't captivating.

Thanks for your work.

I think the purples analogy is really useful, especially for any normies that decide to pick up the book.

I'm curious what "peaceful-leaning" parenting methods you might have investigated/reviewed when working on your book or forming your parenting philosophy. E.g., "Parenting with Love and Logic", "Grace Based Parenting", "Trust-Based Relational Intervention" ( (this one is more focused on helping kids from traumatic backgrounds, but has lots of broadly-applicable teachings), etc. Thanks for your work on this!

Hey Stef, advice for someone who’s 28, still living with parents and not much dating experience in adulthood. no post secondary education and mostly been working as service Tech and industrial type jobs making around 23-26$(in Alberta) at best but feel like I have more potential but I keep procrastinating and have daily weed habit.
