Szpaku #hot16challange2 English Dubbing Remastered @Gugu@GUGULABEL

  • 24 days ago
Dive into the raw energy and unique artistry of Szpaku @GUGU in this episode of our HOT16CHALLENGE2 series. This episode turns the spotlight on Szpaku, a pivotal figure in the Polish rap scene whose style initially challenged my musical preferences but finally won my respect and now I am big fan, due to his deep and truthful lyrics reflecting both positive changes in life and periods of emptiness, depression and hopelessness, including even the shameful mistakes he made.
This is very well conveyed by the quotes of rapper Ten Type Mes ( whose track may also soon be dubbed) from the "Otwarcie" track:

ENG baggy scattershot translation:
I don't listen to closed-minded people,
Yes, because why the fuck are they standing in front of a microphone?
This is a life made of choices, often bad ones, a crazy life

PL : Sam, nie słucham ludzi zamkniętych w sobie,
Tak, bo po chuj stają przed mikrofonem?
To jest życie z wyborów, często złych, życie chore

or these few more lines from the same song :

ENG baggy scattershot translation:
Sorry, I behaved viciously a few times
And ask why I'm telling people about it in the headphones
Because my listeners get the hiccups from the mainstream vibes
'Coz my consumers has a hunger for autobiography, not lies
And they don't give a fuck whether Fifty or Puffy is making bucks
'Coz they've also experienced something in their lives - I listen for what the concert is about
And they don't give a fuck whether Fifty or Puffy is making cash
They've also experienced something in life - I hearken they after every concert in play.
We play for passion, emotion, in the end for bucks!!!

PL : Przepraszam, parę razy zachowałem się podle
I spytaj, czemu mówię o tym ludziom w słuchawkach
Bo moim słuchacze od ogółu dostają czkawki
Moi odbiorcy mają głód autobiografii
I chuj ich obchodzi, czy zarabia Fifty czy Puffy
Bo sami coś przeżyli - słucham o tym co koncert
Gramy o pasję, emocje, na końcu pieniądze

Experience Szpaku #hot16 like never before with our enhanced audio dub (which for me is still not perfect ), designed to showcase his distinctive approach and lyrical depth. From skepticism to admiration, join us on a journey that redefines musical judgment and highlights the unifying power of rap.

Featured: Szpaku's standout participation in HOT16CHALLENGE2
What’s New: Upgraded dubbing sound quality for an immersive listening experience
Why Watch: Explore the fusion of authentic fan dubbing with professional audio enhancements

Don’t forget to subscribe and be part of our exploration through the vibrant landscapes of Polish rap. Each episode is a step towards understanding the eclectic artistry that shapes music’s role in cultural dialogue and personal growth.