Convegno Aiic, Gellona (Confindustria Dm): "Serve sistema di regole per tecnologie digitali"

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo messo a punto una proposta di governo del nostro settore, consapevoli che il mondo dei dispositivi medici e le tecnologie anche digitali hanno bisogno di un sistema di regole. Stiamo chiedendo una politica industrie che abbia una doppia valenza: da un lato verso le istituzioni che possano governare l’accesso da un punto di vista anche economico, e dall’altra alle nostre imprese per investimenti e assunzioni. Al fianco di un piano nazionale HTA deve esserci anche la certezza che un’innovazione trovi spazio nei LEA, cosa non sempre possibile. Tutto questo diciamo va benissimo ma deve essere all’interno di un quadro di regole chiare e non penalizzanti”. Lo dichiara Fernanda Gellona, direttore generale Confindustria dispositivi medici, a margine del 24esimo Convegno Nazionale ingegneria clinica (Aiic) in corso a Roma, presso La Nuvola.


00:00 What is the role of the government in the field of health care?
00:04 We have put in place a government proposal of our sector,
00:08 aware that the world of medical devices,
00:11 and therefore all the technologies, even digital,
00:14 that this involves, need to enter a system of rules.
00:18 And so we are asking for an industrial policy for our sector
00:22 that has a double value.
00:25 On the one hand, towards institutions,
00:27 so that they can regulate and therefore govern,
00:30 also from an economic point of view,
00:32 but not only the access to the health care structures of our technologies,
00:37 but at the same time allow our companies
00:40 to further develop this sector,
00:43 and therefore increasing the jobs
00:46 and increasing the contribution of our industry to the national GDP.
00:51 We have seen with great favor
00:55 the entry and definition of the national plan HTA,
00:59 which for the assessment of technological innovations
01:02 is, we believe, the right tool.
01:05 But alongside a national plan HTA,
01:07 there must also be the certainty that, for example,
01:11 an innovation that has had a positive opinion
01:14 then finds space in the EAs,
01:17 which is not always possible,
01:19 and above all, which must be compared with deadlines
01:23 which are usually rather slow in the revision and renewal of the EAs.
01:28 All this, however, we say, is fine and we are in favor,
01:33 but it must be within a framework of rules,
01:37 of a clear framework of rules,
01:39 certain that are not penalizing.
01:41 Today, unfortunately, we are still fighting against payback,
01:46 and we have recently received another strong preliminary of 0.75 on the invoices.
01:52 It is evident that the world of companies,
01:54 compared to these monstrous egos and this uncertainty,
01:58 cannot, how to say,
02:00 pick up the challenge and compete,
02:03 and innovate and bring innovations into our country.
02:07 We fear a lot, on the contrary,
02:09 that many companies leave Italy,
02:12 that national companies export their productions,
02:16 and that in Italy there are few competitors with mature products.
02:20 This, frankly, would be a serious loss
02:23 and would be a defeat,
02:25 first of all for the national health service.
