• 5 months ago
Media Isle of Man's Dave Norton chats to Craig's Heartstrong Foundation's Paul Healey at the end of the Liverpool Football Club legends charity golf day at Ramsey Golf Club
00:00 Alright Paul, something setting on another amazing golf day you've had. I mean just how
00:06 happy are you?
00:07 Something setting yeah on quite a fantastic day to be honest. Our first ever golf day
00:13 so we didn't kind of know what we were getting ourselves in for but I think we've had the
00:18 greatest day of the year today weather wise. The four guys that have come over have had
00:24 such a wonderful time they're still in the bar there drinking now so as you can hear
00:29 and our sponsors today I can't thank them enough for helping us out here.
00:38 As you said in your speech before events like this don't happen with your sponsors do they?
00:41 No they don't so Standard Bank, Mann Cranehire, Kenyuk & Skinner and Cedar have again stepped
00:51 up to the plate but the other boys they want to support us they've got quite close connections
00:58 to the foundation things like that so the more help we get from companies people like
01:05 that we can put on events like this and we can raise a lot of money.
01:09 With these sponsors it's not just the help and support they've given you before quite
01:14 a few of them are dipping their hands in the pockets tonight for the auction as well.
01:16 Yeah we had quite a successful auction as well we had quite a lot of signed memorabilia
01:22 for the guys that were here but we also had some great Liverpool items for current players
01:26 and some past heroes of a lot of people so we'll reflect on this and we'll do the numbers
01:32 when we get up tomorrow after dropping the boys back at the airport at half six tomorrow
01:39 morning so yeah it's been a long day but I think at the end of it when we tally up the
01:46 numbers it'll be well worthwhile and all this money goes back into the Isle of Man
01:51 community whether that be hard screenings or more defibs coming up around the island
01:56 then hopefully we can do that soon.
01:59 Well they've all spoken about the importance of it all these guys but particularly Phil
02:03 Thompson obviously you've alluded to it before but you guys have worked together now for
02:08 a little while.
02:09 Yeah this is the third time we've had Phil here ourselves for different things and Phil
02:16 we do keep in touch all the time now he's become a good friend as he said in his speech
02:20 tonight so that makes me pretty happy because Phil's been great for Liverpool and for Soccer
02:26 Saturday over the years so to know I've got a friend like that who I can rely on to help
02:32 me out with days like this and help Craig's Hearthstone Foundation out because he spoke
02:36 very highly of the work that Craig's Hearthstone Foundation have done.
02:39 And rightly so.
02:40 Yeah so we're pretty proud tonight.
02:42 And has there been any personal highlights for you?
02:45 I know you've run it around like a madman today on a day like this with so much logistical
02:49 stuff that goes on behind the scenes.
02:50 Yeah I think my personal highlight will be sitting down tomorrow night with my wife and
02:54 having a glass of wine and a Chinese probably but certainly today the highlight was just
03:00 I mean we've gone round taking it in turns some of the committee going round giving out
03:06 cider and beer and water just refreshments to everyone and seeing how much fun they were
03:11 having round the course.
03:13 Not quite wanting to go and buy a new set of golf clubs and get myself out on the golf
03:19 course just yet but yeah I can see what a great day out the guys and the girls you know
03:25 there was ladies here playing today as well that have had such a good time as well.
03:29 They have.
03:30 Yeah just a brilliant day to be honest.
03:33 And obviously the weather's played a massive part but just a word for RMG Golf Club because
03:37 obviously what a fantastic set up.
03:39 Absolutely superb I mean like you said at the start the sun is just setting now I'm
03:44 looking down the 18th it's absolutely glorious.
03:48 Has been all day.
03:49 They've put on great food they've been very accommodating for everything and you know
03:54 it was a very highly recommended course for me to hold the event and going round the course
04:00 today I can see why it's in such good nick.
04:03 It's a beautiful course.
04:04 Yeah I mean again I'm not a golfer but you can just tell how well looked after it is
04:09 and Alan in the clubhouse here and Bruce the main guy who's actually been round today and
04:16 had a round of golf with the other Bruce Scrubalot.
04:20 So yeah we've all just had a fantastic day and everyone's come away smiling.
04:24 Everyone's had a great time you can just see it looks on their faces they've had a brilliant
04:27 time.
04:28 Yeah.
04:29 And just lastly what's next for Craig Horstrand what other events have you guys got coming
04:32 up?
04:33 We're going to have our summer ball but we've tried the golf day instead this year because
04:38 we've got the Euros coming up.
04:41 It's always very difficult to get speakers over June, July when the Euros are on and
04:45 when the Euros finish they often go off on the holidays and things so we'll probably
04:50 give the end of year kind of summer, sorry the end of summer ball and miss this year
04:56 unless something comes out of nowhere.
05:01 Because next year's our 20th anniversary ball.
05:05 So we'll have to start planning for that soon I think we're going to make that a big one
05:10 I think.
05:11 Even bigger than this fair play to you.
05:12 Yeah I mean Carragher was our 10th year anniversary so we've got to do something pretty big so
05:16 we're already.
05:17 I'm hearing Gerard there you go.
05:20 You can hear a lot of things but you're hearing something I haven't heard.
05:25 We'll work on something and we'll get the best to sell out as we always try and do with
05:30 these events.
05:32 We like to put on events not just to raise money but also to look after the guys that
05:37 come here so they come again but also to look after the guests that come and spend money
05:41 here because if we put on a good event they're due to come back every year aren't they so
05:45 it's just gone so well.
05:48 Congratulations, obviously you can have a well earned beer now I think but congratulations
05:53 It's been a great day and all for a brilliant cause.
05:55 - Yeah, thank you very much.
